1 of Aryl hydrocarbon receptor and dioxin-like toxicity Dr. Jan Vondráček (IBP.CZ) Denison et al., Chem. Biol. Interact. 141: 3 of Overview of aryl hydrocarbon receptor and dioxin- like toxicity: ˇ what is AhR; ˇ evolution perspective; ˇ activation of AhR; AhR-dependent genes ˇ toxic effects associated with AhR activation; ˇ dioxin/like toxicity and TEF/TEQ concept; ˇ biomarkers of AhR activation and methods of detection of AhR-mediated activity. of PAS proteins: of AhR = ˇ ligand-activated transcription factor; ˇ important mediator of toxicity of POPs; ˇ regulator of xenobiotic metabolism and activation of promutagens. 2 of AhR domain structure: Denison et al., Chem. Biol. Interact. 141: 3 of Evolution of AhR: AHR1 AHR2 AHRR ARNT Hahn, Chem. Biol. Interact. 141: 131 of AhR activation: of AhR regulated genes: contain xenobiotic response elements (XRE) or dioxin responsive elements (DRE) in their promoter region: ˇ phase I enzymes - CYP 1A1, CYP 1A2, CYP 1B1; ˇ phase II enzymes - UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, GST- Ya, NADP(H):oxidoreductase; ˇ other genes - Bax, p27Kip1, Jun B, TGF- - regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis; ˇ AhRR. 3 of AhR activation: ? of Physiological role for AhR - AhR-deficient mice: ˇ significant growth retardation; ˇ devective development of liver and immune system; ˇ retinoid accummulation in liver; ˇ abnormal kidney and hepatic vascular structures. ˇ resistant to BaP-induced carcinogenesis and TCDD- induced teratogenesis; ˇ no inducible expression of CYP 1A1 and 2. of Denison & Nagy, Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 43:309 of ,,Non-classical" AhR ligands 4 Schmidt & Bradfield, Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 12:55 of Schmidt & Bradfield, Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 12:55 of TEFs provide a simple, single number that is indicative of overall toxicity of a sample containing a mixture of dioxins and dioxin- like compounds. TEFs are consensus values based on REPs across multiple species and/or endpoints. TEFs are based upon a number of endpoints, from chronic in vivo toxicity to in vitro toxicity with the former having the greatest importance in determining overall TEF. The total potency of a mixture can be expressed in TCDD TEQ concentration: Toxic equivalency factors (TEF)/TEQ concept: of Toxic equivalency factors for PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs: Eljarrat & Barceló, Trends Anal. Chem.22: 655 5 of Eljarrat & Barceló, Trends Anal. Chem.22: 655 of Biomarkers/bioanalytical methods: ˇ in vivo biomarkers: EROD activity, CYP 1A1 and 1B1 expression; ˇ in vitro: EROD in H4IIE rat hepatoma cells; CALUX/CAFLUX assays; GRAB assay (AhR-DNA binding) yeast bioassay; immunoassays; detection of CYP1A mRNA or protein of Detection of EROD activity: of Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated activity determined using in vitro reporter gene assay Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated activity determined using in vitro reporter gene assay TCDD and Related Compounds LightLight Luciferase Nuclear Factors 1 P + AhR HSP90 HSP90 Src HSP90 HSP90 Adapted from Blankenship (1994) DRE-Luc AhR ARNT Modulation of Gene Expression ARNT Src "Activated" 2 P P Cytosolic Proteins Membrane Proteins Increased Protein Phosphorylation TCDD and Related Compounds LightLight Luciferase Nuclear Factors 1 P + AhR HSP90 HSP90 SrcSrc HSP90 HSP90 Adapted from Blankenship (1994) DRE-Luc AhR ARNT Modulation of Gene Expression ARNT Src "Activated" 2 P P Cytosolic Proteins Membrane Proteins Increased Protein Phosphorylation CALUX/CAFLUX assays: 6 of Gel Retardation of AhR Binding (GRAB) assay: measures the ability of chemical or chemical mixture to stimulate AhR transformation and DNA binding in vitro