Philip Sydney Edmund Spenser Samuel Daniel Walter Ralegh Francis Bacon Henry Vaugham John Fletcher HENCE, all you vain delights, As short as are the nights, Wherein you spend your folly: There’s nought in this life sweet If man were wise to see’t, 5 But only melancholy, O sweetest melancholy! Welcome, folded arms, and fixèd eyes, A sigh that piercing mortifies, A look that’s fasten’d to the ground, 10 A tongue chain’d up without a sound! Fountain heads and pathless groves, Places which pale passion loves! Moonlight walks, when all the fowls Are warmly housed save bats and owls! 15 A midnight bell, a parting groan! These are the sounds we feed upon; Then stretch our bones in a still gloomy valley; Nothing’s so dainty sweet as lovely melancholy.