Experimental Zoogeography of Islands: Defaunation and Monitoring Techniques Edward O. Wilson; Daniel S. Simberloff Ecology, Vol. 50, No. 2. (Mar., 1969), pp. 267-278. Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0012-9658%28196903%2950%3A2%3C267%3AEZOIDA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-J Ecology is currently published by Ecological Society of America. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.html. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/journals/esa.html. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. The JSTOR Archive is a trusted digital repository providing for long-term preservation and access to leading academic journals and scholarly literature from around the world. The Archive is supported by libraries, scholarly societies, publishers, and foundations. It is an initiative of JSTOR, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to help the scholarly community take advantage of advances in technology. For more information regarding JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. http://www.jstor.org Thu Mar 20 12:57:34 2008 Early Spring 1969 EXPERIMENTAL DEFAUNATION OF ISLANDS 267 some survive in the desert even during years of der the canopy of xerophytes and in open areas. Comdrought, without any artificial irrigation with only n'Onwealth Rev. 43: 219-234. . 19646. Transpiration of Aleppo pine as a func- 80 mm of rainfall, and in the subtropical zone with tion of environment. Ecology 45: 868-873. 200-300 mm of rain. -. 1966. Attraction of atmospheric moisture by These results and those obtained earlier (Gindel woody xerophytes in arid climates. Commonwealth 1%8b, 1%9) indicate that further study is needed Forest. Rev. 45: 297-321. to clarify to what extent augmented stornatal -. 1967a. The correlation between cambium activity and transpiration rate in Aleppo pine. 14th I U F R 0 density and the presence of stomata on the upper Congress 4: 18S207. epidermis in woody xerophytes grown in the -. 19676. The relationship between transpiration driest climate and poorest soil serve to increase and six ecological factors. Oecol. Plant. 8: 227-239. the ability of the tree to absorb atmospheric mois- -- . 1967c. Afforestation of the desert. "Ariel," ture, when moisture tension in the soil and within Jerusalem 19: 13-24. . 1968a. Some ecophysiological properties of three the plant reach their highest values. tree xerophytes grown in the desert. Oecol. Plant. 3: 49-67. 19686. Dynamic modifications in alfalfa leaves This work was accomplished with the financial assis- growing in subtropical conditions. Physiol. Plant. 21: tance of the J.N.F. I express my thanks to Mr. Joseph 1287-1295. Weitz, pioneer of the 50 years of Israeli afforestation, and 1969. Stomata constellation in the leaves of cotto Prof. A. H. Halevy for his criticism of the manuscript. ton, alfalfa, maize and wheat plants as a function of soil moisture and environment. Physiol. Plant. (in press). Fahn, A. 1964. Some anatomical adaptations of des- Kohl, F. G. 1886. Transpiration der Pflanzen und ihre ert plants. Phytomorphology 14: 93-102. Auswirkung auf die Ausbildung pflanzlicher Gewebc. Gindel, 1. 1952. Some anatomical features of the in- H. Bruhn, Braunsweig. 34 p. digenous woody vegetation in Israel. Res. Coun. Sorauer, H. 1873. Einfluss der Wasserzufuhr auf die Israel 2: 1-16. Ausbildung der Gerstenpflanzen. Bot. Z. 31: 145-159. -. 1957. Acclimatization of exotic woody plants Stocker, 0. 1960. Physiological and morphological in Israel : The theory of phytoplasticity. Materiae changes in plants due to water deficiency. Arid Zone Vegetabiles 11: 81-101. Research, UNESCO, 15: 63-104. 1961. The water balance in xerophytes. In- Zelitch, I. 1961. Biochemical control of 'stomata1 tern. Union For. Res. Org. 13 Congress 21: 2-4. opening in leaves. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Wash. 47: . 1964a. Seasonal flucuations in soil moisture un- 1423-83. EXPERIMENTAL, ZOOGEOGRAPHY O F ISLANDS : DEFAUNATION AND MONITORING TECHNIQUES EDWARD0.WILSONAND DANIELS. SIMBERLOFF~ The Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachz~setts02138 (Accepted for publication December 16, 1968) Abstract. In order to facilitate experiments on colonization, a technique was developed that permits the removal of the faunas of very small islands. The islands are covered by a tent and fumigated with methyl bromide at concentrations that are lethal to arthropods but not to the plants. Seven islands in Florida Bay, of varying distance and direction from immigrant sources, were censused exhaustively. The small size (diameter 11-18 m) and ecological simplicity of these islands, which consist solely of red mangrove trees (Rhizophora mangle) with no supratidal ground, allowed the location and identification of all resident species. The terrestrial fauna of these islands is composed almost exclusively of arboreal arthropods, with 20-50 species usually present at any given moment. Surveys of these taxa throughout the Florida Keys, with emphasis on the inhabitants of mangrove forests, were made during 1967 in order to estimate the size and composition of the "species pool." The seven experimetltal islands were defaunated in late 1966 and early 1%7, and the colonists were monitored for 17-20 man-hours every 18 days. Precautions were taken to avoid artificial introductions during the monitoring periods. INTRODUCTION Arthur and Wilson (1963, 1967), who postulated The first attempt to formulate a quantitative an equilibrium number of species on an island theory which would unite an ever-increasing mass determined by the intersection of immigration and of insular biogeographic data was made by Mac- extinction curves drawn as a function of the num'Present address: Department of Biological Science, ber of present. In addition to Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306 speculation on the forms of these curves and ef- 268 EDWARD O. WILSON AND DANIEL S. SIMBERLOFF Ecology, Vol. 50, No. 2 fects of varying both island area and distance from the source, they derived the equation mean S to,go = 1.15 --- (1)X where Si =the hypothetical equilibrium number of species on an island mean$ =the mean of 3 6 for a number of very similar islands i X =the extinction rate (or turnover rate, since an equilibrium requires that extinction = immigration) in number of species per time at equilibrium =time required for number of species present to increase from 0 to 90% of 3. Later the same authors elaborated upon the general shapes of immigration and extinction curves, discussed colonization rates and curves, and predicted the distribution of survival times of species that succeed in colonizing an island (MacArthur and Wilson 1967). Data to test these hypotheses are scarce. Most biogeographic information, when combined with information furnished by the scant fossil record, can at best lead to descriptions of broad patterns of distribution and zoogeographic regions and to hypotheses about the essentially long-term processes responsible for them (e.g., Darlington 1957). Such theories, though occasionally suggestive for specific groups, fail to explain the existing taxonon~icdistributions and the underlying colonization nlechanisms for most islands. They neglect the short-term, even daily events that largely determine the parameters of colonization on many islands. Such events become decisively more important than evolution as distance of island from source area decreases. In particular, the classical zoogeographic methods do not provide a test for the existence of an equilibrium nunlber of species or for the accuracy of equation (l ) . The literature on biotic dispersal, both anecdotal and systematic, provides information on the relative importance of active and passive transport and a wealth of data on the specific agents of passive transport (e.g., Wolfenbarger 1946). Certain cases of overseas dispersal have even been traced to specific meteorological events (French 1964). For no island, however, is the time course of colonization by even a large fraction of the inhabitants known. The large number of records of long distance dispersal implies that immigration rates to islands are probably high, especially for organisms capable of passive transport by wind. But the shape and determinants of the immigration curve cannot be deduced. At best a lower limit might be given. In the recent studies of Surtsey, a new volcanic island near Iceland, there has been a deliberate attempt to document the colonization process from FIG.1. The southern tip of Florida and the Florida Keys. The rectangles enclose the experimental areas shown in detail in Figures 3-5. Early Spring 1969 EXPERIMENTAL DEFAUNATION OF ISLANDS 269 consist entirely of one to several red mangrove trees (Rhizoplzora mangle), with rarely a small black mangrove bush (Avicennia nitida) . Occasionally, in areas of weak tide, the trees are surrounded by small areas of supratidal mud and sand. Such land is only intermittently supratidal, since it is completely flooded during prolonged winds of 10 knots or more. Individual islands may differ in several minor respects such as the number of large trunks and amount of dead bark they contain, but on the whole they are remarkably similar to each other in physical appearance. A fruitful defamation experiment with these islands requires the following conditions : I i) that there be enough of the islands for repliI cation and variation in distance to the nearest FIG.2. Upper: Island El, the second smallest island in source area; the experimental series. Lower: Island E9, the largest i;) that the animal diversity be sufficient to island in the experimental series; note also the presence of supratidal mud. allow statistical treatment, and the organisms be physically large enough to insure recording inconthe birth of the island (Fridrikssoll 1967, Her- s~ic"Ous as as Ones; mannssoll 1967, Lindroth et 1967). But the iii) that the extremely small size of the islands infrequent natural occurrence of such events tends compensates for their relative nearness to source to render quantitative biogeographic theory the areas and therefore produces a distance effect. product of abstract speculation and of enlarge- During an exploratory trip to the Florida Keys ment and sophistication of untestahle hypotheses. ill 1966, we found that conveniently accessible What is needed, clearly, is a nlethod either of Pro- sinall islands were numerous at most distances up ducing new islands similar to natural ones or of to 200 m from the nearest large islands. Beyond sterilizing preexisting islands. 200 m they were rare, although somewhat larger islands (diameter 50 m and greater) were plentiTHEEXPERIMENTALISLANDS ful. A very few small islands suitable for our purAlong the Overseas Highway of southern Flor- poses were located 0.2-1.4 km from the nearest ida (U. S. Route 1) there exist a vast array of source area. small, approximately circular islands situated in A set of such islands were chosen for experishallow bay water (Fig. 1). Together, they con- mentation and their faunas carefully surveyed. stitute a potential natural "laboratory" for experi- Since the breeding fauna of islands this size conmental biogeography. The islands with diameter sists almost entirely of species of insects and spi- 10-20 m (Fig. 2) are 5-10 m tall and usually ders, we made a reference collection of land arTABLE1. Parameters of experimental islands .Control island bWSteppingStone" (SI) 572 m away. Series 1 Eeries 2 Island name El E3 ST2 E2 E6" -- E7 - E8 E9 EIOB Diameter (m) - 11 12 11 12 15% - 25 18 18 1la Distance from nearest source (m) 533 172 154 2 73" 15 - - 1,18gb 379 37" Initial no. arthropod spec~es 25 31 29 43 30" 29 29 41 20R Location off Squirrel Key in Rattlesnake Lumps off Saddlebunch Key off Snipe Keys in Johnston Key Mangroves near Manatee Creek between Calusa Keys and Bob Allen Keys between Calusa Keys and Bob Allen Keys near Bottle Key 270 EDWARD O. WILSON AND DANIEL S. SIMBERLOFF Ecology, Vol. 50, No. 2 thropods of the Florida Keys with the assistance of Robert Silberglied. This collection enabled us to identify the arthropods on the experimental islands, and it provided a measure of the size ana composition of the species pool of the presumed source area, the entire Florida Keys. Animal diversity on the small mangrove islands proved to be adequate for statistical purposes. About 75 insect species (of an estimated 500 that inhabit mangrove swamps and an estimated total of 4,000 that inhabit all the Keys) commonly live on these small islands. There are also 15 species of spiders (of a total Keys complement of perhaps 125 species) and a few scorpions, pseudoscorpions, centipedes, millipedes, and arboreal isopods. At any given moment 20-40 species of insects and 2-10 species of spiders exist on each of the islands. Many birds visit the islands either to roost or to forage, but very few nest there. The only birds that bred on our islands during the course of the experiment (1966-68) were one or two pairs each of the Green Heron, White-crowned Pigeon, and Gray Kingbird. Snakes (mostly water snakes of the genus Natrix) occasionally swim to small mangrove islands, and raccoons visit islands located on shallow mud banks. These vertebrates were not included in the censuses. On the basis of their distance and direction from the nearest source area, their size, and their accessibility, the islands listed in Table 1 were chosen for defaunation. Two islands (E6 and ElO), one each in the vicinity of the two groups of experimental islands, were selected to serve as control islands; and they were censused at the same time as the experimental islands. In order to ascertain whether any long-range change had occurred in the general fauna of small mangrove islands in Florida Bay during the course of the - Meters I000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 FIG.3. Map showing the location of the experimental islands of series 1. 271 0"" Early Spring 1969 EXPERIMENTAL DEFA ColusaKgs FURIDA '- E8 Fbxtrot Keys 0 O. Bob Allen Keys 0 0 - -0 5000 Meters FIG. 4. Map showing the location of the experimental islands of series 2. I - - - - - I 0 1/2 I 2 Miles I------ I 0 1000 2000 Meters FIG. 5. Map showing the location of the original test island E7. experiment, a second census of the control islands was made at the close of the experiment. The two series of experimental islands form two widely separated groups. Series 1 lies within the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge, in a region north of Sugarloaf Key (Fig. 3). Series 2 is in the Everglades National Park near the Calusa Keys north of Islamorada (Fig. 4). E7, which was chosen primarily to test a method of defaunation, is located in Barnes Sound south of the Glades Canal (Fig. 5). The islands were also selected to show as much variation as possible in the degree of isolation from the immigrant sources. The coefficient of correlation for island series 1 between "distance from nearest source" and "number of arthropod species'' is -0.83, indicating the operation in the UNATION OF ISLANDS original faunas of the distance effect as defined by MacArthur and Wilson (1%7), Qualitative differences in faunas of increasingly distant islands were even more striking than quantitative ones. For many groups-especially ants and spidersthe distance effect is so regular that one can guess not only the species number but also the approximate species composition. For example, centipedes and pseudoscorpions were found almost exclusively on islands of less than 200 m distance from the nearest large island. Islands of this minute size can be remarkably long lived. All Rhizophora mangle trees, and particularly those on low, small islands, have numerous aerial roots : both brace roots growing out from the main stem and prop roots growing down from branches. The latter can emerge from as high as 4 rn above the water ( ~ a ~ i eand Muzik 1954) and in time can become as thick as the main stem. Rhizophora trees reproduce viviparously, their seeds growing on the tree until they become large, long, pointed seedlings. When they drop, frequently from the upper canopy, some evidently plant themselves where they fall (Davis 1940). Mangrove swamps are often quite thick, and on small islands there may be several trees. Stems, thickened prop roots, and brace roots in- ,Blake -l K~lorneter FIG.6. Map showing El and surrounding region as it appeared in 1851-57. FIG.7. The same region shown in Figure 6 as it appeared in 1964. 272 EDWARD O.WILSON AND DANIEL S. SIMBERLOFF Ecology, Vol. 50, No. 2 termingle and reproduce themselves so that it is impossible to distinguish how many trees are present, which are which, which is the initial one (even if it is still present), and which are the main stems. Maps of the Florida Keys, especially of the Sugarloaf Key-Key West area, have been remarkably detailed and accurate with respect to small mangrove islands for at least a century. These tell us that E7 and all the islands in series 1 have existed at least 25 years. The other experimental islands were not mapped in sufficient detail to determine longevity. The size and shape of individual islands may change, even drastically, but in general the islands survive the climatic catastrophes to which they are repeatedly subjected. For example, Figure 6 shows E l (Blake's Key) and surrounding areas as it appeared in 1851-57, while Figure 7 shows the same island region on the Coast and Geodetic Survey map of 1964. It therefore seems reasonable to assume that the faunas found initially on the experimental islands were the product of many years' colonization. Our experiments have subsequently shown that the minimum ages of the islands greatly exceed the time required to reach species equilibrium from a start of zero species (Simberloff and Wilson 1969). Our first attempt to defaunate islands made use of an insecticide spray of short-lived residual effect. On July 9-10, 1966, two experimental islands ( E l and E2) were sprayed until dripping with 60 g parathion, 240 g diazinon and 180 g Pylac sticking agent per 100 1fresh water. When the islands were examined 1 day later, all the surface and bark fauna and most borers were dead. However, the following live animals were found in thin hollow twigs. E l : one adult wasp, Scleroderma mcrogaster (Bethylidae) ; workers and larvae of Cremtogmter ashmeadi (Formicidae). E2: two larvae of ?Stylolef-tus biustus. (Cerambycidae) ; two colonies of Paracryptocerus varians (Formicidae) ; and one colony of Tapinoma littorale (Formicidae) . A more tE6rough examination 9 days after spraying produced the following live and apparently healthy insects. El : two larvae of ?Styloleptus biustus (Cerambycidae). E2: one larvae of ?Styloleptus biustus (Cerambycidae) ;one lepidopteran larva ; and two colonies of Xenomyrmex jloridanus (Formicidae) . The large populations of the ant colonies and advanced development of the beetle larvae precluded these insects having immigrated during the 9 days following spraying. The results on El and E2 showed that a spray cannot be expected to penetrate all the hollow twigs of a Rhizophora island. Some twig dwellers will probably survive, particularly if they inhabit narrow twigs (Tapinowza and Xenowzyrwzex) or else pack their tunnels tightly with powdery excreta (Styloleptus). Had we attempted to kill these survivors by using a'spray with a long-lived or more powerful residue, we would have postponed the beginning of the colonization curve, since immigrants may be killed by the residue. Because we had to be certain that all colonists, or at least all but those belonging to a small number of known taxa, would be destroyed immediately, we abandoned the spray technique. We turned next to the more difficult alternative technique of fumigation. The method has the obvious advantages that the residual effect of a gas is negligible, and even the inhabitants of hollow twigs are contacted. This is the standard method used by professional exterminators on termites and other wood-boring insect pests. The fumigation of living plants is a relatively uncharted area. The biochemical effects of fumigants on plants are poorly known, damage usually being described in terms of the physical appearance of the plant shortly after fumigation (Page and Lubatti 1963). To our knowledge, the only prior fumigation of red mangrove trees was by B. P. Stewart (pers. comm.), who used methyl bromide on small plants. With 32 kg/1000 m3 for 2 hr at 32°C and 40 kg/1000 m3 for 2 hr at 27°C he found that all insects apparently were killed, although some did not die until 48 hr after fumigation. Mortality of cockroach eggs was unrecorded in Stewart's study. Damage to the plant was limited primarily to young leaves and twigs, a result that is in accord with the general finding of Page and Lubatti (1963) that the growing stages of both plants and insects are the most susceptible to fumigation. In our preliminary trials we were limited by the fact that fumigants highly soluble in water, such as hydrogen cyanide, could not be used. These substances would be expected either to leave the fumigation tent through the water or to concentrate to an unknown extent in the water under the island. Either effect would greatly complicate the maintenance and measurement of gas concentration. Consequently, the following four relatively insoluble fumigants were tried : Pestmaster Soil Fumigant-1 (methyl bromide 98% wt, chloropicrin 2% wt) ; Acritet 34-66 (acrylonitrile 34% vol, carbon tetrachloride 66% vol) ; Dow Ethylene Oxide (ethylene oxide 100%) ; and Vikane (sulfuryl fluoride 95% wt, inert ingredients 5% wt). Field tests were performed on small Rhizophora trees in Matheson 273Early Spring 1969 E X P E R I M E N T A L DEFA.UNATION OF ISLANDS Hammock Park, Coral Gables, by National Exterminators of Miami, Florida, under the direction of Steve Tendrich in consultation with the authors. Additional tests on the mortality of mangrove colonists were performed at National Exterminators' laboratory in Miami. With the temperature outside the fumigation tent remaining at 24'-29"C, we determined which duration-concentration intensities caused no more than bearable damage to the tree yet were lethal to all the mangrove arthropods. Acritet, Vikane, and ethylene oxide caused extensive, apparently irreversible damage to red mangrove and were rejected. However, methyl bromide at 22 kg/ 1000 m3 for 2 hr caused browning of only about 10% of the leaves 1 week after treatment, with no visible later effects. This duration and concentration killed all the mangrove inhabitants (including such resistant forms as roach eggs and lepidopteran pupae) with one possible exception. When data from all tests at this duration-concentration are lumped together, only 95% of cerambycids and 80% of weevils were dead when dug out of their burrows 1-10 days after fumigation. The remainder all died within 2 days of removal. It is tempting to ascribe the death of these few larvae to a delayed effect of the fumigant. However, a control experiment consisting of the removal of five unfumigated cerambycid larvae (Styloleptzts biustus) from their respective burrows caused death within 5 days without any additional treatment. Monro and Delisle (1943) report that many insects are active soon after exposure to methyl bromide but succumb in time (some lepidopterous larvae surviving for 2 months), and that this delayed effect is especially common in fumigations at the low concentrations used in our own field tests. This peculiarity is confirmed by Chisholm (1952) for Japanese beetle larvae and other insects. Of at least equal importance, the results from our experimental islands (Simberloff and Wilson 1 x 9 ) strongly suggest that the cerambycids were eliminated by the fumigation treatment. W e therefore conclude that even the deep-boring beetle larvae were very probably killed by the treatment. The overt physical damage to the trees consisted of a browning of leaves and shoots and occasional heavy oozing of sap. At 61 kg/1000 m3 the leaf browning was manifest upon tent removal, but at 35 kg/1000 m3 and less there was little or no immediate browning. The effect became evident at about 24 hr and worsened in terms of fraction of leaves browned through 72 hr, by which time up to 90% of the leaves were brown and after which no further browning occurred. Browning did not occur randomly throughout the canopy. Instead, whole sections of the tree became completely brown while others remained almost unscathed. The upper canopy was always more severely browned, but there seemed to be no other consistent damage pattern. Abscission of the dead leaves began within a week and, often aided by wind, was usually complete within 8 weeks. At this time damaged trees looked superficially dead except for remaining green sections. Closer examination showed that the damaged trees could be conveniently divided into three classes, as follows: For those trees where browning of leaves and shoots appeared complete by 72 h r the damage was irreversible. Within a few months bark began to peel and twigs with green wood could not be found. A year later there was no evidence of life. Island E8 is in this class. In the second category, which includes only E7, a large majority of the leaves and shoots were browned and died, while a small section remained green. In the third category, the trees were less severely damaged (60% or fewer browned leaves). Green sections remained unchanged, while leaf abscission in most of the damaged sections was accompanied by the sprouting of new shoots and leaves from almost all branches. Within 2 months the trees appeared normal except for occasional leafless in the extreme upper canopy. Island E l , which 2 days after fumigation appeared to have about 50% brown leaves. recovered after 1 month to the extent that it did not appear to have incurred more damage than similar trees do during heavy storms, and 2 months after defaunation seemed quite normal except for a small bare patch in the upper canopy. At no time did its bark crack or peel. In most damaged trees of the first two classeswhere either the whole tree or all but a small section was killed-there was copious oozing of sap for up to a week after fumigation. Such oozing was never observed in untreated trees, nor in those fumigated trees which showed good leaf replace- ment. The action of methyl bromide on living plants has been studied rather extensively by several authors. Mainwaring ( 1 x 1 ) examined the physiological responses of several plants to methyl bromide, and his numerous observations imply that its major effect is auxin inhibition. The damage we observed seemed too drastic and certainly too immediate to be attributed solely to auxin inhibition, although the presence of such a biochemical action cannot be ruled out. Whatever the effect of methyl bromide on Rhizophora mangle, it apparently had the expected Qlo of 2-3. Our initial tests in Matheson Hammock were conducted on small plants well shaded 274 EDWARD O.WILSON AND DANIEL S. SIMBERLOFF Ecology, Vol. 50, No. 2 by large trees, and the temperature inside the TABLE2. Arthropod species found on E7 just prior to fumigation tent remained within 3" of the air tem- and perature (24"-29" C). The experimental islands could not be shaded, and even on overcast days INSECTS Embioptera: gen. sp.' the temperature inside the dark tent was at least Orthoptera: Latiblattelh n. sp. 32°C. b n sunny days the inner temperature was so high that the presence of the covering alone caused browning of leaves. It seems probable that the generally more severe damage to the upper canopy throughout this experiment was caused by higher temperature, especially since methyl bromide gas has a density (3.974 g/liter at 20°C) considerably greater than that of air. Air humidity is much less important than temperature in its effect on fumigation damage to plants (Page and Lubatti 1963) ; our experiments were allnost all conducted within a narrow humidity range (65%-90%) and the effects of varying this parameter were not studied. The first two experimental islands (E7 and E 1) were fumigated during daytime and damaged. In order to reduce heat damage we therefore fumigated all other islands at night. The concentration was increased from 22 kg/1000 m3 to 28-30 kg/ 1000 1n3wit11 no observable additional damage. The chemical means for defamation now having been chosen and tested, we were left with an overwhelming physical problem of how to fumigate an entire island. Assuming that we could somehow get the fumigation tent (a 25-n~by 25-m piece of plastic-impregnated canvas with addiFIG.8. Upper: The scaffolding constructed around E7, complete except for the top walkway. Lozver: the fumigation tent over E7. Coleoptera: Psocoptera: Hemiptera: Lepidoptera: Hymenoptera: ARACHNIDS Araneae: Acarina: OTHER Chilopoda: Isopoda: Cycloptilum sp. Tafaliscalurida" Pseudoacdh sp.b Leptostylus sp. Styloleptus 6iustusb Tricorynus sp. Archipso~lspanama Pseudococcus sp. Nemapogon sp." Casinaria tezana Camponotus$oridanuss Camponolus planatu.9 Paracryplocerus variad Pseudomyrmez ebngatw Xenomyrmez $oridaruk Ariadna arthuri Eustala sp. Leuuauge vcnustaa Galumna sp. Orphnaeus brasilianusa Rhyscotus sp." discovered dead after fumigation "discovered mostlydead after fumigation (see text) tional side pieces for larger islands) onto an island, the tree could not support the weight without major limb breakage, since even our special halfweight tent weighed 275 kg. It was evident that some sort of superstructure was needed, one which would surround and rise over the island to remove most or all of the tent weight from the tree. Constructing a permanent framework and lowering it over the islands by helicopter was too expensive. An alternative method employing a temporary full framework constructed on the site was used on October 10, 1966 to defaunate E7. The procedure was as follows (see also Fig. S) : First, planks to prevent the framework from sinking into the mud were placed underwater in a square around the islands and held manually until the first tier of scaffolding (which was sufficiently heavy to keep them from floating) was placed on top. Then the remaining tiers were added, one side at a time, until the island was surrounded by a cube of scaffolding. Fig. 8 (upper) shows the framework complete except for the upper tier of scaffolding in the right rear corner and the square walkway of planks around the very top of the structure. The tent was then raised by block and tackle to the top of the framework and lowered over the island. Methyl bromide was introduced from 45 kg cylinders through the tent wall at opposite sides of the island, 2.5 m above the water, and into a metal tub mounted with an electric fan to Early Spring 1969 EXPERIMENTAL DEFA.SINATION OF ISLANDS 275 disperse the gas. Chloropicrin (tear gas), added to the odorless methyl bromide as a safety measure, was allowed to drip into burlap sheets at the bottom of the tubs. Concentration of the methyl bromide was measured frequently by a Gow-Mac thermal conductivity meter with a self-contained pump attached to a testing station 2.5 m above the water and well away from the two shooting stations. The methyl bromide concentration was gradually built up from 0 to 22 kg/1000 m3 over 30 min, then kept at 22-25 kg/1000 m3 for 2 hr. Outside air temperature during this time remained steady at about 27°C. At the end of the fumigation the gas was released through seam openings for 45 min, and the tent was then removed. Immediately following the dissipation of the gas, E7 was explored for a total of 6 man-hours. The results generally confirmed the evidence from the Matheson Hammock tests. Dead individuals representing 11 of the 23 species observed before fumigation were found, frequently in large numbers and in all life stages. The details are given in Table 2. The only live animals encountered were larvae of two deep-boring beetles. These formed only a small fraction of the original population, as shown by the following recovery data: of 59 larvae of Styloleptus biustus (Cerambycidae), 2 were alive and 57 dead; of 10 larvae of Pseudoacalles sp. (Curculionidae), 2 were alive and 8 dead. One of the two live cerambycids was extremely sluggish and died an hour after removal. The other cerambycid and the two weevils seemed healthy, though one of the weevils became torpid and died 9 hr after removal. The tree was severely damaged as described previously. Within 2 months 85% of the foliage was dead, although the single living section has remained green until at least May 1%8. Thus the procedure worked essentially as expected, and this aspect of the fumigation was left unchanged in subsequent defaunations, except that the work was henceforth done at night in all but one instance ( E l ). The cubical scaffolding framework had disadvantages, chief among them being the large crew necessary to erect it (at least five men) and the number of pieces and weight of the equipment. This necessitated numerous boat trips between E7 and our staging area near Manatee Creek, since the shallow water along the route precluded tne use of large craft. This problem was greatly aggravated on the other islands, which are located considerably further from a convenient staging area. \Ve therefore set out to devise a tower to be located in the center of the island and rising high enough so that most of the tent weight rested on it. This device proved to be more vulFIG.9. Upper: the fumigation tent being opened over E 2 from a tower support. Middle: E2 partially covered. Lower: E9 covered by the fumigation tent on a tower support. nerable to high witids, but it has the great advantage of requiring less equipment and a smaller crew to assemble it. National Exterminators contracted a steeplejack to perfect the tower method. After a month of experimenting 011 islands near Key Largo, the following procedure was adopted and used for the remaining islands. A collapsible 10-m triangular steel tower was erected in the center of the island, either propped on a large root or forced deep into the ground. The steeplejack then climbed to the top and threw out three guy wires which were fastened down 276 EDWARD O. WILSON AND DANIEL S. SIMBERLOFF Ecology, Vol. 50, No. 2 TABLE3. Extent of damage to foliage and subsequent recovery on experimental islands I I I I Island Fumigation Time Extent of damage (burnt leaves) - -- Damage location day 50% general I Recovery of foliage complete in 2 months, except for extreme upper canopy oomplete in 2 months oomplete in 2 months none none little in upper canopy complete elsewhere in 2 months complete in 2 months I night night day night night night with mudscrews or stakes, depending on the substrate. Using a block and tackle, one man on the tower and one on the island lifted the rolled tent until it formed a triangle over the island. The tent was then carefully unrolled down the guide wires until the island was covered (Fig. 9). It was inlpossible to unfurl the tent from the tower in winds greater than 8 knots. Sandbags and stakes were used to keep the tent edges submerged. Ecluipment used in the tower method was identical to- that described already for the scaffolding method, and was similarly situated. The procedure was identical except that gas was administered from 0.5-kg cans and concentration and duration were increased to 28-33 kg/1000 m3 for 2.5 hours on all islands but El. After fumigation the methyl bromide was released through tent seams as with scaffolding, but in the tower system tent removal was more difficult. At low wind speeds the tent could be laboriously refurled and gradually lowered to the boat. W e fortuitously discovered that high winds, instead of causing extensive damage as we expected, could actually aid tent removal. The windward side of the tent was lifted by poles to about 3 n~ above water, whereupon sufficient wind entered the tent to lift it up over the tree and to drop it, partly extended, into the water on the leeward side of the island. E l was fumigated in the daytime. For all remaining islands the tent was unrolled no earlier than 60 min before sundown, the fumigation was conducted between 8:00 and 12:00 pm, the gas was removed by 1 :00 am, and the tent was either off the island or refurled within 90 mi11 of dawn. Effects on the mangrove trees of the fumigated islands are noted in Table 3. All islands were examined immediately after tent removal. No living animals at all were found on El, E2, E8, and E9. A single live curculionid larva was found on E3. On ST2, 1 living and at least 100 dead polyxenid millipedes (Lophoupper canopy upper canopy all except one section complete upper canopy and one other section scattered I proctinus ?bartschi) were found. Although we have no further direct evidence and know of no work on methyl bromide fumigation of millipedes, we suspect that all millipedes not destroyed immediately were killed by the delayed effect of methyl bromide discussed earlier. In sum, we feel that this fumigation technique killed all mangrove arthropods with the single remotely possible exception of cleep-boring beetle larvae. Precautions were taken at all monitorings2 to prevent contamination of the experimental islands. Boats were never brought in contact with the islands and only seldom tied to them; usually they were anchored at least 12 m away. Before wading to an island, experimenters examined clothing, equipment, and persons for animals, which were destroyed. To lessen the chance of phoresy, investigators simply immersed themselves briefly or sprayed themselves with "Off" insect repellent. All equipment used on the island was sprayed weekly with a short-lived insecticide. The absence of supratidal land, except around E9, greatly simplifies the environment of the experimental islands. The arboreal substrate may be arbitrarily divided into hollow twigs, living branches and twigs, dead bark and tree holes, leaves and flowers, green shoots, and fruits. Because of the extremely small size of the experimental islands it was possible to study most of these microhabitats all but exhaustively~forthe pre-defaunation censuses. A typical example is the survey of E3, where we broke and examined 3,500 of an estimated 5,000 small hollow twigs, collected ? The term "monitoring" is used to designate one or more of the censuses of species, conducted for a period of 17-20 hr during the course of the experiment. In the present series of articles, monitoring, census, and censusing are used interchangeably to refer to the listing of species. Early Spring 1969 E X P E R I M E N T A L DEFA.UNATION OF ISLANDS 277 90% of the fruits, examined virtually all of the leaves, and lo~okedunder at least 80% of the pieces of dead bark. Rhizophora has numerous limbs and our islands were relatively low, so that we were able, by climbing carefully, to examine the canopy right to the top. The fumigation procedure itself gave added evidence of the completeness of our original surveys. The fumigant included 2% chloropicrin, which drives out even deep-boring and hollowtwig-dwelling arthropods (cf. Lauck 1965). The animals either fell into the water or remained hanging from branches by spines or silk, tenuously and conspicuously. Those which fell generally remained afloat and, when a tent seam was opened after fumigation, flowed out in masses where they were collected on a screen. The chloropicrin technique was especially effective on E8, E9, and ST2, and the results indicated greater densities of both insects and spiders than we had suspected. Only on E8, however, were animals found that had not been noted in the original surveys. These consisted of four beetles: Staphylinidae : gen. sp. Carabidae : Bembidion sp. nr. contracturn Carabidae : Tachys occulator Oedemeridae : Oxacis sp. Of these the first three were apparently living in a patch of temporarily supratidal mud, which was submerged again 2 weeks later during a strong wind. The Oxacis were encountered only on the fumigation tent, and even their status as "transients'' is doubtful. Defaunated islands were censused for approxi'NUMBER OF MAN- HOURS SEARCHING FIG.10. Cumulative species counts during individual censuses on three of the experimental islands. mately 2 days every 18 days. At each census period approximately 10% of all hollow twigs were broken. and with this treatment the number of hollow twigs seemed to remain constant throughout the experiment. Only when gentle lifting failed to allow vision was dead bark removed, and then only a part was peeled off. Small amounts of carbon tetrachloride and ammonia, and tapping with a steel probe were used to drive animals out from underneath bark and inside hollow twigs without damage to tree or colonist. Although the pre-defamation searching methods had been drastic, care was taken following defaunation to prevent the censusing from being destructive and from altering the proportions of the respective microhabitats on an island. Most colonists could be identified in the field because of the small subset of the Keys fauna which invades small mangrove islands and the completeness of our reference collection. Those that could not be recognized with certainty were treated in one of two ways. If the animal in question was obviously part of a sizable population, as with many psocopterans and thrips, a small collection was made that did not exceed 2% of the estimated minimum size of the population. When an unknown arthropod was not part of a large population, we photographed it. It was quickly discovered that the rate of discovery of new species during each censusing period, although at first very high, declined approximately linearly to near 0 at about 14 man-hours of searching. A very few species are expected to appear from immigration within the monitoring period. Figure 10 depicts the cumulative number of species observed vs. time for three representative monitorings. Different sizes of islands, weather conditions, and especially varying population sizes caused minor differences in the curves from island to island and from time to time; but despite great changes in the numbers of species through the course of the experiment, the curves remained remarkably similar in shape. The censusing period was therefore chosen to last between 17 and 20 man-hours. Because of the simplicity and very small size of the experimental islands, and because several nocturnal censuses located no new species, we felt that all colonists having crepuscular or nocturnal activity were being recorded during the diurnal monitoring. The anyphaenid spider Aysha sp. and ant Paracryptocerus varians are both strictly nocturnal, yet both were recorded during the day in their retreats. Similarly the crepuscular braconid wasp Macrocentrus sp. and largely nocturnal ants Camponotus floridanus and Tapinoma littorale were repeatedly observed. 278 DANIEI. S . SIMBERLOFF AND EDWARD O. WILSON Ecology, Vol. 50, No. 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Hermannsson, S. 1967. Introduction. Surtsey Re- We thank the IJnited States Department of the Interior search Progress Report, 111: 1. for permission to fumigate the islands of this experiment. LaRue, D. C., and T. T. Muzik. 1954. Growth, reIn particular, Jack Watson of the Great White Heron generation and precocious rooting in Rhizophora manNational Wildlife Refuge, Roger W. Allin and William gle. Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. (1) 39: 9-29. B. Robertson of the Everglades National Park, and Lauck, D. R. 1965. Chloropicrin for fast action with Robert M. Linn of the National Park Service examined a Berlese funnel. Turtox News 43: 115. the plans of the experiment and concluded, with the au- Lindroth, C. H., H. Andersen, H. Bodvarsson, and S. H. thors, that the total mangrove faunas would be unaffected. Richter. 1967. Report on the Surtsey investigation Steve Tendrich, Vice-President of National Extermina- in 1966. Terrestrial invertebrates. Surtsey Research tors, Inc. (Miami) coped imaginatively and effectively Progress Report, 111: 59-67. with the unique problems presented by the project. W. H. MacArthur, R. H., and E. 0.Wilson. 1963. An equiBossert and P. B. Kannowski assisted in the original librium theory of insular zoogeography. Evolution censuses. Maps and tables for all parts of this series 17: 373-387. were done by Mrs. Helen Lyman. The work was sup- MacArthur, R. H., and E. 0.Wilson. 1967. The theory ported by N S F grant GB-5867. of island biogeography. Princeton University Press. 203 p. LITERATURECITED Mainwaring, A. P. 1961. Some effects of methyl broChisholm, R. D. 1952. Nature and uses of fumigants, mide on aphids and whitefly and their host plants. P. 358. In Insects, The Yearbook of Agriculture 1952. ~~~~~~~l thesis, ~~~d~~ univ., ~ ~ ~~ England, d Darlington, P. J. 1957. Zoogeography: the geographi- Monro, H. A. U.,and Delisle. F~~~~~~1943. applical distribution of animals. Wiley, New York. 675 p, cations of bromide as a fumigant. Sci. Agr. Davis, J. H. 1940. The ecology and geologic role of mangroves in Florida. Papers from Tortugas Lab., 23: 546-556. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 32: 307-412. Page, A. B. P., and 0.F. Lubatti. 1963. Fumigation French, R. A. 1964 (1965). Long range dispersal of insects. Ann. Rev. Entorno'. 8: 239-264. illsects in relation to synoptic meteorology. Proc. Simberloff, D. S., and E. 0.Wilson. 1969. ~ x ~ e r i Int. Congr. Entomol. 12th (London). 6: 418-419. mental zoogeography of islands. The colonization of Fridriksson, S. 1967. Life and its development on the empty is1ands. Ecology 50: 278-296, volcanic island, Surtsey. Proc. Surtsey Research Wolfenbarger, D.0. 1946. Dispersion of small orgaConf., 1967: 7-19. nisms. Amer. Midland Naturalist 35: 1-152. EXPERIMENTAL ZOOGEOGRAPHY OF ISLANDS : THE COLONIZATION O F EMPTY ISLANDS The Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 (Accepted for publication December 16, 1968) Abstract. We report here the first evidence of faunistic equilibrium obtained through controlled, replicated experiments, together with an analysis of the immigration and extinction processes of animal species based on direct observations. The colonization of six small mangrove islands in Florida Bay by terrestrial arthropods was monitored at frequent intervals for 1 year after removal of the original fauna by methyl bromide fumigation. Both the observed data and climatic considerations imply that seasonality had little effect upon the basic shape of the colonization curves o i species present vs. time. By 250 days after defamation, the faunas of all the islands except the most distant one ("El") had regained species numbers and composition similar to those of untreated islands even though population densities were still abnorn~allylow. Although early colonists included both weak and strong fliers, the former, particularly psocopterans, were usually the first to produce large populations. Among these same early invaders were the taxa displaying both the highest extinction rates and the greatest variability in species composition on the different islands. Ants, the ecological dominants of mangrove islands, were among the last to colonize, but they did so with the highest degree of predictability. The colonization curves plus static observations on untreated islands indicate strongly that a dynamic equilibrium number of species exists for any island. We believe the curves are produced by colonization involving little if any interaction, then a gradual decline as inter- action becomes important, and finally, a lasting dynamic equilibrium. Equations are given for the early immigration, extinction, and colonization curves. Di~persalto these islands is predominantly through aerial transport, both active and passive. Extinction of the earliest colonists is probably caused chiefly by such physical factors as drowning or lack of suitable breeding sites and less commonly by competition and predation. Present address: Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306 You have printed the following article: Experimental Zoogeography of Islands: Defaunation and Monitoring Techniques Edward O. Wilson; Daniel S. Simberloff Ecology, Vol. 50, No. 2. (Mar., 1969), pp. 267-278. 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