Week 1: Introduction Richard Nowell and Sarka Gmiterkova ¨Structure ¨ ¨Introductions and Course Overview ¨ ¨Discussion: Producing Essays ¨ ¨ ¨Targeted Learning Outcome ¨ ¨Course purpose, structure, methods, assessments, and expectations. ¨Organization: 12 x 90-minute Seminars (more on this shortly) ¨ ¨Instructors: Sarka and Richard! ¨ ¨Focus: Helping you to produce high-impact assessments ¨ ¨Approaches: Discussion, self-reflection, and practice ¨ ¨Goals: Transferable frameworks and skills for your degree ¨ ¨Purpose: To make research and delivery less intimidating ¨ ¨ ¨Purpose: Familiarize students with continental essay protocols ¨ ¨Assessment: 6-8-page original research paper ¨ ¨Grading: A-F ¨ ¨Due Date: Midnight CET Sunday 15 January 2023. ¨ ¨Research: A topic of your choosing relevant to your degree program ¨ ¨Sources: Use a wide range of secondary sources (many available online) ¨ ¨Presentation: Paragraphed, 12 Font Times New Roman, 1.5 or 2 spaced ¨ ¨1. A topic of appropriate breadth to showcase original analysis ¨ ¨2. Evidence of a suitable number of well-chosen primary sources ¨ ¨3. Evidence of a suitable number of well-chosen secondary sources ¨ ¨4. Evidence of original thinking and critical analysis ¨ ¨5. Evidence of a clear argumentation ¨ ¨6. Evidence of argument/evidence based organization of the paper ¨ ¨7. Evidence of reader-friendly writing ¨ ¨8. Evidence of thorough and accurate referencing ¨ ¨Project Development Seminars (x 3) ¨“Topics”, “Primary Sources”, and “Secondary Sources” ¨ ¨Project Execution Seminars (x 2) ¨“Arguments” and “Organization” ¨ ¨Project Presentation Seminars (x2) ¨“Writing” and “Referencing” ¨ ¨Analysis Refresher Seminars (x 2) ¨TBC ¨ ¨Work in Progress Seminars (x2) ¨Midway through, and towards the end of the course ¨ Week Date Topic Instructor 1 22.09.22 Introduction Nowell 2 29.09.22 Project Development Seminar I: Topics Nowell 3 06.10.22 Project Development Seminar II: Primary Sources Gmiterkova 4 13.10.22 Project Development Seminar III: Secondary Sources Gmiterkova 5 20.10.22 Analysis Refresher Seminar I Nowell 6 27.10.22 Work-in-Progress Seminar I Gmiterkova 7 03.11.22 Project Execution Seminar I: Arguments Nowell 8 10.11.22 Analysis Refresher Seminar II Gmiterkova 9 17.11.22 NO CLASS (NATIONAL HOLIDAY) 10 24.11.22 Project Execution Seminar II: Organization Nowell 11 01.12.22 Work-in-Progress Seminar II Gmiterkova 12 08.12.22 Project Presentation Seminar I: Writing Nowell 13 15.12.22 Project Presentation Seminar II: Referencing Gmiterkova ¨What is your history of essay writing? ¨ ¨How did you go about producing your most recent essay? ¨ ¨What are the advantages of your approach? ¨ ¨What are the challenges of doing this your way? ¨ ¨What do you like most about essay writing? ¨ ¨What do you like least? ¨ ¨ ¨The ways we tend to approach the production of academic outputs tend to increase pressure and decrease the quality of our work ¨ ¨Folks tend to approach this part of academic life as a series of private events, wherein they labor in isolation to produce a single manuscript ¨ ¨To maximize the quality of our academic outputs – and our grades – we may wish to rethink this approach by revising these approaches a little ¨ ¨The first step in so doing may be to replace private-events with semi-public processes, wherein we talk through our ideas and redraft work ¨ ¨Self-tailoring this approach, however, is predicated on having a good general sense about what we want to write about. Which brings us to … ¨ ¨ ¨Date: 29.09.222 ¨ ¨Instructor: Richard ¨ ¨Topic: Project Development Seminar 1: Topics ¨ ¨Outcome: An academically viable & manageable research topic ¨ ¨Preparation: Think of a topic relevant to your degree program that interests you, which may form the basis of your research paper. ¨