History I Discovery of the Australian continent and Aboriginal people at that time 1.When -according to estimates -did Aboriginal people come to Australia? Where from? 2. How many Aboriginal languages were spoken then? 3. What animal came with them? 4. How did they make the living (=how did they get food) 5.Did they practice farming? 6. How did they view property? (personal, communal?) 7. How did they view the territory they occupied? 8. How many people were there in a tribe? What were clans? 9. Why (when) did they practice infanticide? 10. The continent was discovered by Europeans before Cook. When and where did they land? Can you think of the reason why they were not interested in having it as their colony? 11.When and where in Australia did James Cook land with his ship Endeavour? How different was the place from the places the navigators landed before him? 12. At that time uncivilized people were seen as “noble savages”. What did the concept of a ”noble savage” mean?