CHAPTER 11 At the Bank Jane needs lo open checking and savings accounts, while Ben has to deposit and change money. In this chapter we will practice how to ask bank tellers to help with banking matters. Opening a Bank Account Jane is talking with a bank teller about opening some bank accounts. Bank Teller: Cháo chj. Chôw chee. Hello. Jane: Cháo anh. Tôi muón m (V mpt tái khoän tiet kiem. Chôw aing. Toh-ee rnoo-óhn múh moht tái khwáhn tyét kyem. Hi. I'd like to open a savings account. Bank Teller: Chi muon gúi váo bao nhiéu tién? Chee moo-úhn gťih-ee vôw bow nyew tyén? How much do you want to deposit? Jane: Näm tram dô ticn mat. Nam jam doh tyén mat. Five hundred dollars in cash. Bank Teller: Chi có dem theo giáy tct tuy than không? Chee káw dem lhe-oo yáy tuh twee than khohyng? Do you have any identification? Jane: Tôi có hô chiéu vä thé ngoai kiéu vói dja chĺ hien tai. Toh-ee káw hoh chyéw váh thé ngwai kyéw vúh-ee dee-a chée hyen tai. 1 have my passport and my alien registration card with my current address. Bank Teller: Tôt läm. Xin chj dien vä ký váo mäu don näy. Tóht lám. Seen chee dyén váh kée vôw môh-oo duhn näh-ee. Very good. Please fill this form out and then sign it. Jane: Côn gi níí'a không? Käwnyée núh-a khohng? Is there anything else? Bank Teller: Da xong rôi. Chi có can gi nu*a không? Yah sawng rôh-ee. Chee káw kirn yee niih-a khohng? It's done. Do you need anything else? 12£ chapter 11 atthe bank 123 Jane: Bank Teller: Jane: Bank Teller: Jane: Bank Teller: Jane: Bank Teller: Tói cüng muön mö' möt täi khoän giao djch. Toh-ee köong moo-óhn muh night täi I also want to open a checking account. Da fluoc. Xin chi chir möt lát. Vá flay lä thě rút tlen mát cůa chj. Bäy giü' xin chi tu chon mfi só cá nhán trén ban phím nay. Yah duh-ak. Seen chee chüh moht láht. Väh day läh thě róot tyěn mat kóo-a chee. Bayyüh seen chee tuh chgwn mäh söh káh nyun jayn báhnféem nah-ee. Sure. Please wait a moment. And here is your ATM card. Now please choose your PIN on this keyboard. Töi phäi chon may so mói an toän? Toh-eefůi chgwn máy sáh múh-ee ahn twähn? How many digits do 1 have lo select to be safe? Sán so cöng fluffc roi. Sáh-oo sóh köong duh-ak röh-ee. Six digits will be fine. Bay gio" töi có thě rút tién ttiroc roi, phäi khöng? Bayyüh toh-ee Icáw théh róot tyěn duh-ak roh-ee, fái khohng? 1 can withdraw some money now, is that right? Da, chi có the den máy rút tien tir dong näo cüng čtuwc. Yah, chee káw thěh dáyn máh-ee róot tyěn tuh dohng nöw köong duh-ak Yes, you can go to any ATM, Cam cm anh. Káhm uhn aing. Thank you. Da khöng có chi. Chäo chj. Yah khohng káw chee. Chów chee. You're welcome. Goodbye. VOCABULARY AND PHRASES mö' müh open (verb) täi khoän täi khwähn account tiét kiem tyet kyem savings gůi väo güh-ee vöw deposit (verb) dö doh dollar tién mat tyen mat cash (noun) dem theo dem the-oo bring along giäy tö' tüy thfin yäy tüh twee thun identification papers hó chiéu höh chyew passport the the card the ngoai kiěu the ngwai kyew alien registration card d ja chi dee-a chee address hi§n tai hyen tai current dien dyen fill out H kee sign (verb) mau don moh-oo duhn form (noun) gi ntřa yee nüh-a anything else xong röi sawng roh-ee done, finished giao dich yow yeek checking rút tiěn root tyen withdraw money thé rút tiěn mät the root tyen mat ATM card tu1 tuh oneself chon chgwn select mä so cá nhän mäh söh käh nyun PIN bán phim bähnfeem keyboard an toän ahn twähn safe có the... diroc käw iheh ... duh-ak can (emphatic) phäi khöng? fäi khohng? is that right? máy rút tiěn ttr dong mäh-ee röot tyen tuh dohng ATM thě cir trú the kuh jöo a residence card 124 chapter 11 atthe bank 125 PATTERN PRACTICE 1 ■ Do you have any identification? Chi Chee You co kdw yes dem theo dem the-oo bring along giay tit tuy than khong? ydy tuh twee thun khohng? papers identification no? T have my passport. Toi CO ho chieu. Toh-ee käw hoh chyew. I have a passport. Toi CO bang läi. Toh-ee käw bang läi. I have a driver's license. Toi c6 the cu' tru. Toh-ee käw the kith/60. I have a residence card. GRAMMAR NOTE J The Word M6M = "Just" or 'Then" M6i (muh-ee), or "just (a short time ago)" when between a subject and verb of a sentence, can also link clauses and phrases, and means "then" or "consequently". PATTERN PRACTICE 2 ■ How many digits do I have to select to be safe? Toi phäi clion may so moi an loan? Toh-ee fäi chawn may sah müh-ee ahn twahri? I have to select how many digits then safe? Töi phäi cho1 may "gay m6i nhan duoc the? Toh-ee fäi chiih may ngäh-ee müh-ee nyun duh-ak the? 1 have to wait how many days then receive card? Toi phäi dien may man don moi xong thu tnc? Toh-ee fäi dyen may moh-00 duhn müh-ee sawng thoo took? I have to fill out how many forms then finish procedure? Six dibits will be fine. Sau sö cüng duffc roi. Sah-00 söh köong duh-ak roh-ee. Six digits also okay already. Khoang n3m ngay lam vice. Khwahng nam ngah-ee lahrn vyek. About five days business. Hai mau don thoi. Hai moh-00 duhn thoh-ee. Two forms only. EXERCISE SET1 Practice the following conversation: You: Hello. (She is younger than your parents.) Bank Teller: Do you have any identification? You: 1 have my residence card and my passport. Bank Teller: Very good. Now please fill out and sign this form. EXERCISE SET 2 Practice the following conversation: You: How many forms do I have to fill out to complete the procedure? Bank Teller: Only two. You: Very good. Bank Teller: Here is your cash card. Now please select your PIN on this keyboard. You: How many digits should I select to be safe? Bank Teller: Six will be fine. 126 chapter 11 at the bank 127 ■iMwcwma Depositing 8 Exchanging Money Ben is talking with a bank teller. Bank Teller: Cháo anh. Chów aing. Hello. Ben: Cháo chj. Toi muon gui so tiěn náy váo tái khoán tiét krém. Chów chce. Toh-ee moo-óhn báw sóh tyěn náh-ee vów tái khwáhn tyét kyem. Hi. I'd like to deposit this sum of money into my savings account. Bank Teller: Xin anh cho xem the rút tiěn mát. Seen aing chaw sem the root tyěn mat. Please let me see your ATM card. Ben: Xin 16i chi. Toi quěn dem theo the. Co each náo chj giúp tói duirc killing? Seen loh-ee chee. Toh-ee kwayn dem the-oo thě. Káw káik now cheeyóop toh-ee duh-ak khohng? I'm sorry. I forgot to bring my card. Is there any way you can help me? Bank Teller: Anh có the cho xem giáy to" ruy than. Aing káw thěh chaw sem yáy tuh twěe thun. Please show me your identification papers. (Literally, "You can show me ....") Ben: Tói có thě cu' trú. Toh-ee káw the cuh jóo. I have my residence card. Bank Teller: The cir trú cung duffe. Báy gió1 xin anh diěn váo mau den náy. Thě hůl jóo kdong duh-ak. Bayyith seen aing dyěn vów moh-oo duhn náh-ee. Your residence card will be fine. Now please fill out this form. The bank teller proceeds to count the money. Bank Teller: Hai trám dó, phái khóng? Hai jam doh, fái khohng? Two hundred dollars, is that right? Ben: Phái. A náy, hói suát hóm nay lá bao nhiéu? Fái. Ah náh-ee, hóh-ee swůt hohm nah-ee láh bow nyew? Right. By the way, what's the exchange rate today? Bank Teller: Hai miroi mót ngán dóng cho m§t dó. Hai muh-a-ee móht ngáhn dóhng chaw moht doh. Twenty-one thousand dong to the dollar. Ben: Bank Teller: Ben: Bank Teller: Ben: Bank Teller: Ben: Phäi. Tôi mnou doi môt trám dô. Fái. Toh-ee moo-óhn dóh-ee moht jam doh. Right. I'd like to exchange one hundred dollars. Da day. Xin anh dém lai tién xem có du chua. Yah day. Seen aing dáym lai tyén sem káw dóo chiih-a. Here you are. Please count the money and make sure that it's all there. Tot lám. Bú cä. Tóht lám. Doo káh. Very good. It's all there. Anh cán gi níŕa không? Aing kun yée nuh-a khohng? Do you need anything else? Cho tôi xin bién lai. Chaw toh-ee seen byen lai. I'd like a receipt, please. Da day. Cam on anh dä dén ngän häng näy. Yah day. Káhm uhn aing däh dáyn ngun háhng náy-ee. Here you are. Thanks for coming to this bank. Không có chi. Chäo chi. Khohng káw chee. Chów chee. You're welcome. Goodbye. VOCABULARY AND PHRASES so tien sóh tyén sum of money quěn kwayn forget phäi fái right, correct hôi suát hóh-ee swút exchange rate doi dóh-ee exchange (verb) drní lai dáym lai count xem sem see if, make sure bién lai byen lai receipt chuyén tiěn chwén tyén transfer money liliím tien nyun tyěn receive money Iŕ phí lehfée fee 128 chapter 11 PATTERN PRACTICE 1 ■ I forgot to bring my card. Is there any way you can help me? Toi quén dem theo the. Có each náo chi giúp toi duwe khöng? Toh-ee kwayn dem the-oo thě. Káw káik nöw cheeyóop toh-ee duh-ak khohng? I forgot bring along card. There is way which you can help me no? Hö chiéu cua toi bi än cáp. Có each näo ch| giúp toi duoc khöng? Höh chyéw köo-a toh-ee bee an káp. Káw káik nöw cheeyóop toh-ee duh-ak khohng? Passport of I passive voice marker stolen. There is way which you can help me no? Tói mát giäy tčrtůy than. Có each näo chj giúp toi dupe kh6iig? Toh-ee mútyáy tüh twěe thun. Káw káik nöw cheeyóop toh-ee duh-ak khohng? I lost papers identification. There is way which you can help lue no? ■ Please show me your identification papers. Ann có the cho xcm giäy to1 tuy than. Aing káw thěh chaw sem yáy tuh twěe thun. You can show papers identification. Anh có thi důng thě or trú hoäc thě ngoai kiéu. Aing káw thěh yöong the cuh jóo hwak thě ngwai kyěw. You can use card residence or card alien registration. Anh có thě nói chuyen vói giám doc quän lý ngän häng. Aing káw thěh nóy chwyen vúh-eeyáhm dóhk kwáhn lée ngun hahng. You can talk with manager bank. PATTERN PRACTICE 2 Please count the money and make sure that it's all there. Xin dem lai tien xem co du chua. Seen daym lai (yen sem kdw doo chuh-a. Please count money see if there is all yet. Xin kie'm tra lai giay to* xem co thieu gi khong. Seen kyem jah laiyäy tüh sem kdw thyew yee khohng. Please look over papers see if there is missing anything no. Xin nhin lai cäc mlu don xcm da ky het chua. Seen nheen lai kdhk möh-oo duhn sem dah kee hayt chuh-a. Please look at plural marker form see if past tense marker sign all yet. It's all there. Dii ca. Döo hah. Enough all. Cön thigu the or trii. Käwn thyew the kuh jöo. Still missing card residence. Ky het roi. Kee hayt roh-ee. Sign all already. EXERCISE SET 3 Practice the following conversation. You: I'd like to deposit 400 dollars into my savings account. Bank Teller: Do you have any identification'.' You: I'm sorry. I forgot to bring my identification papers. Is there any way you can help me? Bank Teller: You can talk with the bank manager. EXERCISE SET 4 Practice the following conversation. You: What's the exchange rate today? Bank Teller: Twenty-four thousand dong to the dollar. You: I'd like to exchange two hundred dollars. Bank Teller: Do you have your cash card? You; I'm sorry. I forgot to bring it, but I have my passport. Bank Teller: Very good. Now please fill out this form... Here's the money. Please count it and make sure that it's all there. You: Very good. It's all there. I'd like a receipt, please. efm y kien ciia Hoa ve email nay. I need your opinion of this email. Chäo anh Quy. Vq- chfing anh cr> khöe khong? Thw bay nay, neu anh chi ränh tfii xin mm anh chi di an toi 6' Nha Häng Ngon. Lau roi chüng ta chu'a co dip gap nhau. Cam o'n anh va mong thu' ciia anh. Than men, Jane. "Hi Quy. How are you and your wife doing? This Saturday, if both of you are free, I would like to invite you to have dinner at Ngon Restaurant. We haven't had the chance to meet for so long. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon. Affectionately, Jane.'