1 IsotopomersIsotopomers 11H NMR of CHH NMR of CH33CHCH22OH : considerOH : consider 11H,H, 22H,H, 1212C,C, 1313C,C, 1616O,O, 1717O,O, 1818OO Some isotopomers:Some isotopomers: 1212CC11HH33 1212CC11HH22 1616OO11HH System: ASystem: A33BB22CC 1313CC11HH33 1212CC11HH22 1616OO11HH System: XASystem: XA33BB22CC 1212CC11HH33 1212CC11HH22HH1616OO11HH System: ASystem: A33BXCBXC 288 isotopic varieties, 192 of which magnetically distinct288 isotopic varieties, 192 of which magnetically distinct These give rise to 184These give rise to 184 11H spectra, 184H spectra, 184 22H spectra, 144H spectra, 144 1313C spectra and 96C spectra and 96 1717OO spectra, all nontrivial and distinct from each otherspectra, all nontrivial and distinct from each other The least abundant of theseThe least abundant of these isotopomersisotopomers is so rare that one would need overis so rare that one would need over 100 moles of ethanol to have any chance to meet one of its molec100 moles of ethanol to have any chance to meet one of its molecules, butules, but that can change completely with isotopic enrichmentthat can change completely with isotopic enrichment 2 IsotopeIsotope EEffectsffects MM –– XX n = 1 primary isotope shiftn = 1 primary isotope shift MM –– CC –– XX n = 2 secondary isotope shiftn = 2 secondary isotope shift (D/H)(D/H) nn ΔΔ((1313 C)C) Isotope shift of M signal caused by substitution of H by D, n boIsotope shift of M signal caused by substitution of H by D, n bonds awaynds away Magnitude expressed in ppb, decreases with distance, nMagnitude expressed in ppb, decreases with distance, n GenerallyGenerally nn ΔΔ((AA MM) =) = δδHEAVYHEAVY –– δδLIGHTLIGHT < 0< 0 Heavy isotope shields moreHeavy isotope shields more 3 IsotopeIsotope EEffectffect 12 C19 F3I 13 C19 F3I 0.149 ppm 19 F NMR 13 C16 O 13 C17 O 0.025 ppm 13 C NMR CO bond lengthCO bond length difference 5 fmdifference 5 fm 4 IsotopeIsotope EEffectffect (D/H)(D/H) nnΔΔ((3131P)P) ppmppm DDHH −− 0.8880.888PDPD33PHPH33 −− 0.8450.845PDPD22HHPHPH33 −− 0.8040.804PDHPDH22PHPH33 5 IIsotope Effectssotope Effects Occupation ofOccupation of vibrationalvibrational levels changes with temperaturelevels changes with temperature Level spacing changes with mass of bound atomsLevel spacing changes with mass of bound atoms 6 IsotopeIsotope EEffectffect 1919F NMR spectrum of [NMeF NMR spectrum of [NMe44][TeF][TeF77] in CH] in CH33CN at 30CN at 30 ººCC [TeF7]- Fluxional All F identical 7 IsotopeIsotope EEffectffect Central line of theCentral line of the 1919F NMR spectrum of [NMeF NMR spectrum of [NMe44][TeF][TeF77]] 8 TelluriumTellurium IIsotopessotopes ZZ AA NA%NA% II 5252 TeTe 120120 0.09 (1)0.09 (1) 122122 2.55 (12)2.55 (12) 123123 0.89 (3)0.89 (3) ½½ 124124 4.74 (14)4.74 (14) 125125 7.07 (15)7.07 (15) ½½ 126126 18.84 (25)18.84 (25) 128128 31.74 (8)31.74 (8) 130130 34.08 (62)34.08 (62) 9 SatelliteSatellite SSpectrapectra ofof Si(CHSi(CH33))44 IsotopomersIsotopomers 2828Si(Si(1212CHCH33))44 2929Si(Si(1212CHCH33))44 2828Si(Si(1313CHCH33)()(1212CHCH33))33 OtherOther iisotopomerssotopomers havehave tootoo lowlow concentrationconcentration 28/2928/29Si(Si(1212CHCH33))44--nn((1313CHCH33))nn 11HH A B B C C 10 SatelliteSatellite SSpectrapectra [(R2Sn)2(R2SnO)(F)(HONZO)(ONZO)], R = Me HONZOH = salicylaldoxime,ortho-HO–N=CH–C6H4OH 1919FF 11 SatelliteSatellite SSpectrapectra Si C C CH3 CH3 C C H3C H3C 2929Si NMRSi NMR 1313C satellitesC satellites 12 IsotopeIsotope EEffectffect onon SatelliteSatellite SSpectrapectra Me-C≡N 15N signal shows coupling to: 1H 3J(1H-15N) = 1.7 Hz 13C 1J(13C-15N ) = 17 Hz The signal appears as a central 1:3:3:1 quartet flanked by 13C satellites The unsymmetrical nature of the 13C satellites arises from 12C/13C isotopic chemical shift perturbation. 15N NMR 13 Calculation ofCalculation of AAbundancebundance ofof IIsotopomerssotopomers O Pt Pt O H H 11H NMRH NMR spectrumspectrum 195195Pt I =Pt I = ½½, NA = 33.8, NA = 33.8 %% NMRNMR inactiveinactive PtPt nuclidesnuclides 66.266.2 %% O Pt Pt O H H O 195Pt Pt O H H O 195Pt 195Pt O H H 14 Calculation ofCalculation of AAbundancebundance ofof IIsotopomerssotopomers O Pt Pt O H H ....zyx i i cbaf σ σ = 1H NMR spectrum 195Pt I = ½, NA = 33.8 % 15 Calculation ofCalculation of AAbundancebundance ofof IIsotopomerssotopomers Isotopic isomers =Isotopic isomers = isotopomersisotopomers ....zyx i i cbaf σ σ = ffii = the fractional abundance of= the fractional abundance of isotopomerisotopomer ii σσ == the symmetry number of the parent moleculethe symmetry number of the parent molecule isotopicallyisotopically pure = the order of rotation grouppure = the order of rotation group CCnn σσii == the symmetry number of thethe symmetry number of the isotopomerisotopomer a = abundance of an isotopea = abundance of an isotope occuringoccuring xx--times in atomic %times in atomic % b = abundance of an isotopeb = abundance of an isotope occuringoccuring yy--times in atomic %times in atomic % .. .. 16 Abundance ofAbundance of IsotopomersIsotopomers ....zyx i i cbaf σ σ = W P W CO CO CO OC COAr Ar Ar ffiib (0.856)b (0.856)a (0.144)a (0.144)σσii IsotopomerIsotopomer 0.0210.021bb00aa2211183183 WW≡≡PP−−183183 WW 0.1230.123bb11aa1111183183 WW≡≡PP−−WW 0.1230.123bb11aa1111WW≡≡PP−−183183 WW 0.7330.733bb22aa0011WW≡≡PP−−WW 17 IIsotopomerssotopomers Pt Pt Pt OC CO CO P P P R R R R R R 1+ 0.0760.076195195**195195FF 0.0760.076195195195195**GG 0.1480.148**195195**CC 0.1480.148****195195BB 0.2900.290******AA 0.0380.038195195195195195195HH 0.0760.076**195195195195EE 0.1480.148195195****DD ffiiPt3Pt3Pt2Pt2Pt1Pt1IsotopomerIsotopomer 18 Abundance ofAbundance of IsotopomersIsotopomers MercuracarborandsMercuracarborands [Me[Me44N]FN]F [Me[Me44N]N]++ 19 Calculation of Abundance ofCalculation of Abundance of IsotopomersIsotopomers yx i i baf σ σ = 199199 Hg I =Hg I = ½½ NA = 16.8%NA = 16.8% 201201Hg I = 3/2 NA = 13.2%Hg I = 3/2 NA = 13.2% other Hg inactive in NMRother Hg inactive in NMR 1919F NMRF NMR Only coupling toOnly coupling to 199199 Hg observedHg observed No coupling toNo coupling to 201201Hg visibleHg visible σσ = 4= 4 a = 16.8 %a = 16.8 % 199199 Hg (active)Hg (active) b = 83.2 % all other nuclidesb = 83.2 % all other nuclides (inactive)(inactive) 20 IsotopomersIsotopomers Hg F Hg Hg Hg Hg F Hg Hg Hg F Hg Hg F Hg Hg F F Hg = 199 Hg 4 4 1 1 1 2 A B C D E F 21 IsotopomerIsotopomer AbundancesAbundances dd0.387030.38703331111EE ss0.479170.47917440044FF tt0.078150.07815222222DD tt0.039070.03907222211CC dtdt0.015780.01578113311BB qnqn0.000800.00080004444AA 2nI + 12nI + 1ffiiyyxxσσ ii isotopomerisotopomer yx i if )832.0()168.0( 4 σ = 22 BB55HH99 A A A A A B B A A A B A A A A A B A B A A B A A A A B A A B I II III IV V VI BH BH B H HB H B H H H H