RLDS3 Doctoral seminar III: Course outline PS 2019 Activities and requirements · Your active participation in the seminar discussions is mandatory. To compensate any absence at the seminar discussions, you will be required to submit extra work. Please discuss what the submission will be with the course administrator. · You will deliver a presentation of your article project using presentation software (Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Prezi…). The presentation should include: (1) an introduction to the topic of your article and the explanation of its relation to the core ideas of your thesis in progress; (2) background and state of the art justifying and framing your article (to which debate it contributes, etc.); (3) the main argument you want to present in your article; (4) a consideration of how this argument should contribute to the progress beyond the state of the art; and (5) your choice of the target publication (journal) for the article, including alternative possibilities you are considering (plan B and plan C), a presentation of the profile and audience of the publication, and the rationale of your choice (this fifth point should be given due attention, ca. one third of the whole presentation). · The presentations will take place at the seminar meetings during the semester. Your presentation should take no more (and not much less) than one half of the time allocated for discussing your publication project (e.g., 50 minutes if you are given the full 100-minutes block, 25 minutes if you are given the total of 50 minutes). Then, discussion follows in the other half of the allocated time. The quality of your presentation and your participation in the discussion about the presentation is graded (passed/failed). If you are graded failed, you will have to repeat the presentation in the exam period (you will find the terms in the IS MU under exam terms). · Please submit the file with your presentation in the IS MU at least one hour before the presentation. · Please create a CV in English in the IS MU (https://is.muni.cz/auth/zivotopisy/). This is required to pass the course. · Please fill in your publications that are not yet in the system (https://is.muni.cz/auth/publikace/), including conference presentations. This is required to pass the course. Introduction (13 OCT 2020) Basics of academic publishing (27 Oct 2020) This seminar meeting will introduce the process of academic writing and publishing. We will focus on revisions and rewriting, references (meaning not citation styles but the overall guidelines), co-authorship, acknowledgements, and the ethics of academic publishing (including the issues of recycling, translations, sending one article to more journals, and citation brotherhoods). Another key topic will be the peer-review process. (By the way, be sure to back-up all your files!) Where to publish? (10 Nov 2020) There are several factors you should take into consideration before submitting your publication to a journal, a collective monograph, conference proceedings, or, in the case of books, to a publisher. It is a crucial choice. We will discuss the different factors at this meeting. How to advertise yourself in the academia as a Ph.D. candidate? (24 Nov 2020) A successful publication is the one that is read and used, and a successful early career is the one that is noticed by the right people. The doctoral study should prepare you for an academic career. At this meeting, we will discuss how to advertise yourself and your work, build your CV, and use different tools and occasions to make people aware of your existence. Presentation of article projects: 8 Dec 2020 12 Jan 2021