Way of Transport Apoplastic: Ions, Auxin, Peptides Symplastic Connection: Plasmodesmata Plasmodesmata Cilia & Jackson (2004) COCB 16, 500 Transport to/through Plasmodesmata Oparka (2004) TIPS 9, 33-41 Basal and dynamic Size Exclusion Limit Development of Plasmodesmata simple complex Pickard & Beachy (2005) Cell 98, 5-8 PD-localisated Proteins AtRGP2-GFP Sagi et al. (2005) Plant Cell 17, 1788 RGP = reversibly glycosylated protein STM::GFP STM ::(GFP)2 STM::(GFP)3 MSG2::(GFP)2 Size exclusion limit - GFP Transport in Embryos Kim et al. (2005) PNAS 102, 2227 Dynamic size exclusion limit in root epidermis cells Kurata et al. (2005) Development 132, 5387-5398 CPC::GFP CPC::CPC:GFP CPC::CPC:(GFP)3 CPC::CPC:(GFP)4 Identification of Plasmodesmata–based Signals Kim et al. (2005) G&D 19, 788 Idea Constructs Results Tassetto et al. (2005) EMBO Rep. 6, 885–890 Homeo domain of KN1 mediates trafficking KN1 domains homeo domain GFP GUS gl1; GL2::GUS + RbcS::GL1-GFP-KN1 KN1 fragments fused to GL1 TF trafficking mediated by some HDs Class I KNOX homeo domains class I mediate trafficking Root: Radial Patterning Detective story of moving transcription factors Cortex + Endodermis CortexMixed (Cx+En) SCR and SHR Expression + SHR Proteintransport Expression in Stele Protein in Endodermis + QC SCR Expression SHR Expression SHR Protein Expression and Protein in Endodermis + QC Model for SHR und SCR Function SCRp::SHR Expression: Mehr Endodermis Interzellulärer Transport der Signale - Importance of intercellular signals in totipotent plant cells with cell walls - Diversity of signals: small molecules, RNAs, viroids, Peptides, Transcription factors - Plasmodesmata: special Organelles for connecting cells - static and dynamic „size exclusion limit“ - modification of plasmodesmata during plant development - Examples of intercellular signalling (e.g. Endodermis, Root hair Specification)