•iiEBi Study: • extensive - large area will be sampled once —> faunistic survey • intensive - repeated observation of area —> ecological survey Timing of sampling: • depends on phenology Size of sampled area: • large for rare, small for abundant species Population estimates: • absolute - density per unit ar • relative - catch per unit time •s 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pseudoscorpione Araneae Acan, Lmyphiidae Opihones Araneidae J """ D Adult D Juvenile - Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Hand sampling • to sample arachnids under stones, from cracks, on bark, on rocks, in caves, on walls • using pooter (aspirator), brush, pincer, tube or a suction gun • traps collect continuously • cheap, low effort • activity depends on sex, circadian activity, weather, reproduction, dispersal • arranged in a grid or in a row • with exclusion barriers • diameter of the trap selects captured individuals • efficiency 0-40 % • with timing device Photoeclector to sample arachnids from low vegetation muslim-covered tent Dry sievin to sample arachnids in litter using a sieve and a cloth or tray Specimen transport Dead specimens • put in ependorf tubes, plastic tubes, filled with ethanol • live are put in plastic tubes with piece of grass, leaf, moistened cloth with rubber or foam stop Labelling • labelled using permanent ink-pen • use pencil on labels of tubes with ethanol Transport • in the plane, bus, car, train • put in plastic bag to keep humidity and at cold place Storage Labels • locality, GPS coordinates, habitat, date, hour (?), collector (leg.), identified (det.) • print on cardboard paper using inkjet printer or write with a pencil or black-ink Database • Excel, Access, faunistic software (Fauna 2000) Identification • Klíč zvířeny ČSSR IV KLIť ZYlKEJVt .-_ Č&SK IV rirlL.-uvuJi ÍL IWmh'l n V. tVt'iif 1 c; < ■si .2. ory r singly in tubes with a layer of Paris of plaster labelled on outside with permanent ink-pen moistened regularly (3-5 days) with drops of water foam rubber stop or pierced plastic plug fed with prey in regular intervals • kept clean (without prey remnants) to avoid attack by fungi and parasitic mites