Fyziologie působení farmak a toxických látek Přednáška č.6 Jaderné receptory (ER, AR, PR, GR, TR, RAR/RXR, PPAR) a jejich ligandy. JADERNÉ RECEPTORY The nuclear receptors comprise the largest family of metazoan transcription regulators. These proteins share an architecture that includes a poorly conserved amino-terminal domain, a highly conserved DNA-binding domain (DBD), a connecting hinge region and a discrete ligand- binding domain (LBD). Their ligands include the sex steroids (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone), as well as related molecules such as glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, bile acids and oxysterols, and more diverse ligands such as vitamin D3, thyroid hormone and retinoids. JadernJadernéé receptory a enzymy:receptory a enzymy: Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 21: 437-457 (2006) Metabolic pathways for the acquisition and elimination of nuclear receptor ligands. With the exception of thyroid hormones and some xenobiotics, all nuclear receptor ligands are derived from the biosynthetic pathways that generate cholesterol and fatty acids from acetyl coenzyme A (Acetyl CoA). Ligands (or their lipid precursors) for the RXR heterodimer receptors are also acquired from Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 21: 437-457 (2006) FeedbackFeedback andand interactionsinteractions:: Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 21: 437-457 (2006) HepatocytesHepatocytes as modelas model cellscells:: J. Cell. Biochem. Suppls. 32/33:110­122, (1999 DNADNA bindingbinding We can divide the receptors into subgroups on the basis of their pattern of dimerization. One group consists of the steroid receptors, all of which appear to function as homodimers. This group includes receptors for estradiol (ER), progesterone (PR), androgens (ARs), glucocorticoids (GRs) and mineralocorticoids (MRs). A second major group contains receptors that form heterodimers with retinoid X receptor (RXR) ­ the receptor for 9- cis retinoic acid. Members of this group include the receptors for all- trans retinoic acid (RAR),vitamin D3 (VDR) and thyroid hormone (TR), as well as liver X receptor (LXR), peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) and others. A third group consists of receptors that can bind DNA as monomers, such as NGFI-B, RevErb, ROR and SF-1. A: Unliganded heterodimerizing receptors, exemplified here by VDR, exist as weakly associated heterodime with RXR, presumably bound nonspecifically to DNA [Haussler et al., 1998]. Binding of the 1,25(OH)2D3 ligand to VDR (1) promotes high-affinity heterodimerization with RXR accompanied by binding of the heterodimer to its direct repeat VDRE (2). B: Unliganded GR, like other receptors in group (d) (see Fig. 2), exists as a complex with heat shock proteins in the cytoplasm. Upon binding its cortisol ligand (1), GR dissociates from the cytoplasmic complex, translocates to th nucleus and forms a homodimer on its palindromic GRE (2). Triggered by a ligand-mediated change in GR conformation, the AF1 and AF2 domain then synergize to promote a series of events (3­6) involving the recruitment o coregulatory complexes similar to those described for the VDR-RXR heterodimer, but with some distinctive features. Ligand synthesis NRs Transactivation Ligand metabolization Cell and signaling ­specific context Functional genes (metabolism, cell proliferation, differrentiation and cell death) Toxic compounds, pharmaceuticals ?????????? NNíízkomolekulzkomolekuláárnrníí toxicktoxickéé lláátky nebotky nebo farmakafarmaka mohoumohou výrazným zpvýrazným způůsobem ovlivnit endokrinnsobem ovlivnit endokrinníí signalizaci.signalizaci. SteroidnSteroidníí hormonyhormony HumanHuman chorionicchorionic somatotrophinsomatotrophin HumanHuman chorionicchorionic gonadotropingonadotropin ((hCGhCG)) ProgesteroneOxytocinOxytocin EstradiolInhibinInhibinFemaleFemale reproductivereproductive hormoneshormones Dihydrotestosterone TestosteroneInhibinInhibinMaleMale reproductivereproductive hormoneshormones DHEA Aldosterone CortisolAdrenalAdrenal corticalcortical steroidssteroids Triiodothyronine (T3) Thyroxine (T4)ThyroidThyroid hormoneshormones Amino acid or fatty acid derived SteroidPeptide/proteinHormones FiveFive major steroidmajor steroid familiesfamilies:: Shaded boxes show structural requirements for glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid activity. Hatched boxes show additional structural requirements for specific glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid activity. ˇ Cortisol stimulates the release of amino acids from muscle. These are taken up by the liver and converted to glucose. Ťhe increased circulating concentration of glucose stimulates insulin release. Cortisol inhibits the insulin-stimulated uptake of glucose in muscle via the GLUT4 transporter. Čortisol has mild lipolytic effects. These are overpowered by the lipogenic action of insulin secreted in response to the diabetogenic action of cortisol. Čortisol also has varied actions on a wide range of other tissues TheThe glucocorticoidglucocorticoid receptorreceptor andand activationactivation byby cortisolcortisol 1) Unbound, lipophilic cortisol readily crosses cell membranes and in target tissues will combine with the glucorticoid receptor (GR). 2) Like the androgen and progesterone receptors, unliganded GRs are located in the cytoplasm attached to heat shock proteins (hsp-90, hsp-70 and hsp-56). 3) When hormones bind to these receptors hsps are released and the hormone receptor complexes translocate to the nucleus. 4) These complexes form homo- or heterodimers and the zinc fingers of their DNA-binding domains slot into the glucocorticoid response elements (GREs) in the DNA helix. 5) Together with other transcription factors, such as NF-B or c-jun and c-fos, they initiate RNA synthesis (activation of RNA polymerase) downstream of their binding. Diagrammatic outline of the synthesis of cortisol from cholesterol in the adrenal cortex Cholesterol is either obtained from the diet or synthesized from acetate by a CoA reductase enzyme. Approximately 300 mg cholesterol is absorbed from the diet each day and about 600 mg synthesized from acetate. Cholesterol is insoluble in aqueous solutions and its transport from the main site of synthesis, the liver, requires apoproteins to form a lipoprotein complex. In the adrenal cortex, about 80% of cholesterol required for steroid synthesis is captured by receptors which bind low-density lipoproteins (LDL). The remaining 20% is synthesized from acetate within the adrenal cells by the normal biochemical route. BiosyntBiosyntéézaza peptidovýchpeptidových hormonhormonůů:: BiosyntBiosyntééza steroidnza steroidníích hormonch hormonůů:: aromatáza Total serum concentrations of testosterone - male: 9­25 nmol/l - female: 0.5­2.5 nmol/l Abbreviations: DHT, dihydrotestosterone; DHEA(-S), dihydroepiandrosterone (-sulfate). ->95<5DHEA-S -8020DHEA 1030­4545­60Androstenedione 100--5-DHT 50­705­255­25Testosterone Peripheral conversion AdrenalOvaryFemale -90<10DHEA-S 98<12DHEA 90<120Androstenedione 80<1205-DHT <5<195Testosterone Peripheral conversion AdrenalTestisMale Only about 2% of circulating testosterone is in the free form and able to enter cells. The rest is either bound to albumin (approximately 40%) or to sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and is in equilibrium with the free form. SHBG is synthesized in the liver and its circulating concentration is increased by estrogen or excess thyroid hormones and decreased by exogenous androgens, glucocorticoids or growth hormone and by hypothyroidism, acromegaly and obesity. Most circulating testosterone is converted in the liver to metabolites such as androsterone and etiocholanolone that, after conjugation with glucuronide or sulfate are excreted in the form of 17-ketosteroids. The majority of urinary ketosteroids are of adrenal origin and, thus, determinations of ketosteroids do not reliably reflect testicular secretion. Estradiol, the most important steroid secreted by the ovary because of its biologic potency and diverse actions, is transported bound to albumin (approximately 60%) and about 30% to SHBG. It is rapidly converted to estrone by 17-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase in the liver and, whilst some estrone re-enters the circulation, most of it is further metabolized to estriol via 16-hydroxyestrone or to 2- or 4-hydroxyestrone (catechol estrogens) by the action of catecho-O-methyltransferase. The latter metabolites can be formed in the brain and may compete with receptors for catecholamines. Metabolites are conjugated with sulfate or glucuronide before excretion by the kidney. TyroidnTyroidníí hormonyhormony ššttíítntnéé žžlláázyzy 1) Active uptake of iodide (I-) in exchange for Na+. 2) Iodide may be discharged from the follicular cell by administration of competing ions such as perchlorate, bromide or chlorate. 3) Iodide uptake, the main control point for hormone synthesis, is stimulated by TSH. 4) Oxidation of iodide by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to form active iodine. The reaction is catalyzed by thyroid peroxidase (TPO). 5) Active transport of iodine across the apical surface of the follicular cell. 6) Incorporation of active iodine into the tyrosine residues of thyroglobulin molecules to form mono- and di-iodotyrosines (MIT and DIT). 7) Uptake of the thyroglobulin into the lumen of the follicle and lining of iodinated tyrosine residues. ThyroidThyroid hormonehormone synthesissynthesis:: 1) Under the influence of TSH, colloid droplets consisting of thyroid hormones within the thyroglobulin molecules are taken back up into the follicular cells by pinocytosis. 2) Fusion of colloid droplets with lysosomes causes hydrolysis of thyroglobulin and release of T3 and T4. 3) About 10% of T4 undergoes mono-deiodination to T3 before it is secreted. The released iodide is reutilized. Several-fold more iodide is reused than is taken from the blood each day but in states of iodide excess there is loss from the thyroid. 4) On average approximately 100 g T4 and about 10 g T3 are secreted per day ThyroidThyroid hormonehormone excretionexcretion:: The iodothyronines are virtually insoluble in water and, once released from thyroglobulin, they are very rapidly bound to the plasma proteins, transthyretin (previously called thyroxine-binding prealbumin), thyroxine- binding globulin (TBG) and albumin. These vary in their capacity and affinity for T3 and T4); about 70% of circulating thyroid hormones are bound to TBG. Only a tiny fraction (<0.5%) of released thyroid hormones exist in a free form in the circulation and this is in equilibrium with the bound forms of thyroid hormones. Ťhyroid hormones are metabolized by a series of deiodinations which involve three types of deiodinases (indicated by numbers in brackets) Šome T4 is metabolised by being sulfated, decarboxylated, deaminated or conjugated with glucuronide (other pathways). Šome T3 may be sulfated (T3S) or converted to the acetic acid derivative triiodoacetic acid (TRIAC) that is more potent than its parent T3. Šerum half lives: T4 -- 7 days, T3 -- 1 day, rT3 -- 4 hours. Eighty per cent of the total thyroid hormones secreted each day is T4 but this is relatively inactive at nuclear receptors and, thus, considered to be a prohormone. Approximately 70­ 80% of released T4 is converted by deiodinases to the biologically active T3, the remainder to reverse-T3 (rT3) which has no significant biological activity. Deiodinases are unusual selenium-containing enzymes that are present in a number of tissues and are responsible for the metabolism of thyroid hormones. Removal of an iodine atom from the 5th carbon atom (5) of the outer tyrosine ring of T4 by Type 1 and Type 2 deiodinases produces T3 whilst deiodination of the inner (5) tyrosine ring by Type 1 and Type 3 deiodinases produces rT3. Further deiodinations at the 3rd and 5th carbon atoms of both outer and inner tyrosine rings produce increasingly inactive diiodo- and monoiodo-thyronines and at the same time conserving iodine. Iodothyronines are excreted in the urine although some T3 and T4 is conjugated with glucuronide and excreted via the bile in the feces. Many of the actions of thyroid hormones are mediated by their binding to nuclear receptors that have a preferential affinity for T3. T3 receptors are, like all the steroid hormone receptors, members of a family of nuclear transcription factors that, in combination with other transcription factors, regulate gene expression in target cells. Unlike some steroid receptors (i.e. those for sex steroids and glucocorticoids), thyroid hormone receptors exist in the nucleus, not the cytoplasm, and may remain bound to DNA in the absence of hormone binding. Thyroid hormones are lipid soluble and readily cross cell membranes. Once inside the nucleus, T3 binds to its receptor. This dimerizes with another T3 receptor (to form a homodimer) or with a different receptor, notably the retinoid X receptor, to form a heterodimer. In this form, the dimers interact with DNA. This occurs between recognition sites in the `zinc fingers' of the DNA-binding domains of the receptors and particular base sequences in the DNA helix known as hormone response elements (HRE). The location of HREs determines which genes are regulated by T3. There is also evidence that thyroid hormones can have rapid, non-genomic effects on membrane receptors independent of protein synthesis. These include stimulation of sugar transport, Ca2+ATPase activity and increased Na+ transport in muscle. The receptors for these effects have not been identified. RetinoidyRetinoidy a jejich receptory:a jejich receptory: Receptory proReceptory pro retinoidyretinoidy (RAR, RXR)(RAR, RXR) Struktura a syntStruktura a syntéézaza kyselinykyseliny retinovretinovéé Retinoid X Receptors (RXRs) consist of a family of nuclear receptors that target and regulate multiple signalling pathways. The early evolutionary emergence of RXRs in comparison to other nuclear receptors may have allowed for the development of unique properties as transcriptional regulators. The complexity of these receptors is derived from their ability to activate transcription as homodimers or as obligate heterodimeric partners of a multitude of other nuclear receptors. In addition, RXRs can regulate gene expression in a ligand-dependent (forming permissive heterodimeric complexes) or - independent (forming non-permissive heterodimeric complexes) manner. RXRs have a small ligand binding pocket and therefore bind their ligands (such as 9-cis RA) with both high affinity and specificity. In the presence of ligand, permissive RXR heterodimers bind coactivators, but nonpermissive complexes can bind coactivators or corepressors depending on the activation of the RXR's heterodimeric partner. Physiologically, the temporal and tissue specific pattern of RXRs as well as the presence of phenotypic abnormalities in receptor knockout studies (most severe in RXRa -/- animals) demonstrate the important role for these receptors both during development (morphogenesis) and in adult differentiated tissues (cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell death). These receptors also play an important regulatory role metabolic signaling pathways (glucose, fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism), including metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis. RXRs function as master regulators producing diverse physiological effects through the activation of multiple nuclear receptor complexes. RXRs represent important targets for pharmacologic interventions and therapeutic applications. Receptory aktivovanReceptory aktivovanéé peroxizperoxizóómovýmimovými proliferproliferáátorytory (PPAR)(PPAR) The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR , , ) are activated by polyunsaturated fatty acids, eicosanoids, and various synthetic ligands. Consistent with their distinct expression patterns, gene-knockout experiments have revealed that each PPAR subtype performs a specific function in fatty acid homeostasis. PPAR is a global regulator of fatty acid catabolism. PPAR activation up-regulates the transcription of liver fatty acid­binding protein, which buffers intracellular fatty acids and delivers PPAR ligands to the nucleus. In addition, expression of two members of the adrenoleukodystrophy subfamily of ABC transporters, ABCD2 and ABCD3, is similarly up- regulated to promote transport of fatty acids into peroxisomes where catabolic enzymes promote -oxidation. The hepatocyte CYP4A enzymes complete the metabolic cascade by catalyzing -oxidation, the final catabolic step in the clearance of PPAR ligands. PPAR was identified initially as a key regulator of adipogenesis, but it also plays an important role in cellular differentiation, insulin sensitization, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Ligands for PPAR include fatty acids and other arachidonic acid metabolites, antidiabetic drugs (e.g., thiazolidinediones), and triterpenoids. In contrast to PPAR, PPAR promotes fat storage by increasing adipocyte differentiation and transcription o a number of important lipogenic proteins. Ligands for PPAR include long-chain fatty acids and carboprostacyclin. Pharmacological activation of PPAR in macrophages and fibroblasts results in up-regulation of the ABCA1 transporter, and because of its widespread expression, PPAR may affect lipid metabolism in peripheral tissues. EndocrineEndocrine disruptingdisrupting compoundscompounds ((EDCsEDCs)) Hormone Systems That Can Be Affected Cell differentiation, Embryonal development Retinoids Brain development, behaviourThyroid Menstruation cycle, synthesis of testosterone Progesterone Sexual developmentEstrogen, Androgen Glucose, carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism Glucocorticoids FunctionsEndocrine system The Range ofThe Range of EDCsEDCs which harm humans or wildlifewhich harm humans or wildlife Dioxins, PCBs, PAHs, BFRs Industrial products and by-products Phthalates, Bisphenol A, Heavy Metals Plastics and their additives Birth control pills, DES, Cimetidine Pharmaceuticals Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury Metals DDT, Atrazine, and many others Pesticides & Herbicides