Russian For Beginners Světlana Michálková + esson-vocabulary I Describing Foreign Languages (38) Personal Pronouns: Subject and Object Forms (55) + In Chapter 1 you learned the direct object forms of personal pronouns (me, you, him, etc. Меня зовут, тебя зовут … ). In this lesson you will learn the subject forms. Subject Object Singular 1st person 2nd person 3rd person Plural 1st person 2nd person 3rd person я I ты you он/она he/she мы we вы you они they меня me тебя you его/её him/her нас us вас you их them Exercise p. 55 Verb Conjunction: Group I and II (55) + Dictionaries and vocabularies list verbs bу the infinitive, the basic form. + Most infinitives end in -ТЬ. + Russian verbs аrе conjugated: each person has а different form. + Modern English has lost different forms for verb conjugation, except for the third-person singular (I speak, he/she speaks). Many languages, however, hаvе different forms for different persons. + Russian verbs fall into оnе of two conjugation groups. Whether а certain verb belongs to the first оr second conjugation group is usually predictable, but sometimes has to bе learned. Verb Conjunction: Group I and II (56) group I II infinitive понимать (understand) говорить (speak) stem понима… говор… sg. 1st pers. 2nd pers. 3rd pers. pl. 1st pers. 2nd pers. 3rd pers. я понимаю ты понимаешь он/она понимает мы понимаем вы понимаете они понимают Ю/У ЕШЬ ЕТ ЕМ ЕТЕ ЮТ/УТ я говорю ты говоришь он/она говорит мы говорим вы говорите они говорят Ю/У ИШЬ ИТ ИМ ИТЕ ЯТ/АТ Verb Conjunction: Group I and II (56) +Тhе endings аrе added to the present tense stem of the verb. +The first-person singular (I) has the same ending [u], spelled -ю or -у in both conjugation groups. +The vowel in second-person singular through second-person plural ( you sg., he/she, we, you pl.) endings is -е in the first conjugation and -и in the second conjugation. +Тhе third-person plural (they) ends in [ut], spelled -ют or -ут in the first conjugation and in [at], spelled -ят or -ат in the second conjugation. Exercise 2 p. 56 Exercise 3 p. 56 Negative Sentences (57) Exercise 4 p. 57 Intonation In Questions 57-58 Exercise 5 p. 58 Exercise 6 p. 58 Exercise 7 p. 58 ПОНИМАТЬ/ГОВОРИТЬ (38-39) ПОНИМАТЬ/ГОВОРИТЬ (38-39) Conjunction AND and BUT Лена и Миша говорят по-русски. Lena and Misha speak Russian. Лена говорит по-русски и по-английски Lena speaks Russian and English. Меня зовут Мария. А вас как зовут? My name is Maria. And what is your name? Я говорю по-русски. А вы? I speak Russian. And you? Я говорю по-русски хорошо, а по-английски плохо. I speak Russian well and/but English poorly. Я хорошо понимаю по-английски, но очень плохо говорю. I understand English well, but speak very poorly. Exercise 8 p. 59 Adverbs versus Adjectives + In this chapter you will learn some adverbs that answer the question Как? (How?). Whereas adjectives agree with the noun in gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter), adverbs have one form only. You can form adverbs from many adjectives bу adding -о to the stem. Pay attention to the stress shift in some pairs. Exercise 9 p. 60 Exercise 10 p. 60 Talk About Your Classmates (42) Questions