Introduction •Biodeterioration, bioalternation, biocorrosion, biodecay •Biodeteriogen •Building stone •Cyanobacterial and algal growths •The habitat concept •Floristic studies •Taxonomy •Ecology and autecology •Assemblages •Biodeterioration of stone associated with cyanobacteria and algae •Remarks on control and removal of algae • 1 Biodeterioration •(Bio)alternation, (bio)corrosion, (bio)deterioration, (bio)decay • •An exchange of material and energy • •Two heterogenous open dynamic system: The solid substrate and its atmospheric (indoor and autdoor), aquatic or chthonic environment • •The natural limit of turnover activities is given by the penetration depths and speeds of physical gradients, gases, solutions, and organisms (including their extracellular products) into mineral material. 2 Biodeteriogen •We could not debar any organism from being an actual or potential biodeteriogen because of no special criteria for biodeteriogen. • •Therefore the range of potential biodeteriogens is huge. • •The deteriogenic effects are mainly a minor incidental part of their activities. • •The biodeteriogenic organism usually inhabit secondarily an artificial man-made surface and participate on cycling of elements (Winkler, 1994). 3 Building Stone •Stone is the oldest entity of Earth • •Characterised by a wide range of mineral compositions, textures, and rock structures • •Creates ecosystem which includes also environmental factors (light, nutrition, climate, pollution) • •Significant deterioration of monuments has been begun since years 1870-1880, this phenomenon has not been possible to stop since 1950 4 Cyanobacterial and algal growths •Primarily concerned with the cyanobacteria and algae growing on the exposed surfaces of buildings constructed of man-made materials • •Special consideration is given to those obscuring coloured stains on building stone • •This account includes the tasks caused by them and the method used for their investigation, control and elimination 5 The Habitat Concept •Most of the cyanobacteria and algae are ubiquitous • •Cyanobacterial and algal taxa growing on man-made surfaces • •Exactly, it is difficult to define the basis of habitat • •Growing in non-aquatic environments have been termed terrestrial, aerial or subaerial forms • •Man-made subaerial environment form stressing factors - temperature, dessication, high or low pH, toxicants (pollutants), high or very low irradiance 6 Floristic Studies •More than 200 algal genera had been recorded world wide in floristic studies • •The investigation of colonisations of stone by algae • •Most species lists include a number of unidentified organisms • •Difficult to make exact comparisons of the floristic data • •Differences in the homogeneity of the surface sampled, the intensity of sampling • •The experiences of collector • •The method used for the identification of samples, inconsistencies in the taxonomy of some groups, and in the competence and special interests of the phycologist identifying the algae 7 Taxonomy •subaerial cyanobacteria and algae are of a simple organization, exhibit a simple unicellular or filamentous habit • •Cyanobacteria and green algae dominate on subaerial habitat • •No systematic effort has been made to distinguish which genera are truly subaerial • •Many taxonomic problems 8 Ecology and Autecology •Main question are the adaptations to the subaerial environment • •The capacity to tolerance desiccation is a feature of many cyanobacteria and algae of both aquatic and terrestrial origin • •The most fundamental feature of all truly aubaerial algae is the ability to resist extremes of temperature, high light intensity and considerable water loss • •Many opportunists in subaerial habitats, colonising and growing very fast over wetter or aquatic periods 9 Assemblages •In subaerial habitats some cyanobacteria and algae were typically much more abundant than others • •The assemblages were named by using the names of the most abundant forms: the blue-green assemblage, the Trentepohlia assemblage, Desmococcus assemblage, Prasiola assemblage, Stichococcus assemblage 10 Biodeterioration of stone associated with cyanobacteria and algae •Excessive biofilm accumulation in porous substrata changes or reduces their properties or effectiveness • •The pedogenic significance of cyanobacteria and algae is very important by biogeophysical weathering of stone surfaces • •Mechanical damage caused by active penetration of euendoliths and chemical damage caused by substances and products of metabolism and of extracellular matrix • •Aesthetic biodeterioration or soiling • 11 Remarks on control and removal of algae •Indirect methods •Reduction of humidity, firing, cover, isolation... •Direct methods •Eliminate crusts, patinas; UV-rays, X-rays, biocide chemicals... 12 The Aims •Floristic screening and taxonomic study of microalgae causing the biological attack on building stone; • •Which factor of urban environment (substrata, pollution, humidity, etc.) have an influence on the composition of the subaerial taxa; • •To set a growth inhibition test on subaerial microalgae; • •To test the microalgae causing actively biodeterioration which potentially damage the building stone. 13 Individual studies forming the results •Gravestones in Cemetery •Tombstone in a historic cemetery •Subterranean Jewish cemetery •The walls of building in Bratislava (SK) •The walls of building in Murcia (ESP) •The walls of building in Brno (CZ) •Growth inhibition test on subaerial microalgae 14 Materials and methods •Research area •The Bratislava City •The Murcia Region •The Brno Region •Sampling •Laboratory cultivation •Analysis for determination •Ultrastructural analysis (SEM) 15 Research area •Bratislava - capital city is located in West Slovakia (48°10´N, 17°10´E) •Murcia - This region is located in South-east Spain (the Murcia City - 36°56´N, 1°07´W) •Brno - city in south Moravia eastern part of Czech Republic 16 Sampling •Different substrata - horizontal distribution •One substrata - vertical distribution •North and south exposition on one building •Spatial distribution in a city • • 17 Sampling Schema DomSvMaritna PresbyteriumSever Mramor Hrubozrnny Monument Sampling Place Detail of Substrate 1st Cultivation Culture Mikroskop 17a In Laboratory LabakEspana ExperimentEspana Flowbox DSCN0531 Dscn0535 Flowbox Isolation Experiment Cultivation Consultation 17b Cintorin Kozia Brana Litavsky Vapenec Cintorin Kozia Brana 2 Travertin Pieskovec s Vapnitym tmelom Vápnitý Pieskovec Figs 3-8. Kozia brána Cemetery: Figs. 3-4. Landform of the Kozia brána Cemetery; Fig. 3. The southern part of the cemetery; Fig. 4. Near the entrance; Fig. 5. Litava limestone; Fig. 6. Travertine; Fig. 7. Sandstone with calcareous cement; Fig. 8. Calcarenite. 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 Stone Substrata Ryolit 2 Tehla Granodiorit Cierny Dolerit 1 Cierny Dolerit 2 Neogenny Pieskovec 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figs 9-14. Kozia brána Cemetery: Fig. 9. Black dolerite – smooth surface; Fig. 10. Black dolerite – ragged surface; Fig. 11. Neogene calcarenite; Fig. 12. Brick; Fig. 13. Ryolite; Fig. 14. Granodiorite. 19 Stone Substrata Hluznaty Vapenec - Tata Madarsko Mramor Hrubozrnny 15 16 17 18 19 Figs 15-19. Figs 15-16. Kozia brána Cemetery: Fig. 15. Pink nodular limestone from Tata (Hungary); Fig. 16. Marble. Figs. 17-19. Chatam Sófer Mausoleum: Fig. 17. Concrete shall of the Mausoleum before total reconstruction (arrow); Fig. 18. Gravestones on the soil; Fig. 19. Central part, Chatam Sófer’s sarcophagus. 20 Underground DomSvMaritna PresbyteriumSever DSCN0893 DSCN0924 20 21 22 23 Figs 20-23. Figs 20-21. St. Martin’s Cathedral in Bratislava, Slovakia: Fig. 20. Northern part of Cathedral; Fig. 21. Socle part of Presbyterium. Figs. 22-23. Islamic Castle Monteagudo in Region of Murcia, Spain: Fig. 22. The NW view of the Castle; Fig. 23. The central walls of the Castle. 21 Historical Monuments Mother and two doughters P1010045 Detail Doughter with book Mother with Doughter Left Figs 24-27. Tombstone (statue represent mother with two doughters) and tomb cover in the historic cemetery of Pressburg Evangelicals Kozia brána in the centre of Bratislava. Fig. 24. Sampling places of algae (1-14) in different microhabitat zones (A-E); Fig. 25. Tomb cover with growths of liverworts and mosses (arrows); Figs 26-27. Detail views on weathered parts of statue (arrows). 24 25 26 27 Nakres Socha 22 Tombstone Laboratory Cultivation •Zehnder medium (Zehnder in Staub, 1961) •BG11 medium (Rippka et al., 1979) •BG110 (Rippka, 1988) •BBM (Smith & Bold, 1966) •either liquid or agarised at 20-22 °C •The unialgal strains were used for detail taxonomic study to obtain the data of whole life cycle 23 Analysis for Determination •Type of stone substrata •10 scores for each stone sample •Structure of algal assemblage •The phenotype features •Original drawings made by camera lucida from field and from cultured material •Olympus BH2 Photomicrography system and Nikon DXM1200 (F) colour camera by LUCIA imaging system (Y/C and composite) – image analysis software developed for image capture, archiving and analysis (© 2004 Laboratory Imaging s.r.o.) • • 24 Ultrastructural Analysis (SEM) •Pieces of stone substrata were taken from outer walls of monuments and buildings in urban sites. • •Samples were fixed, dehydrated, coated with gold as described previously (Garty and Delarea, 1987) • •Examined by a JEOL JXA 840A scanning electron microscope (SEM) operating at 200 kV 25 General Results and Discussion •Cca 115 taxa of microalgae •The competitive „first come, first serve“ relationships •Cyanobacteria 35% •Chlorophytes 42% •Chrysophytes 17% •Charophytes 8% •The north-facing or humid side of buildings • • 26 Chroococcidiopsis umbratilis Leptolyngbya nostocorum1JSP4 CHS98-48 CHS98-35d 131 84 28 Figs 28-33. Cyanobacteria: Fig. 28. Chroococcidiopsis umbratilis, a vegetative cells, b endosporangium; Fig. 29. Chroococcidiopsis sp.; Fig. 30. Leptolyngbya nostocorum, a false branching; Fig. 31. L. fragilis; Fig. 32. Nostoc sphaericum; Fig. 33. N. microscopicum 31 29 30 32 33 a b a 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 20 µm 40 µm 40 µm 27 Cyanobacteria Porphyridium7(100x) Porphyridium9(100x) 144 111 113 164 36 34 35 37 38 39 Figs 34-39. Fig. 34. Cyanobacterium: Scytonema julianum, a apical globular cell ; Fig. 35-36. Rhodophyta (red algae): Fig. 35. The colony of Porphyridium purpureum, a cell division; Fig. 36. Solitary globular cells of P. purpureum; Fig. 37-39. Heterokontophyta: Fig. 37. One-celled representatives of Xanthonema sp.; Fig. 38. Representatives of Xanthonema sp., a one-celled, b two-celled, c four-celled; Fig. 39. Fragmentation of filament of Xanthonema sp., a H-particles, b unicelled fragments of filament c a b a b a a 20 µm 40 µm 40 µm 20 µm 10 µm 10 µm 28 Rhodophyta and Heterokontophyta Figs 40-45. Figs 40-44. Chlorophyta: Fig. 40. Chlorosarcinopsis cf. arenicola; Fig. 41. Tetracystis sarcinalis, a globular zoosporangia with tetrades of zoospores, b zoospores, c pyrenoid; Fig. 42. Oocystis assymmetrica, a vegetative cells, b berry-like colonies; Fig. 43. Chlorosarcinopsis pseudominor; Fig. 44. Scenedesmus obliquus, unicelled stage; Fig. 45. Charophyta: Fig. 45. Stichococcus bacillaris. 25 173 156 CHS98-18a CHS98-12 42 40 41 43 45 a b c a b CHS98-9b 44 40 µm 20 µm 20 µm 40 µm 40 µm 20µm 29 Chlorophyta CHS98-103r CHS98_103v20x CHS98-103a CHS98-103f CHS98-103t CHS98-103q 48 46 47 49 50 51 Figs 46-51. Chlorophyta – Kentrosphaera gibberosa var. gibberosa:Fig. 46. Autospores with parietal chloroplast; Fig. 47. Young vegetative cells with parietal and central chloroplast; Fig. 48. Adult vegetative cells with central chloroplast, a cell wall protrusion; Fig. 49. Oval adult vegetative cell, a cell wall protrusion; Fig. 50. Empty autosporagium, a autosporangium wall, b autospores; Fig. 51. Old vegetative cell. a a a b 40 µm 40 µm 40 µm 40 µm 40 µm 40 µm 30 Chlorophyta CHS98-20e 52 Figs 52-57. Charophyta: Fig. 52-54. Klebsormidium flaccidum, Fig. 52. Stright filamment with parietal chloroplasts; Fig. 53. The protruding zoosporangial cells in asexual filament (arrow); Fig. 54. Empty zoosporangial cells with fissured surface (arrows); Fig. 55-57. Klebsormidium crenulatum, Fig. 55. Maturing filaments with short cells (arrow); Fig. 56. Begining of pseudobiseriating in filament (arrow); Fig. 57. Pattern of fragmentation of filament. Klebsormidium3SSP3 Klebsormidium2JSP Klebsormidium4JSP10 Klebsormidium4JSP8 Klebsormidium4JSP5 53 54 55 56 57 40 µm 40 µm 40 µm 40 µm 40 µm 40 µm 31 Charophyta Figs 58-66. Life history of Kentrosphaera gibberosa var. gibberosa (orig. Uher B.). Figs 58-60. Young vegetative cells; Figs 61-63. Adult vegetative cells; Fig. 64. Zoosporangium; Fig. 65. Authosporangium; Fig. 66. Authospores. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 32 Life history Biofilm cyanobakterii na tehle Biofilm na mramore Biofilm tvoriaci rozsievky a zelena vlaknita riasa Klebsormidium Endospory cyanobakterie Chroococcidiopsis Rozsievka Diadesmis - detail Povrch cierneho doleritu Povrch granodioritu 2 MRAMOR___STRUKTURA_3 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Figs 67-74. SEM-micrographs. Fig. 67. Surface of dolerite, Ca-felspars (arrows); Fig. 68. Surface of granodiorite, Na,K-felspars; Fig. 69. Surface of marble; Fig. 70. Diatom Diadesmis sp.; Fig. 71. Biofilm on marble surface, a bacterial layer, b cyanobacterial cells of Chroococcidiopsis sp.; Fig. 72. Cyanobacterial biofilm on brick, filaments of Leptolyngbya sp. (arrows); Fig. 73. Endospores of Chroococcidiopsis sp., endolithic cyanobacterium (arrows); Fig. 74. Biofilm on the brick, a filament of klebsormidium flaccidum, b cells of diatom Diadesmis sp. a b a b 33 SEM-micrographs Original drawings •Life cycle •Vegetative stages •Generative stages •Young habit •Adult habit •Old habit 34 Coccal Cyanobacteria 01 35 Trichal Cyanobacteria 04 36 Heterokontophytes 10 37 Green Algae 17 38 Charophytes 18 39 The New Growth Inhibition Test •To develop the techniques of new growth inhibition test • •The biotest used on subaerial phototrophic microorganisms (autochtonous, isolated from deteriorated monuments) • •A type of growth inhibitor was used white powder called in Spain “el estuco” 40 Experiment Scheme experimentPowderFinal 41 Experiment Realisation 42 Experimentgray The View of The Realisation EL ESTUCO RESULTS 43 Results •This material Calcium Ruthenium Oxide Hydrate totally inhibited and eradicated growths of algae • •Active interests in developing miniaturized algal bioassays, algal biosensors and development of cultivation tests • •Work on subaerial algae caused biodeterioration has highlighted their practical potencial 44 Acknowledgement •Financial support for this study was provided by the Funding of Ministry of Education of Czech Republic; project No. MSM0021622416 • •Prof. Dr. František Hindák • •Prof. Dr. Marina Aboal Sanjurjo • •Dr. Ľubomír Kováčik Thank you for your attention!