Improvisation workshop
Mgr. Hana Tesák Vrtala
Improvisation workshop
Autumn 2020
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 19/11/2020 to 25/11/2020.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 3/12/2020 to 17/12/2020.
Teacher recommends to study from 3/12/2020 to 9/12/2020.

First lesson


Our first lesson was about introducing of improvisation as well as meeting each other. We practiced various storytelling exercises and experience some of our own crafted stories.  

For our next lesson which will take place on 3rd Decemeber, your tash will be to watch the following videos and do a few assignments:

Uri Alon explains how he uses "Yes and..." principle with his research team and how it influences the outcomes.

Tim Harford speaks about creativity and about how a bit of mess can actually propel it towards better results.

Please, watch both videos and write a short reflection about what is your take-out and how can you use it in what you do (e.g. future job, your hobby etc.)


Furthermore, please watch these videos form the famous group Whose line is it anyway and fell inspired by the expressions of various genres the actors use. We are going to do a similar game next time. :) We're also gonna reflect on these videos in the following lesson.

P.S. I'm sorry about the quality of the video, however, there wasn't many to choose from


Don't forget to bring some props for a genre of your choice!!! ;-)

Second lesson

Dear all,
you've experienced some improvised storytelling games and techniques. We also worked with mistakes, concept of yes and, originality and you also experienced what it is like to cooperate and create a story with your partners on the spot.  

In the final assignment I'd like you to look back at the course and think about how you can apply one of the principles or exercises of your choice in what you do. Please reflect on 1-2 principles or exercises and try to provide more of in-depth analysis rather than just superficial essay. I'm interested in your own ideas and thoughts, you don't have to cite any other sources. This not a feedback for me but your own thought on the subject. The essay should be 400-500 words long. 

Please submit it by 16.12. (midnight) below.

Týden 3