Cell communication & regulation: a target for toxicants Any sensitively regulated process is susceptible to toxicants ! REGULATIONS & SIGNALLING Hierarchy - systems: neuronal <----> endocrine - cell-to-cell hormonal & neuronal signal transmission contact channels - intracellular signal transduction HORMONES - fate 1. Biosynthesis of a particular hormone in a particular tissue 2. Storage and secretion of the hormone 3. Transport of the hormone to the target cell(s) 4. Recognition of the hormone by an associated cell membrane or intracellular receptor protein. 5. Relay and amplification of the received hormonal signal via a signal transduction process -> cellular response. 6. The reaction of the target cells is recognized by the original hormone-producing cells (negative feedback loop) 7. Degradation and metabolism of the hormone Endocrine system: 1. Pineal gland, 2. Pituitary gland, 3. Thyroid gland, 4. Thymus, 5. Adrenal gland, 6. Pancreas, 7. Ovary, 8.Testis Example: feedback loop HORMONES - actions and controls * stimulation or inhibition of growth * mood swings * induction or suppression of apoptosis (programmed cell death) * activation or inhibition of the immune system * regulation of metabolism * preparation for fighting, fleeing, mating ... * preparation for a new phase of life (puberty, caring for offspring, and menopause) * control of the reproductive cycle TOXICITY TO HORMONAL ACTION = ENDOCRINE DISRUPTION ED & EDCs - major problem in environmental toxicology - Effects at all levels of hormonal action (synthesis, transport, action ....) - Multiple effects (! Not only ,,xenoestrogenicity" & feminization) (immunotoxicity, reproduction ...) (WILL BE DISCUSSED FURTHER) Intersex roach testis containing both oocytes and spermatozoa, caused by exposure to environmental oestrogens HORMONES - chemicals (vertebrates) * Amine-derived hormones are derivatives of the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. Examples are catecholamines and thyroxine. (small molecules - similar to organic toxicants - TOXIC EFFECTS) Further: * Peptide hormones * Lipid and phospholipid-derived hormones Adrenalin Thyroxin HORMONES - chemicals (vertebrates) * Peptide hormones chains of amino acids. - small: TRH and vasopressin; proteins: insulin, growth hormone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone). Large molecules; receptors on surfaces of the cells (Interactions with toxic chemicals less likely) Example - insulin HORMONES - chemicals (vertebrates) Lipid derived hormones (1) (from linoleic acid, arachidonic acid) - prostaglandins HORMONES - chemicals (vertebrates) Lipid derived hormones (2) (small molecules - similar to organic toxicants - TOXIC EFFECTS) - steroid hormones (from cholesterol) testosterone, cortisol, estradiol ... Cell communication & regulation: a target for toxicants Cell communication (1) Cell communication (2) Cell communication (3) Signal transduction - target of toxicants - Regulation of cell life / death (apoptosis) - metabolism - proliferation - differentiation - death (apoptosis) - Signalling - "network" of general pathways - similar in all cells / different cell-specific effects Signalling disruption - Consequences of signalling disruption - unwanted changes in proliferation / differentiation / apoptosis -> cell transformation (carcinogenicity) -> embryotoxicity -> immunotoxicity -> reproduction toxicity .... other chronic types of toxicity Signal transduction - principles : major processes ­ protein-(de)phosphorylation (PKinases, PPases) - secondary messengers (cAMP / IP3, PIP2, DAG, Ca2+, AA) 1: Membrane receptors (G-protein, kinases) -> PKA activation: cAMP 2: Membrane receptors -> PLC / PKC activation -> PKC activation: IP3, PIP2, DAG, Ca2+, AA 3: Cytoplasmic (nuclear) receptors Membrane receptors (PKs): G-proteins (GPCRs) 1: Membrane receptors (PKs) -> Adenylate cyclase -> cAMP -> PKA ­ modulation (!!!) Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases (MAPK) ­ dependent effects 2: Membrane receptors -> Phospholipase C: PIPs -> DAG -> PKC / arachidonic acid + IP3 -> Ca2+ Signalling crosstalk Examples ER-independent estrogenicity (PAHs) modulation of PKs/PPases: phosphorylation -> activation of ER-dependent genes PAHs significantly potentiate the effect of 17-estradiol (via increased phosporylation of ER) Vondráček et al. 2002 Toxicol Sci 70(2) 193 Cholera toxin - activation of adenylate cyclase Lipopolysaccharide (bacteria) - immunotoxicity Examples - other lectures ER-dependent estrogenicity (DDE) [other lectures] xenoestrogenicity, binding to ER + activation AhR-dependent anti-estrogenicity, retinoid toxicity, modulation of estrogen / retinoid levels [other lectures] AhR -> CYPs -> steroid-metabolism PAHs/POPs -> inhibition of Aromatase (CYP19) Microcystins -> liver tumor promotion inhibition of PPases [other lecture] Gap junctions and cellular continuum (Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication - GJIC) Inhibition of GJIC - mechanism of tumor promotion from Trosko and Ruch 1998, Frontiers in Bioscience 3:d208 * gap-junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) - transfer of small signalling molecules via protein channels (gap junctions) * regulation of proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis * inhibition of GJIC -> proliferation ~ tumor promotion * relevance: tumors in vivo have inhibited gap- junctions Control cells Inhibition of GJIC GJIC AhR ER Oxidative Stress PAHs as tumor promoters - inhibition of GJIC Bláha et al. 2002 Toxicol Sci 65: 43 - Several PAHs inhibits GJIC within 30 min exposure (IC50 ~ 10-40 M) - Low MW and bay/bay-like regions promotes the effect -Fluoranthene :non-mutagenic :non-AhR-inducing :tumor promoter in vivo (!) Toxicity to membrane gradients and transport - Semipermeability of membranes: several key functions - cytoplasmic membrane: signalling, neural cells Na+/K+ gradient - mitochondrial membrane: electrone flow -> ATP synthesis - endoplasmatic reticulum Ca2+ signalling - Membrane fusion / transport neurotransmitter release Membrane gradient disruption Ion transfer ("ionofors") antibiotics (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) Ion Channel BLOCKERS / ACTIVATORS Neuromodulators (drugs) Neurotoxins (cyanobacterial) Botulinum and Tetanus toxins (Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium tetani) Toxins = enzymes - proteases (!) - cleavage of proteins involved in vesicle formation - selective inhibition of neutrotransmitter release neurotoxicity Cytoskeleton as target of toxicants microtubules / actin-myosin Cytoskeleton ­ function - intracellular transport - cell replication and division (mitosis:chromosomes) - muscle movement - membrane (vesicles) fusion TOXINS: effects on (DE)POLYMERIZATION cytochalasin D (fungal toxin) Phalloidin (death cap - Amanita phalloides) TOXINS: effects on (DE)POLYMERIZATION Colchicine taxol