Ziková, Markéta When prosody follows syntax: verbal stems in Czech Linguistica Brunensia. 2016, vol. 64, iss. 1, pp. 163-185 ISSN 1803-7410 (print); ISSN 2336-4440 (online) Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/13s4s6 Access Date: 15.12. 2023 Version: 20220831 Terms of use: Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use, unless otherwise specified. IVI U U I MaaaTV.kmB unh,eraita Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts, . _ _ _ Masaryk University n K I O digilib.phil.muni.cz Markéta Ziková WHEN PROSODY FOLLOWS SYNTAX: VERBAL STEMS IN CZECH Abstract This paper examines syntactic and prosodic constituency within a verbal stem in Czech. Working in the frameworks of Nanosyntax and Strict CV, I argue that syntax-to-prosody mapping is direct to the extent that prosodic domains correspond to particular syntactic constituents. On the basis of two vocalic alternations, namely vowel-zero alternations in verbal prefixes and roots and alternations in vowel length in roots and theme suffixes, I show that the perfective verbal stem represented by a linear string prefix-root-theme is parsed into three prosodic constituents, [prefix-root], [root-theme] and [prefix-root-theme]. These prosodic domains correspond to three syntactic constituents: VP and a lower and higher projection of the theme suffix respectively. The crucial point of the syntactic analysis is that the prefix undergoes phrasal movement: it is generated next to the root in VP and when the theme is added, it moves to its specifier. In the [prefix-root] constituent, the vocalization pattern of the prefix is established. The constituents comprising theme suffixes are prosodic domains in which a general rule (called the infinitival template) operates; this rule in effect lengthens underlying long vowels in monosyllabic infinitives. Keywords Syntax-Phonology Interface; Verbal Stem; Prosodic Template; Vowel Length Alternations; Vowel-Zero Alternations; Czech. l. Introduction In Czech (and Slavic languages generally), morphology of perfective verbs proto-typically consists of a root flanked by a verbal prefix and a theme suffix respec- Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech tively. I will call this three-piece string the perfective verbal stem (for a lack of abetter term). (1) Perfective verbal stem in Czech prefix-root-theme The goal of this paper is to show that the three morphological pieces in (1) are grouped into different prosodic constituents, which is revealed through two vocalic alternations. The first type is a vowel-zero alternation occuring in prefixes like roz- 'apart'. These prefixes come in two shapes: they either end in the actual consonant (roz-), or they have an additional ("epenthetic") vowel after this consonant (roze-). I will refer to these shapes as a C-version of a C-(final) prefix, and a V-version of a C-prefix respectively. Examples in (2) illustrate that for the prefix shape, only the root is relevant and the theme plays no role. (2) V-zero alternations in prefixes C-CCVC V-CC-V sort through roz-tfid-i-t roze-tf-i-t spread trench roz-brdzd-i-t roze-br-a-t take apart In table (2), we have infinitives of two verbs 'sort through' and 'spread', both starting with the C-final prefix roz-. We can see that the prefix appears in a C-version (roz-tfidit) and V-version (roze-tfit) respectively even though it is followed by the identical string of segments tfi.1 However, the distribution of the prefix versions is not random: it obviously correlates with morphological structure. When the string tfi is morphologically parsed as a root, the prefix is C-final: roz-tfid-i-t. But when it is parsed as being heteromorphemic, i.e., the vowel 1 is a theme suffix, the prefix appears in its V-final shape: roze-tf-i-t. And the same pattern is repeated in the pair roz-brdzd-i-t and roze-br-a-t. The fact that vowelless roots systematically trigger prefix vocalization indicates that the vocalization pattern is established before the theme vowel is spelled out. In that case the verbal stem contains a prosodic sub-constituent circumscribed in (3). (3) Prefix-root prosodic constituency [prefix-root]-theme 1 In this paper, I use Czech spelling where long vowels are marked by an acute accent. Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech Let us now move from prefixes to theme suffixes. They also come in different shapes which are based on alternations in vocalic length. The theme-alternation pattern is shown in (4). (4) Length alternations in theme suffixes: infinitive vs. past participle infinitive: VV past participle: V gloss tf-i-t tf-e-l rub Ist-i-t lst-i-l outwit br-d-t br-a-l take The table shows that theme vowels combining with CC-roots alternate between short and long depending on the morphosyntactic environment: the long themes are followed by the infinitive suffix -t, their short cousins occur before the past participle suffix -I. In the table, the first two rows show the pattern when the infinitive theme is -1 and its participial cousin is a short vowel, which is either -e or -i. In the last row, a similar pattern occurs with -d and -a. Now let us look at what happens when these forms are prefixed. In that case, two patterns arise, as shown in (5). (5) Length alternations in theme suffixes: i/e-pattern vs a-pattern i/e-pattern a-pattern CC-i-t pref-CC-i-t pref-CC-i/e-1 CC-a-t pref-CC-a-t pref-CC-a-1 tf-i-t roze-tf-i-t roze-tf-e-l br-d-t roze-br-a-t roze-br-a-l Ist-i-t obe-lst-i-t obe-lst-i-l In the i/e-pattern, the addition of the prefix has no phonological effect: the theme vowel is long in both the simple and the prefixed infinitive (tf-i-t, roze-tf-i-t) and short in both types of past participles (tf-e-l, roze-tf-e-l). This, however, is not a case with the a-pattern. In the a-pattern, only both types of past participles, i.e. simple and prefixed, agree in the theme quantity (br-a-l, roze-br-a-l). The infinitive forms, on the other hand, show variation: the simple infinitive has a long vowel (br-d-t), while its prefixed cousin has a short vowel (roze-br-a-t). What do these facts tell us about prosodic constituency? Following Caha - Scheer (2008), I assume that theme vowels are lexically short and undergo lengthening due to the prosodic constraint triggered by the infinitive context. From this perspective, the fact that in the i/e-pattern lengthening occurs in both simple and prefixed infinitives can be captured if we assume that the prefix does not contribute to the infinitival template. In that case, the prefix and the theme vowel must each be a part of a separate prosodic domain. In the a-pattern, on the other hand, where the addition of the prefix prevents the theme Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech -a from lengthening, the prefix and the root will be computed within a single domain. In sum, the two theme-alternating patterns reveal two more types of pro-sodic consituency of the verbal stem. (ó) Root-theme and prefix-root-theme prosodic constituency i/e-pattern: prefix-[root-theme] a-pattern: [prefix-root-theme] Putting all the pieces together, the perfective verbal stem represented by the linear string prefix-root-theme is parsed into several prosodic constituents. The prefix-root constituent is relevant to all stems, because all CC-roots trigger prefix vocalization regardless which type of theme vowel they combine with. By contrast, the constituent in which the quantity of the theme vowel is defined varies in size depending whether it includes a prefix or not. (7) Two patterns of prosodic constituency Looking at table (7), a-stems and i/e-stems show different prosodic grouping. In cisterns, there is a subset-superset relation between the two constituents. This can be easily captured by a cyclic derivation where the phonological material derived in the first cycle is included as a whole in the next cycle. However, when applied to i/e-stems, this simple explanation fails. In this case, both constituents are equal in size and overlap only partially: one includes the root plus the prefix, the other the root plus the theme. In what follows I propose a solution to this prosodic constituency puzzle based on a general idea that syntax-to-prosody mapping is direct to the extent that "phonology need not to build its own domains, but can merely operate over the strings it receives from the syntax directly" (Samuels 2011, 582). 2. Syntactic structure of the verbal stem and its spell out Existing analyses of syntactic structure of verbal stems in Slavic have two common ingredients. First, they assume that at some point in derivation, the prefix forms a single syntactic constituent with the root. The second ingredient is the assumption that prefixes undergo movement. The differences are at which point in the derivation the prefix-root constituent is established and which type of movement prefixes undergo; see e.g. Babko-Malaya (2003), Svenonius (2004), Gribanova (2009), among many others. prefix vocalization theme quantity a-stems [prefix-root] [prefix-root-theme] i/e-stems [prefix-root] [root-theme] Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech For reasons of space, I do not discuss the various proposals in detail. Instead, I adopt a syntactic structure proposed by Caha - Zikova (2015), inspired by a work on Germanic particles by Taraldsen (2000) and a work on Slavic prefixes by Svenonius (2004). The structure of the verbal stem is shown in (8). Here, the prefix and the root are generated inside VP. When this constituent is merged with a functional projection headed by the theme vowel (FP), the prefix moves to Spec,FP and as a consequence it scopes over the whole stem.2 (8) Recall that on the basis of the behaviour of the two vocalic alternations, we have identified three prosodic constituents within the verbal stem. Their correspondence to syntactic constituents is summarized in the following table. The prefix-root constituent, in which the vocalization pattern of C-prefixes is established, corresponds to the VP. The root-theme constituent, identified in i/e-stems, corresponds to the lower projection of the FP. Finally, the constituent comprising the whole stem, matches the topmost projection of the FP. (9) Syntactic and prosodic constituency syntax prosody VP <-» [prefix-root] lower FP <-» [root-theme] higher FP <-» [prefix-root-theme] 2 I do not discuss here what the exact nature of the FP hosting a theme vowel is. However, since Slavic theme vowels are usually claimed to be connected to argument structure and event structure, which are traditionally associated with v and Asp heads, then the F is in fact a shorthand for a more fine-grained sequence of functional projections; see e.g. Svenonius (2014), inter alia. Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech The crucial point of our analysis is that the prefix moves from the VP to the Spec,FP. This type of movement creating the structure in (8) is proposed in Caha -Zikova (2015). In that paper, we draw a parallel between Germanic verbal particles which alternate between bound morphemes, i.e. prefixes, and free morphemes, and Czech verbal prefixes which show alternation in vowel length;3 compare e.g. an English noun-verb pair out-come, where the particle is prefixed to the root, and come out, in which the particle is free and follows the verb with its Czech analogue vy-stup and vy-stoupit, where the prefix is long and short respectively. We claim that the separability of the particle on the one hand and the shortness of the prefix on the other are both responses to the same thing, namely to the fact that the prefix moves out of the VP.4 The second argument for the prefix movement scenario such as outlined in (8) comes from the behaviour of i-stems. Recall that when themes -e or -i are merged with a vowelless root, they undergo lengthening in the infinitival context (marked by the suffix-t). And this lengthening happens in both simple and prefixed infinitives; compare infinitives mz-x-t 'drizzle' and za-mz-i-t cloud' (the theme is long) with past participle forms mz-i-l and za-mz-i-l (the theme is short). In what follows, I argue that this pattern can be understood if the prefix moves higher than the theme, i.e., higher than FP. The scopus of the templatic domain which controls quantity of themes -i and -e is shown in (10). Here we have the structure of the infinitive form after prefix movement. We can see that the lower FP constituent contains just two pieces: a verbal root (which is part of the remnant VP constituent) and a theme. This lower FP thus corresponds to a templatic domain seen in i/e- stems. (10) Infinitive templatic domains InfP FP-a Inf prefix ->PP FP-i/-e root -> VP F infinitive suffix theme 3 According to their phonological behaviour, verbal prefixes in Czech fall into three groups: 1. C-final prefixes which show vowel-zero alternantions at their end, 2. V-final prefixes whose final vowel alternates between short and long (e.g. pro~prů [u:], prostřelit - průstřel shoot through sth., bullet hole'), and 3. V-final prefixes with non-alternating short vowels (e.g. do-, dostřelit - dostřel shoot to sth., range of fire'). This article deals only with the first group, the second two groups are analyzed in the cited paper. 4 We furthermore argue that the difference in ordering - in Germanic the particle either precedes the verb or follows it, but in Czech it is always pre-verbal - results from the fact that verb movement works differently in Germanic and Czech. Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech In a-stems, the infinitive templatic domain is bigger because only simple infinitives show the long theme -a: compare hn-á-t, hn-a-l 'propel, inf., past part.' vs. za-hn-a-t, za-hn-a-l. In (10), this bigger domain corresponds to a higher FP.5 To sum up, two templatic domains correspond to two projections of the FP. The smaller one comprises the F head and its phrasal complement, i.e., the VP, the bigger one contains also a phrasal adjunct, i.e., the PP. These domains can thus be defined in terms of structural adjacency: the lower FP is a sister of PP, the higher is a sister of InfP. Now let us move on to the last prosodic constituent, i.e., VP. As we have already seen, VP is the prosodic domain in which the vocalization pattern of the prefix is established. This can be done only if the syntactic structure of the verbal stem in (8) undergoes multiple spell out. I adopt a Nanosyntactic approach to spell out (Caha 2009), where lexical insertion targets both terminal and non-terminal syntactic nodes (the so called phrasal spell out). A consequence of this is that spell out is not category-specific (as is assumed by phase-based models like Distributed Morphology), but it is tried at every merge. This means that the lexicon is searched serially to find an appropriate lexical entry, i.e., the entry matching a given syntactic structure. Under this view, it follows directly that the VP being a merger of the prefix and the root is a prosodic domain. Moreover, if the prefix undergoes movement after having been spelled out, leaving the root in situ, then information about syntactic constituency must be preserved during the spell out. This is what is proposed by Newell (2008) or Šurkalovič (2011), among others. To conclude this section, table (11) summarizes syntactic structure of the three prosodic constituents of the perfective verbal stem. The next two sections provide a detailed look at how their phonological structure is computed. 5 According to the analysis proposed here, the difference in phonological behaviour of both types of stems follows from the difference in the size of the templatic domains. In other words, the infinitive stem has the same structure in both cases and what differs is which of its parts is under the scope of the templatic restriction. However, one could consider an alternative analysis, according to which things are the other way round. In that case, what would differ is not the size of the template itself, but the syntactic structure of the infinitive. In other words, an interpretation of the fact that in i/e-stems, the prefix is out of the templatic domain could simply be that its landing site is not Spec,FP, as in a-stems, but Spec,InfP. But this alternative makes an unattested prediction, such as different scopal relations between the prefix and the infinitive. In fact, we have no evidence that a-infinitives and i/e-infinitives would systematically differ with respect to their aspectual features. For an argument that the infinitive suffix never contributes to the template and hence must be out of the templatic domain see Section 4.1. Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech (11) a. [prefix-root] b. [root-theme] c. [prefix-root-theme] vocalization pattern inf. template: i/e-stems inf. template: a-stems VP FP FP VP F ^ l-il root 3. Vowel-zero alternations root In this section, I examine vowel-zero alternations which appear in C-final prefixes (and roots as well). First I show that their distribution is derivable from the phonological structure of the root. Then I turn to arguments showing that the vocalization pattern can be understood if it happens before the prefix movement. As has already been mentioned, Czech has a set of verbal prefixes which can appear either in a consonant- or vowel-final version; I call them C-prefixes with C- and V-versions. With respect to their phonological structure, C-prefixes form two groups: prefixes with vowelless C-versions is(e)-, z(e)-, v(e)-, and vz(e)-) and prefixes whose C-versions contain both consonants and vowels ipb(e)-, od(e)-, pod(e)-, nad(e)-, pfed(e)-, and roz(e)-). Gribanova - Blumenfeld (2013) analyze vowel-zero alternations in Russian C-final prepositions and show that they are driven either phonotactically or lexically: a preposition either vocalizes due to general phonotactic constraints like *#ssC (e.g. /so sv/etom'withlight', /so sk/orosVu'with speed'), or phonotactics plays no role (e.g. /v mn/ozestve 'in a mathematical set'). And this is precisely what we see by looking at Czech prefixes. Examples of vocalization patterns that are triggered by a phonotactic constraint which rules out word-initial geminates (*#CC) are shown in table (12). The left part of the table shows that if the merger of a given C-prefix would produce an initial geminate, its V-version is always choosen: roots syp 'pour' and val 'roll' combine with vocalized prefixes se- and ve- respectively. The emergence of initial heterogeneous clusters (v-sypat 'pour into', s-valit 'tumble') or internal geminates (roz-sypat 'strew'), on the other hand, does not trigger the appearance of the V-final version of the prefix. (12) Phonotactic vocalization V-version C-version C.e-C. C.-C VC.-C. 11 ix 11 se-syp-a-t ve-val-i-t v-syp-a-t s-val-i-t roz-syp-a-t down-pour in-roll in-pour dow-nroll apart-pour Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech Now I turn to the cases where prefix vocalization can hardly be explained in terms of phonotactics. These are illustrated in table (13). Here we have pairs of verbs whose roots start with identical consonant clusters, which yield both versions of the prefix. Hence the crucial factor in determining whether the prefix is vocalized cannot be the consonant cluster phonotactics.6 Rather, it is the presence of a vowel in the root that is crucial for prefix's shape: V-versions of prefixes appear with vowelless roots, C-versions with roots in which the cluster is followed by a vowel. (13) V-version appears with CC-roots, C-version with CCV-roots CV-C.C -V C-C.C V gloss IX IX O roze-br-a-t roz-brdzd-i-t take apart, churn up ze-tl-i-t z-tlum-i-t moulder, dim ode-cp-i-t od-cpavk-ovat stop to emanate, deammonize roze-mn-ou-t roz-mnoz-it rub out, reproduce se-lh-a-t z-lhostejn-e-t fail, become indolent roze-mz-i-t roz-mzik-a-t start to mizzle, start to wink According to Gribanova - Blumenfeld (2013), lexical vocalization of C-final prepositions in Russian is possible only if the preposition and what follows it form a single syntactic constituent (or, to be more exact, a single PP which contains a non-branching NP). The claim is that only in this case the preposition and the following material are integrated into a prosodic domain whose boundaries restrict lexical vocalization. By contrast, phonotactic vocalization is not sensitive to syntactic constituency, it is applied across the board. The crucial idea of this analysis, namely that lexical vocalization derives from syntactic constituency, is consistent with our claim that the vocalization pattern in C-prefixes is petrified within the VP constituent, i.e. before the prefix moves higher to Spec,FP. Since the prefix and the root are spelled out together within one domain, then both phonotactic and lexical vocalization as well are expected to appear. And this is exactly what our data show. By contrast, if the prefix would get the form in a moved position, in which it is not structurally adjacent to the root, then only general phonotactic constraints, but not the lexical properties of the root should be decesive for its form. 6 These data thus provide a strong argument against a cluster avoidance approach to vowel-zero alternations which is uncritically repeated in all reference grammars of Czech. © Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech 3.1 Lower Slavic vowel-zero alternations have been intensively analyzed in various linear and autosegmental frameworks (see the overview in Scheer - Zikova 2010). All of these analyses follow the essence of the Lower rule: (14) Lower Vowels alternating with zero are lexically present, defective vowels, so-called yers. A yer is audible iff there is another yer in the following syllable, otherwise it is silenced: /cE-cEc/ -» /cE-cc/. At first sight, Lower seems to be a sufficient tool to derive the vocalization pattern illustrated in table (13). Since C-prefixes show vowel-zero alternations in final position they must be yer-final lexically, i.e. /podE-/, /sE-/ and so on. And if yers surface only when the following syllable has a yer, then the contrasting effect of aparently identical clusters on the prefix must be caused by the presence/absence of a yer, i.e. /bEr/ vs /brazd/, /tEl/ vs /tlum/ and so on. 3.2 When Lower-based analysis fails: imperatives The Lower-based analysis of the vocalization pattern thus predicts that all CC-roots have the same lexical representation: since CC-roots always trigger prefix vocalization, all of them must contain a bogus cluster separated by a yer. Having a uniform lexical representation, CC-roots are therefore predicted to show uniform behaviour. This prediction, however, fails to account for how CC-roots behave in imperative forms. On the surface, the 2sg imperative morpheme appears in three forms: -0, -i and -j. Table (15) illustrates that their distribution is phonologically-driven. In the first line, we have three verbs whose roots fall into three phonological classes: paf-i-t steam' and kypr-i-t 'hoe have roots ending in a single consonant or a consonant cluster respectively, pfd-t 'wish' has a vowel-final root. And all these roots show distinct imperative forms: the C-final root takes the null suffix (par-0/), the CC-final one has the -i (kypr-U) and the V-final root shows the -j (pre-j!). The reminder of the table then repeats the same distributional pattern. (15) Distribution of 2sg imperative markers7 infinitive imperative infinitive imperative infinitive imperative -0/VC__ -i / vcc__ -j / cv__ pař-i-t pař-0! kypř-i-t kypř-i! přá-t pře-j! han-ě-t haň-0! rochn-i-t rochn-i! hní-t hni-j! 7 Line by line glosses: steam, hoe, wish; vituperate, idulge, decay. © Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech Whatever the lexical representation of the imperative morpheme is, the point is that with C-final roots it surfaces as -0 or -i depending whether the final consonant of the root is preceded by a vowel or not. Bearing this observation in mind, let us focus on what happens when the imperative morpheme is merged with CC-roots. Recall that the Lower-based analysis predicts that all CC-roots have a yer in between the cluster. And since the surface form of the imperative morpheme is predictable from the phonology of the root, as shown in table (15), then it should be the same with CC-roots. This prediction, however, fails when data in table (16) are considered. In this table, we have three pairs of CC-roots with similar phonotac-tics but with different imperative forms: the roots in the first shaded column have the zero suffix and their cluster is broken up with an epenthetic vowel, the roots in the second column show a cluster followed by the suffix -i. (16) Double behaviour of CC-roots: imperative gloss infinitive imperative imperative infinitive gloss CC-V-t CeC CC-i CC-V-t scratch dr-á-t der-0! dř-i\ dř-í-t chafe beat pr-d-t per-0! pr-i! pr-i-t argue mill ml-i-t mel-0! cl-i! cl-i-t declare Summing up, CC-roots behave uniformly with respect to the prefix vocalization, but distinctively with respect how the imperative morpheme is phonologically realized. This puzzle can be solved when we abandon the main assumption of the Lower-based analyses that vocalization of yers is always triggered by the presence of a yer in the next syllable. And this is what a Strict CV approach to vowel-zero alternations does (e.g., Scheer 2004, Zikova 2008). 3.3 Two phonological types of CC-roots Within the Strict CV framework, consonant clusters are separated by phonetically unrealized syllabic nuclei. What is crucial is that these nuclei can differ under-lingly: they are either empty or contain a floating piece of melody which surfaces only under certain conditions. This therefore enables us to identify two types of CC-roots: 1. roots of the dr(-d-t) type with a floating vowel in between the CC cluster, see (17a); and 2. roots of the df(-i-t) type in which the cluster is separated by an empty nucleus (17b).8 Finally, (17c) shows the structure of the root of the drol (-i-t) 8 A fact that diachronically dr(-d-t) and df(-i-t) represent a single root, is not surprising. In the diachronic perspective, many instances are attested where roots have been undergoing different changes including the lost of the alternanting vowel on the one hand and its development on the other; see Zikova (2008). @ Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech type where the initial cluster dr is followed by a vowel. In this case, the cluster represents what is traditionally called a branching onset where consonants contract a lateral head-final relation (marked by "<") which is supported ("licensed") by the following vowel; for melodic and configurational conditions on branching onsets, see Cyran (2010). (17) a. C V C b. C V C c. C V C V C der d ř d[i:] b. templatic domain: W=2V 1 C V c V c V m e >[i:] /mEl/ /-i/ To sum up, this section brought out further arguments that verbal prefixes undergo phrasal movement out of VP. Only under this assumption, the length alternation pattern in i/e-stems and zero stems, where the prefix does not contribute to prosodic weight of the template, can be explained. 5. Summary The paper dealt with syntactic and prosodic constituency of the verbal stem in Czech. In the light of two vocalic alternations, namely vowel-zero alternations and vowel length alternations, I first showed that many stems are parsed into two prosodic constituents, [prefix-root] and [root-theme], which are not in a subset-superset relation. I then proposed a solution to this prosodic constituency problem based on phrasal movement of the prefix: the prefix is generated next to the root in VP and when the theme is added, it moves to its specifier. REFERENCES Babko-Malaya, Olga. 1999. Zero Morphology: A Study of Aspect, Argument Structure, and Case. Ph.D. thesis. Rutgers University. Caha, Pavel - Scheer, Tobias. 2008. The Syntax and phonology of Czech templatic morphology. 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Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 325-338. Markéta Ziková When Prosody Follows Syntax: Verbal Stems in Czech Acknowledgements: This paper is dedicated to Petr Karlík, a great teacher who got me to do linguistics. Thank you, Petr! I also thank to Czech Science Foundation who supported grant no. 14-04215S (Morphophonology of Czech: Alternations in Vowel Length). This article is one of its outcomes. Markéta Ziková Department of Czech Language Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno Czech Republic zikova@phil.muni.cz