Central and Western Europe After 1918: The New Central Europe of National States Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk in Brno Vincenc Makovský, TGM, cast 2000 Model of originally planned campus in Veveří street. Only the Faculty of Law MU was built. The Masaryk University campus as planned in 1932 Vincenc Makovský, TGM, Humpolec, 1937 Olena Mondičová, Uzzhorod Otto Gutfreund, TGM, Hradec Králové, 1926 [USEMAP] •http://tg-masaryk.cz/mapa/ Karel Kotrba - Jaroslav Hruška - Bohumil Pícha, TGM, Plzeň, 1928 Jaroslav Hruška, Kolín, 1929 Památník národního osvobození v Plzni » Centrum pro dějiny sochařství New sculpture, Plzeň, 1990 A picture containing outdoor, sitting, wooden, building Description automatically generated A sign hanging from a tree Description automatically generated Albín Polášek (1879–1965) , TGM as a Blaník knight, Chicago, 1940-49 Josef Mařatka, TGM, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco (1874-1937) •Franz Joseph I. Karlovy Vary - pomník Františka Josefa I. | pomník císaře Františka Josefa I. v Karlových Varech před rokem 1918 Olomouc, installed 1898, removed 1919 Karlovy Vary, 1910 •Czechoslovak section, 2nd international book fair, Florence, 1932 • U:\Research\getty\Sutnar\IMG_7213.JPG Czechoslovak pavilion, Chicago, 1933/34 Czechoslovak pavilion, Brussels, 1935 Masaryk’s busts at international exhibitions A person wearing a costume Description automatically generated Text Description automatically generated A picture containing text, book, photo, person Description automatically generated A picture containing radar chart Description automatically generated 1939 New York World's Fair Vintage Travel Poster – Vintagraph Prints German and Soviet pavilions. Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne, Paris 1937. akg-images - The National Socialist and Soviet Pavilions at the 1937 Paris World Exhibition / Synthetic Image Montage A large room Description automatically generated New York, 1939/40 San Francisco, 1939/40 Czechoslovak pavilions at world’s fairs Paris, 1937 Exhibition design influenced by El Lissitzky’s USSR pavilion, •Modern art and design •School of Art and Design Ladislav Sutnar, ceramics Association of the Czechoslovak Works Personal links, schools, Stech, Detva as a Slovak company manufacturing folk art •Presentations of companies: •Baťa •Detva •Pilsner •Pavel Janák – Josef Pytlík, Czechoslovak pavilion, Centennial exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, 1922 U:\Research\talks\Amsterdam Words Fairs\079RJ - Ap 1.0. Centro. Exposição de 1922. Pavilhão da Tchecoslovaquia. Frente e lado direito, 1922-1923.jpg •Pavel Janák (1882-1956): national style Pavel Janák, crematorium, Pardubice, 1921 Plan for the hydroelectric power station in Háj, 1921 •Janák’s own house, Baba estate, Prague, 1932 •Weissenhofsiedlung, Stuttgart, 1927 built at the occasion of the Wohnung (The Dwelling) exhibition GHDI - Image Buildings by: Mies van der Rohe, Lily Reich, Peter Behrens, Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, Bruno Taut… •Bohuslav Fuchs and Jaroslav Grunt, New House colony, Brno, 1928-29 Vychází publikace o unikátní kolonii Nový dům v Brně z roku 1928 – DesignMag.cz •B. Fuchs (1895-1972), The City of Brno pavilion Image result for vystava soudobe ceskoslovenske kultury C169 Pavilon města Brna The Exhibition of Czechoslovak Contemporary Culture, 1928, Brno Exhibition of Czechoslovak Contemporary Culture TGM at the exhibition •Jiří Kroha, The Pavilion of Humanity C180 Pavilon Člověk a jeho rod Masaryk inspects the reconstituted mammoth •Kamil Roškot, Czechoslovak pavilion in Chicago, 1933 A bridge over a body of water Description automatically generated Jaromír Krejcar, Zdeněk Kejř, Bohumil Soumar, Ladislav Sutnar – Czechoslovak pavilion in Paris, 1937 Image result for czechoslovak pavilion new york 1939 Kamil Roškot, Czechoslovak pavilion at the New York world’s fair, 1939 Index •Jan Masaryk looks at the bust of his father at the Czechoslovak pavilion, New York, 1939 •Re:public Festival, Brno, 2018 A picture containing outdoor, person, game, street Description automatically generated Brněnský deník | Instalace sochy T. G. Masaryka na Moravském náměstí v Brně | fotogalerie A picture containing building, indoor, table, large Description automatically generated Maxim Velčovský, Masaryk climbing frame, 2018 • [USEMAP] https://socharske.brno.cz/mapa/