Redox homeostasis & oxidative stress Redox homeostasis & oxidative stress lRedox homeostasis - natural levels of oxidants (O2) and antioxidants in each cell l lDisruption of redox homeostasis l l-> depletion of oxygen: metabolism disruption, acidosis in tissues, cell necrosis rare: INSIDE TUMORS l l-> overproduction of oxidants: = oxidative stress GENERAL MECHANISM OF TOXICITY Overproduction of oxidants lOxygen – principal molecule in living organisms lOxygen increases reactive derivatives -> toxicity l lROS = Reactive Oxygen Species: Sources l - production in mitochondria (byproducts) l - redox-cycling (quinones of xenobiotics) l - Fenton-reaction (metals) l - oxidations mediated via MFO (CYP) l - depletion of antioxidants (reactive molecules) Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) SOD = Superoxide dismutase C:\Documents and Settings\Ludek Blaha\Obrázky\1.gif Fenton reaction Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) ROS & mitochondria C:\Documents and Settings\Ludek Blaha\Obrázky\1.gif Examples of chemical-induced oxidative stress l l- Metals: l fenton reaction -> OH* l l- Redox-cycling chemicals: oxy-PAHs l l- Depletion of GSH: l reactive molecules, GST-conjugation, metals: SH oxidation ... l C:\Documents and Settings\Ludek Blaha\Plocha\E3.GIF Antioxidant depletion GSH (glutathione) Biomarkers of oxidative damage (will be discussed later)