Advanced English for Plant Biologists M. Barták Spring 2013 Caltha palustris - blatouch bahenní Topics for today * What is the plant species? * Repetition of vocabulary * Conversation: Water plants – Adaptations * Reading of unknown text: Plant biotechnogies • - vocabulary, discussion * Brainstorming: Overwintering of plants • English for Plant Biologists It is a low growing herbaceous perennial plant with a rosette of leaves 5-15 cm long and 2-6 cm broad. The deep yellow flowers are produced in the spring between April and May. The flowers are in clusters of 10-30 together on a single stem 5-20 cm tall, each flower 9-15 mm broad. Red-flowered plants do occur, very rarely. Numerous cultivars have been selected for garden planting, or hybrids between the subspecies. These and other garden hybrids are available in a wide range of colours and with an extended flowering season Caltha palustris Ficaria verna Primula vulgaris Verbascum densiflorum 250px-Primula_vulgaris Verbascum densiflorum Caltha palustris - blatouch bahenní Ficaria verna foto 5 • English for Plant Biologists What is an English expression for: * Divizna: * * * Blatouch: * * * Orsej: * Verbascum densiflorum Caltha palustris - blatouch bahenní Ficaria verna foto 5 Lesser celandine Kingcup or Marsh Marigold Mulleins ·It is a small deciduous tree with a short single trunk, with a dense crown reaching a height of about 8-12 m. The smooth bark is chestnut-brown, with prominent horizontal lenticels. The leaves are arranged alternately, simple, ovate-lanceolate, 5-13 cm long and 2.5-6.5 cm broad, with a short petiole and a serrate or doubly serrate margin. At the end of autumn, the green leaves turn yellow, red or crimson. The flowers are produced in racemose clusters of two to five together at nodes on short spurs in spring at the same time as the new leaves appear; they are white to pink, with five petals in the wild type tree. In Japan, the blossoms have a traditional and spiritual dimension. The blossoms are believed to exemplify the transient nature of life, because of their short blooming times. The blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life. Norway spruce Japanese Pine Japanese Cherry Red japanese maple Image:Washington C D.C. Tidal Basin cherry trees.jpg f08 jerab_big 23DE6161-C5BC-44CF-8C16-A39C1DAEA4BCbig What is an Latin expression for: * Japanese cherry: * * Marsh Marigold * * * * * * * Caltha palustris Prunus serrulata Image:Washington C D.C. Tidal Basin cherry trees.jpg Are you ready to pass through another lesson on Plant biology ? Yes, we are. We are looking forward to the forthcoming slides. How to translate the expression: pilcher plant ? N_macrophylla_small Láčkovka How to translate the expression: lanceolate ? kopinatý How to translate : rough endoplasmatic reticulum ? Drsné ER How to translate the expression: reed beds ? rákosiny Phragmites australis - rákos obecný drsne_er 64-117-large * This may happen only in . . . BA4079-001, Suzanne & Nick Geary /Stone Norway Croatia Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego The Netherlands. Japan Nigeria SMALL-6CV45 The Birch Tree This tree species is called: Elm Oak Trembling aspen Linden Maple Birch Eucalyptus SMALL-6CV45 • What is the plant species? Elodea by Kristian Peters ( fontinalis_antipyretica Elodea canadensis Fontinalis antipyretica What is the English name of the species? Canadian waterweed Aquatic moss What is common for those two species? Both they are aquatic plants. Both they are submerged plant species. – * WBD_world-map The national park in which you can see such giant trees is located in… Giant Sequoia Trees California Sweden Spain Japan Tasmania Sequoia National Park, California, USA – * WBD_world-map This is really difficult. What country you would visit to see the conifer? California Scotland Spain Newfoundland Tasmania Spain, Abies pinsapo branchlets abies-pinsapo 90007590 Brasil Alaska Novaya Zemlya Kamchatka ·Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. · ·rhizobacteria ·Pseudomonas ·growth promotion ·plant vigour ·plant-symbiotic micro-organisms ·Bradyrhizobium ·Pseudomonas ·plant growth hormones ·inoculated bacteria ·root pathogens Grammar * 1. She caught them while they ……………… . talked, is talking, did talked, were talking, was talked 2. I …………………. my grandmother next week. should be visit, visit, visiting, will visit, would visit 3. You should always ……………….. healthy food. eat, eaten, eating, shall, eat, was eating 4. The bus …………….. before I reached the bus-stop. arrive, arrived, had arrived, have arrive, will arrive 5. Look! The boy …………………. the hill. climbing, climbs, is climbing, was climbing, were climbed Grammar * 6. I …………….. the pen before she did. took, taken, také, is taking, had taken 7. I _..................... in this school for ten years. Studied, were studying, studying, has been studying, have been studying 8. I …………….. a letter tomorrow. has written, have written, will write, write, write 9. She ………………. cooking food daily. has liked, is liking, like, likes, liking 10. I ………………… my work now. Do not disturb me. were doing, was doing, done, do, am doing Do you know typical ecosystems? A simple choise test 1.Savana 2.Oak forest 3.Desert 4.See bottom 5.Mangrove sahara Do you know typical ecosystems? 1.Mountainous forests 2.Deep see bottom 3.Agroecosystems 4.Alpine meadows 5.Tundra Desktop Wallpaper · Gallery · Nature Alpine meadows Do you know typical ecosystems? 1.Swamps 2.Kelps 3.Palm forest 4.Coral reef 5.Wetlands Kelp Forest Do you know typical ecosystems? 1.Machia 2.Semidesert 3.Reed beds 4.Grass stands 5.Tajga • Sn%C3%ADmek%20069 Do you know typical ecosystems? 1.Deciduous forests 2.Temperate forest 3.Boreal forest 4.Tropical forest 5.Dwarf forest © Sophia Smith botanic rain forest vista Have you ever been to… ? * What was the most appreciated place in Paris for you? * * What is your worst experience from Paris? * eiffel_lge Have you ever been to… ? * … the town that is famous for wine production? * * Is this town located in South Moravia? * Is is Znojmo? mikulov3 Have you ever been to… ? * The town in which famous carnival is hold annually? * * Could it be Rio de Janeiro? * * Of course not, it is… * Venice Carnevale Venice Venice It is not a break now. * Please work in couples. * Ask your neighbour and learn: * -His/her view on early-morning waking up -His/her attitude to a laboratory work -Topis of his/her diploma, master, or ph.D. thesis -His/her plans for future Conversation Club It is the right time for… conversation Bla, bla, bla… You have only 10 minutes