+ + + + Haitian Creole – English Dictionary with Basic English – Haitian Creole Appendix Jean Targète and Raphael G. Urciolo + + + + Haitian Creole – English Dictionary with Basic English – Haitian Creole Appendix Jean Targète and Raphael G. Urciolo dp Dunwoody Press Kensington, Maryland, U.S.A. + + + + Haitian Creole – English Dictionary Copyright ©1993 by Jean Targète and Raphael G. Urciolo All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the Authors. All inquiries should be directed to: Dunwoody Press, P.O. Box 400, Kensington, MD, 20895 U.S.A. ISBN: 0-931745-75-6 Library of Congress Catalog Number: 93-71725 Compiled, edited, printed and bound in the United States of America Second Printing i Introduction A variety of glossaries of Haitian Creole have been published either as appendices to descriptions of Haitian Creole or as booklets. As far as fullfledged Haitian Creole-English dictionaries are concerned, only one has been published and it is now more than ten years old. It is the compilers’ hope that this new dictionary will go a long way toward filling the vacuum existing in modern Creole lexicography. Innovations The following new features have been incorporated in this Haitian CreoleEnglish dictionary. 1. The definite article that usually accompanies a noun is indicated. We urge the user to take note of the definite article singular ( a, la, an or lan ) which is shown for each noun. Lan has one variant: nan. 2. Most English words that are of the same origin as Creole words are marked with an asterisk (*). This feature will help users to recognize more easily Creole words that are identical or close to their English counterparts. 3. An English translation is supplied for the numerous Creole sentences that serve as examples. In addition to the regular examples, selected literary illustrations are provided. These are sentences taken from eighteen selected works of Creole literature (novels, plays, poetry, religious writings, etc.). The following is a list of the reference codes assigned to these works in this dictionary, followed by the names of the authors, the titles in italics, and the year of publication: BEAUBRUN/A.................................Beaubrun, Théodore, Anna (1962) BEAUBRUN/L.................................Beaubrun, Théodore, La Haine au Service de l’Amour (1963) CELESTIN-MEGIE/1.................Célestin-Mégie, Emile, Lanmou pa gin Baryè, part I (1984, Second Edition) CELESTIN-MEGIE/2.................Célestin-Mégie, Emile, Lanmou pa gin Baryè, part II (1977) CELESTIN-MEGIE/3.................Célestin-Mégie, Emile, Lanmou pa gin Baryè, part III (1981) ii DEJEAN..................................................Déjean, Yves & Paul, Evangile Dimanche ac Fêtt (1962) FARDIN...................................................Fardin, Dieudonné, Sept Fleurs Soleil (1963) FRANKETIENNE/B...................Franketienne, Bobomasouri (1984) FRANKETIENNE/D...................Franketienne, Dézafi (1975) FRANKETIENNE/P....................Franketienne, Pèlin-Tèt (1978) FRANKETIENNE/T....................Franketienne, Troufoban (1978) MORISSEAU-LEROY/A........Morisseau-Leroy, Félix, Antigone (1953) MORISSEAU-LEROY/D........Morisseau-Leroy, Félix, Diacoute (1953) ONEC/N...................................................Onec, N’ap Li (1964) PARISOT................................................Parisot, Rév. J., L’Evangile chaque Dimanche (1960) PAURIS....................................................Jean-Baptiste, Pauris, Nan Lonbray Inosans (1985) PRESSOIR............................................Pressoir, Charles Fernand, Sèt Poèm ki sòt nan Mòn (1954) SYLVAIN...............................................Sylvain, Georges, Cric? Crac? (1901) Alphabetical Order The alphabetical order for the Haitian Creole and the arrangement of the dictionary is: A B Ch D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z Headwords and Variants Because the process of standardization of Haitian Creole is not complete, many headwords have several variants, and often the compilers have had to decide which ones to choose. Superscript numbers ( 1 2 3 ) placed next to certain successive headwords indicate that they are homonyms or simply the same word in different contexts or grammatical roles. Parts of speech iii Abbreviations used to indicate the parts of speech will be found in the list of abbreviations which immediately precedes the entries of the letter “A”. Only two observations are necessary. a) French and Creole dictionaries designate some verbs as pronominal verbs (abbreviation: vpr). The user of this dictionary should remember that vpr stands for vèb pronominal (pronominal verb). b) Creole uses as descriptive adjectives many of the French descriptive adjectives and has created others which are easily identifiable. But in Creole a great number of other words or groups of words are treated as descriptive adjectives by commonly being used with an attributive function. In the present state of research, one cannot always tell with absolute certainty those Creole words used as attributives, which are purely descriptive adjectives, and those which are not. For instance, Félix Morisseau-Leroy wrote in his play Antigone, Gan chèf ki chèf pase chèf (There are chiefs who are more chief than other chiefs). Evidently, while the word chèf in the middle is attributive, it is not a descriptive adjective but a noun. However, not all cases are as clear-cut as this one. More research on Creole’s descriptive adjectives is necessary. In the meantime, we borrow from a predecessor the designation attrib for both descriptive adjectives and closely related words used as attributives. Single and compound words While single words will be easy to find in any Creole dictionary, it is a different matter when it comes to compound words. The difficulty lies with the fact that some concepts which are expressed in French by compound words (arc-en-ciel = rainbow) or by groups of words (mal de tête = headache) become a single word in Creole (lakansyèl, maltèt). There is a general tendency for writers to put together as one word in Creole all of these groups of French words that form one single concept or one tightly connected expression, but the process is still on-going. What one author writes as one word, another still considers as two. Sometimes the same author connects or disconnects the parts of a compound word or of an expression according to the inspiration of the moment. For instance, the great innovator Franketienne wrote the following sentences. In his play, Pèlin-Tèt: Ou konn gou dyòl ou. Ou pa tap janm ale lan you estasyon soulèzèl. In his novel, Dézafi: Sou lèzèl, nou ravitaye lan pousyè nan labou anba solèy anba lapli. In the play, he wrote soulèzèl as one word; in the novel, as two. Until Creole becomes fully standardized, each lexicographer will have to make choices. Other Features iv a) In the cases when we use the (‘) sign between single letter personal pronouns and the following or preceding word (e.g., M’a wè’l = I’ll see him), other authors use a hyphen (-) or no sign at all. b) We have used the Creole spelling Vodou in the English definitions in place of the English word voodoo, because we are referring to the Vodou religion and not the hocus pocus of magic and witchcraft attached to the English word voodoo. c) The standard form of Haitian Creole is the one spoken in Port-au-Prince, the capital. A few colloquial words from other areas (the North, the city of Jérémie in the South) have been added. We gratefully acknowledge the help we received from Emile Célestin-Mégie, Rev. Roger Désir, Mrs. Jacqueline Julien Targète, and many others. Any corrections or suggestions will be taken into account and gratefully acknowledged in a future edition. Bibliography Bentolila, Alain, et al. Ti Diksyonnè Kreyòl-Franse. Port-au-Prince: Editions Caraïbes, 1976. 511 pp. Chaudenson, Robert. Le Lexique du Parler créole de la Réunion. 2 vols. Paris: Librairie Honoré Champion, 1974. 1249 pp. Church of God (Mennonite). Creole-English Dictionary: A Basic Vocabulary. Port-au-Prince: 1971. 56 pp. Courlander, Harold The Drum and the Hoe: Life and Lore of the Haitian People. Berkeley: California University Press, 1960. [Contains a glossary of Creole terms, pp. 357-61.] Département de l’Agriculture d’Haïti. Identification des Plantes d’Haïti par leurs noms créoles. 1930. 23 pp. Faine, Jules. Dictionnaire français-créole. Ottawa: Les Editions Leméac Inc., 1974. 487 pp. Faine, Jules. Philologie Créole. Second edition. 1937. 320 pp. [Contains a glossary of Creole terms.] FAYO (See Urciolo, Raphael G.) v Fombrun, Odette Roy. Comment transformer le Vocabulaire fondamental Créole-Français en Vocabulaire français. 54 pp. Gilabert, P. Georges Coll. Diccionario Kréyòl-Español, Español-Kréyòl. Santo Domingo: Intituto nacional de pastoral, 1979. 67 pp. Howe, Kate. Haitian Creole Newspaper Reader. Wheaton, Md: Dunwoody Press, 1990. 210 pp. [Contains a glossary of Creole terms.] Jeanty, Edner A. Diksyonè Kréyòl. Port-au-Prince: La Presse Evangélique, 1985. 110 pp. Hall, Robert A. Haitian Creole. Menasha, Wisconsin: The American Anthropological Association, 1953. [Contains a glossary of Creole terms pp. 223-309.] McConnell and Swan You Can Learn Creole. Petit Goave: Imprimerie du Sauveur, 1960. [Contains a vocabulary, pp. 41-98.] Moral, Paul. Le Paysan Haïtien. Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 1978. [Contains a glossary of Creole terms, pp. 349-355.] Nelson, Roger. Zouazo Ayiti-yo. Port-au-Prince: Imprimerie Deschamps, 1979. 103 pp. Peleman, Louis. Diksyonnè Kréyòl-Fransé. Port-au-Prince: Editions Bon Nouvèl, 1978. 209 pp. Pierre-Noël, Arsène V. Nomenclature Polyglotte des Plantes Haïtiennes et Tropicales. Port-au-Prince: Presses Nationales d’Haïti, 1971. 588 pp. Pompilus, Pradel. Contribution à l’étude comparée du créole et du français. Port-au-Prince: Editions Caraïbes. Tome I: 132 pp. (1973) Tome II: 192 pp. (1976). Raymond, Roc J. Petit Guide Pratique. Port-au-Prince: Presses Nationales d’Haïti, 1966. 312 pp. [Remarks on French and Creole vocabularies.] Rotary Club You Can Learn Creole. Rotary Club of Haines City, Florida, 1977. 58 pp. [A glossary.] Targète, Jean. Advanced Grammar of Haitian Creole. Washington, DC: 1972. 226 pp. Urciolo, Raphael G. 3333 Proverbs in Haitian Creole. Port-au-Prince: Editions Fardin, 428 pp. (Pseudonym: FAYO). vi Valdman, Albert. Haitian Creole - English Dictionary. Bloomington: Indiana University, Creole Institute, 1981. 582 pp. vii Abbreviations adj adjective adv adverb anat anatomy antiq antiquated attrib attributive aux v auxiliary verb cf compare conj conjunction culin culinary def art definite article demons adj demonstrative adjective demons pron demonstrative pronoun E. English esp especially euph euphemism fam familiar fem feminine fig figurative Fr. French gen generally geog geography indef adj indefinite adjective indef art indefinite article indef pron indefinite pronoun interj interjection interrog adj interrogative adjective interrog pro interrogative pronoun It. Italian Lat. Latin lit literally m masculine milit military Neap. Neapolitan n noun num numeral onom onomatopoeia pej pejorative pers pron personal pronoun phr phrase plur plural poss adj possessive adjective poss pron possessive pronoun prep preposition rel pron relative pronoun sing singular s.o. someone Sp. Spanish syn synonym tech technical usu usually V see v verb v marker verb marker vi intransitive verb vpr pronominal verb vt transitive verb 1 A A a 1 v marker Sign of the future tense. Use of this form or its variants ava, av, va, v is flexible in accordance with phonetic context. PRESSOIR-26: Ou a kouri tout tan You will run forever. a 2 def art Postpositive determiner used after words ending in a non nasal vowel sound. V la, nan, an. MORISSEAU-LEROY/A-7: Gan yon gro devenn ki tonbe sou tout peyi a There is a terrible misfortune that fell on the entire country. a 3 prep To, at, on. PRESSOIR-11: A midi, lò solèy te cho At noon, when the sun was hot. a 4 prep Of (used mostly in the North to show possession). Liv a Toma Tom’s book. a 5 prep ’s. A òm Men’s. Rad a òm Men’s clothing. a 6 conj And, with. V ak, avèk. Pen a bè Bread and butter a 7 interj Ah! Oh! aba interj Down with...! abajou a n Lampshade. abako a n Jeans, blue-jeans. Pants made from blue denim. HABACO company, manufacturers. abandonnen, bandonnen vt To give up, to forsake, to abandon*. abat vt To kill, to knock down. Yo abat li kon chen They killed him like a dog. abatwa a, labatwa a n Slaughter-house, abattoir*. abc, abese n 1. The alphabet. 2. First elements of a science or an art. abi a 1 n Abuse*, injustice. Fè abi To abuse, to take advantage of. abi a 2 n Formal attire, official costume. abil attrib Skillful. abim nan, labim nan n Misfortune, misery, bottomless hole, abyss*. abiman an n Clothing (formal). abit la n Umpire, referee; arbiter*. abitan an n 1. Peasant, country folks, farmer. 2. Hick, uncouth person. (syn) grosoulye. Abitan dekore Pretentious hick. abitasyon an, labitasyon an, bitasyon an n 1. Plantation, farm, habitation*. Rural farmhouse (dwelling) during colonial times including land around it. 2. Hamlet, courtyard with several ‘kay’ around it. Isit la se abitasyon papa’m, sa lòt bò a pou tonton’m Here is my father’s house; over on the other side is my uncle’s home. abite vt To inhabit*. vi To live, to stay. abitid la, labitid la n Habit*, custom. abitue, abitwe, abitye vt To get s.o. accustomed (ak to). vi To get accustomed with, to be in the habit of, to be used to. abiye, biye vt To clothe, to dress. M’pito biye ou pase m’nouri ou I’d rather clothe you than feed you (said to someone who loves to eat). vi To get dressed. M’pral abiye I’m going to get dressed. Pa antre, m’pa abiye Don’t come in, I am not decent. abizan attrib Abusive* (person). abize vt To abuse*, to take advantage of (exces- sively). ablabla V blabla abò adv Aboard*, on board*; in or on a boat. Monte abò To go aboard, on board. abobo, ayibobo interj Exclamation used in Vodou ceremonies to express joy. Hallelujah! Amen! abòde, bòde vt To come near, to approach. abòdjò, bòdyò n Stupid, a stupid person. aboli vt To suppress, to abolish*. abondans la, labondans la, bondans la n Abundance*. Li lan abondans He is wealthy. An abondans Aplenty. abònen, abòne vi To subscribe (ak to) (a newspaper, a magazine, etc.). Also used for any goods, merchandise, etc. Mwen abòne ak machann lèt la depi twazan The milkman has been delivering milk to me for three years. abònman an n Subscription. It is used not only for newspapers but also for goods and merchandise that are delivered at regular intervals. abonotcho, abonocho, abwenotcho interj Damn you! I renounce you, satan! FRANKETIENNE/P-33: Yo voye ou. Abonotcho! PAURIS-36: Li bat abonotcho dèyè rèv galipòt. abou 1 attrib At the very end, at my wit’s end. At the end of one’s patience. Mari’m tap fè’m soufri tròp, lè m’te abou, m’divòse avè’l My husband was making me suffer too much; when I couldn’t take it any more, I divorced him. abou 2 Pale an abou To speak in parables. aboupòtan adv At close range, point-blank. Tire yon moun aboupòtan To shoot s.o. point-blank. abouti, bouti vi 1. To result in. Malgre tout efò’l, li pa abouti a anyen In spite of all his efforts, he didn’t get anywhere. 2. To succeed, to end (to ripen). Abse a abouti The boil is ready to pop. 3. To arrive at a destination. abreje vt To help, to be of assistance (to s.o.). A 2 abrejman an n Help, assistance. PAURIS-13: Latè mande kanpo. Latè ap bouske abrejman. abri a n Shelter. abriko V zabriko absan, apsan attrib 1. Absent*, away. 2. Absent- minded. abse a, apse a n Abscess*. Mete klou sou abse To add insult to injury, to make matters worse. absent la, labsent la, lapsent la n 1. Absinthe*. Artemisia absinthium L. 2. Type of beverage. absoliman, apsoliman adv Absolutely*. absteni vpr To abstain*. abwa a n Tip, pourboire*. acha a n Buy, purchase. M’ap fè acha I’m shopping. achevèk la n Archbishop*. achitèk la n Architect*. achitekti a n Architecture*. achiv la n Archives*. achtafè a, achte afè a n One who gets involved in everything, even when it doesn’t concern him at all. achte vt To buy. Achte trò chè To overpay. Achte bon mache To buy cheap. Achte figi, achte dèyè To flatter. Achte chat nan makout (or) nan sak To buy a pig in a poke. achtè a n Buyer. Achtèdfigi Flatterer. adapte vt To adapt*. adefo, a defo prep In the absence of. adezif la n Adhesive* tape. adibitòm V adlibitòm adiltè a n Adultery*. adipopo V adjipopo adisyon an n Addition*. adisyonnen vt To add. adjahountò a, adjountò a n Largest of the drums of the rada rite. adjewidan V adyewidan adjipopo a, adipopo a, azipopo a, djipopo a n Misfortune, magical trap, evil ways, something that forces you to lie and wait, something that you cannot get rid of. A problem without a solution. adjo V adyo adjwen an n Assistant, aid. adlibitòm, adibitòm adv Lat. In great quantity, as much as you wish, to your heart’s content. admèt vt To admit*, to acknowledge, to concede, to tolerate. admeton (ke) Let’s assume (that), let’s suppose (that). administratè a n Administrator*. administre vt To administer*, to manage, to govern. admirasyon an n Admiration*. admire vt To admire*. adokte V adopte adonnen vpr To become addicted (a: to); to give one’s self over completely (a: to). Li adonnen’l sèlman a kouti All she does is sew. adopte, adokte vt To adopt*. adorasyon an n Adoration* (in Christian church- es). adore vt To worship, to adore*. adousi V dousi adrès la 1 n Address (of a house). adrès 2 V ladrès adrese vt 1. To address*. M’adrese’l laparòl I spoke to him, I addressed him. 2. To turn (a: to). Si m’gen yon problèm, m’pap adrese’l If I have a problem, I will not turn to him. advantis la n Adventist*. adwat adv To the right, right. Adwat agòch In all directions. adwatman adv With tact. adwaz la n Slate. Kreyon adwaz Slate pencil. adye 1 interj Alas! My lord! For heaven’s sake! Adye bondye! Good gracious! What a pity! Adye manman! Adye frè! (Expressive interjection) Gee whiz! That’s too bad! adye, adje 2 interj Fairwell, adieu*. Greetings! In the villages, this word used to have (maybe still has) the general meaning of: Greetings! adyewidan, adjewidan interj What a shame! Oh God! adyo, adjo interj Fairwell! adyovat, adjovat, adyova interj It’s finished. That’s the end of it. Good bye. PAURIS-89: Depi janmpis rouke pou ou, adjovat, ou bannann lontan. afè a, zafè a n 1. Business, matter, affair*. Bon afè Bargain. Yon pakèt afè A big deal, an important matter. Afè’m pa bon I’m broke. Fè tout yon afè ak To make a big fuss about. 2. Baggage, belongings. 3. Genitals. afeksyon an n Affection*. Nonk pitit la gen anpil afeksyon pou li The child’s uncle has a great deal of affection for him. 3 A afèmaj la, afèmay la n Renting, leasing, letting by contract a house, a farm. afese attrib Depressed, down. afiba a n 1. Local food consisting of meat, (usu) small strips of pork. 2. Worthless person or thing. afich la n Poster. afiche vt 1. To post, to hang (up) in a public place. 2. To make a show of. L’ap afiche richès li He is showing off his wealth. 3. To speak evil of, to defame. 4. Afiche avèk To appear in public with. Li afiche (afiche’l) ak fi a He appears in public with the girl; he exposes his relations with the girl. afliksyon V lafliksyon afòs conj Because of, as a result of (by overdoing), by dint of. afre attrib Ravenous, gluttonous; more specifically one who devours (eats, grabs) large amounts of food. V aloufa, gouman, saf, voras. afreman an n Gluttony. Afrik, Lafrik n Africa*. Lafrik Ginen West Africa. Kwayans Lafrik African beliefs. afro a n 1. Popular dance. 2. Hairstyle. afron an n Affront*, offense. Li fè’m afron He offended me. afyo a, apio a n Net-grass, coco-grass. Cyperus rotundus L. A potato-like vegetable. It is placed on the skin to help heal burns. aganman an, agranman an n Chameleon. agante vt To seduce, to charm, to attract. agasan attrib Irritating, annoying. agase vt To needle; to incite, to get on s.o.’s nerves, to tease, to irritate. agida a n Drumstick. agiman an n Contention, argument*, thesis. PAURIS-124: Li pral pouse yon agiman. ago interj Exclamation denoting joy, consent, approval. agòch, agoch adv 1. To the left, on the left. 2. (attrib) Awkward, clumsy. agogo adv Plentiful. agoni 1 vi To be in the agonies* of death. agoni an, agonni an 2 n Agony*. Malad la an agoni, li san lè mouri The sick person is in the death agony. He could die any minute. agonyon an n Old bachelor or spinster. agraf la n Hook, clamp, fastener, agraffe* (for garments). agrandi vt To enlarge, to widen. agrandisman an n Enlargement. agranlijyèn, a gran lijyèn, agrandlijèn adv In large quantity, in abundance. agranman V aganman agrave, angrave vt To make worse, to aggravate*. Sa’l fè la a agrave sitiyasyon an What he just did made things worse. vi To become more serious. agresif attrib Agressive. agreyab attrib Agreeable*, nice, lovely, pleasing, pleasant. agreye vt To polish, to adjust, to shape (wood). agrikiltè a n Farmer. agrikilti a, lagrikilti a n Farming, agriculture. agrikòl attrib Agricultural*. agronòm nan, agwonnòm nan n Agronomist*, agriculturalist. agwe n Vodou deity. ah interj Exclamation denoting admiration, approval, surprise, etc. aha V anhan ajan an 1 n Agent. ajan an 2 n Silver. V lajan. Rwa Kristòf tiye tèt li ak yon bal an ajan King Christopher killed himself with a silver bullet. Kiyè a an ajan The spoon is made of silver. ajans la n Agency*. ajenou, a jenou adv Kneeling. aji vi To act. Agi ak To treat, to handle. Li byen aji He acted well. Li mal aji ak mwen He didn’t act right (properly) with me. Aji sou To affect. Sa aji sou li plis pase li te panse That afffected him more than he thought. ajil attrib Agile*. ajisman an n Act, action, behavior, deed. ajiste vt To adjust*, to fit. ajitasyon an n Excitement, agitation*. ajite attrib Restless. ajou, a jou attrib 1. Up to date. 2. Ready. M’poko ajou ak kouti a I am not finished with the sewing (or) The sewing is not ready. ajoupa a, joupa a n A country hut. A straw hut used since colonial days and made simply with some poles and palm or coconut leaves. (usu) They consist of one room only. ajoute vt To add (on). ak 1 prep 1. With, and. V avèk. Vini ak mwen Come with me. FARDIN-13: Nwèl la va kòmanse sanble ak yon bagay ki fèt pou tout moun Christmas A 4 will start looking like something made for everybody. 2. Of, from, out. Li fèt ak farin It is made from flour. ak la, akt la 2 n Act*, Action*, activity*. ak la, akt la, zak la 3 n Certificate, deed, legal document, act*. Pase ak sivil To issue a marriage certificate after a civil ceremony (wedding) as opposed to a religious wedding. ak tout 1 prep Inspite of; with all. Ak tout okipasyon’l, li gen tan pou etidye. In spite of all he has to do, he has time to study. ak tout, atout 2 conj Although, even though. Ak tout li malad, l’al travay jodi a Even though (although) he is sick, he went to work today. akable vt To blame. akadejak V kadejak akajou V kajou akalmi V kalmi akapare vt To grab, to take possession of. akaryat attrib Grouchy, grumpy, fussy. Kou yo koumanse antre nan granmoun, yo vin akaryat As soon as they get old, they get grouchy. akasan an n A very thick beverage made with ground corn (and sometimes milk). akasya a n Acacia* tree. Acacia lutea Mill. Akayè, Lakayè n Arcahaie, a town near Port-auPrince, where the Haitian flag was created. ake conj With. It is used in the Northern part of Haiti. akèy la n Reception, welcome. Yon bon akèy A fine reception. Move akèy Bad (unwelcome) reception. akeyi vt To receive. Byen akeyi To welcome. Mal akeyi To give a bad reception to. V resevwa. aki a n A plant (Blighia sapida). Edible vegetable. Must be cooked. akizasyon an n Accusation*. akizatè a n Accuser*. akize 1 vt To accuse*. akize a 2 n Defendant. aklè, a klè adv Openly. akò a n Agreement, accord*. Fè akò ak To contract with. M’pa fè akò ak vagabon I don’t deal with bums. akòday V kòkòday akòde vt 1. To grant, to accord*. 2. To tune (mus). akòdeyon an n Accordion*. akokiye, rakokiye vi To curl up, to cringe from fear or shyness, to cuddle up, to crouch (persons only). akòkò, akwòkò n Troublesome, bothersome, incurable thing (you can’t get rid of it). akoma a, koma a n Acoma*. One of the grandest trees in the forests of the Antilles: Turiault. Syderoxylon foetidissimus Jacq. akondisyon, a kondisyon conj On condition* that. akonpanye, akonpanyen vt To accompany*, to escort. akonpli vt To accomplish*. akoste vt 1. To approach (s.o.). 2. To come along the side of. Batiman an akoste waf la The ship came along the side of the dock. akote, a kote prep 1. Beside, alongside. PRESSOIR- 22: Akote machann kasav la Beside the cassava vendor. 2. In comparison with. akouche vi To give birth; to deliver a child. akouchèz la n Midwife. akouchman an n Childbirth, labor, delivery. akoukouman, koukouman attrib Crouch(ed). akoupi, koupi vi To crouch down (squat) on one’s feet. akòz prep Because of, owing to. Akòz sa’l te di’m nan Because of what he had told me. akra a n Malanga, pealed and grated, spices and other ingredients, boiled in grease and served in small pieces, the size of dumplings. akrèk attrib Avaricious, greedy. Said of one who wants to grab everything for himself, who goes after everything. Li akrèk pou fanm He is always going after women. Ou trò akrèk pou lajan You always grab for money. akrekre a n 1. Insignificant person. 2. Loose woman. akro a n Rip, tear. Pran akro To be ripped. akrobat la n Acrobat*. akrochay la n Conflict, argument, fight. aks la n Axle* (of a car, etc.). akseleratè a n Accelerator*. akselere vi To speed up, to accelerate* (vehicles). akseptab attrib Satisfactory, acceptable*. aksepte, asepte vt To accept*, to admit; to tolerate. aksidan an n Accident*. Fè aksidan To crash; to have an accident. 5 A aksyon an n 1. Action*, deed, act. 2. Unexpected event or fact arousing surprise and anger; audacity. Nan pwen moun ki gen aksyon kon sa No one is more daring than he. aksyondegras la n Thanksgiving. aksyonè a, aksyonnè n One who commits irresponsible acts; a bad character. Msye se aksyonè, mwen pa nan paròl anpil ak li The man is too bold; I don’t have much to say to him. akt V ak aktè a n Actor*. aktif attrib Active*. aktim kaporal n Military grade close to that of a corporal. Cf. E acting* corporal*. aktivite a n Activity*. Li gen anpil aktivite sou li He is quite active. aktris la n Actress*. akwabon, a kwa bon What’s the use! akwe vt 1. To string animals together. To tie an animal close to a pole in preparation for slaughter. 2. To mistreat s.o. harshly. akwentans la n Suspicious, equivocal relationship. akwòkò V akòkò al vi Contracted form of ale, used pretonically and not at the end of a sentence. It must always be followed by some other word. Al lekòl Go to school. Al fè afè ou Go finish your work; go away; go do your thing. Al bannann To be finished; to be over with; to end badly; to fail. ala 1 interj Type of exclamatory adverb. What..., What a... How... Ala bèl ròb! What a pretty dress! Ala ou okipe! You’re really busy! Ala traka pou mwen... What I am going through to... ala 2 conj Yet, however. Ou kwè l’ap ba ou’l; ala m’konnen li pap ba ou’l You think he’s going to give it to you; yet, I know that he won’t. alabri attrib Safe, sheltered. aladen an n Idler, vagabond. aladriv, a la driv attrib Drifting. aladyann nan n Offspring of a Haitian and a Dominican. alafen, a la fen adv Finally. alafwa, a la fwa adv Simultanously, at a time. alagouj 1 attrib Vague, loose. alagouj 2 adv Haphazardly. Yo prale alagouj They are going aimlessly, with uncertainty. alam nan n Alarm*. Bay alam To give the alarm. alame vt To worry s.o. To alarm*. alamen, a la men adv By hand. alamòd, a la mòd attrib Fashionable. alamyab adv Out of court, amiably*. alanaj adv Swimming. alanbik la n 1. Still (for the preparation of alcoholic products). 2. Heavy drinker. alantou 1 prep Around, about. alantou a 2 n Vicinity, surroundings. alantre adv At the entrance. alanvè V lanvè alaout V ararout alapis 1 adv Stealthily, with muffed tread, on tiptoes, like a spy. alapis la 2 n Sandal. alaploum adv Fast, in a jiffy. Sp. alaronnbadè adv Without exception, all around. alaronyay, alawonyay adv Lurking, prowling. alatèt, a la tèt prep At the head of, in charge of. (fig) Alatèt la The chief, the boss. alatranp adv Mete bab ou alatranp Prepare for what is coming. Wait for the consequences. Get ready for anything. alavòl adv On the wing, in flight. albè Prank(s). Bay albè To kid s.o., to play a joke on, to sock it to s.o. albinòs la n Albino*. ale a n Roadway, alley*. ale wè pou Let alone, not to mention. ale, al, ay (North) vi 1. To go (away), to depart, to get away, to go off. M’ale I’m going. Good-bye. Mon chè, ou al trò lwen kounyea My friend, now you are overdoing it. Ki kote pou’m kouri ale? Where can I run away to? Ale ak To match. Ale vini The comings and goings. Ale sèlman One way (ticket). Ale chèche To fetch. Tout lajounen madanm mwen nan yon ale vini kay kouzin li All day long, my wife goes back and forth to her cousin’s house. Yon alemye An improvement, an amelioration (in health, wealth, etc.). Ale wè pou Let alone. Tigason an pa respekte papa’l, ale wè pou tant li The boy doesn’t respect his father, let alone his aunt. Sometimes, ale means to happen; it is often not translated. L’al rive trò ta, papa’l te gen tan mouri He happened to arrive too late. His father had already died. Ale prese To rush, to hurry. Ale non Go on. You may go. Ale pi dousman Slow down. 2. To die, to pass away. 3. To defecate. Lò ou manje prin, li fè ou ale fasilman When you eat prunes, they make you go (to the toilet). alè, a lè adv On time. alega prep Toward. alèjman an n Breather. A 6 aleka adv Apart, by oneself, separate(ly). alekè adv Level, plum-level, square*. alèkile adv 1. Now, nowadays. 2. Thus, so. Se sa ou di! Alèkile, m’pap ba ou sa ou mande a Is that what you said! So, I won’t give you what you asked for. alekout adv Mete zòrèy alekout To listen attentively. aleksiwa a n Breadfruit not completely ripe. alèlè attrib Blah, blah. Bouch alèlè, lang alèlè Indiscreet mouth, indiscreet tongue, blabbermouth. Pa rakonte Mari sekrè ou, li gen dyòl alèlè Don’t tell Mary your secrets. She talks too much. She is a blabbermouth. alelouya a n Hallelujah*. (interj) Alelouya satan! Retro satanas! Go away! alemye a n Improvement. alenperatris adv Jwe topi alenperatris To spin the top, and let it spin in the palm of your hand before it touches the ground. alèn nan 1 n Breath. alèn nan, zalèn nan, alenn nan 2 n Awl. Kòdonye sa a gen tout zouti, men kounyea li pa gen zalèn pou’l fè trou nan soulye yo This shoemaker has all the tools but now he doesn’t have an awl to punch holes in the shoes. alenterè, a lenterè adv With interest*. Prete lajan alenterè To borrow (or lend) money with interest. alèrending adv At a late and inopportune hour. alès, a lès adv To the East. aletranje adv Abroad. alevini n Coming and going. alevouzan interj Scram! Go away! Beat it! alèz 1 attrib Confortable, at ease*. Li trè alèz nan afè’l He is well off financially. Li alèz kou Blèz ki chita sou chèz san pinèz He is sitting on top of the world. Cf. E. Snug as a bug in a rug. Nonm sa a pa alèz avè’m This man feels uneasy in my presence. alèz 2 adv Easily*, leisurely. alfabèt la n Alphabet*. alfat V asfalt alfò a, ralfò a n Neckbag, similar to a hunting bag used by peasants. Sp. alforja. alilin nan, anilin nan n Aniline* (an oily, watersoluble liquid, used to make dyes, particularly for cleaning shoes and for making ink). alimèt la, zalimèt la n Match. Ou gen alimèt? Do you have matches? aliminyòm nan n Aluminum*. aliyen vt To line up, to align*. aliyman an n Alignment*. alkòl la n 1. Alcohol*. 2. Alcoholic beverage. alman an n German. almanak la n Almanac*, calender. Ane a pral fini; nou bezwen yon lòt almanak This year is coming to an end; we need another almanac. The term kalandrye is recently gaining ground. Almay n Germany. alo interj Hello! alò conj Thus, then, so. V alòs. alòke V alòske alòmenm (ke) conj Even if, even when. alonje V lonje alòs conj Thus, so, then. V alò. alòske, alòke conj While; whereas. aloufa a n Heavy, insatiable eater, glutton. V afre, saf. Aloumandya n Grann Aloumandya A benevolent spirit. alsiyis la n Sighs of pleasure related to sex. alte vt To stop, to halt*. altèkasyon an n Altercation*, argument, discus- sion. alwès, a lwès adv To the west. alyans la n 1. Wedding ring. 2. Alliance*. alye a n Ally*. alzan n Chestnut colored horse. amadwe, anmadwe vt To sweet talk, to wheedle, to cajole. amak la, ramak la, ranmak la n Hammock*. aman an n Lover. Nonm deyò is used when referring to married women only. amann nan n Fine (penalty). amannkè a, amandkè a n Illicit lover. amatè a, anmatè a 1 n Owner of a ship. Si m’te wè amatè batiman an, m’ta mande’l ki lè l’ap pati If I had seen the owner of the ship, I should have asked him when it would leave. amatè a, anmatè a 2 n Amateur* (non professional; connaisseur), fan. Lwi se amatè tafya Louis loves his liquor. amati a n Framework. ame vt To arm*, to furnish weapons. amè V anmè amèn interj Amen*. ameriken an, meriken an n American*. ami V zanmi 7 A amigdal la, amidal la n Tonsils. amilpye a, anmilpye a, annipye a, milpye a, milpat la n Millipede*, centipede. amitye a, lamitye a n 1. Friendship. 2. Type of parasitic plant similar to Spanish moss. amize, anmize vt To amuse*, to entertain. vpr To enjoy one’s self. Li te amize’l anpil He had a good time. amizman an, anmizman an n 1. Entertainment, amusement. 2. Roasted peanuts. amò, a mò adv Very much, exceedingly. Li renmen fi a amò He really loves this girl. amonika a n Harmonica*. amonyòm nan, amonnyòm nan n Harmonium*. amòs la n 1. Bait. 2. Beginning, foretaste. amòse vt 1. To prime. 2. To begin. amòti vt To damp(en), to deaden. amòtif la n Pus of an abscess. amou V lanmou amoure V anmore amourèz V anmorèz amwa V lamwa amwenske conj Unless. an 1 def art Determiner used after nasal vowels (an, on, en) or one of the sounds mi, mou, ni, nou. Mi an ro The wall is high. MORISSEAULEROY/A-7: Gen yon malediksyon k’ap pousuiv fanmi an There is a curse that is haunting the family. an 2 prep In, into, as, from, of. An ajan Silver. An ò Gold. Dimanch an uit A week from Sunday. Also used in the expressions: an premye (first), an dènye (last), etc. an 3 interj Oh!, Ah!, Oh well! an 4 n Year. Senk an Five years. De zan (or) Dezan Two years. an sòtan (While) going out. anache vt To harness* (a horse, a mule). anachman an n Harness*, trappings, gear. analize vt To analyse*. anana a, zannanna a, annanna a n Pineapple. anasi a, annasi a n Type of spider. anba 1 adv 1. Below, down; downstairs. SYLVAIN- 11: Se ou k’anro, mwenmenm anba It’s you who are above, I am below. 2. What’s below, the lower part. 3. Anba anba Sly, sneaky. anba 2 prep Below, beneath, under, underneath, through, with the aid of, at the bottom of. anbabra a, anba bra a n Armpit. anbachal adv Secretly. anbake vt To embark*, to put on board, to load on board. vi To leave. Sa’k pa kontan, anbake If you don’t like it, (take the boat and) leave. anbakman an n Embarkment*, going on board. anbalan attrib Hesitant. anbale vt To pack. anbandisyon attrib In rebellion. anbandoulyè attrib Slung over the shoulder. anbara a n Embarrassment*. anbarasan attrib Cumbersome, embarrassing*. anbarase 1 vt To confuse, to hinder, to embarrass, to puzzle. anbarase 2 attrib Embarrassed, clumsy; blocked, not free to move; occupied, too busy; penniless, broke, hard-up for money. anbarasman an n Difficulties, financial or other. anbasad la n Embassy. Pran anbasad To take refuge in an embassy and ask for asylum. anbasadè a n Ambassador*. anbativant la, anba tivant la n Abdomen. anbeka anbemòl Willy-nilly. (syn) Ou vle, ou pa vle. anbeli vt To beautify. vi To become more beautiful; to clear up (weather). anbeli a n Improvement in the weather. Depi maten lapli ap tonbe, fèk gen yon ti anbeli In has been raining since this morning; the sky has just cleared. anbelisman an n Beautification. anbès, an bès attrib Faltering. anbetan, enbetan attrib Annoying, troublesome; teasing; boring. Lò marengwen ap rele nan tèt ou, sa anbetan anpil When mosquitos are buzzing all around you, it’s very annoying. Moun anbetan People who tease, pain in the ass, sprite, elf, leprechaun, goblin. anbete, enbete vt To annoy, to bug, to tease, to trouble. Pa anbete’m Don’t bother me. anbetman an n Problems, troubles. Sa se yon anbetman, mon chè That’s a (big) problem. anbilans la n Ambulance*. Chak minit, anbilans ap monte desann nan lari a Every minute ambulances go up and down the street. anbiskad la, biskad la n Ambush*. anbisye, anbisyèz attrib Ambitious*. anbisyon an, lanbisyon an n Ambition*, greed, covetousness, pretentiousness. A 8 anbonmen, bonmen vt 1. To perfume; to permeate with a bad smell. 2. To embalm* (a dead person). anbouchi V lanbouchi anboulatcha attrib Troubled, topsy-turvy. anboulin adv Full speed ahead. anboulvès attrib Troubled, topsy-turvy. anbouteyay la n Bottleneck* (of traffic in a road), traffic jam. anbouteye vt To deceive through trickery causing problems to s.o. anbouye vt To entangle, to embroil*. anbranl, an branl attrib Mete’n anbranl Start moving. anbrase vt To hug, to embrace*, to kiss. anbrenzeng, sou brenzeng attrib Drunk, intoxicated. Li sou brenzeng li He is drunk. anbreyay la, anbreyaj la n Gear (auto). anbreye vi To put in gear, to engage the gears. anbrizi attrib Sickly, peaked, shabby, out of shape; broke, penniless. anbyans la n Atmosphere, ambiance*. anbye, anbyè, an byè adv On a bias*, diagonally. anchaje 1 vt To commission, to entrust, to charge s.o. with a task. To be in charge*. anchaje a 2 n The person in charge. Proxy. anchalè, an chalè attrib In heat. anchante attrib To be enchanted*, delighted, happy. anchatpent, an chat pent adv Stealthily. anchennen vt To chain*. ancheri vt To cherish*, to fondle, to like. anchikèt, an chikèt adv One by one, sparingly, little by little (holding back). anchimè, an chimè attrib Moody, capricious, sullen, chimerical*. andaki adv In parables, in code. Pale andaki To speak in code. andanmis adv Secretly, furtively. andebòdman, an debòdman attrib Overflowing. andedan V anndan andefas, an de fas adv Hypocritical. andekonfiti, an dekonfiti attrib Shabby. (syn) anbrizi, delala, dekonstonbre. andenmon, an demon attrib Excited, out of one’s mind, bold, obstinate. andènye, an dènye adv Last. andetay, an detay adv 1. In detail*. 2. Retail. andèy, an dèy attrib In mourning, bereaved. andeyò, andèrò, an deyò adv In the country, in the countryside. Moun andeyò Peasant. prep Outside of. Yo rete andeyò lavil la They live outside of town. andezakò, an dezakò attrib In disagreement. Yo andezakò They disagree. andezay V antdezay andezo V antdezo andi V andui andirans la n Endurance*. andire 1 vt To endure*, to suffer. andire, ondire 2 It seems. andizan, an dizan (While) saying. Andizan sa, sa ou te fè apre? Since you mention it, what did you do afterwards? andjenikon an, oundjenikon, onjenikon n A person who has been initiated and has received training in Vodou songs and dances, and serves as an assistant in the ceremonies. Choirmistress. andjoze V andyoze andomaje V domaje andòmi vt 1. To put to sleep, to anesthetize. 2. To make numb. Koulèv andòmi Type of snake. andose vt To endorse* (a check). andoub, an doub attrib In duplicate*. andouyèt V andui andoye vt 1. To baptize in an emergency. 2. To mark cards in order to be able to cheat. andui a, andwi a, andouyèt 1 n Type of meat preparation, also called andouyèt. Chitterlings. andui a, andwi a, andi a, randui a 2 n A coating of plaster, plastering, wall finish. andui, randui 3 vt To coat, to plaster. andwa, an dwa prep phr To have the right to. Li an dwa fè sa He has the right to do it. andyable attrib Uncontrolable, ferocious, out of bounds. andyoze, andjoze vt To lure, to seduce, to entice, to cajole. ane a, anne a, lane n Year. Ane pase Last year. V an. anemi an n Anemia*. Yo tout gen feblès anemi All of them are anemic. anetwale a, annetwale a n (Star) anise*, (Chinese) anise (a spice). 9 A anfale vi To collapse, to crumble, to fall down, to subside (a building). Kay la gen yon bò ki anfale The house has a side that has crumbled down. anfannkè a n Altar boy, censer-bearer, choirboy*, acolyte. anfanten, anfantin n Kindergarten. anfarinay, an farinay attrib Muffled, low (voice, etc.) anfas, an fas 1 prep Opposite, facing*, across (from). Gen dife anfas otèl la There is a fire across from the hotel. anfas, an fas 2 adv On the opposite side. anfavè prep In favor* of. anfè V lanfè anfèje vt To corner, to do away with, to give a hard time (to). Lavi ap anfèje’m Life has not been very good to me. anfèmen, afèmen vt To lease. M’afèmen kay mwen an ak Rene I leased my house to Rene. Anri afèmen yon kay nan men nonk mwen Henry leased a house from my uncle. anfen adv At last, finally*. anfinal, an final adv Finally*, in the end. anflajele, anfrajele vt To destroy, to ruin, to make mincemeat of. anflamasyon an, enflamasyon an n Tumefaction, swelling, inflamation*. anfle vi To swell, to bulge. Swollen. M’anfle’l ak manti I filled him with lies. anflèch, an flèch adv Fast and furious. anfòm, an fòm attrib Comme il faut; well developed, shapely, in shape; all set; properly. anfondre vi To tumble down, to crumble, to sink. anfonse vt To drive in (a nail), to knock down. vi To sink. Chak pa l’fè l’anfonse plis With each step he sank more. anfoudwaye, anfoudraye vt To drive s.o. crazy, to ruin. anfounen vt To put in(to) the oven, to bake. anfouraye, anfouaye vt To misplace, to lose. anfouye vt To misplace. Misplaced, lost among many other things. Cf. anfouraye. anfrajele V anflajele ang la n Angle*. angaje attrib Bound, in a jam, in difficult straits, short of cash. M’bezwen prete di dola, m’angaje I have to borrow ten dollars, I’m in a bad fix. Also Vodou term. V angajman. angajman an n 1. Obligation, promise, undertaking; troubles, difficulty. 2. Contract with Baka, with the devil. angaway adv In desorder. angi V zangi angiz, an giz 1 prep Instead of, in place of. angiz, an giz 2 conj Instead of. (syn) olye, pase pou. PRESSOIR-9: Angiz yo bouche solèy la Instead of hiding the sun. angle a, anglè a 1 n English (language). Angle waf Street English (acquired by practice only, not formally). angle a, anglè a, anglèz la 2 n Englishman*, Englishwoman*. angle, anglè 3 attrib English*. angogay adv In abondance. (syn) agogo. DYESIFÒ: Nou gen pwa rouj angogay We have plenty of red beans. angòje attrib To be blocked, obstructed. Tete madan’m nan angòje. Li pa kabab bay ti bebe a tete The woman’s breasts (teats) are blocked, and she can’t breastfeed her baby. angoudi vt To render dull, sleepy, numb, dormant. angran attrib Presumptious, impudent, arrogant, disrespectful. angranman adv Haughtily. angrave V agrave angre a, angrè a n Fertilizer. angren, an gren attrib Granulated, shelled. angrenaj la n Gear. angrese vt To fatten (animals). angro, an gro adv Wholesale. angrosi vt To get a woman pregnant. angwas la n Anguish*. anhan, aha interj So! (May have various inferences depending on intonation). ani V lanni anika n Arnica*. Tenti danika Tincture* of arnica. (Arnica: a plant of Europe). anile, annile vt To cancel, to render void, to nullify*. animal la, annimal la, zannimo a n Beast, animal*. anivèsè a n 1. Anniversary*. 2. Birthday. V fèt. anizèt la, annizèt la n Anisette* (liqueur). anj la, lanj la, jany la, zanj la, lezanj n Angel*. Manje lèzanj Special Vodou ceremony held for the loas. Lanj gadyen Guardian angel. A 10 anjandre attrib 1. Violent, completely crazy. 2. Possessed by the devil. anjandreman an n Pact, engagement with the devil. anjelis la, lanjelis la n Angelus*. Dusk. anjeneral, an jeneral adv In general*, generally. anjwèt, an jwèt adv In jest, jokingly. anka, oka, sianka, sioka, sizoka conj If, in case. ankachèt, an kachèt adv Secretly. ankadre vt To frame. ankadreman an n Frame for pictures, framing. ankatimini, an katimini adv Secretly, underhand- edly. ankave attrib Badly infected and full of pus. ankè V antye ankenn V okenn ankese vt To catch and hold tight (a ball, etc.). ankèt la n Investigation, inquiry, inquest*. Fè ankèt To investigate, to inquire*. anketè a n Investigator. anklim nan n Anvil. ankò adv Again, still, besides, extra. Si ou fè sa ankò, m’ap kale ou If you do that once more, I’m going to give you a beating. Used with pa (negative particle) = not any longer, no longer, not any more. PRESSOIR-25: Ti chen pa pè ankò The puppy is no longer afraid. Kilès ankò? Who else? What else? ankonbre vt To crowd. ankonbreman an n Crowding. ankouraje vt To promote, to uphold, to cheer on, to incite, to encourage*. Si ou pran yon vòlè ou pa pini’l, se ankouraje w’ap ankouraje’l If you catch a thief, and you don’t punish him, it’s as if encouraging him. ankourajman an n Encouragement*. ankriye a, lankriye a n Inkwell. anlagan adv In the beginning, from the start. anlè a, an lè a 1 n Upper part, top. anlè, an lè 2 adv Above, on top, on high, (up) in the air*. anlè, an lè 3 attrib Frivolous, flighty. anlè, an lè 4 prep Above, on top of. Gade anlè kay la, w’a wè tòl la Look on top of the house and you’ll see the tin. anmadwe V amadwe anmatè V amatè anmè, amè attrib Bitter. Anmè kon fyèl (or) anmè kon lalwa Bitter as hell. anmèdan, anmègdan attrib Troublesome, annoy- ing. anmède, anmègde, anmèkde vt To annoy, to irritate, to tease, to bother, to nag. Not so strong as its French cognate meaning ‘to shit around’. Pa anmède’m Don’t bother me, let me alone. anmèdè a n A bothersome person, a meddler, a pain in the neck. anmèdman an n Nuisance. Sa se yon anmèdman It’s a pain in the neck. anmenm attrib Unsatiated, unsatisfied (food, love, etc.). anmenmtan, an menm tan adv At the same time, simultaneously. anmidonnen vt To starch. V lanmidon, anpeze. anmize V amize anmizman V amizman anmore a, amoure a, zanmore a n Lover, sweetheart, boyfriend. anmorèz la, amourèz la, anmòrèz la n Sweetheart (fem), girlfriend. (Used mainly in the Jérémie region: DYESIFÒ). anmwe, anmre interj Help! an’n v marker Let’s (particle used to form the imperative of the first person plural). Also: annou, an nou. MORISSEAU-LEROY/D-2: An’n seye sa’n gan la a pou’n wè sa k’a rive Let’s try what we have to see what will happen. V annou. annachis la, anachis la n Anarchist*. annafè (ak), an afè (ak) prep phr 1. In business with. 2. Involved with, to have an affair* with. Li di li pat annafè ak fi a He denies that he had any sexual relations with that woman. annanfans attrib Senile. annanna V anana annannant V kannannant annantye, an antye adv Whole, entirely*. annaryè, an aryè, annèryè adv In the back, behind. annatandan, an atandan adv Meanwhile; until. annavan, an avan adv Ahead, in front. Annavan! Let’s go! anndan, andedan 1 adv Inside, indoors, inward. Li te bèl nèt sou anndan The interior was very beautiful. anndan, andedan 2 prep Inside of, within, into. annefè, an efè adv In fact, indeed, really. 11 A annega de, annegad prep phr 1. With regard* to, regarding. 2. As for, as far as ... is concerned. annekay, an ekay attrib Made of shell. annekò, an nekò attrib Flooding, overflowing. annèryè V annaryè annik, nik adv Only, just. Annik di ‘men mwen’, l’a konn se ou Just say ‘Here I am’, and he’ll know it’s you. M’annik vini, Pyè mete deyò As soon as I come, Peter leaves. annile V anile annimal V animal annipye V amilpye annivre V nivre annòd adv In order*. annou, an nou, an’n 1 v marker Let’s...(Particle used to form the imperative of the first person plural). V an’n. An nou li Let’s read. annou, an nou 2 interj Come on! Let’s go! An nou wè! Come on! annui an, annwi an n Trouble, problem. Neve’m ap ban’m anpil annui My nephew is causing me a lot of troubles. annuiyan, annwiyan attrib Annoying*. annuiye, annwuiye vt 1. To annoy*, to bother. 2. To be bored, to be weary. anonse, annonse vt To announce*, to notify. anpàn, an pàn attrib 1. Out of order, stuck. 2. Short of. anpare vt To take possession of, to invade, to fill, to seize. Grangou fin anpare’m I am really hungry. anpase vpr To do without. Li pa kab anpase’l de yo He cannot do without them. anpatan, an patan adv To start with, in the first place. anpaye, paye vt To stuff, to cover with straw or any other stuff (a chair, etc.). anpeche vt To prevent, to hinder. anpechman an n Hindrance, impediment, financial difficulties. anpenpan, an penpan attrib Swell, beautiful, O.K., smart, elegant (neologism). anpeny nan n Vamp (upper part of a shoe). anpeste vt To permeate (evil odor). anpetre attrib Slow, not at ease, indolent. anpeze vt To starch. anpil 1 attrib Numerous, many, scores of, a good deal of, plenty of. Anpil moun Many people. Anpil fwa Many times. anpil 2 adv Very (when “anpil” is placed after an attrib or a v). Yo bèl anpil They are very nice. anpil3 attrib Insolent (mostly applied to children). Timoun nan trò anpil, ou pa ka kontrole’l That child is just too much (insolent); you can’t control him. anpile vt To pile * (up). anpire vi To worsen. anplasman an n Lot, a plot of land for building purposes; concession of land; a location, a site. M’achte yon anplasman nan simityè I bought a cemetery lot. anplat la n Plaster* cast. anplimdezwa attrib Elegantly dressed. anplis, an plis adv Besides; additionally, in addition; more. anplwaye 1 vt To hire, to engage (in employment); to utilize, to employ*. anplwaye a 2 n Clerk, employee*. anpòte 1 vt To seize. Somèy anpòte’m I fell asleep. anpòte 2 attrib Angry. anpoul la n Bulb (electric). anpremye, an premye adv First. Li rive an premye He arrived first. anprent la n Print* (finger). anpresman an n Hurry, eagerness, haste. anprizonnen vt To jail, to imprison*. anpwazonnen, pwazonnen vt To poison*. anraje attrib 1. Rabid. 2. Mad, enraged*, furious, irresponsible, crazy. anrèg, an règ attrib In order. anrejistre vt To record; to register*. anreleng, an releng attrib 1. In rags. 2. Penniless. anreta, an reta adv Late. anrichi vt To enrich*. anrimen attrib To have a runny or stopped up nose. To have or catch a cold. anro a, anwo a 1 n Upper part, top. anro, anwo 2 prep On, over, on top of, above. Anro kay la Over the house. In southern Haiti ‘anro’ also means ‘about, concerning’. Sa w’ap di anro’m nan? What are you saying about me? Anro lavil Uptown, in the upper part of town. anro, anwo 3 adv Upstairs, above, up, upward. A 12 anrole, anwole vi To enlist (in the armed forces, etc.). anrout, an rout adv En route*, on the way. ansan V lansan ansanm 1 adv Together. Mete ansanm To assemble*, to put together, to unite. Ansanm avèk With, together with. ansanm nan 2 n Ensemble*, band. ansanswa a n Censer*, thurifer. ansasen V asasen ansasinen, asasinen, sasinen vt To kill, to murder, to assassinate*. Semèn pase a, yo ansasinen’l Last week, they murdered him. ansekirite, an sekirite attrib Safe. ansent 1 attrib Pregnant. Enceinte*. Also: grovant, gròs. ansent 2 vt To impregnate (to make pregnant). ansèt la, zansèt la n Ancestor*, forefather, forebears (pl). Se zansèt nou ki te goumen pou ban nou libète It was our ancestors who fought to give us liberty. ansèy la n Sign*, sign on a store. anseye vt To teach. ansibreka attrib Failing, not too good (health, etc.). ansiskatde, an sis kat de adv In a jiffy. ansite attrib Safe. ansòt, an sòt In such a way that. Fè ansòt pou ou rive a lè Try to be on time. ansoudin, an soudin adv Secretly. ansuit, answuit adv Then, aferwards. Ansuit, sa’k rive? Then, what happened? ansyen attrib 1. Old, antique, ancient*. Ansyen ayisyen Old style Haitian. 2. Ex-, former. Ansyen prezidan Former president. ant, antre prep Between, among. Ant Jakmèl ak Jeremi, gen anpil mòn There are many mountains between Jacmel and Jérémie. Antre yo Between them. antan V etan antann vi 1. To mean. Kisa ou antann pa la? What do you mean by that? 2. To intend*, to be out to (usually in a negative sentence). M’pa antann pèdi’l I don’t intend to lose it. vpr To agree (more than one person), to have an understanding; to get along. Yo antann yo They have an understanding (or) they get along. antannman an n Understanding, comprehention. antant la n Understanding, agreement. Yo fè yon antant They reached an agreement. antase vt To pile up. antay la n Notch, gash, slashing. Fè yon antay To hack. antchenkon adv Piecemeal, bit by bit. (syn) anchikèt. antchoutchout V antyoutyout antchouprèt V antyoupwèt antdezay, andezay attrib Middle-aged*. antdezo, andezo adv Underneath the surface of the water. ante attrib 1. Haunted*. 2. Fantastic, extraordinary. Se bagay ante It’s fantastic. antè, an tè attrib Earthen. antèman an n Funeral, burial, interment*. anténwa V antónwa antere, tere vt To bury. antete attrib Stubborn, willful. antiche attrib To be hot after, to persist, to be persistent. antipichlin V antipislin antipile vt To pile* up. (syn) anpile. antipislin, antipichlin adv Secretly, furtively, surreptitiously, a little at a time. antiray V antouray antò, an tò attrib At fault, wrong, guilty. antónwa a, anténwa a n 1. Funnel. 2. Whirlpool. antòs la, antòch la n Sprain, twist. V fouli. antòtiye, antòtye attrib Tangled up. V makònen, mele. antou, an tou adv Altogether. antouka, an tou ka In any event, anyhow, in any case, at any rate. antoupwèt V antyoupwèt antouray la, antiray la, lantiray la, lantouray la n Fence, enclosure. V kloti. antoure vt To surround. antranp, an tranp attrib Soaking. Mouye an tranp Soaking wet. antrav la n A difficult, worrisome and compromising situation; problem, difficulty, worry, handicap, mess, bad spot. Jip antrav Straight skirt (the lower part of the dress is tight). antravan attrib Compromising. antrave vt To implicate, to put s.o. in an embarrassing situation. Li antrave zanmi’l He put his friend in a bad spot. M’pa gen ase lajan pou’m 13 A peye; m’antrave. I don’t have enough money to pay. I find myself in a difficult situation. antravè, an travè adv Crosswise, obliquely, across. Li kouche antravè sou kabann nan He lay across the bed. antre 1 vi To enter*, to come in, to get in, to penetrate, to step in. Antre nan chanm nan To enter the room. Kouri antre Dash in. Fè antre To show in, to let in. Antre nan pè To go into the seminary. Antre nan mè To go into (join) the convent. Youn antre nan lòt One takes care of (compensates for) the other. Antre sou moun To become (too) familiar. Antre sòti To come and go, to get in and out. vt To put inside. Antre chat la, men lapli Bring the cat inside; it’s going to rain. Antre lan manch la Take the sleeve in a little. antre a 2 n 1. Entrance*, opening. Bèl antre Splendid entrance. Li gen bèl antre He is gap-toothed. 2. Admission. Antre lib Free admission. antre 3 V ant antremetè a (m), antremetèz la (f) n Meddlesome. antrene vi To train*, to drill, to practice. antrenè a n Coach, trainer*. antrènman an n Training*, practice, drill. Fè antrènman To drill, to practice. antreprann vt To undertake, to take on. antreprenan attrib Enterprising*. antreprenè a n Undertaker. antrèt, an trèt adv By treason, without warning, unexpectedly. antretan, antre tan adv Meanwhile, in the mean- time. antretni vt To maintain, to keep. Li antretni kay li byen He keeps his house well. Anri ap antretni Jozefin Henry keeps Josephine as his mistress. antrot, antròt By the way. antye, ankè attrib Entire*, whole. An antye In its entirety, entirely. Yo manje yon kodenn antye They ate a whole turkey. antyèman adv Completely, entirely*. antyoupwèt, antoupwèt, antchouprèt attrib Restless, nosy, excited. (syn) antyoutyout. antyoutyout, antchoutchout attrib Restless, excessively curious, excited. (syn) antyoupwèt. anvan, avan 1 prep 1. Before (time). Anvan lontan Before long. Avan samdi Before Saturday. 2. Before (distance, order). Si ou soti Pòtoprens ou pral Okap, w’ap rive Sen Mak anvan Gonayiv If you go from Port-au-Prince to Cape Haitian, you will reach St Marc before Gonaïves. Anvan tout bagay First of all, in the first place. anvan, avan 2 conj Before. Anvan w’ale, di’m Tell me before leaving. Avan solèy kouche Before sundown. anvan, avan 3 adv Before; first. Vini anvan To come first. anvayi 1 vt To invade*. To crowd in, to surround in great numbers. anvayi 2 attrib To be flooded (carburator). anve, an ve attrib Bound by a vow*. anvenimen V anvlimen anverite, an verite adv Frankly, verily*, in God’s truth. anvi 1 vt To yearn for, to desire, to wish, to want. Ou pa konn sa m’anvi fè? Don’t you know what I want to do? anvi a 2 n 1. Desire, craving. Gen anvi To have an appetite for, to have a mind to. 2. Envy*. 3. Birthmark which is the result of a woman’s craving during her pregnancy. Anvi kochon A birthmark with hairs on it. anvi, an vi 3 attrib Alive. Yo te kwè li te mouri men li anvi They thought he had died but he is (still) alive. anvitès, an vitès adv Fast, in a jiffy. anvizaje vt To consider, to envisage*. anvlimen, anvenimen vi To get worse; to fester (a wound, a scab). To swell. anvlòp la n Envelope*. anvoute vt To cast a spell, to hex. To be possessed. Li anvoute He has been possessed by a bad spirit. anvye 1 vt To envy, to be jealous of. anvye (m), anvyèz (f) 2 attrib Envious*. anwe attrib Hoarse. any interj Exclamation denoting disgust, disap- proval. anyen, aryen indef pron Nothing. Sa pa fè’m anyen It’s all the same to me. Sa ou wè laba a? Anyen What do you see over there? Nothing. anzingdekontraryete, an zing de kontrarye-te attrib Moody, in a bad mood, angry. ap v marker Auxiliary of the present progressive. V ape, pe. ONEC/N-19: Depi nou fèt se sou tè a n’ap viv Since we were born it is on this land we have been living. ONEC/N-5: Lò yon sitwayen ap pase devan drapo li When a citizen is passing before his flag. PRESSOIR-10: M’konnen m’ap mouri aswè I know I shall die tonight. apa, a pa 1 attrib Particular, private, apart*, special. apa, a pa 2 prep Beside, apart* from. apa, a pa 3 adv Separately. A 14 apa, epa 4 interj Introductory particle used in semi-exclamatory, semi-interrogative sen-tences. Apa li menm ki te ba ou’l! Was it not he who gave it to you? Apa w’ap etidye italyen! So you’re studying Italian, eh! Apa li, papa! Did I not tell you so? apach attrib Greedy. apagon attrib Avaricious. apantay la n Surveying. apante vt To survey (land). apantè a n (Land) surveyor. aparans V laparans aparèy la n Tool, instrument, device, gear, appliance (electric); penis. apatandejodi, apatandojodi adv Henceforth. apati de prep Starting from, as of. apatman an n Apartment*. ape v marker Auxiliary of the present progressive tense. SYLVAIN-14: M’ape chante depi de jou I have been singing for two days. MORISSEAULEROY/A-39: Se tonton ou, Wa Kreon, ki ape pale ak ou It is your uncle, King Creon, who is talking to you. V ap, pe. apèl la n (Law) Appeal*; invitation to convene. Fè apèl To note an appeal; to make the rollcall. apèn, apenn adv Hardly, scarcely, with difficulty. apendis la n Appendix* (of the body). apendisit la n Appendicitis*. apeprè, apepre adv Nearly, about, approximately. apeprèman adv Nearly, about, approximately. apèsevwa vt To catch a glimpse of, to see. apèsi 1 vt To get a glimpse of, to perceive*. apèsi a 2 n Preview, glimpse. apeti a, lapeti a n Appetite*. Pa apeti pou For love of. Ak apeti Heartily. api a, apui a n Support. M’ap pran api sou ou I’m leaning on you, and using you to prop me up. Apui chèz (or) do chèz Back of a chair. apik, a pik attrib Steep, abrupt, precipitous. Apik panno Very steep, almost vertical. apiye, piye, apuiye vi To lean. Apiye sou To lean on. aplani, plani, planni vt To level. aplikasyon an n Application*. aplim attrib 1. Aggressive. 2. Eager (for). (syn) akrèk. aplodi vi To applaud*. (syn) bat bravo. aplodisman an n Applause*, cheer. apopleksi a n Apoplexy*. Apopleksi se yon maladi ki pa ra Apoplexy is not a rare sickness. apot la, apòt la n Apostle*. apotikè a n Pharmacist, druggist. apoura attrib 1. Gluttonous. (syn) saf, afre. 2. Greedy and aggressive. apòy 1 attrib 1. Agressive, bold, unscrupulous. 2. Eager. apòy, pòy 2 attrib Lèt apòy Last milk taken from a cow during a session. FRANKE-TIENNE/B-17: Yon melanj lèt apòy ak siro myèl siro loja. aprale, apral, prale, pral Am, is, are going (Progressive present of the verb ale, to go ). SYLVAIN- 26: Kote ou aprale? Where are you going? FARDIN- 17: Kote ou prale? Where are you going? aprann vt 1. To learn. 2. To teach. apranti a n Apprentice*. aprantisay la n Apprenticeship*. apray, pray Nothern forms of apral and pral. apre, aprè, apwe 1 prep After. Apre demen Day after tomorrow. Apre midi Afternoon. apre, aprè, apwe 2 conj After. apre, aprè, apwe 3 adv Afterwards, subsequently, next. apredemen, apre demen adv Day after tomorrow. apredye a n Money. apremidi a, apre midi a n Afternoon. apresye vt To appreciate*. aproche V proche apropode, apropo de prep Concerning. Apropo de sa nou tap pale a Concerning what we were talking about. aprouve vt To approve*, to be in accord. apsan V absan apsoliman V absoliman apwal, a pwal, apwèl adv Bareback. apwentman an n Salary, pay, wage(s), earnings. apye, a pye adv On foot. Arab la n Arab*. aran an n Herring*. aranbarik la, aran barik la n Kipper. aranje vpr To manage, to arrange*. aranjman an n 1. Agreement, settlement, arrangement*. Pito ou fè yon aranjman pase ou fè yon prosè It’s better to make a settlement than to undergo a law suit. 2. Border, trimming (of clothes). 15 A aransèl la n Dried, salted herring* (different from aransò, undergoes a distinct process. Also known as ‘aranbarik’). aransò a n Kippered, red herring*, which has turned brownish by a special process. ararout la, alaout la n Arrow-root*. A tropical plant the rhizomes of which yield a nutritious starch called sagou flour, used in puddings. arebò prep At the edge of. arendal la n Connections, prestige. Livelihood, means. arenyen V areye arèt la 1 n 1. Rest*, arrest*, respite. 2. Means of defense, protective magic (string with knots) placed around a child’s neck or arm. 3. Guard for the (wedding) ring. arèt la 2 n Fish bone. Li manje trò vit, arèt pwason koke nan gòj li He ate too fast; a fish bone stuck in his throat. arete vt To arrest*, to put in jail, to detain, to apprehend. arètkòl la, arèt kòl la n Tie clasp. areye a, zarenyen an, arenyen an, ariyen an n Spider. areyeakrab la, zarenyen a krab, krabaren-yen n Tarantula. Also: krab areye. arimen vt To pile up, to stack one on top of the other in a specific manner, to stow. aristokrat la n Aristocrat*. aritmetik la n Arithmetic*. arive vi To go as far as to. Li arive di’m sekrè’l He went as far as to tell me his secret. arivis la n Newly-rich, parvenu, upstart. aro, awo attrib Swell. Se yon bagay aro That’s swell. arogan, awogan attrib Arrogant*. arogans la, awogans la n Arrogance*. arona a, awona a n 1. Loose woman. 2. Common prostitute. arousa a, awousa a n Pickpocket, looter; greedy person. aroutchapatcha a n Arab, levantine. arouya a n Hick, stupid person, fool. aroyo attrib Violent. Li fin aroyo He is furious, wild. aryè 1 adv Back, rear*. Annaryè, annèryè In the back. Alaryè To the rear. aryè a 2 n Fullback (soccer). aryen V anyen aryennafè a n Idle person, lazy bum. aryere attrib Backward, old-fashioned. aryoplàn nan n Airplane*. V avyon. as V las asafetida a, safetida a n Asafetida*. Asansyon an n Feast of the Ascension*. asasen an, ansasen an, sasen an n Murderer, assassin*. asayi vt To assault*. ase adv 1. Enough, only, alone; somewhat. Se pa pen ase ki fè moun viv Man liveth not by bread alone. 2. Stop, enough of. Ase pale Stop talking. (Enough is enough). Asefi n Name given to a female child when parents wish no more daughters. Aselòm n Name given to a male child when parents wish no more sons. asenik la, lasini an, asini an n Arsenic*. asepte V aksepte asetòn nan n Acetone*. asètsèzè adv At this (unduly) hour. asezonnen, sezonnen vt To season*. asezonnman an n Seasoning*. asfalt la, alfat la n Asphalt*. asfalte vt To asphalt*, to pave. asid la n 1. Acid*. 2. Condiment (vinegar, lemon, etc.). asidròp la n Lemon punch. asipoze prep phr Supposing*, suppose*, let us suppose (that). asirans la n 1. Assurance*, guarantee, certainty. Bay asirans To assure. 2. Insurance (life, health). asire vt 1. To assure*, to guarantee. Asire ou Make sure. Asire pa sèten Unreliable. 2. To insure* (a house, a car, etc.) asireman adv Surely*. asistan an n Helper, assistant*. asistans la n 1. Attendance, audience. 2. Aid, assistance*. asiste vt 1. To be present at, to attend. 2. To assist*, to help. asiyasyon an n Subpoena, summons (to court). asiyen vt To summon(s), to subpoena. aso a 1 n 1. Assault*. aso a 2 n A (beating) board used for striking at a percussion instrument (COURLANDER). A 16 ason an n The cult priest’s ritual rattle with external strikers (COURLANDER). Liturgical tchatcha. Asonmsyon an, Asonpsyon an n Feast of the Assumption*. asorosi V sorosi asosye 1 vpr To associate one’s self. asosye a 2 n Partner, associate*. An nou koupe asosye, an nou jwe asosye Let’s become real partners; let’s play partners. A children’s game in which two children join their little fingers, then strike the juncture with the other hand. asòtò a n Assotor* drum, the largest of the drums, of African heritage, used as a liturgical instrument. A ritual dance is performed around it. asoupi n 1. Nap. 2. Sleepiness, drowsiness. CELESTIN-MEGIE/1-60: L’ap fè yon ti asoupi He is taking a nap, he is dozing. (syn) kabicha. aspèj la n Asparagus*. aspiral la, spiral la n Spiral* (of a watch, etc.). aspirin nan n Aspirin*. aswè adv Tonight, at night, in the evening. Aswè a This (coming) evening. Yon aswè One evening. asye a, lasye a n Steel. asyèt la n Plate, dish; plateful. Pòl lan asyèt li Paul is in his element (That’s exactly what he was waiting for). ata adv Even. Ata oumenm Even you. Cf. Sp. hasta. atable vi To sit around the table* to eat. atache attrib Attached*. Bòn nan trè atache ak tibebe a The maid is quite attached to the baby. atachman an n Attachment*, devotion. atak la, latak la n Attack*; offense, offensive. atake vt To attack*, to assail. atan, a tan adv On time. atann vpr To expect. Also in the expression ‘sanzatann’, unexpectedly, all of a sudden. M’atann mwen a sa I expect that. atansyon an n 1. Attention*; precaution. 2. Intelligence, grasp. Atansyon! Look out. Fè atansyon! (or) Fètatansyon! Be careful! Beware! atchoum interj The sound of sneezing. Kerchoo! ate a n Atheist*. atè, a tè adv On the ground; ashore. Dòmi atè To sleep on the floor. Pye atè Barefoot. Met atè To give birth (or) to put something on the ground. atelye a n Workshop. atèmiyò a n Poorly made mat, crude mat. atenn vt To reach. ateri vi 1. To land (airplane). 2. To wind up somewhere. aticho a n 1. Artichoke*. 2. Type of loaf (bread). atife adv Slowly, gradually. atik la n Article*. atiran attrib Appealing, attractive*. atirans la n Attraction*. atire vt To entice, to pull, to attract*, to draw. Atire atansyon sou To call attention to. atis la n Artist*. atiyayo a n Medicinal plant (Ocimum gratissimum L.). It is used to combat dizziness and common colds. atizan an n Artisan*. atle vt To yoke, to hitch, to team up. Atle yon bogi To hitch up a buggy. atò adv Then, at that time, indeed, now; so. Atò, se kounyea ou vini! So, you only come now! Se atò... It was then that... atòkile adv Now, nowadays. atou a, datou n 1. Trump (cards). 2. Connections. (syn) piston. atoufè attrib Unscrupulous. atout V ak tout atrap vt 1. To catch. M’atrap boul la I caught the ball. 2. To receive with hostile words. Ou pa bezwen atrap mwen kon sa You don’t have to make a scene like that with me. atrapan attrib Contagious, catching. atrape, trape vt To catch (a disease). atroupman an n Gathering, throng, crowd. ava 1 attrib Stingy, avaricious*, miserly, greedy. (syn) peng, apagon. ava, av 2 v marker Auxiliary of the future tense corresponding to ‘shall’, ‘will’. (syn) a, va. DEJEAN-79: N’ava achte pou tèt pa nou You will buy for yourselves. PRESSOIR-11: San ou m’ava mouri tousuit Without you, I shall die at once. avadra a n Vagabond. aval la 1 n Guarantee (financial). aval, val 2 Will go (Future tense of the verb ‘ale’, to go). avalize vt To vouch for (a borrower). avalizè a n Guarantor. avalwa a n Advance (down payment). M’bay tayè a yon avalwa sou kostim nan I gave the tailor a down payment on the suit. 17 A avan an, avannsant la 1 n Forward (soccer). avan V anvan 2 avangou a n Foretaste, preview. (syn) apèsi. avanjou, avan jou adv Before dawn. avannsant V avan avanpòs la n Outpost* (military). avans la n 1. Down payment, advance* payment. 2. Advance, attentions. Anri ap fè fi a avans Henry is making amorous advances to the girl. 3. Alavans, davans In advance, in anticipation of. Depi davans Beforehand. M’te pale ou davans I told you in advance. I forewarned you. avanse, vanse vt To bring forward, to move forward. Avanse chèz la Move the chair forward ; to bring forward (a date). vi To advance*, to step forward, to approach, to go forward, to draw near. Vanse sou Going toward, getting closer to. avantaj la, avantay la n Advantage*, profit, benefit. avantaje vt 1. To do favors for, to favor. 2. To give. avanti a n Adventure*. avanvèy la, lavanvèy la n Two days before. Li rive lavanvèy lantèman an He arrived two days before the burial. avanyè, avantyè, avanzyè adv The day before yesterday. avap, avape v marker Auxiliary of the progressive future. M’avap manje lè sa a I shall be eating then. ave a 1 n A plant. Petiveria alliacea L. It is given to patients suffering from fever. ave a 2 n Admission of wrongdoing. Li fè ave lan tribinal la He confessed in open court. avè V avèk avèg n & attrib Blind. avegle, vegle vt To blind, to dazzle. avèk, avè, ak, a, ake prep With. Avè’m, avè’l With me, with him. The form ‘ake’ is used in the North. Lwen ak isit Far from here. Gen menm valè ak To have the same value as. Tou pre ak Very near to. conj Pyè ak Pòl Peter and Paul. avès la, anvès la n Short, sudden shower; downpour. V lapli. avèti, vèti vt To warn, to inform, to let s.o. know, to advise. avètisman an n Warning. avi a 1 n Notice, communique. avi, a vi 2 attrib For life, lifetime. avidèy adv Visibly, openly, outwardly. avili vt To put down, to degrade. avilisman an n Debasement. avize vt To inform, to let s.o. know, to advise*. avni an 1 n Avenue*. avni an, lavni 2 n Future. Destiny. avoka a n Lawyer, attorney. avoran, devoran attrib Greedy, grabbing, biting; grasping. avòte vi To abort*, to fail. avòtman an n Abortion*. Fè avòtman To have an abortion. avril n April*. avwa a n Possession(s). avwàn nan n Oats, oatmeal. avwe vt To confess, to acknowlege, to recognize, to avow*. avyasyon an n Airport; aviation*. avyatè a n Airplane pilot, aeroplane pilot. avyon an n Airplane. awo V aro awona V arona awousa V arousa awoutsayd, awoutsay Off side* (games). awoze V rouze ay 1 interj Ouch! ay V ale 2 ayayay interj Wow! Exclamation expressing various feelings (joy, disappointment, surprise, etc.). ayè V yè ayèl la n Ancestor. ayeroplàn nan, areyoplàn nan n Airplane*. ayeropò a n Airport*. ayibobo V abobo Ayida n A woman who has very short hair by nature. Ayida-Wèdo n Vodou deity. ayik attrib 1. Exhausted. Li tèlman pale, m’ayik He spoke so much, I am exhausted. 2. Sick (from overeating). Ayisyen an n Haitian. Ayiti cheri, Haiti cheri A Haitian song by Othello Bayard expressing the nostalgic feeling of Haitians for the homeland. Ayiti, Haiti n Haiti. Se nan peyi Ayiti Toma ou ye You’re in the country of Haiti Thomas; that’s where B 18 you are. Cf. articles by Louis Vernet and G. Jolibois, in Le Nouvelliste, Jan. 1973. According to some people, Toma refers to the name of an African ethnic group. aza a n 1. Chance. 2. Gambling, hazard*. Jwèt aza, je aza Gambling (game). Pa aza Accidentally, by chance azade vpr To dare, to venture, to take the liberty to. Azaka Vodou deity. azaman adv Rarely, accidentally (pop). azamann nan n Gambler. azaris la n Gambler. azaryen an n Gambler. azible a n Breadfruit that has suffered from sunstroke. V azòzòt. aziboutou, azilboutou, azoboutou n Unknown place, Timbuktu. azikòkò a n A sickness for which there is no cure. A problem you can not get rid of. V akòkò, pongongon. azil la n Shelter. Cf. E. asylum*. azireya a n Worthless, ignorant person. (syn) sanzave, vakabon. azizwèl la n Strumpet, loose woman, kate; worthless person. azobato attrib Exhausted, faded. V dekrenmen, defrechi. azobòkò a n Coffin. azoumounou an n Sickness of the eyes. azòzòt la n Breadfruit that has suffered from sunstroke and which has not fully ripened. B ba 1 attrib Low, short (in stature), low (in spirit, health). ba 2 adv Low. Pale pi ba Speak in a lower tone. ba a 3 n Helm, tiller (boat’s). ba a 4 n Kiss. Fè ba pou To give a kiss to (children) V bo a. ba a 5 n Stocking. Li mete ba pou fredi a She wears stockings because of the cold weather. ba a 6 n Bar*, iron bar, soap bar; wooden or iron bar to close a door. ba a 7 n Pack-saddle. ba a, bar la 8 n Line (with a pen, a pencil). ba a, bar la 9 n Bar*, cafe (where alcoholic beverages are sold). ba V bay (prep) 10 ba V bay (verb) 11 bab la, labab n Whiskers (of a person, a cat); beard, tassel. Fè labab To shave. Bab pou bab Eye to eye, face to face. In order to kid s.o. with a large beard, one says: bab pis, bab pou, bab karang i.e. full of lice. Jwe nan bab Not to show the proper respect for, to act unduly familiar with s.o. Bab kabrit Goatee. Cf. babemoustach, babmayi, babpanyòl. baba attrib Mute, bewildered. Li rete baba devan fi a He was bewildered with admiration in the presence of the girl. babako a, brabako a n Barbecue*. Scrumptious outdoor feast featuring barbecued meat, fish, yams, etc., celebrating some special event. Fè babako To go on an eating and drinking spree; to carouse. babaren an, balbaren an n Goatfish, red mullet. babay, baybay interj Bye-bye*. babemoustach attrib Fantastic; the whole thing. Li ban’m yon avantaj babemoustach He gave me the full advantage (more than I expected). babich la n Goatee, small beard*. babin nan n 1. Double chin. 2. Dewlap. babmayi a, bab mayi a n Corn silk, tassel (It is used to make an infusion). babòtribò V tribòbabò baboukèt la n Noseband (of a bridle), a piece of harness; the last piece that is put on an animal to keep its mouth shut. Bay baboukèt To shut s.o.’s mouth. Mete yon baboukèt nan dyòl bourik la Put a noseband on the donkey’s mouth. babouye vt To smear. babouzi a n Child. An insignificant person. babpanyòl la, bab panyòl la n Spanish moss, parasite. An epiphytic bromeliaceous plant found in thread-like matted clusters hanging from trees in warm climates. It is used as a medicinal plant. babyadò a n Grumbler, complainer. babye vi To grumble, to gripe, to mumble to one’s self. To babble, to talk too much. Depi maten l’ap babye He’s been grumbling since this morning. bacha a n Big shot, wealthy landowner. V pacha. bade vt To smear, to be smeared. Li bade labou He is full of mud. badijonnen vt To smear. badin nan n Cane, walking-stick. 19 B badinen, badnen vi To jest, to play, to joke, to talk foolishly, to play around; to fool around, to trifle. badji a n In a Vodou temple, the room where the altar is. badjikan an n A bòkò’s helper (folklore). badnen V badinen baf la n Slap. baflay la n Slap on the face. V sabò. Si ou pa pe, m’ap ba ou yon baflay If you don’t shut up, I’m going to slap your face. bafle V bafre bafon an n Ravine; low, poor sections of a city. bafray la n Bluff, deceit. bafre, bafle vi To stuff one’s self with food, to gobble. bafrezè a n Liar, bluffer, cheater. bafwe, bafre vt To deceive. bag la n Ring, wedding ring, wedding band. V arèt. Bag monseyè Episcopal ring. bagarè a n Troublemaker; quarrelsome, rowdy person. bagas la n Crushed sugar cane, refuse. Bagasse*. bagay la n 1. Object, thing (in all its meanings). Dènye bagay, chak bagay, tout bagay Everything. Nenpòt bagay Anything; whatever, whatsoever. Yon bagay One thing, something. Ki bagay? What? Yon lòt bagay Something else. 2. Genitals. bagèt la n Stick, rod, wand, drum stick; type of drum. Bagèt ginen A grotesquely twisted drum stick (COURLANDER). bajou 1 n Lè bajou kase At dawn. bajou a, bajòl la, majòl la 2 n Double chin. bak la 1 n 1. Ferryboat, flat-bottom boat. 2. A wooden tray carried on the head by vendors of clothes, candies, etc. Jisten pa mennen bak li byen Justin doesn’t run his business well. He doesn’t behave properly. bak, bak annaryè 2 adv As in ‘Fè bak’, to back* away; not to fulfil a promise or an engagement; to go into reverse, to go backwards. Li taprale pa bak It was going backwards. baka a n 1. Varicose ulcer (esp) on feet. 2. Evil spirit; a Vodou animal, usually a large black dog. Baka makaron Ugliest creature possible. Ou sanble baka sou lajan! Boy, you are extremely ugly! bakaloreya a n Final examination in a secondary school. bakanal la, bakannal la n Orgy, bacchanal*. bakle vt To botch (up), to work fast and carelessly, to dash (something) off. bakoko Yon bakoko A heap, a pile, a lot. Yon bakoko rad lesiv A heap of clothes to clean (laundry). bakon an n Huge shed where products are temporarily stored before shipping. bakonyè a n Con man, schemer, woman-chaser, one who tries to trick women; trickster in general. bakoulou a n Crook, pilferer; con man, wily liar, trickster, deceiver, cunning double-dealer, particularly where women are concerned. An under-handed fellow who knows what’s what. Cf. bakonyè. Ti medam yo pa vle koute msye; yo konnen li se bakoulou The girls won’t pay attention to that man. They know he is an impostor, a foreflusher, where women are concerned. bakoulouz la n Same as ‘bakoulou’ but used for female beings. V bakoulou. baksayd la n Backside*, behind, rear, buttocks. E. bal la 1 n Dancing party, ball*, dance. bal la 2 n Bullet. Bay bal To execute by shooting. Li pran bal nan do He got a bullet in his back. Bal maron Stray bullet. bal la 3 n Bale* (cotton, etc.) balan attrib Hanging. Mache bra balan To walk nonchalantly, with arms dangling. An balan Unde- cided. balans la n Scale(s) (for weighing). Balance*. Chak maten anvan li benyen, li monte sou balans pou li pran pwa’l Each morning before bathing he weighs himself. balanse vt To balance*, to sway, to rock, to swing. Balanse yon motè To start a motor. An’n balanse Let’s start, let’s go. balansin nan n Swing. (syn) balanswa. Nan lekòl sa a gen balansin pou timoun In this school there are swings for children. Fè balansin To swing. balanswa a n Swing. (More commonly used is the word ‘balansin’). balaro a, balao a, balarou a n Ballyhoo* (Type of fish). bale 1 vt To sweep. bale a 2 n Broom, mop. Also type of plant used as food for pigs and used by some people to find out if s.o. is telling the truth. Bale plim Feather duster. Bwa bale Broom handle. Pay bale The straw part of brooms. Pase bale la a Give it a fast sweep. balèn nan, balenn nan, labalèn n 1. Whale. Pi gro pwason ki nan lanmè se balèn The whale is the biggest fish (mammal) in the ocean. 2. Candle made from whale blubber whereas a ‘bouji’ is made of wax. Cf. blanbalenn. 3. (whalebone) Stays used to stiffen corsets. B 20 balerina a n A type of woman’s shoe.