PRONUNCIATION VARIETIES OF AMERICAN ENGLISH Fall 2021 American Dialects : Dialect map of American English On-site sessions Fridays 1000, room G22 or G32 Facilitator: Kateřina Tomková,, 3 components to each class: - theory, - listening, - speaking Compulsory listening: J.C.Wells – Accents of English F - in IS Study Materials Collins and Mees – Practical Phonetics and Phonology Ga - in IS Study Materials, with Gb - tapescripts YouTube: ‘The English Language in 24 Accents’ and sequel ‘Accent Expert Gives a Tour of U.S. Accents’ (on WIRED, in 3 parts, 47 mins in all) ‘21 Accents by Amy Walker’ ‘English Accents’ (Standard American, … ´Fun Tour of American Accents´ / Amy Walker ´How to Pronounce Can vs. Can´t – American English Accent´ (on Rachel´s English) recommended by Zuzana Alcnauerová: - American raising - Struggling with str- on X-Factor - American voice coach doing British Pronunciation training videos on uložto recommended by D. Krásná - American accent training, password GA: - Pronunciation workshop, Paul Gruber, pwGA: Online sources - Dialect Map: American Dialects : Dialect map of American English ( - Speech Accents Archive: www.accent.gmu.browse-language - - - - - - Recommended by Hana V.: - - - Lisa Mojsin´s accent reduction channel on youtube - Literature: - Phonetics and sociolinguistic terminology - ‘Accents of English’ by J.C.Wells, chapters presented in class - ‘The Social Stratification of /r/ in New York City Department Stores’ and ‘Rules for Ritual Insults’, both by William Labov - ‘International English’ by Trudgill / Hannah, chapters presented in class - ‘Accent and Dialects for Stage and Screen’ by Paul Meier Requirements: - Active class participation, 12x3pts=max. 36pts - Final test max. 50pts - Contributions up to 14pts (observations/recordings, presentations bringing a guest) Syllabus W1 – Sep. 24 Introduction. Literature. Terminology. Web sources. Trudgill’s chart. Sources of recordings and tapescripts. Creating one’s own accent. Two collections of errors. Revision: History of English and its spread, geography of the AmE area. Segmental differences between GB and GenAm. An accent and cultural riddle. W2 – Oct. 1 1005 Feedback of students’ suggestions. Revision of USA-5. HW: Study ppt From Middle English to World Englishes in LMs and look fwd to Pavel’s minilecture nxt wk. 1025 Intro of the animated dialect map of AmE from 1035 Dialect map from 1040 Trudgill’s diagram. 1055 USA-5 revised on the Sociopath sketch. 1115 Vanesa and Linda’s research on “-een‘ endings“. 1130 Suprasegmental differences between GB and GenAm. HW: Rachel’s English can x can’t W3 – Oct. 8 - Pavel Čanecký – Present-day AmE as a result of historical development - Latest trends in GB and GenAm (email of Oct. 7) - Students‘ recommendations: Filip, Mariia (just a few words) - Rev. of pre-fortis shortening (Rachel’s English – can vs. can’t) – mention of Jenkin’s LFC, woodchuck Jager. - Hana Vrtalová’s project. Columbus Day discussion and activities. W4 – Oct. 15 In exam booklets: short essay VG: mp3 output in Course-Related Instructions Follow-up on the Sociopath – An Interview with an Applicant exemplifying BrxAmE New York watch - Election 2012 | Scarlett Johansson's Full DNC Speech | The New York Times - YouTubeE [ˈbʌʔəŋ] - Cyndi Lauper Solo Recording We R the World 1985 - YouTube TALKING at 6:30 and 7:00 - If these knishes could talk Recommended by Mariia: - The Dad With The Strongest New York Accent (TikTok compilation) - YouTube - If you don’t believe you have a NY accent SAY THIS WORD - YouTube Labov’s research see youtube: American English is Changing Fast (with William Labov) Yiddish hear monologue Jew at a Restorant: Downeast New England and South Boston - The Bahston Accent — We’ll Miss it When it’s Gone - YouTube - Southie reacts to Whitey Bulger capture - YouTube - Boston Brahmin - YouTube W5 – Oct. 22 Czech patriotic quiz Pavel Čanecký – Sociolinguistics of Accents – based on Wells and Wolfram W6 – Oct. 29 Suggestions and findings by Eva Š. and Mariia M. A quiz in NHL teams K. Tomková’s presentation AMERICAN VOICES in Study Materials>Learning Materials>Theory, encomprising stereotypes and perceptions of: Canada see Jim Carey doing Canadian stereotypes: Mid-West. The West Coast. Southern U.S states and Deep South. Southern weather talk, 3 mins, rec. by Mariia: Things Southerners Say During Bad Weather - YouTube AAVE. W7 – Nov. 5 - LINDA: accents by Jake The English Language in 67 Accents & Random Voices - YouTube - The East: Boston Good Will Hunting, NYC the new Mayor; Ir It Yid; SIMONA BERNIE SANDERS: Bernie Sanders' accent, explained - YouTube NE + Canada, Fr+Scot. Pennsylvania Rocky, Philadelphia. - The Mid-West. LINDA: Yoopers, Trolls (Michigan). - The West - The South: Savannah, Georgia=cultivated, Eastern Kentucky mountain twang, New Orleans urban sounds, West Texas (LINDA: why Lone Star), - Deep South: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana (Cajun), Mississippi, the Florida panhandle, parts of Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, N and S Carolinas to the outer limits of Oklahoma, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia. - the Chicano influence, Gullah - AAVE test by ELLA ocean´s 8 - awkwafina (2:29-3:07) 2. Ariana Grande (1:47-2:07) 3. Cash me outside (1:03-1:11) 4. genuine black accent (short vid – aave real) - The Caribbean feel: DOMINIKA Trinidad Can New Yorkers understand my Caribbean accent for $50?? - YouTube Jamaica Brad Pitt talking patois - Everyting gwarn be iree - YouTube Recommended by Silvie Š.: Trevor Noah, AAVE African American Vernacular English (AAVE) - YouTube; An exercise on U.S. Presidents’s speech W8 – Nov. 12 - Recap, foreview and AmE signature sounds exercise. Air Traffic Control - SNL - YouTube Don't Pray So Much - Saturday Night Live - YouTube Bar Mitzvah Boys behaviour | 2 Broke Girls - YouTube - November lights - The Caribbean (West Indies): Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados, the Leewards, Bahamas. English_in_the_Caribbean.ppt ( Caribbean English - Phonetics&Phonology - YouTube - Overseas varieties based on American English: (Singapore - Learning Singlish (Singaporean English) - Xiaxue's Guide To Life: EP178 - YouTube,) the Philippines (Magdalena), the Hawaii The United States Of Accents: Hawaii English And Pidgin ( HW and suggestion for extending the AMERICAN VOICES material. NO CLASS ON NOV. 19 = READING WEEK online students’ conference W9 – Nov. 26 - Agenda in December; progress of AMERICAN VOICES; Accent Tag - Converting 2 Am phrases into BrE - Speaking practice based on GenAm Signature sounds from Meier (LM THEORY section; 15 blocked-off ppl) and on a topical recording (text 12 ppl; freeze maple leaf; notes into exm bklts). - Kahoot Revision based on newly found recordings by Miloš. - More revision based on videos discovered by Jiří and materials on Caribbean (and Pacific) varieties. - Second-language varieties based on AmE.) W10 – Dec. 3 Online session at: - The latest development in the Caribbean (Barbados!). - Finding by Darina Z: BBC Library Voicebank (Mr Trickle) - Findings by Dominika L: - - Fred Armison Does Every NA Accent 5.57 - - Fred Armison Can Do Any Southern Accent 2.17 - - Emilia Clarke can talk like a Valley girl 3.29 - - Like, Totally 2.20 - Findings and presentation by Markéta B. - - (culture of U.S. South) - - Dielects in Eugene O’Neill’s plays (pptx in LM THEORY) - Pavel Čanecký’s paper on pronunciation programs, apps and tools. W11 – Dec. 10 A hybrid class, in G32 and Findings by Dominika and Anna. MOCK TEST in theory, accent classification and recognition. W12 – Dec. 17 Feedback of MOCK TEST. CREDIT TEST. Results available by Dec. 24. Relevant tapescripts in Collins and Mees, Practical Phonetics and Phonology: 40 – General American 51 – Southern USA (Texas) 52 – Kentucky 53 – Canadian 58 – Singapore 59 – Caribbean (West Indian)