UNCORRECTEDPROOF 1 Stability and Change: The Structuration of 2 Partnership Histories in Canada, the 3 Netherlands, and the Russian Federation 4 MELINDA MILLS 5 Department of Social-Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit (Free 6 University) Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands (E-mail: 7 mc.mills@fsw.vu.nl) 8 Received 1 September 2003; accepted in final form 18 February 2004 9 Mills. M. 2004. Stability and change, The structuration of partnership histories in Canada, the 10 Netherlands and the Russian Federation. European Journal of Population. 11 Abstract. This paper explores stability and change in women's partnership histories since the 12 late 1940s in Canada, the Netherlands, and the Russian Federation. Giddens' (1984) theory of 13 structuration is used to understand how the social structure enables or constrains behaviour. 14 Entire partnership histories are examined by applying a Markov and semi-Markov multistate 15 approach to investigate the type, timing, duration, and complexity of partnerships. Results 16 show earlier union formation for younger cohorts in the Russia Federation compared to 17 postponement trends in the other countries. Cohabitation appears to increasingly serve as an 18 alternative to marriage, particularly in Canada. When facilitated by the social structure, di- 19 vorce levels are high (Russian Federation, Canada). Widowhood in the Russia Federation 20 persists even among younger women. Re-partnering is the highest in the Russian Federation, 21 with post-marital cohabitation gaining ground in Canada. Partnership histories are increas- 22 ingly complex in the Netherlands and particularly Canada but remain stable in the Russian 23 Federation. 24 Key words: Canada, cohabitation, divorce, marriage, multistate life tables, remarriage, Rus- 25 sia, structuration, The Netherlands 26 Mills M. 2004. Stabilité et changement. La struturation des histoires conjugales au Canada, 27 aux Pay-Bas et en Russie, Revue Europé enne de Dé mographie. 28 Ré sumé . Cet article s'inté resse aux changements intervenus dans les histoires conjugales des 29 femmes depuis la fin des anné es 1940 au Canada, aux Pays-Bas et en Russie. Il s'appuie sur la 30 thé orie de la structuration de Giddens (1984) pour comprendre comment les structures sociales 31 permettent ou contraignent les comportements. Une approche multi-é tats de type Markov et 32 semi-Markov est appliqué e a` des histoires conjugales comple` tes pour analyser le type, le 33 calendrier, la duré e et la complexité des relations entre partenaires. On observe une formation 34 des unions plus pré coce pour les gé né rations les plus ré centes en Russie alors que dans les 35 autres pays la tendance a` retarder l'entré e en union se poursuit. La cohabitation apparai^t de 36 plus en plus comme une alternative au mariage, notamment au Canada. Quand les structures 37 sociales le facilitent, les niveaux de divorce sont é levé s (Russie, Canada). Le veuvage est encore European Journal of Population 00: 1­35, 2004. Ó 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 1 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF! PDF-OUTPUT UNCORRECTEDPROOF 38 fré quent chez les jeunes femmes en Russie. La remise en couple est particulie` rement fré quente 39 en Russie tandis que la cohabitation apre` s un premier mariage gagne du terrain au Canada. 40 Les histoires de couples deviennent de plus en plus complexes aux Pays-Bas et surtout au 41 Canada a` l'inverse de la Russie ou` elles n'ont pas changé . 42 Mots clé s: Canada, cohabitation, divorce, mariage, tables multi-é tats, remariage, Russie, 43 structuration, Pays-Bas 44 45 1. Introduction 46 Demographers have argued that there is an increasing ``pluralisation'' of the 47 life course such as the increased ``differentiation'' of partnership histories 48 (Lesthaeghe, 1995). But is this true for all societies? How does the social 49 structural context impact the ``pluralisation'' of demographic behaviour? The 50 goal of this paper is to explore stability and change in women's partnership 51 histories since the late 1940s in Canada, the Netherlands, and the Russian 52 Federation. Previous demographic theories are embedded in Giddens' (1984) 53 theory of structuration, which is used as a heuristic to understand how the 54 social structure enables or constrains partnership behaviour across time and 55 in diverse contexts. Entire partnership histories are examined as opposed to 56 one fragmented transition by applying a Markov and semi-Markov multi- 57 state approach to investigate patterns in the type, timing, duration, and 58 complexity of partnerships. 59 To determine the extent of resilience or revolution among partnerships, 60 four phases of the partnership biography are considered: pre-partnership, 61 first union formation, dissolution of first partnership, and re-partnering. Key 62 research questions include: Has there been a postponement of first unions for 63 younger cohorts? Do more women never have a partnership? How does the 64 nature of marriage and cohabitation differ between countries and across 65 time? What is the pattern of new types of partnerships and how are they 66 legitimated? Are there new stages in partnership biographies? How does the 67 social structure enable or constrain certain behaviours such as divorce? Are 68 relationship histories more turbulent among younger women? Who re-part- 69 ners first and if so, what type of relationship do they choose? Has the overall 70 complexity of relationships increased to the extent that it can be labelled as 71 ``pluralised''? 72 Due to the complexity of the multistate models across three countries, 73 only two cohorts of women born in the late 1940s and early 1960s, or roughly 74 a ``mother'' and ``daughter'' cohort, were selected for the analysis. The 75 ``mother'' cohort, born between 1946 and 1950 (1950 and 1954 in the 76 Netherlands due to data limitations), entered the partnership market in the 77 mid- to late-1960s and early 1970s. The ``daughter'' cohort, born between 78 1961 and 1965, entered the partnership market in the late 1970s and early MELINDA MILLS2 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 79 1980s. The assumption is that birth cohorts share similar conditions of the 80 social structure (e.g., economic, cultural, legal, labour, marriage, and housing 81 markets). 82 This study builds on, yet contributes to previous research in the field of 83 partnership studies. As Lesthaeghe (1998) recently argued, demographic 84 studies of family formation have persistently been examined with the aid of 85 three basic frameworks: the theory of increased female economic autonomy 86 (Becker, 1981), relative economic deprivation (Easterlin, 1976), and idea- 87 tional shift (Lesthaeghe and Meekers, 1986; Preston, 1986). This study de- 88 parts from the sole use of demographic theories to embrace an alternative 89 theoretical framework from the discipline of sociology (Giddens, 1984). In 90 addition to similarities with demographic theories, structuration theory adds 91 fresh insights beyond the habitual economic-based assumptions, particularly 92 in its attention to power, norms and sanctions, cultural frameworks, and 93 bridging the interplay between macro-level institutional context and micro- 94 level individual action. 95 Second, most multistate applications to partnerships use vital statistics or 96 census data and estimate Markov models (Willekens, 1987). Since only 97 officially registered events are available in the aforementioned data, ``mari- 98 tal'' life tables can only be estimated. The use of individual-level survey data 99 allows the true richness of partnership biographies to surface by capturing 100 ``unofficial'' events such as cohabitation formation and dissolution and more 101 intricate stages in marital dissolution (i.e., separation). A decisive factor that 102 impacts the transition from one partnership state to another is the duration 103 in the state of origin. For example, divorce is closely related to the duration 104 spent in a marriage. Going beyond a time-homogeneous (i.e., time-station- 105 ary) Markov process, the introduction of a semi-Markov model allows us to 106 examine not only age, but also duration in a state and thus the prediction of 107 age-duration-specific probabilities (Hoem, 1972; Namboodiri, 1991; Rajul- 108 ton, 1992). 109 Third, previous studies mainly focus on one transition, such as first 110 partnership formation or divorce, thus adopting an outcome, instead of a 111 process-oriented approach. Yet life events are part of an underlying trajec- 112 tory where outcomes are consequences of earlier conditions, events, and 113 experience (Mills, 2000). The examination of entire partnership histories al- 114 lows us to envision transitions in context and understand the entire part- 115 nership process. Finally, in-depth comparisons of entire partnership histories 116 between countries from disparate regions remain rare. Comparisons across 117 diverse contexts draw attention to what is unique and provides a measure of 118 relative importance. It likewise furnishes insight into what is contextually 119 bound or more universal across individuals. Three diverse contexts were 120 chosen due to known variations in partnership behaviour, divergent social 121 structures, and to serve as a general proxy for partnership behaviour in THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 3 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 122 different regions of the world, in this case: North America (Canada), Western 123 (the Netherlands), and Eastern Europe (Russian Federation). 124 The ensuing discussion is ordered as follows. Section 2 defines and de- 125 scribes how structuration theory is used to interpret continuity and change in 126 partnership histories. Each country is then placed within this framework in 127 Section 3, followed by a summary of hypotheses in Section 4. Section 5 128 describes the data sources used in the empirical analysis followed by a brief 129 description and specification of the multistate methods in Section 6. Detailed 130 results are presented and interpreted in Section 7, concluding in Section 8 131 with a discussion of the implications of these findings and suggestions for 132 further research. 133 2. The Structuration of Partnerships 134 Structuration theory (Giddens, 1984) provides a novel and adaptable 135 framework to understand how partnership behaviour varies between contexts 136 and has changed or remained stable over time. It provides a bridge between 137 agency and structure, often referred to in demography as the nexus between 138 micro-level individual behaviour and macro-level social institutions. A key 139 concept is the ``duality of structure'', which defines the mechanisms of the 140 social structure as being ``the medium and outcome of the conduct it 141 recursively organises'' (Giddens, 1984, p. 374). In other words, the social 142 relations that determine partnership behaviour are in fact the instruments 143 used by individuals to reproduce prevalent partnership ``institutions'' such as 144 marriage or invent innovative types of partnerships like non-marital 145 cohabitation. These social relations are in turn enabled or constrained by the 146 context of the social structure itself. The process of structuration thus de- 147 scribes how the social structure is either reproduced through the repetition of 148 routine social practices or transformed through the enactment of new 149 behaviour or as a result of unintended consequences. By adopting this per- 150 spective, observed partnership outcomes are viewed as the result of micro- 151 level individual action and interaction that influences and is influenced by 152 meso-level networks (friends, family) and macro-level context (policies, legal 153 regulation). 154 Another hallmark of this theory is the operationalisation of the social 155 structure into the three dimensions of domination, signification, and legiti- 156 mation. When making partnership decisions, individuals draw on the domi- 157 nation structure, which consists of rules and resources that in turn influence 158 the power or capacity to act. Rules may be formal such as the legal restrictions 159 regarding divorce or informal such as religious or cultural norms. In order to 160 act according to the norm or conversely, engage in innovative behaviour, 161 individuals must posses the facility or power for action, which is defined by MELINDA MILLS4 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 162 their level of ``allocative'' (i.e., material) and ``authoritative'' (i.e., power) 163 resources. Resources may be economic or other forms of social capital, such 164 as educational credentials, which have the potential to augment bargaining 165 power within a relationship. Giddens' attention to ``allocative'' resources is 166 reminiscent of previous demographic theories such as Easterlin (1976), Becker 167 (1981), and Butz and Ward (1979). Since these theories are generally under- 168 pinned by economic-based explanations, they have scant development or 169 make no references to power, culture, norms, or values. The addition of 170 ``authoritative'' power complements previous demographic theories. 171 A second component is the signification structure. This consists of the 172 interpretative schemes or mental frameworks that individuals draw upon, 173 which subsequently regulate everyday activity (Giddens, 1984, p. 31). These 174 are the ``semantic rules'', ``stocks of knowledge'', or ``cultural frames'' that 175 individuals refer to when they are trying to make sense of reality. It may be 176 based on, for instance, religious beliefs or rituals that manifest themselves in 177 customs of behaviour. This echoes the work of Heiner (1983), who argued 178 that cultural traditions, social institutions, or norms serve as rule-mecha- 179 nisms that restrict the flexibility to choose potential courses of actions, or 180 which produce a selective alertness to information. The cumulative history 181 and collective memory of partnership behaviour constitutes the interpretative 182 scheme that in turn equips us with a mode to understand and organise 183 everyday activities. Individuals often act, Giddens (1984) argues, via routine 184 behaviour of the re-enactment of values and norms. However, routinisation 185 is not the only type of action that exists. 186 There is a potential for change when individual action evolves into 187 aggregate collective notions about what types of behaviour are acceptable. 188 Consider, for example, the evolution of cohabitation from a ``deviant'' 189 relationship to a viable ``alternative'' to, ``trial'' stage on the path to marriage 190 or a selection process to ``weed out'' weak unions (Oppenheimer, 1988; 191 Rindfuss and Vandenheuvel, 1990; Axinn and Thornton, 1992; Lillard et al., 192 1995). Lesthaeghe (1995) described the emergence of cohabitation in older 193 cohorts as the desire to behave in a deviant manner to protest against 194 authority, conformity, and conventions. Yet even as early as the 1980s in 195 Sweden, Trost (1980, p. 19) suggested ``far from being deviant, cohabitation 196 has become a social institution''. The meaning ascribed to partnership 197 behaviour differs across time and between countries (Manting, 1996). The 198 ``structuration'' of new partnership types or stages occurs when relatively 199 uncommon behaviour by a comparative few, such as cohabiting couples or 200 widows that remarry, evolves into a new social practice, which in turn dif- 201 fuses and transforms the social structure itself. This occurs when a particular 202 threshold is reached and the evolution of behaviour ultimately overturns 203 existing values and norms. THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 5 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 204 The final element of the social structure is legitimation, which is the moral 205 constitution of interaction and action, which materialises in the form of 206 ``informal'' moral or ``formal'' legal regulations (Giddens, 1984, p. 21). 207 Norms constitute rules, which indicate how values surrounding partnerships 208 are realised. Rules refer to rights and obligations. The structure is reproduced 209 when sanctions (via norms) are imposed during interaction. Families or other 210 informal institutional bodies impose norms that are experienced in the form 211 of sanctions, which have formal counterparts in, for instance, religious or 212 legal regulations. Norms often materialise in policy legislation, which may 213 attempt to dissuade innovative or non-traditional behaviour. For example, 214 when new forms of family behaviour emerge, they are often coined with 215 terms that reflect moral sanctions or their representation as the antithesis of 216 traditional behaviour such as ``non-marital'' or ``pre-marital'' unions and 217 ``illegitimate'' children or ``out-of-wedlock'' births. These terms have clear 218 normative connotations reflecting what the new behaviour is not. 219 The legitimation structure works not only to deter, but may also 220 endeavour to stimulate behaviour via tax incentives or legal recognition of 221 certain types of partnerships. Yet policy regulations do not cause shifts in 222 demographic behaviour, rather they constrain or enable it. Individuals 223 making partnership decisions thus draw on these structures and enact the 224 rules often through routine behaviour. If they deviate, they may be con- 225 strained by sanctions such as social stigma or lack of recognition of their 226 situation (e.g., no benefits or rights for a cohabiting partner). 227 The core contribution of structuration theory is that it adds attention to 228 the: (1) interplay between individual behaviour and the social structure; (2) 229 notion of authoritative (and not merely material economic) power; (3) cul- 230 turally based interpretative mental frameworks; and, (4) sanctions moral and 231 legal norms that regulate behaviour. It is useful for this study as it can be 232 applied in a more general sense across the entire partnership biography 233 among different institutional and temporal contexts. 234 3. The Context of Partnerships 235 The theoretical concepts are now embodied by a description of the pertinent 236 aspects of the social structure within each of the study countries since the late 237 1940s that impacts partnership behaviour. Formal legitimation and domi- 238 nation structures are operationalised by social policies and legal regulations. 239 The assumption is that these are a reflection of values or the ``informal'' 240 signification structure and the norms and sanctions that enable or constrains 241 action.1 This overview is not intended as an exhaustive exploration of partner 242 or family-related policies and regulations in each country, but rather as a way 243 to operationalise the theoretical framework and as a basis to develop more 244 specific research hypotheses. MELINDA MILLS6 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 245 3.1. THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 246 There are several key elements of the post 1950s Russian Federation social 247 structure that differentiate it from Canada and the Netherlands: the 248 stronghold of marriage, more lenient divorce laws, high levels of male 249 mortality, and a turbulent history. Moskoff (1983) argued that the institution 250 of marriage and re-marriage remained strong in the former Soviet Union. 251 Early and universal marriage was an enduring feature for Russians (Vish- 252 nevsky, 1996; Scherbov and Van Vianen, 2001). Avdeev and Monnier (1994) 253 furthermore argue that the acceptance and ability to remarry has increased 254 over time, with around 25% remarrying after divorce in 1993. High remar- 255 riage rates are attributed to a general attachment to marriage, but also to the 256 younger age at which divorcees experience dissolution in comparison to 257 widows. 258 A comparatively lenient history of divorce laws in the former Soviet 259 Union created an atmosphere that was both legal and morally conducive to 260 divorce. This meant greater social acceptability and authoritative power and 261 support for women to leave a union. In 1944, more restrictive measures were 262 introduced to create obstacles to divorce, but these ``cumbersome'' proce- 263 dures were again relaxed in 1965 (Von Frank, 1979; Moskoff, 1983). In fact 264 by 1968, further liberalisation meant that couples with no children could 265 obtain a divorce by sending a postcard to the local registration office and wait 266 60 days (Von Frank, 1979). This was manifested in a high divorce rate, to the 267 extent that in 1993 approximately 50% of marriages ended in a divorce 268 (Avdeev and Monnier, 1994). In fact, the divorce rate in the former USSR 269 was already one of the highest in the world in 1971, with a crude divorce rate 270 of 2.63, which rose by 29% from 1971 to 1990 to reach 3.39 (United Nations, 271 1997). 272 Early and formal support by the state for women's participation in the 273 labour force also increased their allocative resources.2 The early Family Law 274 Code of 1919, likewise declared the ``equality of sexes'', which was again 275 reaffirmed in 1977 to increasingly liberalise divorce and abortion on demand. 276 Imbrogno and Imbrogno (1989, p. 3) argue: ``a Soviet citizen is legally 277 guaranteed autonomy in marriage and family.'' This fostering of higher levels 278 of authoritative power likely also contributed to the ability to leave a part- 279 nership. The combination of lenient divorce regulations and little stigma, 280 coupled with a history of female labour force participation, left couples with 281 relatively fewer constraints to divorce. They could also enter marriage with 282 the advanced knowledge that divorce was relatively easy. 283 A final distinguishing factor in the Russian Federation is high levels of 284 male mortality. From 1990 to 1995, the life expectancy at birth in the Russian 285 Federation was 75 years for women and almost 10 years lower at 66 years 286 for men (United Nations, 1997, pp. 23­27). In Pskov, where the sample for THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 7 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 287 this analysis is taken (see Section 5), life expectancy was somewhat lower at 288 71.9 for women and 58.9 for men (Goskomstat of Russia, 1994). This likely 289 related to a sharp increase in male deaths from non-natural causes attributed 290 primarily to alcoholism, which was slightly curbed by Mikhail Gorbachev's 291 anti-alcohol campaign in the mid-1980s, but soon rebounded after the 292 campaign's abandonment (DaVanzo and Adamson, 1997). Russia's homi- 293 cide and suicide rates are the highest in the world (DaVanzo and Adamson, 294 1997, p. 4). A final aspect is the turbulent historical experiences in the Rus- 295 sian Federation, particularly for the older cohort of women (Scherbov and 296 Van Vianen, 2001). This undoubtedly impacts women's everyday lives and 297 their partnership histories. 298 3.2. CANADA 299 Relevant aspects within the Canadian context are a changing signification 300 structure with respect to relationships, comparatively early policies that 301 provided women with more allocative and authoritative resources, and 302 substantial changes in the legitimation structure in the form of divorce laws. 303 As in many other Western countries, attitudes towards non-marital sexual 304 behaviour and non-marital cohabitation became progressively more accept- 305 able, with less emphasis placed on marriage, and more liberal values towards 306 alternate relationship behaviour (Turcotte and Goldscheider, 1998; Wu, 307 2000). There has also been a trend towards cohabitation as a stable union in 308 itself or ``alternative'' to marriage (Le Bourdais and Marcil-Gratton, 1996; 309 Wu, 2000). 310 Canadian women experienced a shift in increased allocative and authori- 311 tative resources, which occurred later and in a different manner than for 312 women in the former Soviet Union. Early Canadian family policy was di- 313 rected towards encouraging women to stay at home by offering incentives 314 such as the family allowance program (Gauthier, 1996). But employment 315 equity and parental leave laws beginning in the 1960s reduced the opportu- 316 nity costs of entering a union and subsequently having children for women 317 (Baker, 1995). In 1990, the percentage of the female population aged 15­64 318 that participated in the labour market was 68.2% in Canada, compared to 319 53.0 in the Netherlands (OECD, 1996 in O'Connor et al., 1999, p. 68). In 320 general, these were also women in full-time positions. Previous Canadian 321 studies (e.g., Belanger and Turcotte, 1999) have found that increased female 322 autonomy has not resulted in an overall decline of first unions, but rather a 323 change in their type and timing, similar to Oppenheimer's expectations 324 (1988). 325 Canadian policy was more conservative than Soviet measures with respect 326 to contraceptive use and divorce, with both being virtually normatively and MELINDA MILLS8 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 327 legally unattainable before 1969. Divorce was informally and formally 328 sanctioned by virtue of being expensive, legally complex, and socially unac- 329 ceptable. After 1969, women could leave a relationship if there was adultery 330 or physical cruelty, or a legally enforced separation period of three to five 331 years. In 1985, the separation period was shortened to one year and provi- 332 sions relating to custody and support of children were changed (Baker, 1995). 333 After 1985, alimony was based on financial need instead of life-long support 334 that further reduced the impediments to divorce and long periods of financial 335 co-dependence. 336 3.3. THE NETHERLANDS 337 The Dutch social structure consists of an enigmatic blend of ``non-inter- 338 ventionist'' approaches to family related policy (Jonker, 1990), low full-time 339 female labour market participation, a strong welfare regime, coupled with 340 early formal acceptance of relationships beyond legal marriage. Kamerman 341 and Kahn (1978 in Baker, 1995, p. 37) maintain that Dutch family policy has 342 been largely implicit. There is a tendency to emphasise autonomy and per- 343 sonal accountability, thus shifting the burden of family-related decisions and 344 responsibility from the institutional level to the individual or family unit 345 (Baker, 1995). Due to the long-term governance of the Christian Democratic 346 Party, religion played a role in the development of the social structure. This 347 was reflected in the reluctance to provide childcare services directly, which in 348 turn encouraged or even compelled Dutch women to remain at home. This 349 was complemented with an extensive social assistance benefit for mothers 350 with pre-school children and divorcees, which permitted women to stay at 351 home and afforded them basic financial independence (Poortman and Kal- 352 mijn, 2002). In fact, the total Dutch social assistance benefit is more than 353 three times the value of the Canadian one (Gauthier, 1996, p. 166). 354 This is in stark contrast to Soviet laws, which promoted the integration of 355 women and mothers into the labour force as early as the 1940s and Canadian 356 policies that attempted to actively integrate women in the labour force in the 357 1960s. In fact, it was not until the mid-1970s and late 1980s that several laws 358 promoting equality in the workplace were initiated (ARPL, 2000). Together, 359 these factors have attributed to low full-time labour force participation of 360 Dutch women. However, since the early 1990s, there has been new legislation 361 to improve and provide subsidies for childcare. This context translates into 362 comparatively lower levels of allocative and authoritative resources for wo- 363 men, combined with more restrictive norms regarding the acceptability of 364 divorce. In fact, previous research has shown that a low number of Dutch 365 couples actually discuss divorce or consider it as an option (Janssen et al., 366 1998). THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 9 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 367 Conversely, in comparison to the two other study countries, the Nether- 368 lands was the first to adopt formal legal regulations that recognised alternate 369 forms of partnerships. There has been a long tradition of high levels of 370 cohabitation (Manting, 1994). In 1992, a Decree that recognised other forms 371 of relationships besides marriage came into force allowing co-residing part- 372 ners to be treated in the same way as married couples if they submitted a 373 notarised agreement asserting that they were cohabiting (APRL, 2000). The 374 Registered Cohabitees Act of 1997 created legal recognition for the status of 375 cohabitees or partners and the dissolution of registered cohabitation was also 376 formalised as a court decision. The registered partnership enacted in 1998 377 allowed it to become virtually legally equivalent to marriage (Ministry of 378 Justice, 1997). 379 4. Research Hypotheses 380 On the basis of the previous theoretical and contextual discussion, 12 central 381 research hypotheses are formulated according to partnership phase. The first 382 two hypotheses examine the first pre-partnership phase. 383 H1 ­ Postponement hypothesis. Due to transformations in the three areas 384 of the social structure, in comparison with older cohorts, younger cohorts 385 will postpone entry into a first union. 386 H2 ­ Remaining never in a partnership hypothesis. Due to the greater 387 allocative and authoritative resources of Canadian women and the turbulent 388 historical experiences of older Russian cohorts, both groups are expected to 389 have higher levels of remaining never in a partnership. 390 The second stage of partnership histories is the examination of first union 391 formation, which is formulated within three hypotheses: 392 H3 ­ Marriage attachment hypothesis. Both younger and older Russian 393 women will be more attached to the institution of marriage than in the other 394 countries. This will be evident by: (a) little or no cohabitation and (b) overall 395 higher entry into marriages in comparison with Canada and the Netherlands. 396 H4 ­ Type of union hypothesis. The transformation of the signification 397 structure entails that women from younger cohorts will have a higher 398 probability of choosing cohabitation as a first union over marriage in Can- 399 ada, and due to earlier acceptance, even more enhanced in the Netherlands. 400 H5 ­ Nature of cohabitation hypothesis. As a result of conversions in the 401 type of union (H4), cohabitation is expected to increasingly take the form of 402 an alternative (as opposed to trial) marriage in both Canada and the Neth- 403 erlands. 404 The third stage of first union dissolution is divided into four hypotheses. MELINDA MILLS10 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 405 H6 ­ Structural support of divorce hypothesis. Where the social structure 406 enables divorce, the levels will be higher, which is expected in the Russian 407 Federation, followed by Canada and the Netherlands. This will be empiri- 408 cally observed by: (a) higher levels of divorce, but also (b) a faster rate of 409 divorce and subsequent shorter duration of time in first marriage, and (c) a 410 larger proportion of women's lives spent in the ``divorced'' state. 411 H7 ­ Separation stage hypothesis. Due to the formally enforced separation 412 period of three to five years up to 1985, Canadian women who dissolve 413 marital unions are expected to have a clear ``separation stage'' in their 414 partnership history, which is artificially created by the legitimation structure. 415 H8 ­ Widow hypothesis. As a result of high levels of male mortality, the 416 expectation is that there will be a larger number of widows in the Russian 417 Federation, particularly among the older cohort. 418 H9 ­ Dehabitation hypothesis.3 Due to the selection process and less 419 attachment of cohabitors to sanctions, norms, and legal specifications, co- 420 habitors are expected to have: (a) higher levels of dissolution compared to 421 marital unions; (b) relationships of a shorter duration; and (c) higher levels of 422 dissolution among younger cohorts. Levels of dehabitation are expected to be 423 lower in the Netherlands than in Canada. 424 The final phase of re-partnering consists of two hypotheses. 425 H10 ­ Marital re-partnering hypothesis. In light of higher attachment to 426 marriage, higher divorce and widowhood levels, Russian women will have 427 higher remarriage rates, particularly divorced women. 428 H11 ­ Cohabitation re-partnering hypothesis. In lieu of the prospect that 429 younger cohorts are more likely to cohabit (H4) and that first cohabiting 430 unions are anticipated to be increasingly more fragile due to dehabitation 431 (H9) and divorce (H6), it is interesting to speculate further about the re- 432 partnering experience of younger cohorts. The expectation is that after dis- 433 solution of first partnerships, younger cohorts are: (a) more likely to enter 434 higher order (second) cohabiting relationships, and due to less sanctions and 435 constraints (b) will do so at a faster rate than older cohorts. 436 A final and general hypothesis compares entire partnership histories in 437 general. 438 H12 ­ Complexity hypothesis. Due to less sanctions, more individual re- 439 sources and shifting values, more complex relationship histories will be found 440 among: (a) younger cohorts and (b) Canadian and Dutch women. This is 441 operationalised by: (a) the pluralisation of relationships (represented 442 empirically by more partnership states and stages) and (b) multiple rela- 443 tionships (represented by an increase in the number of partnerships). THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 11 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 444 5. Data 445 Three different individual-level data sources were used in the analysis. 446 Readers who require more detailed information can refer to the sources listed 447 below. The 1995 General Social Survey is used for Canada, taken from the 448 Fertility and Family Survey (FFS) recode file, which contains a sample of 449 4166 women between the ages of 15 and 54 years (Statistics Canada, 1997). 450 The female sample of 4516 women from the 1993 Netherlands Family For- 451 mation survey (also from the FFS) includes women aged 18­42 years (Latten 452 and De Graaf, 1997). Finally, a selection of data from the Russian Federa- 453 tion Microcensus of 1994 of the oblast (region) of Pskov was used. The 454 Microcensus is a 5% sample of the entire population (excluding the Chechen 455 Republic). The sample was reduced to 9631 women between the ages of 15 456 and 49 years. The Russian data used in this study are taken from the oblast 457 (region) of Pskov in the Northwest. It was chosen due to its homogeneity of 458 Russian language (96.3%) and ethnicity (95.3%) and in consultation with 459 Russian researchers (Volkov, 1999; Scherbov and Van Vianen, 2001). As 460 Scherbov and Van Vianen (2001) state, this data has somewhat of a selection 461 bias in that it contains only survivors. Although this is true of all of the data 462 sources, the high mortality and catastrophic events that have occurred in 463 recent Russian history raise the pertinence of this issue. As described in 464 Section 1, only two cohorts of women born between 1946 and 1950 (1950 and 465 1954 in the Netherlands due to data limitations) and 1961 and 1965 were 466 selected for the analysis. This represents roughly a ``mother'' cohort who 467 entered the partnership market in the mid to late 1960s and early 1970s and a 468 ``daughter'' cohort who entered in the late 1970s and early 1980s. 469 6. Methods and Models 470 A technique amenable to the examination of partnership histories is the 471 multistate (increment-decrement) life table (Willekens, 1987). Figures 1a­c 472 illustrate the models with the parameters, lij, denoting the rate of transition 473 from state i (e.g., never married) to state j (e.g., first marriage). All transient 474 states are discrete, with the exception of final absorbing states specified within 475 each model (Namboodiri and Suchindran, 1987). Transition rates (until the 476 survey date) are estimated by age or duration [x, x + n) in the Markov and 477 Semi-Markov models, respectively, using LIFEHIST (Rajulton, 1992) and 478 the author's own calculations, thereby examining the temporal axis of both 479 individual and process time. 480 The underlying assumption is that a stochastic process generates the 481 events in the partnership histories of women, which are inferred from random 482 variables (Namboodiri, 1991). In the more commonly applied Markov 483 model, the probability of transition from state i to j is not only dependent on MELINDA MILLS12 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 484 the origin state i, but also on the age of the individual, denoted by x. It fills 485 the homogeneity assumption by disregarding the pathway in which the 486 previous event was reached. Thus, past history of state occupancy and 487 duration since entry in the origin state are not taken into account. It is thus 488 time-homogeneous (or time-stationary). 489 One way to remove time-homogeneity is to consider the impact of dura- 490 tion on the outcome of events. For example, divorce is closely related to the 2 5 1 st cohabitation 1 st dehabitation 1 Neverin Union (age 15) 3 4 6 1st marriage 1st divorce/widow 2nd marriage (b) 13 23 12 5342 46 25 34 56 2 4 7 1 st cohabitation 1 st dehabitation 2 nd cohabitation 1 Never in union (age 15) 6 1 st Divorce/Widow 3 5 8 1st Marriage 1 st Separation 2nd Marriage 56 62 47 43 (61-65 only) 36 (46-50 only) 12 13 23 24 35 68 78 (46-50 only) 28 (46- 50 only) 73 (61- 65 only) 1 3 Never in union 2 Separated /Divorced 5 (age 15) Marriage 2 nd Marriage 4 Widowed (a) (c) 2312 24 35 45 1 st Figure 1. Multistate models of partnership status categories and transitions: (a) Russian Federation (five-state), (b) The Netherlands (six-state) and (c) Canada (eight-state). THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 13 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 491 duration spent in a marriage. Semi-Markov models are therefore introduced 492 to reflect both age and duration in a state via the estimation of age-duration- 493 specific probabilities. For a detailed mathematical description of these life 494 table calculations, readers can refer to standard sources such as Rogers 495 (1975), Namboodiri and Suchindran (1987), or Schoen (1988). 496 The origin state of never being in a union is set at age 15. The occurrence 497 of a partnership event (e.g., entering into first marriage) signals a transition 498 from one discrete state to one or more discrete states within a specified 499 interval. As Figure 1a­c illustrate, first union formation occurs as the tran- 500 sition to first marriage (Russia) or into marriage or cohabitation (Nether- 501 lands and Canada), which may be followed by various other stages of union 502 formation. Union dissolution from marriage occurs in the form of a shift to: 503 separated (in Canada only), divorced (combined with separation in Nether- 504 lands and Russia), or widowhood (Russia only). In common-law unions, 505 dissolution occurs due to the death of a partner or as ``dehabitation'' (break 506 of relationship). Due to the small number of women who experienced the 507 death of a partner within common-law unions in Canada and the Nether- 508 lands, these categories were collapsed into one defining state called ``de- 509 habitation.'' 510 Figure 1a shows the five-state model for the Russian Federation, with 511 four transient (one of which is the origin state) and one absorbing state of 512 second marriage and five non-repeatable transitions.4 The model for the 513 Netherlands (Figure 1b) contains six states with five transient and one 514 absorbing state (second marriage) for a total of nine transitions. The most 515 complex model is the eight-state Canadian model, shown in Figure 1c, which 516 has seven transient and one absorbing state (second marriage). Due to 517 variations in union transitions experienced by older and younger cohorts in 518 Canada, slightly different transitions were modelled, for a total of 12 and 11 519 transitions for the older and younger cohorts, respectively. For both Canada 520 and the Netherlands, due to small numbers, the analysis goes up to second- 521 order relationships and does not include detailed reasons for union disso- 522 lution (the majority are divorce and for dehabitation ``break of relation- 523 ship''). First cohabitation in the Canadian model refers to cohabiting unions 524 that were experienced for the first time by the individual. In other words, a 525 woman may directly marry (first union), divorce, and then enter a cohabiting 526 union for the first time ­ but it is actually her second relationship and first 527 cohabiting union. The impact of this categorisation is discussed in more 528 depth shortly. 529 The multistate model offers several analytical advantages. First, it pro- 530 vides a multitude of ways to interpret similarities and differences in the 531 timing, intensity, tempo, complexity, and type of life course histories of 532 individuals. This basic and rich information to describe partnership biogra- 533 phies is often overlooked when advanced regression analyses are used. MELINDA MILLS14 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 534 Armed with these techniques, we can answer many compelling questions such 535 as: What is the probability that a woman who has never had a relationship at 536 age 25 will remain single at older ages? What percentage of their lives can 537 women expect to spend in different types of partnership states? Is the 538 probability of dissolving a cohabiting union higher than that for a marital 539 union? How long will women remain married or cohabiting before the union 540 ends? What is the probability that they will enter a second cohabiting or 541 marital union? 542 The second key benefit is that it enables the conceptualisation and 543 examination of women's entire union histories up to the point of the survey 544 instead of one fragmented transition. Using the multistate model, events in 545 the union career are dynamically defined as a part of a staging process or 546 sequence of cumulative experiences (Willekens, 1991). It is only through the 547 examination of the entire partnership process that we can determine which 548 transitions are more meaningful to pursue in detail, rather than arbitrarily 549 choosing just one. Finally, it is a general analytical method useful for a cross- 550 national and cross-temporal comparative study. 551 A drawback of the multistate approach is that it neglects the importance 552 of heterogeneity within the population under study. For this reason, the life 553 table is often a starting point of a basic risk model for many analyses. The 554 position taken in this study, which is likely consistent with critics, is that the 555 multistate method is a powerful descriptive and exploratory method that can 556 be used to uncover basic behavioural patterns. It is a tool that returns us to 557 the basic. Or, as Hannan (1984, p. 43) argued, multistate demography has a 558 ``power'' for deriving long-run implications of rates and probabilities of 559 demographic behaviour. 560 7. Results 561 The results are discussed in relation to the 12 major hypotheses. Table 1 562 encompasses entire partnership histories and will therefore be referred to 563 throughout. It shows the expected (or life table) percentage of time that 564 women can expect to spend in various partnership states over their lifetime. 565 These ``life expectancy'' statistics are linked to the time spent in all part- 566 nership states. As an aid for interpretation, consider the example of Canadian 567 women born from 1946 to 1950, who are at the age of 40 (first column). 568 During interpretation it is essential to bear in mind the ``disposable time'' 569 lived by individuals within each cohort, which in this case is restricted to 570 information up to age 48. A typical woman in this group would spend an 571 average of 10.24% of her life before entering a first partnership, 57.45 in a 572 first marriage, 3.53 in first cohabitation, 5.69 in dehabitation, and could 573 expect to be separated for 6.94 and divorced for 14.79% of her lifetime (up to THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 15 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF Table 1. Life table percentage of lifetime to be spent in various partnership states, women, Canada, The Netherlands and Pskov, Russian Federation, by selected ages and cohort* Age Canada The Netherlands Pskov, Russian Fed. b1946 and 1950 b1961 and 1965 b1950 and 1954 b1960 and 1964 b1946 and 1950 b1961 and 1965 Before entering a union 15 30.17 44.34 29.03 45.92 29.01 42.24 20 19.07 28.58 14.39 27.25 16.46 22.49 25 13.22 17.00 6.55 13.43 9.73 12.09 30 11.43 12.07 4.47 8.75 7.81 8.84 35 10.58 ­ 3.55 ­ 7.12 ­ 40 10.24 ­ 3.03 ­ 6.62 ­ 45 10.10 ­ ­ ­ 6.42 ­ First marriage 15 52.39 32.96 59.66 35.07 60.44 52.78 20 60.41 43.11 72.01 47.90 70.94 70.58 25 62.91 51.32 78.77 61.09 75.31 78.58 30 61.49 53.32 79.67 68.35 75.12 79.59 35 59.86 ­ 79.72 ­ 74.14 ­ 40 57.45 ­ 79.46 ­ 72.86 ­ 45 54.55 ­ ­ ­ 70.61 ­ First cohabitation and dehabitation Canada 1st cohabitation The Netherlands 1st cohabitation Canada 1st dehabitation The Netherlands 1st dehabitation 46­50 61­65 50­54 60­64 46­50 61­65 50­54 60­64 15 2.89 9.66 4.19 12.81 2.73 4.73 0.99 5.09 20 3.37 11.23 4.90 16.38 3.23 6.12 0.98 6.91 25 3.57 9.72 4.33 14.45 3.83 7.49 0.90 8.75 30 3.44 7.65 3.77 10.77 4.50 7.85 0.69 9.43 35 3.60 ­ 3.42 ­ 5.03 ­ 0.45 ­ 40 3.53 ­ 3.03 ­ 5.69 ­ 0.17 ­ 45 3.28 ­ ­ ­ 6.31 ­ ­ ­ MELINDA MILLS16 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF574 age 48). The sum of these transient states is 98.64. From this, we can calculate 575 the expected percentage of time to be spent in the final absorbing state of 576 second marriage (for this model), which is 1.36%. 577 7.1. NEVER IN A UNION 578 The first stage in the partnership biography is the period before a woman 579 enters into a first partnership. The ``postponement hypothesis'' (H1) gains 580 mixed support. Although there are a higher percentage of women in the 581 younger cohort postponing entry into first union in Canada and the Neth- 582 erlands, the difference between younger and older cohorts in the Russian 583 Federation is not as large. Younger women in Canada having the highest 584 percentage (11.6) who have never entered a first partnership compared to 585 9.4% in the Netherlands and 7.7% in Pskov.5 For older cohorts these figures 586 are 6.8% (Canada), 5.3% (Pskov), and somewhat lower at 2.8% in the 587 Netherlands. As Table 1 also illustrates, younger women spent a larger 588 amount of their lives being single before entering a first union, a finding 589 confirmed in other countries (e.g., Toulemon, 1997). 590 Based on the results presented above, the expectation that Canadian 591 women have overall higher levels ``remaining never in a partnership'' (H2) is 592 sustained. In light of these findings, it is interesting to pursue the question of Table 1. (Continued) Age Canada The Netherlands Pskov, Russian Fed. b1946 and 1950 b1961 and 1965 b1950 and 1954 b1960 and 1964 b1946 and 1950 b1961 and 1965 First marital dissolution states Canada 1st marital separation Canada 1st marital dissolution Netherlands 1st marital dissolution Pskov 1st marital separation Pskov 1st widowhood 46­50 61­65 46­50 61­65 50­54 60­64 50­54 60­64 46­50 61­65 15 4.41 2.32 6.88 2.72 3.54 1.17 8.34 4.52 2.21 0.41 20 4.89 3.03 8.12 3.63 4.32 1.55 9.99 6.28 2.61 0.57 25 5.64 4.05 9.74 5.16 5.24 2.15 11.79 8.41 3.16 0.79 30 6.27 5.43 11.60 7.04 6.67 2.69 13.26 10.20 3.75 1.36 35 6.45 ­ 13.05 ­ 7.73 ­ 14.24 ­ 4.50 ­ 40 6.94 ­ 14.79 ­ 8.75 ­ 14.94 ­ 5.45 ­ 45 8.33 ­ 15.91 ­ ­ ­ 15.88 ­ 7.09 ­ *Percentage of lifetime to be spent in each state at exact age x. THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 17 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 593 how many women remain without a partner at certain moments in their lives. 594 Table 2 shows the probability that a woman who has never had a partnership 595 at age x will remain without a partner at the later age of x + n.6 This table 596 illustrates that women are increasingly less likely to form first partnerships as 597 they age. 598 The results from Table 2 further confirm that Canadian women show the 599 highest probability of remaining without a partner at any age. The proba- 600 bility that a Canadian woman from the older cohort who has never had a 601 partnership at age 35 will remain without a partner at age 45 is 79%. This is 602 compared to 64% in the Netherlands and a substantially lower figure of 54% 603 in Pskov. The proportion that never enters a union reflects the historical 604 period and marriage market availability (Scherbov and Van Vianen, 2001), 605 but may also be attributed to a changing signification structure that accepts 606 singlehood. As Forsyth and Johnson (1995) contend, the shift from the 607 attitude that those who remain single are deviant or inadequate has 608 increasingly been replaced by an emerging new style of singlehood. Certain 609 women gain identity via singlehood or some may have desired a partner but 610 were unable to find a match. Considering Canadian women's history of 611 relative equality and participation in higher education and the workforce, 612 they may have more allocative and authoritative resources, which affords 613 them with the power to remain single. Although Russian women have also 614 participated in the labour force, their resources have remained comparatively 615 lower, which coupled with housing constraints, and a general norm regarding 616 the importance of marriage has restricted the growth of singles. Another Table 2. Probability that a woman who has never entered a union at age x will remain never in a union at age x + n, Canada, The Netherlands, and Pskov, Russian Federation* Probability of remaining never in a union at age Country 25 for those never in a union at age 15 35 for those never in a union at age 25 45 for those never in a un- ion at age 35 b1946 and 1950 b1961 and 1965 b1946 and 1950 b1961 and 1965 b1946 and 1950 Canada 0.2561 0.3129 0.4569 0.3202 0.7923 Netherlands 0.1714 0.2619 0.2343 0.1972 0.6374 Russian Federation 0.2343 0.1972 0.3239 0.3556 0.5388 Note: *Due to data restrictions, the cohorts for the Netherlands are represented by those born between 1950 and 1954 and 1960 and 1964. For this reason, the results shown in the third and fourth column for the Netherlands represents the probability of remaining never in a union at age 33 (and not 35) and in the last column, those at age 43 (and not 45). MELINDA MILLS18 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 617 possibility is that these women may have had or continue to have non co- 618 residing or legal relationships (e.g., LAT relationships), which are not reg- 619 istered by the survey data. 620 7.2. FIRST UNION FORMATION 621 Table 3 provides the transition probabilities to first union by type and se- 622 quence by selected single years of age. The estimates are interpreted as fol- Table 3. Probabilities of transition to first union as marriage and/or cohabitation by various sequences, women, Canada, The Netherlands and Pskov, Russian Federation, by selected ages and cohort Selected age and cohort Canada The Netherlands* Pskov, Russian Federation nu1m nu1c 1c1m nu1m nu1c 1c1m nu1m Numbers and proportions of women ever experiencing the transition n 46­50 356 57 29 578 245 151 1285 (%) (78.6) (8.1) (50.9) (68.1) (28.9) (61.6) (94.7) 61­65 328 307 125 311 563 321 1310 (45.6) (42.7) (40.7) (32.2) (58.3) (57.0) (91.6) Conditional probability of experiencing the transition before the next birthday 20 46­50 0.1835 0.0092 0.0000 0.1751 0.0400 0.2680 0.1753 61­65 0.0632 0.0556 0.1304 0.0521 0.1047 0.2177 0.2342 25 46­50 0.0948 0.0345 0.0556 0.0538 0.0847 0.2616 0.2013 61­65 0.0889 0.0622 0.0761 0.0850 0.1222 0.1498 0.1844 30 46­50 0.0290 0.0290 0.0000 0.0206 0.1341 0.1457 0.1088 61­65 0.0521 0.0313 0.0787 0.0390 0.1159 0.2488 0.0892 35 46­50 0.0377 0.0000 0.0000 0.0422 0.1216 0.1342 0.0485 61­65 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 40 46­50 0.0222 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0366 61­65 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 45 46­50 0.0000 0.0274 0.0000 ­ ­ ­ 0.0317 61­65 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Notes: *Cohorts for the Netherlands are b1950­54 and b1960­64. nu1m = never in a union to first marriage. nu1c = never in a union to first cohabitation. 1c1m = first cohabitation to first marriage. The categories `nu1c' and `1c1m' are not mutually exclusive, `nu1c' contains both those who may convert cohabitation to marriage, dissolve cohabitation or are censored by the interview date (i.e., remain cohabiting). The sample sizes (N) and number of censored cases that remained never in a union (nu) for each cohort are as follows: Canada, 46­50, N = 453 (nu = 31); 61­65, N = 719 (nu = 84); The Netherlands, 50­54, N = 849 (nu = 24); 60­64, N = 965 (nu = 91); Pskov, Russian Federation: 46­50, N = 1357 (72); 61­65, N = 1430 (110). THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 19 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF Figure2.Lifetablepercentageinunionstate(s)atexactagex,women,bycountryandcohort:(a)firstunionstate,oldest cohort,(b)firstunionstate,youngestcohort,(c)firstmaritaldissolutionstate,oldestcohort,(d)firstmaritaldissolution state,youngestcohort,(e)secondunionstate,oldestcohort,(f)secondunionstate,youngestcohort.Note:Scaleof expectedpercentagevariesaccordingtounionstage. MELINDA MILLS20 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 623 lows. For example, provided that women had not entered a marriage by the 624 age of 30, the probability of entering a first marriage between age 30 and 31 625 for Dutch women born between 1950 and 1954 is 0.0206. We can interpret 626 this statistic in another way: A typical unmarried, 30 year-old Dutch woman 627 in the older cohort had a 2.9% chance of marrying between her 30th and 31st 628 birthday. Figure 2a and b depict how the timing of entry into first marriage 629 has shifted between older (2a) and younger (2b) cohorts in addition to be- 630 tween-country differences. 631 The expectation that the institution of marriage remains strong and stable 632 in the Russian Federation (H3) is supported with one unexpected twist. Levels 633 of cohabitation remain low and Russian women have a higher probability of 634 entering first marriage throughout their lifetime than their Dutch or Canadian 635 counterparts. A striking finding is that the younger cohort of Russian women 636 actually enters marriage at a younger age than the older cohort. This is 637 demonstrated in the last column of Table 3 that shows a higher probability of 638 entry into first marriage by age 20 for the younger cohort. In fact, by calcu- 639 lating the mean timing of first marriage, we find that the younger cohort 640 marries at 23.6 years, compared to the mean age of 26.2 for the older cohort. 641 DaVanzo and Adamson (1997, p. 2) also report that between 1960 and 1995 642 the average age of marriage for women in Russia fell by 4.2 years, from 26.2 to 643 22.0. This suggests that the attachment to marriage became even more en- 644 hanced over time. However, it is important to note that the younger cohort 645 (born 1961 and 1965) entered the partnership market in the late 1970s and 646 early 1980s. More recent data show that there has been a decline in marriage 647 and fertility in younger cohorts (e.g., Roberts et al., 2003). 648 As Table 3 demonstrates, younger Dutch and Canadian cohorts increas- 649 ingly choose cohabitation as a first union over marriage, a trend which started 650 earlier in the Netherlands, providing support for the ``type of union'' 651 hypothesis (H4). Figure 2a and b likewise illustrate this shift to cohabitation 652 for younger cohorts. The expected percentage of time spent within first 653 cohabitation is shown in Table 1 under the heading ``First cohabitation and 654 dehabitation''. The younger Canadian, and particularly Dutch cohort, spends 655 a substantially longer period in the first cohabitation phase than the older 656 cohort. We see a remarkable increase in the young Dutch cohort that spent 657 14.5% of their lives (up to age 35) cohabiting compared to their mother's 658 generation that spent only 4.3% (up to a somewhat higher age of 43). This 659 concurs with previous studies such as Manting (1994), who attributed a de- 660 cline in Dutch marriages in the 1970s and early 1980s to the fact that marriage 661 is delayed by cohabitation. Cohabitation has become an integral early stage in 662 many partnership biographies. Further support from Table 3 demonstrates 663 that almost half (42.7%) of the youngest cohort in Canada and even more 664 (58.3%) in the Netherlands had a cohabiting relationship for the first time, 665 compared to only 8.1% and 28.9%, respectively, of their older counterparts. THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 21 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 666 However, cohabitation is not merely a phenomenon of the young, but also 667 a product of the historical period, a finding that challenges the type of union 668 hypothesis (H4). Cohabitation appears to be a growing choice for older 669 cohorts, particularly after marital dissolution. Recall that the model for 670 Canadian women allows entry into first cohabitation from a first marital 671 dissolution state, provided there was no previous consensual union (see 672 Figure 1b). Figure 3 shows the percentage of women from the older Cana- 673 dian cohort who entered a first consensual partnership, illustrating that there 674 are clearly two waves and two groups of women. This concurs with Tou- 675 lemon's (1997) recent study of cohabitation in France, which notes: ``the 676 probability of beginning a union outside of marriage increases with age, 677 because of the ever-growing population of cohabitation from year to year.'' 678 It likewise corresponds with Lesthaeghe and Moors (2000), who argued that 679 post-marital cohabitation has begun to replace marriage. 680 The ``nature of cohabitation'' hypothesis (H5) gains mixed support. Al- 681 though younger cohorts in both Canada and the Netherlands progressively 682 opt for cohabitation, it appears to take the form of an ``alternative'' to 683 marriage to a stronger degree in Canada, as many Dutch cohabiting unions 684 are eventually transferred into marital ones. However, as discussed shortly 685 (H9), there is also the function of an early ``weeding out'' of bad matches, 686 which is higher in the Netherlands. As the percentages in Table 3 show, the 687 probability of transition from first cohabitation to first marriage is higher in 688 the Netherlands, with 61.6 and 57.0% of older and younger Dutch women 689 turning their cohabiting unions into a marriage compared to 50.9 and 40.7% 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 expectedpercentage age Canada,b46-50, 1Coh Figure 3. Two waves of entering into a cohabiting union for the first time, women, Canada, cohort b1946­50. MELINDA MILLS22 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 690 in Canada. There is thus a 5% point decrease between the two cohorts in the 691 intensity to marry after cohabitation in the Netherlands, which is twice the 692 amount in Canada (10% point decrease). The propensity to enter a marital 693 union is declining in both countries. An essential point, however, is that 694 although there is considerable change in the type and nature of partnership 695 formation, there is still great stability as the majority of individuals still enter 696 partnerships. 697 7.3. FIRST UNION DISSOLUTION 698 Figure 2c and d and Table 4 demonstrate that the ``structural support of 699 divorce'' hypothesis (H6) sustains the empirical test. With the exception of Table 4. Probabilities of transition to first union dissolution by type, women, Canada, The Netherlands and Pskov, Russian Federation, by selected ages and cohort Selected age and cohort Canada The Netherlands* Pskov, Russian Federation 1c- 1dehab 1msep 1mdis 1c- 1dehab 1m- 1mdis 1m1div sep 1m1wid Numbers and proportions of women ever experiencing the transition n 46­50 41 151 118 89 128 380 114 (%) (71.9) (42.4) (33.2) (36.3) (22.2) (29.6) (8.9) 61­65 143 119 78 139 59 257 30 (46.6) (36.8) (23.8) (24.7) (19.0) (19.6) (2.3) Conditional probability of experiencing the transition before the next birthday 20 46­50 0.1429 0.0085 0.5000 0.1271 0.0193 0.0193 0.0055 61­65 0.1087 0.0349 0.6667 0.0912 0.0000 0.0375 0.0000 25 46­50 0.1111 0.0205 0.1538 0.1327 0.0042 0.0161 0.0064 61­65 0.0870 0.0132 0.3684 0.0852 0.0185 0.0257 0.0010 30 46­50 0.1875 0.0293 0.1250 0.0965 0.0200 0.0200 0.0030 61­65 0.1102 0.0394 0.3500 0.0569 0.0110 0.0169 0.0027 35 46­50 0.0000 0.0177 0.2083 0.0914 0.0147 0.0140 0.0075 61­65 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 40 46­50 0.0000 0.0230 0.3333 0.0000 0.0131 0.0126 0.0034 61­65 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 45 46­50 0.1111 0.0238 0.1455 ­ ­ 0.0304 0.0076 61­65 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Notes: *Cohorts for the Netherlands are b1950­1954 and b1960­1964. 1c-1dehab = first cohabitation to first dehabitation, 1msep = first marriage to first marital separation, 1msep- div = first marital separation to first divorce, 1m1mdis = first marriage to first marital dissolution, 1m1wid = first marriage to first widowhood. For the sample sizes of each cohort in the analysis, refer to notes in Table 3. THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 23 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 700 women over the age of 41 in the older cohort in Canada, Russian women 701 have the highest probability of divorce for both cohorts. This confirms the 702 assumption that a strong legal and social legitimation of divorce persists in 703 Russian society. The last section of Table 1 confirms that women at age 45 in 704 the older Canadian and Russian cohorts can expect to spend almost 16% of 705 their lifetime in the divorced state. This is double the time that a Dutch 706 woman in this category would spend (8.3%), which may be attributed to 707 faster rates of remarriage after marital dissolution (see Uunk, 1999). 708 The sizeable increase in divorce for Canadian women from the older co- 709 hort after the age of 41 would have occurred roughly between 1987 and 1991. 710 This is thus likely attributed to the shift in divorce laws in 1985, higher social 711 acceptability, and increased resources and ability to leave a relationship. 712 Marital dissolution in Canada has also been institutionalised into a two-stage 713 process, which concurs with the ``separation stage'' hypothesis (H7). This is 714 not to suggest that separation prior to divorce does not take place in other 715 countries, rather that it is formally institutionalised in the social structure.7 716 The last column of Table 4 and Figure 2c and d display the extraordinarily 717 high proportion of Russian widows, particularly for the older cohorts, thereby 718 confirming the ``widow'' hypothesis (H8). As anticipated, older cohorts were 719 more likely to become widows, even in the younger ages from 20 to 30 where 720 the two cohorts can be compared directly (see Table 4). Logically, the per- 721 centage of widows increases with age. It remains difficult to relate widowhood 722 directly to the framework of structuration theory. While the theory is capable 723 of embracing changes in individual power/resources, formal and legal rules or 724 legislation, cultural frameworks, and values and norms among other things, it 725 appears to exclude exogenous factors. Increases in widowhood are related to 726 male mortality, which arguably has a connection to structural change, yet it 727 clearly lacks any element of choice on behalf of the widow. 728 The ``dehabitation'' hypothesis (H9) gains mixed support. The probability 729 of dehabitation compared to first marital dissolution is higher for both 730 Canada and the Netherlands. Yet older cohorts actually have a higher 731 probability of dissolving first consensual unions, and not younger cohorts as 732 anticipated. This is likely related to the fact that early cohabitors were 733 ``innovators'' and thus engaged in more ``deviant'' types of behaviour cou- 734 pled with added external social and family pressure on the relationship. The 735 cohabiting unions that women entered in the 1970s were apparently more 736 fragile (Toulemon, 1997). Placing this in the structuration framework, this 737 appears to be evident of a tangible transition period during structural change 738 where innovators were effectively ``punished'' or sanctioned by their inno- 739 vative behaviour. Cohabitation for younger birth cohorts is more resilient, 740 which can be attributed to increased acceptability, enabling factors within the 741 social structure (e.g., formal legitimisation demanded by older cohorts), 742 which in turn places less constraints and stress on the relationship. Con- MELINDA MILLS24 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 743 sensual unions of the past were thus vastly different than contemporary 744 cohabitation, both in the context of the partnership and in the type of person 745 who engaged in that behaviour (Manting, 1996). 746 Figure 4a and b contrast dehabitation and marital dissolution patterns for 747 the oldest and youngest cohorts in Canada and the Netherlands. Dehabita- 748 tion appears to be on the rise in Canada, but is increasingly evident among 749 the younger Dutch cohort. Again, this disputes another aspect of the de- 750 habitation hypothesis that dehabitation would be lower in the Netherlands. 751 This lends support for the ``weeding out'' function of cohabitation. Couples 752 may use a period of living together to learn what a marriage would be like, 753 with those who turn their unions into a marriage considered as the best 754 matched unions. Others have argued that cohabitors are a select group of 755 individuals that are less committed to marriage and relationships in general. 756 Bennett et al. (1988, p. 128) maintain that the relationships of those who 757 cohabit are ``characterised by a lack of commitment and stability.'' In other 758 words, cohabitors attach much less importance to traditional institutions and 759 are less influenced by the social structure. Cohabitation also represents a 760 more flexible union of personal choice, has less formal constraints, and does 761 not require formal legal approval (Villeneuve-Gokalp, 1990). Higher disso- 762 lution rates in the Netherlands may also be attributed to the earlier move 763 toward cohabitation as a legitimate type of union. Another theory is that 764 considering the relatively high stigma of divorce in this country, individuals 765 may have a stronger inclination to leave a relationship that may not result in 766 a marriage or that may potentially end in a divorce. 767 Another element of the ``dehabitation'' hypothesis was that cohabiting 768 relationships would be of a shorter duration, which demands a Semi-Markov 769 approach. A selection of these results is shown in Table 5 and Figure 5. 770 Figure 5 shows the survival (or duration stay) probabilities for all non- 771 absorbing partnership states and offers a useful visual depiction of the 772 duration that women remain in the different phases of their entire partnership 773 biography. Table 5 shows the cumulative probabilities of first partnership 774 dissolution by the type of first union and duration of the union by selected 775 years from 0 to 20.8 776 Since there is evidence of an early selection or weeding out process for 777 women who cohabit in comparison to marriage, the last aspect of the ``de- 778 habitation'' hypothesis is confirmed. Referring to Table 5, the probability of 779 first dehabitation during the first five years for the younger Dutch cohort was 780 0.2239 in comparison to 0.0830 for first marital dissolution. However, as 781 Figure 5 illustrates, after initial selection, dissolution rates remain relatively 782 constant with many cohabiting unions remaining intact. This supports Brines 783 and Joyner (1999), who recently argued that we should focus on cohesion and 784 what unites cohabiting partners over time rather than persistently linking 785 pre-marital cohabitation to higher marital instability. THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 25 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 786 7.4. RE-PARTNERING 787 As expected in the ``marital re-partnering'' hypothesis (H10), Table 6 and 788 Figure 2e and f exhibit that levels of remarriage for Russian women stand 789 apart. Just as divorce appears to carry little stigma and is largely enabled by 790 the social structure, so too is remarriage, which appears to be viable, even in (a) (b) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 age expectedpercentage Netherlands,b50-54, 1MarDiss Netherlands,b50-54 1CohDiss Canada,b46-50, 1MarDiss Canada,b46-50, 1CohDiss First Marital Dissolution, Canada First Marital Dissolution, Netherlands First Dehabitation, Canada First Dehabitation, Netherlands 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 age expectedpercentage Netherlands,b60-64, 1MarDiss Netherlands,b60-64, 1CohDiss Canada,b61-65,1MarDiss Canada, b61-65,1CohDiss First Marital Dissolution, Canada First Marital Dissolution, Netherlands First Dehabitation, Canada First Dehabitation, Netherlands Figure 4. Life table percentage in all marital dissolution and dehabitation states at exact age x, women, Canada and the Netherlands, by cohort: (a) oldest cohort and (b) youngest cohort. MELINDA MILLS26 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF Table5.Cumulativeprobabilitiesoffirstuniondissolutionbytypeandduration,women,Canada,TheNetherlandsandPskov,Russian Federation,bycohort Durationinyears Unionstate Cohortborn1946­1950Cohortborn1961­1965 n05101520n05101520 Canada 1c-1dehab390.01750.25340.30250.37440.37441430.06200.37560.47340.4930­ 1m-1sep1510.01020.10460.19200.27880.33021190.01030.16180.27510.4036­ 1m1sep-1mdis1180.28860.77490.83340.85190.8519780.32140.78140.84700.8470­ TheNetherlands* 1c-1dehab860.08200.27030.31360.33680.33681380.05270.22390.26970.2697­ 1m-1mdis1280.00340.05080.10230.15540.1959590.00000.08300.13740.1846­ Pskov,RussianFederation 1m-1divsep3800.01010.12730.20010.24990.28062570.01070.13230.22250.2985­ 1m-1wid1140.00390.01870.03290.05060.0676300.00080.01070.02630.0963­ Notes:* BirthcohortsshownfortheNetherlandsareb1950­1954andb1960­1964.Forcohortborn1960­1964inNetherlands,Duration`15'is `13'years.InCanadaandtheNetherlandsalmostallmaritaldissolutionsareduetodivorceandnotwidowhood.1c-1dehab=firstcohabitation tofirstdehabitation,1m-1sep=firstmarriagetofirstseparation,1m-1mdis=firstmarriagetofirstmarriagedissolution,1m-1divsep=first marriagetofirstdivorce/separation,1m-1wid=firstmarriagetofirstwidowhood. THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 27 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF Figure5.Semi-Markovestimatesofsurvival(duration-stay)probabilitiesfornon-absorbingstatesbybirthcohortand country,women:(a)b1946­50,Canada,(b)b1961­65,Canada,(c)b1950­54,Netherlands,(d)b1960­64,Netherlands,(e) b1946­50,Pskov,RussianFederationand(f)b1961­65,Pskov,RussianFederation. MELINDA MILLS28 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 791 the face of high male mortality. Re-partnering may also reflect a need to 792 consolidate resources and is related to additional factors such as housing. 793 Further confirmation of H10 appears in Table 6, where we see that the 794 probability to remarry is higher for divorcees across all durations. The 795 probability that Russian women enter a second marriage after divorce/sep- 796 aration within the first year (duration 0) is 0.1303 compared to 0.0457 for 797 widowed women in the oldest cohort. Remarriage prospects differ greatly 798 among the divorced and the widowed, likely related to factors such as the age 799 of the respondent and personal ``marriageability'' characteristics that differ 800 for divorced and widowed women. In addition, the longer a woman spends in 801 the ``single'' state after first marriage dissolution, the lower the rate of 802 transition to a second marriage. This confirms that, methodologically 803 speaking, both duration and origin state is relevant. Marriage also remains as 804 a strong institution in the Netherlands, demonstrated by the high percentage 805 of women who remarry in the older Dutch cohort (60.9%).9 806 The category of ``second cohabitation'' is rarely included in previous 807 multistate partnership life tables. As Figure 2f and Table 6 illustrate, second 808 cohabitation is the overwhelming choice of higher-order relationships for the Table 6. Cumulative probabilities of second marriage and second cohabitation by type and duration, women, Canada, The Netherlands and Pskov, Russian Federation, by cohort Duration in years Union States Cohort born 1946­1950 Cohort born 1961­1965 n 0 5 10 n 0 5 10 Canada 1c-2mz 18 0.0349 0.1579 0.1678 ­ ­ ­ ­ 1mdis-2m 27 0.0756 0.1433 0.1708 14 0.0706 0.2003 0.2003 1dehab-2c 14 0.0213 0.2918 0.3272 72 0.1453 0.5424 0.6213 The Netherlands* 1dehab-2m 2** 0.0099 0.0202 0.0202 4** 0.0000 0.0357 0.0357 1mdis-2m 78 0.0316 0.3124 0.4023 17 0.0530 0.3639 0.4235 Pskov, Russian Federation 1sepdiv-2m 212 0.1303 0.3951 0.5377 129 0.1844 0.5828 0.7384 1wid-2m 43 0.0457 0.3452 0.4753 15 0.1091 0.7697 0.8849 Notes: *Birth cohorts shown for the Netherlands are b1950­1954 and b1960­1964. ** Small numbers should be judged with caution. 1c-2m = first cohabitation to second marriage (z - Canadian cohort b1946­1950 only), 1mdis-1m=first divorce/widowhood to first marriage, 1dehab-2c=first dehabitation to second cohabitation, 1dehab-2m = first cohabitation dissolution to second marriage, 1mdis-2m = first marriage dissolution to second marriage, 1sepdiv-2m = first separation/divorce to second marriage, 1wid-2m = first widowhood to second marriage. THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 29 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 809 younger Canadian cohort. This confirms the ``cohabitation re-partnering'' 810 hypothesis (H11). This was not the case in the Netherlands, where numbers 811 for higher-order cohabitation were too small for inclusion in the analysis. 812 Younger cohorts also entered into second relationships at a much faster pace. 813 Referring to Table 6, we see that the probability of re-partnering in the early 814 phases (0, 5 years) is uniformly higher for the younger cohorts. This is par- 815 ticularly the case in Canada. Once again, this likely reflects a transformation 816 in the social norms surrounding re-partnering and marriage after a divorce, 817 softening of legal restrictions related to dissolution, coupled with an increase 818 in women's power and monetary resources. 819 The final ``complexity'' hypothesis (H12) anticipated that relationships 820 would remain relatively stable in the Russian Federation. Complexity would 821 thus arise among younger cohorts and particularly Dutch and Canadian 822 women. As Figure 1b and c confirm, there has been a pluralisation of rela- 823 tionships, represented by more partnership states and stages such as the 824 complex six-state, but principally the eight-state model for Canada that was 825 necessary to capture the majority of transitions. The analysis also found an 826 increase in multiple relationships among younger cohorts, particularly mul- 827 tiple consensual unions. In fact, 50% of young Canadian women who 828 experienced their first dehabitation go on to a second cohabiting union, 829 compared to 34% of younger Dutch women. 830 8. Conclusion and Consequences 831 This study offers a more complex description of partnership processes in 832 three different countries via the implementation of classic multistate life ta- 833 bles and the application of structuration theory. Giddens' (1984) structur- 834 ation theory worked as an encompassing framework to interpret how 835 partnership behaviour is enabled or constrained across various contexts. It 836 allowed the operationalisation of the social structure into three domains of: 837 domination (economic and power resources), signification (cultural, mental 838 frameworks), and legitimation (informal moral and formal legal regulations, 839 rules, values, and sanctions). It likewise takes us beyond a static theory of 840 stability to embrace the mechanisms of change via the duality of structure, 841 enabling us to recognise how new types of demographic behaviour emerge via 842 individual action and interaction to transform the existing social structure. 843 This study illustrated the spectrum of partnership behaviour across the 844 Russian Federation, Canada, and the Netherlands. Twelve research 845 hypotheses confronted our expectations about the partnership biographies of 846 women. Results confirmed that the younger cohort of Dutch and Canadian 847 women postpone union formation, while Russian counterparts do the 848 opposite. As discussed previously, more recent Russian data suggest that this MELINDA MILLS30 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 849 drop in the average age of first marriage for younger cohorts reversed into a 850 rise during the 1990s. Canadian women have the highest probability of 851 remaining without a partner at any age, which hints to emerging acceptance 852 of singlehood. Patterns of first union formation in the Russian Federation 853 remain relatively stable, with a steadfast attachment to marriage. Younger 854 Canadian and particularly Dutch cohorts choose cohabitation as a first un- 855 ion, yet the nature of cohabitation appears to differ in each context. 856 Cohabitation appears to increasingly take the function of an alternative to 857 marriage in Canada (see also Wu, 2000). In contrast, in the Netherlands, 858 longer-term cohabiting unions are not as common as in Canada with these 859 partnerships having a higher likelihood of being transformed into a marriage, 860 suggesting that it serves more as a trial marriage function. However, there is 861 also larger proportion of women whose cohabiting unions are ``weeded out'' 862 at an early stage in the Netherlands. The examination of first union disso- 863 lution confirmed that when divorce is ``enabled'' by the social structure, levels 864 are higher, particularly in the Russian Federation and after the age of 40 in 865 the older Canadian cohort. In comparison with the other two study coun- 866 tries, the Russian Federation has an extraordinarily high number of widows, 867 particularly in the older cohort. The growing form of union dissolution in 868 Canada and the Netherlands is dehabitation, which was higher and occurred 869 earlier than marital dissolution, particularly among older cohorts and those 870 in the Netherlands. 871 Finally, re-marriage is strikingly higher in the Russian Federation, with 872 cohabitation gaining ground in Canada after a first marital or cohabiting 873 dissolution. We can conclude that marriage and high levels of divorce and 874 widowhood have remained relatively stable in the Russian Federation. Con- 875 versely, partnership histories have become increasingly complex and plura- 876 lised in the Netherlands and to an even greater extent in Canada. Yet in all 877 countries, individuals still virtually universally form partnerships; it is merely 878 the type of union and timing of partnership formation that has altered. This 879 detailed analysis demonstrates that it is essential to not only look for change, 880 but also search for stability in partnership histories in modern societies. 881 The results presented here provide many answers, but also raise questions. 882 Due to the scope of the analysis of entire partnership histories in three 883 countries, it examined only inter-cohort, cross-country, and duration-stay 884 differences. It was impossible to empirically pursue further aspects of het- 885 erogeneity within the confines of one paper. A complement to this study 886 would be an examination of the impact of additional characteristics on 887 partnership patterns (e.g., education, labour force participation). The mul- 888 tistate method would not be effective, as it would likely produce erratic 889 estimates due to disaggregation of data. Rather, regression techniques would 890 be more amenable and efficient. This would empirically answer the more 891 substantive questions regarding why change and stability has occurred. THE STRUCTURATION OF PARTNERSHIP HISTORIES 31 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 892 The consequence of these findings raises some intriguing issues. The 893 postponement of unions in Canada and the Netherlands and earlier age of 894 union formation in the Russian Federation is certainly related to fertility 895 patterns in these countries. The timing of fertility has clear implications for the 896 total number of children. Whereas the peak age of childbirth in many Western 897 countries is between 25 and 29, it occurred in the early 1920s for the younger 898 Russian cohort observed in this study. Fertility levels of young Russian wo- 899 men between the ages of 15­19 and 25­29 actually exceeded those of the over 900 30 group (DaVanzo and Adamson, 1997). However, as noted previously, 901 Russian union formation and fertility patterns have now dropped to much 902 later and lower levels for younger cohorts in the 1990s and early 2000. 903 Oppenheimer (1988) proposed that cohabiting unions are a main mech- 904 anism in the postponement of marriages. This study shows that not only is 905 this the case, but that the increased complexity of partnerships via multiple 906 relationships and the dissolution of first unions may also serve as an addi- 907 tional factor to postpone entry into marriage or other long-term stable 908 relationships. The sheer amount of union disruptions, such as high levels of 909 divorces in Canada and the Russian Federation and higher rates of dehab- 910 itation in Canada and the Netherlands, raise questions about how these 911 turbulent life changes impact individuals' lives. The striking number of 912 widows, even in the younger cohort of women in the Russian Federation 913 likewise begs the question of how individuals cope with these radical frac- 914 tures in their everyday lives. The turbulent union formation and dissolution 915 patterns observed in this study have far reaching consequences not only for 916 the individuals involved, but also for the children involved and the society as 917 a whole. The consequences of these findings and deeper analysis into varia- 918 tion within these populations would be a future stage of research. This study 919 erects the foundations to isolate which aspects are useful to pursue. 920 Acknowledgements 921 The author wishes to thank Frans Willekens in particular, but also Fernando 922 Rajulton, the anonymous reviewers and the Advisory Group of the FFS 923 programme of comparative research for its permission, granted under iden- 924 tification number 7, to use the FFS data on which this study is partially based. 925 Notes 926 1 An in-depth study of interpretative cultural frames (i.e., signification structure) in each of 927 the countries surpasses the scope of this study and is more appropriate for qualitative eth- 928 nographic research (see for e.g., Hutter, 1994). 929 2 It is, however, difficult to know how these resources are distributed within the household. 930 3 ``Dehabitation'' is a concise term for the dissolution of cohabiting unions first used by 931 (Nelissen, 1992 in Prinz, 1995). MELINDA MILLS32 Journal : EUJP SPS Article No. : 619 Dispatch : 15-4-2004 Pages : 35 PIPS No. : 5274081 h LE h TYPESET MS Code : EUJP 619 h CP h DISK4 4 UNCORRECTEDPROOF 932 4 In addition to small numbers, there was also a lack of information on the timing of 933 cohabiting relationships; they are therefore not included in the model. The seemingly non- 934 discrete states of separation and divorce are collapsed into one category due to small numbers, 935 inconsistent reporting and often simultaneity of timing. 936 5 The `remaining never in a partnership' statistic is calculated by dividing the number of 937 censored cases in the ``never in a union'' (nu) category by the total cohort sample size. Both of 938 these figures are listed in the notes of Table 3. For example, for the youngest cohort in Pskov 939 this figure is calculated by: 100 (110/1430) 7.7%. This statistic represents those never in a 940 union until the survey date, therefore this overall figure still has the potential to decrease over 941 time. 942 6 This is calculated by dividing the life table number of survivors at exact age x + n by the 943 life table number of survivors at exact age x. 944 7 The fact that the timing of separation is not collected in the other countries is a reflection of 945 less formal importance attributed to this stage. 946 8 The high probability of transition from first separation to first marital dissolution for 947 Canadian women in Table 5 is predictable due to the fact that most marital separations end in 948 divorce. 949 9 One aspect that is important to note when examining the re-partnering results for the 950 Netherlands, and particularly Canada, is that the women may enter a second marriage from 951 two different origin states. 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