HW 4 Multinuclear NMR Name: Points: C6800 Date: Max. 100 points Spring 2011 Version A 1. Fluorinated ethers are used as anestethics. Give number of signals, integral intensities, splitting patterns (multiplicity) and relative intensities of lines in the multiplets in their 1 H and 19 F NMR spectra. Find and classify the geminal groups. Consider only three-bond scalar coupling. a) Isoflurane CF3CHClOCHF2 b) Desflurane CF3CHFOCHF2 c) Enflurane CHClFCF2OCHF2 d) Sevoflurane (CF3)3CHOCH2F 2. For the non-, mono-, and disubstituted B12H12 2molecules with identical substituents SCN consider 11 B NMR spectra and give: A) Symmetry point group of the molecules a) b) c) d) e) C2v B) Number of groups of equivalent 11 B atoms a) b) c) d) e) 1 C) Relative intensities of the signals a) b) c) d) e) D) Use the numbering scheme in a) and list atoms in equivalent groups a) b) c) d) e) B1 – B12