Odborná angličtina, jaro 2006 1.3. 2006: Chair: Markéta Pernisová Jana Bedřichová Words of the day: Baloney -- foolish talk, nonsense Docile -- ready to accept control or instruction, submissive Oponent: Eva Matějková Zuzana Hroteková Words of the day: Barking -- completely mad or demented Scribble -- write or draw something carelessly ot hurriedly Oponent: Lenka Adámková 8.3. 2006 Chair: Lucie Gojová Martina Dvořáčková Words of the day: Tedious -- too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous Sloppy -- 1. containing too much liquid, 2. carelless and unsystematic, 3. weakly or foolishly sentimental Oponent: Luděk Eyer Henrieta Grešliková Words of the day: Nausea -- a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit Hash -- 1. a dish of cooked meat cut into small pieces and recoked, 2. mixture of things, a mess Oponent: Jana Hazdrová 15.3. 2006 Chair: Jan Šmarda Lenka Adámková Words of the day: Bibulous -- 1. addicted to alcoholic drinking, 2. absorbent, spongy Beggar -- a person, typically homeless one who lives by asking for money or food Oponent:Kateřina Němcová Mojmír Trefulka Words of the day: Blah -- nonsense, rubbish, dull (used to substitute for actual words in context where they are felt to be too tedious or lengthy to give in full) Creep -- to move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being heard or noticed Oponent: Dušan Krstič 12.4. 2006 Chair: Vendula Macečková Diana Grochová Words of the day: Fury -- wild or violent anger Derisory - ridiculously small or inadequated Oponent: Jana Vaňková Jan Novák Words of the day: Vex - make someone feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters Yummy -- delicious, highly attractive and desirable Oponent: Jana Zelinková 19.4. 2006 Chair: Luděk Eyer Hana Pivoňková Words of the day: Potty -- a bowl used by small children as a toilet Witch -- a woman thought to have evil magic powers Oponent: Jana Bedřichová Gabriela Rotková Words of the day: Pimp -- a man who controls prostitutes and arranges klients for them, taking a percentage of ther earnings in return Pillow -- a bag stuffed with feathers used to support the head when lying or sleeping Oponent: Henrietta Grešliková 26.4. 2006 Chair: Vratislav Peška Dušan Krstič Words of the day: Waldo -- a remote-controlled device for handling object Traps -- personal belongings, baggage Oponent: Markéta Pernisová Daniel Renčiuk Words of the day: Wise guy --a person who speaks and behaves as if they know more than others Abscond -- leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to ovoid detection of unlawful action such as theft Oponent: Martina Dvořáčková 3.5. 2006 Chair: Jana Vaňková Jan Vacek Words of the day: Dope: 1. a drug taken illegally for recreatinal purposes, especially heroin, 2. a stupid person Ablation: the surgical removal of body tissue Oponent: Zuzana Hroteková Eva Matějková Words of the day: Tender: showing gentleness and concern or sympathy Ding-a-ling: 1. the ringing sound of a bell, 2. an eccentric or stupid person Oponent: Vendula Macečková