Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Electronic information resources for PhD students Mgr. Pavla Martinková Ústřední knihovna FF MU 24. 11. 2021 1 Adobe Systems 2 Introduction Adobe Systems 3 Electronic resources 101 What’s out there ̶journals & articles ̶books & chapters ̶news(papers) ̶video & audio materials ̶images (e.g. museum collections) ̶specific materials (e.g. manuscript scans) ̶data ̶facts ̶ Adobe Systems 4 Scientific databases ̶full texts & other media ̶bibliographical data / abstracts ̶citation databases ̶factographic ̶subject-specific or multi-subject Electronic resources 101 Adobe Systems 5 Electronic resources 101 Why ̶“all in one” ̶curated and (should be) trustworthy ̶peer-reviewed materials ̶library / provider curation ̶basic and advanced search options ̶browsing (e.g. thesauri) Adobe Systems 6 Electronic resources 101 Where and how ̶MU portal ezdroje.muni.cz ̶Discovery service discovery.muni.cz ̶Google Scholar scholar.google.com ̶ ̶different strategies ̶tips & tricks Adobe Systems 7 Strategies ̶use precise keywords ̶topic description ̶combinations ̶ ̶start with specific resource / query ̶e.g. relevant source you already know ̶start broadly and refine later ̶refining queries with wildcards and booleans ̶refining results with database / search engine specific filtres ̶browse Adobe Systems 8 Tip 1: controlled vocabularies / thesauri ̶browsing tools ̶selected terms for describing database content ̶thesaurus has hierarchy ̶usualy in subject-specific databases ̶example: EBSCOhost web Adobe Systems 9 Tip 2: refining queries ̶"" for exact phrase ̶"art brut" ̶ ̶* asterisk ? question mark (wildcards) ̶wom?an = woman OR women ̶futur* = futurism OR futuristic OR futurists OR future Adobe Systems 10 Tip 3: booleans ̶art AND society (both terms) ̶art OR artists (at least one of the terms) ̶art NOT digital (without the second term) Adobe Systems 11 Tip 4: citation management tools ̶one place for organizing all your citations ̶desktop or web apps ̶free or paid ̶personal or shared libraries ̶plug-ins for browsers and text editors ̶different functions: notes, file upload, tags, … ̶e.g. Citace PRO, Zotero, Mendeley, and many more Adobe Systems 12 ezdroje.muni.cz ̶list of everything available at MU ̶updates (trials, new resources) ̶guides (remote access, Full Text Finder) Adobe Systems 13 discovery.muni.cz ̶one query to most (not all) of the databases available at MU ̶advanced search options and results refining ̶user account to save sources, queries, create alerts, and more Adobe Systems 14 scholar.google.com ̶open and also licensed resources ̶for MU resources: active VPN + Settings > Library links > Masaryk ̶advanced search options and filtres (less then Discovery) ̶Google account to save sources, create alerts, and more ̶Google Scholar Button (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) Adobe Systems 15 Tip 5: Have you tried… 1.use Full Text Finder 2.check List of available books and journals in Discovery 3.contact the library 4.search for printed version 5.utilize Open Access ̶browser plug-ins (Unpaywall, OA Button) 6.SciHub or Libgen or not? Adobe Systems 16 Printed books Examples I | Books Electronic books ̶Library catalogues ̶katalog.muni.cz (MU libraries) ̶Knihovny.cz (Czech libraries) ̶Worldcat.org (world libraries) ̶E-prezenčka (E-loans) service ̶ 🗸 = available via Discovery ̶ ̶Digital libraries ̶FA Digital library ̶Czech digital library ̶ ̶E-books ̶🗸 ProQuest Ebook Central ̶🗸 Oxford Handbooks ̶🗸 Sage Knowledge ̶Project Gutenberg ̶Standard Ebooks Adobe Systems 17 Multi-subject databases Examples II | Databases Subject-specific databases ̶🗸 JSTOR ̶🗸 Taylor & Francis ̶🗸 Science Direct ̶ProQuest Central ̶🗸 SpringerLink ̶🗸 Wiley ̶ ̶ ̶GALE Literary Sources ̶Arts & Humanities (ProQuest) ̶🗸 Oxford Music Online ̶Beckett Digital Manuscript Project ̶PressReader ̶Artsor ̶only until Dec 2021 ̶more in our Subject Guides Adobe Systems 18 Examples III | Open Access ̶open repositories ̶CORE: meta-search ̶DOAR (Directory of OA Repositories) ̶Re3data: data repositories ̶DOAJ ̶Directory of OA Journals ̶arXiv ̶preprints ̶Internet Archive ̶public domain works and other content ̶Europeana, Google Arts & Culture ̶cultural herritage Adobe Systems 19 Central library in a nutshell ̶research support ̶lessons and consultations ̶academic publishing ̶Open Science (publications and data) ̶resource acquisition ̶both printed and electronic ̶purchase suggestion form ̶ILL (Inter-Library Loan Service) ̶place for study ̶individual study places ̶group study rooms ̶makerspace Central Library, autumnal picture Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Thank you for your time Mgr. Pavla Martinková I‘ll gladly answer your questions at martinkova@phil.muni.cz 20 Contact us at knihovna@phil.muni.cz More information at knihovna.phil.muni.cz Updates on facebook.com/knihovnaffmu We are also on instagram.com/knihovnaffmu