Within a few years of the rediscovery of Mendeľs rules in 1900, Drosophila melanogaster (the so-called fruit fly) became a favorite "model" organism for genetics research. This little fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is one of the best understood animal in terms of development. The fly uses two structures for smelling, its antennae (visible at the tip of the head), and its maxillary palps (not visible in the picture). Our interests is in understanding the development of the adult olfactory system, which occurs during metamorphosis. The use of the fly for the study of genes and mutations was largely introduced by Thomas H. Morgan. Because of its short life cycle (11 days) and the ease of breeding the fly has been intensively studied at the genetic level for ~100 years. The entire fly genome has now been sequenced, and we now know that it has ~13,000 genes. The goal is to identify those genes that regulate the development of the fly olfactory system. Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) received the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1933 for his discoveries concerning the role chromosomes play in heredity. The giant ("polytene") chromosomes in the salivary (and other) glands of the mature larvae. * These chromosomes show far more structural detail than do normal chromosomes, and * they are present during interphase when chromosomes are normally invisible. Function of polyteny is gene amplification leading to incresed gene expression consist of dark and light bands, separated by insulators. Kultivační médium pro drozofily Navážíme: 120 g kukuřičného šrotu 50 g cukru 25 g sušených kvasnic 14 g agaru Vše smícháme v nádobě vhodné do mikrovlnné trouby, přidáme 1 l vody a důkladně promícháme. V troubě vaříme 1×4 min, 1×3 min, 2×2 min. Vždy promícháme. Po uvaření přidáme 40 ml desinfekčního roztoku a rozléváme do připravených sterilních nádob (sterilizace 1 hod při 100 °C). Na povrch média vložíme kole čko sterilizovaného filtračního papíru prodírkovaného jehlou. Příprava desinfekčního roztoku Navážíme 12,5 g kyseliny benzoové 2,5 g kyseliny sorbové Rozpustit v 240 ml etylalkoholu. Drosophila H4K16Ac H3S10 phosphorylation human C. elegans Inaktivace X chromosomu ve vztahu k epigenetickým modifikacím in mammals Origin of figures: Chromosome Research, Special Issue ­ Drosophila ­ 100 years after Morgan