Veterinary Research Institute Czech Society for Gene and Cell Therapy JVIendel Therapeutics Ltd. Czech Society for Immunology NANOSIGHT Ltd. Workshop on Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle Analysis System 23. March 2010 Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic RNDr. Jaroslav Turánek, CSc. Agnieszka Siupa Chairman of Czech Society for Gene NanoSight Ltd. UK and Cell Therapy 23.3.2010 Lecture Hall Veterinary Research Institute Hudcova 70 Tram 1, station Hudcova Bus 41, station Hudcova Programme: 9:30 Opening 9:40 Liposomes and Microbubbles as Carriers for Anticancer Drugs and Genetic Vaccines RNDr. Jaroslav Turanek, CSc. 10:30 Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) as a new technology for complex characterisation of nanoparticles in liquid. Agnieszka Siupa 11:30 -12:30 Lunch 12:30 Afternoon section - Analyses of samples on the instrument LM10 (Small Lecture Hall)