Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies dieted Electronic Resources for Chinese Studies in Taiwan 1 - ■«au > Mns Mmmn it* i49 s-2 numb > e*»o«n B • ■UK > mm Oil CM »UM H Database 3: Taiwan Memory BiS'aB'IS http://memory.ncl.edu.tw/tm_cgi/hypage.cgi?HYPAGE=index_ e.hpg "Taiwan Memory" contains a rich source of books and literature, historic documents, images, photos, video, and video records of news, as well as information on historic figures; among these is a variety of precious literature of historic materials in written, audio, and visual forms. They are presented and recorded in the following categories: "Books & Literature," "Photos," "Historic Documents," "People & Events," and "Visual Exhibitions." Currently, there have been more than 400,000 metadata and more than 800,000 digital images and files in video conference entered in the system. _ ....... ,. - """" •■_HdBS ^T"tj-'Z""* **" """" '"** --------_ g- Database 4: Taiwan Local Documents Image Database http://localdap.ncl.edu.tw/eng/ Local documents can be classified according to information types and information content. The first group includes books, relics and audio and electronic ___materials; the second group includes historic articles, monuments, folk customs, cultural landscape, industries, literature, art, historical materials, and other areas. This subproject will be expanded to include the scanning of local documents in county and city cultural bureaus, literary societies, and local libraries. The result of this work will be a major database of great importance to research on local people, events, periods, places, and things. 5 Academia Sinica cp^flfSSK Database 5: Digital Archives of Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica http://www.ianthro.tvv It contains the Pingpu Culture Research Web, Digital Archives of Formosan 10 11 ä ___ U-.-.W JOurnll ot FEi 1' 8?* 1 », •, . • Aborigines Project, Ta.wan Ethnography Video and Aud.o Archive Project. Taiwan Aboriginal Digital Knowledge Base Development Project, Institute of Ethnology Databases. Database 6: The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica http://ithrJa.ith.sinica.edu.tvv/en is^^n It contains information on old documents, books and images, including Taiwan Archival Information System, Taiwan Research of Ancient :™.™.™™" Books during Japanese Occupation, Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank, Taiwan Governor-^.-...^..j.;.. General's Office Official Document Search, and Taiwanese Document Collection Database. Database 7: Taiwan Studies over the Internet SiOT^SPlKHb http://twstudy.iis.sinica.edu.hv/ This website integrates Academia Sinica's Taiwan studies-related research to create a comprehensive search platform. Topics include culture, history, and nature and sociey, with each category containing websites with related research materials. 4 Taiwan SI dies Over The I Uernet Mini- naMMMnaMmmmumm ****** WTHmtMtaH t;r*uiM*n>t*ma^ ■HUM ■ m »itiHKnm • «t hi ajim**»mü h» «fl UUH = Ktmt* WX±M- MtBxsoa ftu • ae. - rH, -'Of, • •HfWIMbl eHMIIUHWtS ■ HlftZ ■ KMV*MM*nK±B,***te ■ 1KM1 DtllllU - M • M»t' ■ aimniiiuxs• WLUmana««m •KIKS I «WIWUIU ■ »H»llWftfl»llM I1RB9 ;«L OHMS M EE «r.MtSJtl Database 8: Taiwan History and Culture in Time and Space ailHSXIfcifti http://thcts.sinica.edu.tw/default_en.htm A comprehensive database of Taiwanese history and culture built on a web-based geographic information system (WebGIS). Draws on 13 Taiwan history and culture related databases, including Academia Sinica's Scripta Sinica Database, the Compiled Official Documents of the Governor-General's Office, the Ministry of the Interior's Taiwan Geographic Name Information System, the National Central Library's Taiwan Local Documents Image Database, Transmission Books and Microinfo Co.'s Taiwan Portraits Database. Mb Database 9: Digital Taiwan — Culture & Nature &jl http://culture.teldap.tw/culture/ In order to showcase the cultural heritage and natural resources of Taiwan to the world as well as to complement the existing Chinese portal (http://digitalarchives.tw/) which demonstrates TELDAP's accomplishments, a "Digital Taiwan - Culture & Nature" multi-language portal has been created. It provides the global community with an in-depth and convenient way to appreciate Taiwan's culture and digitization achievements. As the contents of archives increase, so will the functions of the portal expand to meet the public's expectations. The portal will make Taiwan's academic and digital archive activities more visible to the world community. National Taiwan Library HiIaiSHSti Database 10: Taiwan E-resource Federated Search System It provides a comprehensive search of online Taiwan studies resources and materials. Subjects include Ming and Qing Taiwan history, Taiwan history during Japanese occupation, Postwar Taiwan history, anthropology, paleography, clans, politics, nature, geography, religion, literature, history, law, medicine, film, and libraries. Altogeher covers more than 80 websites and databases. Database 11: Taiwan Document Federated Search System It contains the Index of Taiwan Journal Articles, Taiwanese Book and Documents Digest, Unified Catalogue of Information on Taiwanese Books and Documents, Unified Catalogue of Old Japanese Publications in Taiwan. National Taiwan University Library UliS'/iX^I Database 12: Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository Bi%Epnia' http://tair.org.tw/?locale=en-US Created by the National Taiwan University Library under commission from thc Ministry of Education, the Taiwan Academic Institutional Repository (TA1R) is an academic research portal to the work of all Taiwan's academic institutions. TA1R collects and assembles research matadata from each of Taiwan's academic institutions and enables users to search or browse this combined body of research. By clicking on a link, users can also access each institution's own archive system and retrieve the full text of research. II HI HI II A! 1113 is;*; Database 13: National Taiwan University Digital Taiwan-Related Archives project mtmmm^mmmwiiuimm http://dtrap.lib.ntu.edu.tw/DTRAP/en/index.htm It contains the Danxin Archives, The Manuscripts of Kanori Ino, Rubbings of Taiwan Cultural Relics, The Yasusada Tashiro Collection, Books of Lyrics from Taiwanese Opera and the Di Baosai Collection. ^t-mal 9'.'"!'™!! (»»)■="»■■■■ Database 14: Taiwanese Religious Art Information Web MW&MWWMtMS http://ci6.1ib.ntu.edu.tvv:8080/religion/ It contains information on religious »»**«'! Minn •J>e*»nB*ti customs collected by the Japanese scholar Masuda Fukutaro on his travels around Taiwan between 1929 and 1939. It consists of 3,500 items, mainly pictures, including temple postcards, portraits of Buddhist idols, mantra sheets, ghost money, and prayer slips. Ministry of Culture SiWlM Database 15: Encyclopedia of Taiwan Ml http://taivvanpedia.culture.tvv/ It covers topics such as crafts, architecture, fine arts, customs, archaeology, history, ethnology, literature, music, theater, opera, dance, animals, plants, and geology. Ill j Database 16: National Repository of Cultural Heritage http://nrch.cca.gov.tw/ccahome/index.jsp It contains 15 categories: old photographs, art, music, plays, dance, cartoons, literature, architecture, films, ancient maps, ancient books, implements, newspapers, Chinese poetry and television news footage. The information spans from the Qing dynasty to the present era. Database 17: Official Publications Echo Network (OPEN) KBhtltSaaBIHffl http://open.nat.gov.tw/OpenFront/index.jspx The official Publications Echo Network (OPEN) is a website offering access to government publications, overseas trip reports, and a search across 65 online government databases. It gathers together the full-range of paper and electronic materials. OPEN provides an excellent channel for those people who want to further explore Taiwan. It is time-saving and effective, making it easier to widen your knowledge of Taiwan without the trouble of searching many websites. Various topics are represented in OPEN, such as the history of Taiwan, traditional Taiwanese culture and folk activities, social and industrial development, local products, national ecology, tourism, and Taiwanese study. It is open and free for all to explore. Hp .... □ ■ 14 täiwAn National Museum of Taiwan Literature UllBi^^ig Database 18: Federated Search Engine at National Museum of Taiwan Literature B&Bff££!gQ?£igga£m?ft!ft http://isrh.nmtl.gov.tw/FSE The museum's databases include Cimplete Taiwanese Poetry Intelligent Knowledge Base, Literary Artifacts Database, Taiwan Authors and Works Catalogue Digital Archive Database for Written Taiwanese, Dictionary of Taiwanese Literature Peh-oe-jl Digital Archive, The Koa-a Booklets Database, Taiwanese New People Newspaper Search, Almanac of Taiwanese Literature Search, Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies, Newsletter of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature, Yang Kui Literature Museum, and Taiwanese Contemporary Author Research Database. External databases include Taiwanese Authors and Works Search, Unified Catalogue of Old Japanese Publications in Taiwan, Full-Text Image System for Periodicals of Japanese-occupation Period, Digital Archives of Japanese Colonial-Age Literature from the National University of Tainan. National Taiwan Museum M±Lwk%. Database 19: Formosan Aborigines Collections http://formosa.ntm.gov.rw/aborigine/ It contains brief introductions to Taiwan's aboriginal tribes and demonstrations of selected cultural relics, archive database search, digitization work and related downloads, digital archive-related links. Taiwan Historica M5£.$£m%. Database 20: Taiwan Historica Digital Archives Database http://www.th.gov.rw/digital/digital.php A digital resource website for Taiwan's historical records and materials. It contains the Compiled Official Documents of the Governor-General's Office, Records of the Compiled Official Documents of the Governor-General's Office, Government Office Records of the Chief Executive of Taiwan Province, Japanese Colonial- and Postwar-Era Historical Materials, The Taiwan Colonial Corporation and Taiwan Region Productive Industry Management Commission Records, Through the Wind and Rain: Typhoon Memories of an Island People, Official Reports *•*«»«* from Taiwan Governor-General's Office and the Japanese Colonial and Early Post-Retrocession Period Records. ■■■uiHinnntiMiui'n \ »1.718 - BBAM WW [BUffil UUZII '"■■■I'll •........ im.» MIHI -1« ■ "mi iii^iiim ..... ■ iiiiK.ni a linn, ui.it nil liiiiri.:,! 11111111,111 16 17 ft' wAn narnm ■ »«■ ■Ma AMI Chinese Studies National Central Library d^Illlig Database 1: Center for Chinese Studies Subject Database http://ccs.ncl.edu.tw/EN/ExpertDB.aspx It contains the Full-text Database of Center for Chinese Studies Publications (including Chinese Studies and the Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies) Database of the Center for Chinese Studies Collection, Database of Mainland Chinese Periodicals, Foreign Sinologists' Dissertation Abstract Database, Bibliographies of Research on: the Classics, Han Philosophers, and Wei-Jin Xuan Xue Philosophy, Bibliography of Tun-Huang Studies, Contents of the Combined Collections of Ming Authors, Current Contents of Foreign Periodicals in Chinese Studies, and also provides a cross-database search. Database 2: Taiwan Humanities Indexes fiiS3t£S§ffl3£llII@^!Slrft|?C http://memory.ncI.edu.tw/tm_sd/index.jsp It contains the National Central Library's archive of essay collections in the fields of literature, history and philosophy published in Taiwan. This includes Periodic or One-Off Scholarly Essay Anthologies and Multi-Volume Collections, Academic Conference Papers, Essay Anthologies of Individual Scholars, Collections of Commemorative Papers. Altogether contains almost 60,000 papers in more than 3,300 collections published between 1945 and 2005. / 111« Database 3: Rare Books and Documents Web SilXilSP http://rarebook.ncl.edu.tw/rbookod/ It contains the National Central Library's Rare Books Image Search System, Database--. of Collections of Ming Authors, Chinese Rare —--"^__ Book Catalogue, Inscriptions and Rubbings Database, Combined Catalogue of Taiwan | ™=*™~ Family Trees, Online Exhibition of Special 'q"J~~ts-: Collections. Academia Sinica TOffl^ Database 4: Scripta Sinica Database /UliSI^XlUEl http://hanchi.ihp.sinica.edu.nv/ihp/hanji.htm The project for the Scripta Sinica database began in 1984. The first aim of this project was to digitize all documents essential to research in traditional Sinology. Secondly, a full-text database was established for academic research. Until present, Scripta Sinica is the largest Chinese ...... fu" text database to encompass an enormous breadth of historical materials —, of this scale. More than 688titles and i— 445,950,000 characters of materials pertaining to the traditional Chinese classics have been included in the r database and have been categorized ' ' with meticulous care. Database 5: Digital Archives of Bronze Images and Inscriptions http://www.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/~bronze/ This database currently contains around 12,000 items of bronzeware that carry inscriptions. It displays complete information on each bronze, including images, inscription rubbings, name, period, archaeological information, current location, provenance, dimensions, decorative features and records. It is currently the only internet-based platform providing access to a large database of 20 bronzeware research that is publically accessible and free-of-charge. It is also the first academic research database in the world to link a Geographic Information System with tomb plans. Database 6: Databases of the Images and Artifacts Research Group http://saturn.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/~wenwu/wvv.htm It contains a Catalogue and Full Texts of Bamboo-Slip and Silk Documents and Stone and Bronze Engravings; Supplementary Images of the Juyan Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips; List of Studies on Han Stone Reliefs; Images of the Wu Clan Ancestral Temple Stone Reliefs; Images of the Anqiu Dong Clan Village Han Dynasty Stone Tomb Reliefs; Distinctive Pictures of Taiwan's Minority Area Folk customs. km ■SSffffl <■£«■■> hamr Database 7: Chinese Civilization in Time and Space http://ccts.sinica.edu.tw/intro.php?lang=en This system consists of three major components: basic geospatial materials, WebGIS integrated application environment, and thematic information. The fundamental base maps are based on Dr. Tan's "The Historical Atlas of China". "The Historical Atlas of China" provides users with Chinese historical features, covering Chinese history over the past 2000 years, from the ancient time to Qing dynasty. Furthermore, various historical atlas and remote sensing imagery are persistently geo-referenced and overlaid into the system to broaden the spatial and temporal scope. »aaa*a"KIIBaraat**B*Bf BBBBUTBazaaa auaanant diKin*. aa nimn ffBBBaB-*nn HMBflgBaiBaaaa >i* aaNiaaan aimm BBuatiaaaHKBanaazaaaH u*a HaHKfia ■aauMaaafl»ayaMa. aaaaaasaaaa ,«.m,sm. tu>tMfc*,anBK-nB» Baa naauaaa'.iiaz-aaBraaB'nlffnaa BM^saait ±ra ar^Baitaaaa iB^uDBBBBBfaaaaRB aalaaaaaa i ► BBaa i aaJB* »a«r aMWBKMMaM - BflBBBna-viBaaaBaai Database 8: Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy http://vvwvv.litphil.sinica.edu.tw/home/6-3.htm Beginning in 1991, it aims at picking Chinese culture's essence to serve as the source of contemporary culture's creation. Facing present society led by the Western culture, ICLP is devoted to expounding and propagating the human spirit of Chinese culture, pouring human concern into modern scientific society, and providing broader vision for current world's civilization. It also actively develops new academic languages and multi-dimension communication ways to dialogue with other races over the world based on equal and reciprocal treatment. Database 9: Archives of the Institute of Modern History '&iX&^S^PH^ http://archives.sinica.edu.tw/ J ■:3 - fii ftd. i 11! It contains the Index of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Records, 1930-1975; China and Foreign Maps in the Institute of Modern History's Archives (created based on the Catalogue of the Institute of Modern History's Map Collection); Catalogue of the Institute of Modern History's Archive's Collection; Image Search of the Institute of Modern History's Archive Collection. National Palace Museum MltSi^WWn Database 10: National Palace Museum Digital Archives Projects http://tech2.npm.gov.rvv/da/eng/treasure_info.html It contains the Database of Biographical Packets and Drafts from the Archives of the Qing Historiography Institute; Index of Files in China's First Historical Archives; Catalogue of Compiled Memorials with Emperors' Comments in Manchu and Chinese Collected in China's First Historical Archives; Fellow Curators' Collections on Historical Books in Qing Dynasty; Database of Genealogical Documents; General Index to Qing Archival Volumes; Index of Qing Palace Memorials and Archive of the Grand Council; Qing Dynasty Biographical Database Search System; Index of Taiwan-Related Historical Materials in Qing Dynasty Palace Memorials; Rare Books Database; Painting and Calligraphy Archives Data Search System; 23 - TAI aK1 /An •..» m t \m i * * t * tnm *«. na -<:a«U«UUjt«iiM)M -id«4if«n/.*