2. MU^Iti'o 3. H^/^/riAti^X^A^1-^'0 J-i < L m L* /v U-1 7. ii-3 SCI: A. You have just come back from a trip. Look at the picture and tell what you will give to the following people. © Example: X ti SB & * If 4 1"« B. Pair Work—Ask what your partner would give the following people on their birthdays. When you answer, give reasons, too. Example: A : $C $ As/%\=>z>. Example: 3 $ /v fi \f JV $ U-fe - 9 ~ £ tb if £ l7c0 n — E. Pair Work—One student looks at Picture A below, and the other looks at Picture B on p. 48. Ask and answer questions to find out who gave what to whom in order to complete the picture below. Example: A : £ tt L $ /Ifi/ 7 V - $ /U-JT £ & If i I tz t\ it- B : ftS&lf$ ltz/t h^i Ltzo Picture A fcltL F. Answer the following questions. > j taA, fcX/Ctl t/1 del: 2. 9 'J &lf J: L tzi)\ *■ St: 6. &*rs><7m£H {c^r& &tf £^-ei"*\ i' IJTi ti. it 8. tit < ^>^:/Hf> h (i^-fi-*lo *:**U= t b^S WW Practice tiki lii$Z> A. Your friend is sick, and you did the following for your friend. Describe them with Example: cook dinner — % ?1BL £ fF ^ X h tf t t 0 UtA liA o-< 1. help with his homework 2. correct his paper 3. buy flowers 4. take him to the hospital 5. do laundry 6. clean his room 7. lend him your notebook 8. call his teacher 9. go to a bank and withdraw money 10. do dishes B. Pair Work—Your partner needs help. Tell what you would do for your partner in each situation using —T^tf-I*. Example: A : ±.ti%¥\ >& < X $ If I ^U't A'to VI ItA, t- SBIBBH C. The following are what your host mother, your friend, and a stranger did for you. Describe them with ~r£jWtS 4. affix. 5 5. n-t-Sr^r-S 6. ^^pi-it^LT^ < L 9. £j*j"t£ ft /t ft11 10. 11. W^tt^ 12. WP3$t D. Describe what the following people did for you using ~r IJX l±A, 13 < *•* If A [1/- -?< Ex. (1) (2) CD CD O O o o o o o (3) (4) (5) F. Omiai Game—Ask three classmates if they are willing to do the following after they get married. Add your own question. After the interview, tell the class who you want to marry and why. Example: do laundry -» A : ikMlX < Hi t*N nama . i (s^tA&S 1) name name ( ) cook X X clean the house X ,0 wake me up o X do dishes O take out the garbage o y buy present v. iron n G. Answer the following questions. 2. ^i¥k) depending on whom you are asking. Expand the conversation. Example: You want to go somewhere, (to your boyfriend/girlfriend) A : mtizithX^^ X < jft&v^ ? 'IKi 'J A : S&K*? £ tz^o 1. You are broke, (to the host mother) 2. You need one more day to finish the homework, (to the teacher) 3. You are expecting a guest, and you need help around the house, (to your child) 4. You are hungry, (to the host mother) 5. You want to meet more people, (to your friend) 6. You want to have the letter that you wrote corrected, (to the boss) A. Read each person's situation, and express what you hope for him/her. Example: o 7 T You get well soon.