Earth's albedo 30% reflected Incoming solar radiation 100% Top of. atmosphere 19% absorbed by atmosphere and -dflS clouds Sfe : 51% absorbed at surface ##**•*- ■ ■ ■ ■ :■-> * ■ ■ ^1 ¥ ■'. "■ " ň'«ř-ň*-ií£j:k!."?--3.: Figure 3.4 Approximately 30 percent of the solar radiation reaching the earth system is reflected or scattered back to space. The remaining 70 percent is absorbed within the atmosphere or at the surface. Table 31 Typical Albedos of Terrestrial Materials* Material Albedo Earth system as a whole Sand Dense forest Field crops Water (sun near horizon) Water (sun overhead) Fresh snow i c rete 30 25 8 25 40-75 85-95 20-30 *The albedo is the short wave energy reflection rate of an object or substance, stated in percent. Physical Geography Wavelength 105m----------------- 104m----------------- 103m----------------- 102m---------------- 10m---------------- 1 m---------------- 0.1 m —100 mm- 0.01 m-10mm- 1 mm- 0.1 mm — 100 ^m 0.01 mm — 10,um 1 ßm — 10,000 Ä-0.1 /im —1,000 Ä- 100 Ä-j 10Á- 1 Ä- J Type of radiation Long radio waves Standard AM radio broadcasts Short radio waves Microwaves TV broadcasts F M radio broadcasts TV broadcasts * * Infrared radiation .O.ľjum-; Visible light •0.4 /im-Ultraviolet radiation JĽ X rays ^ Red light PP' Orange light ti£P°v Yellow light ■0.575 /im- I Green light vfer y Blue light Violet light Gamma rays South Pole Figure 3.3 Latitudinal variation in the terrestrial energy budget. The earth receives more energy from the sun than it returns to space equatorward of 38"; this situation is reversed poleward of 38°. Š