Adobe Systems Kateřina Tomková Prosody, Philosophy, Mentality and Psychology: American vs. British Suprasegmentals 14 February 2020 Adobe Systems Inspiration • • 2 Adobe Systems Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 3 • •GenAm devotion to vowels; •vowels more open, nasal setting • •RP (GB) devotion to consonants Adobe Systems Difference in suprasegmentals # 2 • •voice carries more • •voice carries less Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 5 Adobe Systems Difference in suprasegmentals # 3 • •tempo slower, louder in vol. • •tempo faster, quieter in volume Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 6 Adobe Systems Difference in suprasegmentals # 4 • •volume decreases during utterrance • •volume increases during utterrance Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 7 Adobe Systems Difference in suprasegmentals # 5 •more items stressed • •fewer items stressed Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 8 Adobe Systems Difference in suprasegmentals # 6 •narrower pitch range • •wider pitch range Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 9 Adobe Systems Difference in suprasegmentals # 7 •volume used for emphasis • •pitch used for emphasis Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 10 Adobe Systems Research Questions Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 11 Adobe Systems Research Questions •3 How do non-native speakers enter in the game? Do they automatically transfer the prosodic habits of their own mother tongues into speaking English? • •4 What are the teaching implications? •4b What are the implications of teaching oneself and others corresponding/correct/appropriate/authentic suprasegmentals? •4c More generally, what are the ultimate goals of teaching pronunciation to non-native speakers? Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 12 Adobe Systems Research Questions •5 If this conference seeks to break boundaries, what kind of interdisciplinary study would have to be carried out involving phoneticians, sociolinguists, psycholinguists and psychologists to have all these questions answered? • •6 Any other… ? Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 13 Adobe Systems ANSWERS ? • • • • •NONE. •Any comments, suggestions? Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 14 Adobe Systems Thank you for your kind attention, comments and remarks. Enjoy the rest of this conference, have a happy Valentine‘s and a safe journey home! Tomková: GenAm vs. GB suprasegmentals 15 JU0f2