Monitoring of Persistent Organic Pollutants in human milk and blood Anton Kočan, Jana Klánová Matrices selected for the GMP  The COP has decided that the air monitoring and human exposure through breast milk or maternal blood will be used as core media for the first evaluation planned in 2009.  For future evaluations, the COP has also decided to endeavour to supplement the core data with data from other media such as biota, water, soil, and sediments. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University What is Human Biomonitoring (HBM) ? (1)  HBM is the assessment of human exposure to chemicals present in air, water, soil, dust, food or other environmental media via measurement of the chemicals or chemical metabolites present in human specimens, such as blood, urine, hair, saliva, feces, tissues. The result of such measurement is usually called „body burden“.  HBM is a tool to help better understand human exposure to environmental chemicals – both natural and man-made.  If gathered from a representative sample of a population – for instance, children or adults in a particular area – HBM can be used to document whether that subgroup as a whole has been exposed to some chemicals and to what extent. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University What is Human Biomonitoring (HBM) ? (2)  HBM is a scientific technique for assessing human exposures to environmental agents and their effects, based on sampling and analysis of an individual´s tissues and fluids. While blood, urine, breast milk and expelled air are most commonly measured, hair, nails, fat, bone and other tissues may also be sampled.  This technique takes advantage of the knowledge that environmental agents that have entered the human body leave markers reflecting this exposure. The marker may be the agent itself or a breakdown product, but it may also be some change in the body resulting from the interaction of the agent or its breakdown product(s) with the individual, such as alterations in the levels of certain enzymes or other proteins which may lead to modifications of normal body processes. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University HBM can be used to :  Reinforce regulatory actions by providing actual data about which chemicals get into people and at what levels.  Improve exposure assessment.  Establish baselines or reference ranges. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Facilitate people's right to know what chemicals are in their bodies.  Establish priorities for tackling environmental health-related problems. Some variables affecting HBM (2)  The precision of chemical analysis is generally believed to constitute only a minor part of the total variance in monitoring time-series of environmental data where sample variation is expected to be large, much larger compared to laboratory precision.  That is true if the same accredited laboratory is used through the whole series. However, if, from year to year, different laboratories carry out the analysis, it could seriously decrease or disable the possibility to evaluate time-series of, for example, POPs. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  The same is true if the same laboratory changes its methodology and, for example, co-elutions are resolved leading to a decrease in estimated concentrations unless measures are taken to compensate for them.  If detection limits are improved, i.e. analytes are now found where they were not detected before, that may lead to similar problems depending on how results below the limit of quantification (LOQ) are treated. Some variables affecting HBM (1)  Fat content and composition in human milk changes dramatically during the first weeks after birth, which leads to variation also in analysed POPs. In order to reduce random variation, sampling should preferably be carried out during a well defined period, e.g. 3 weeks after birth. Also the fat content varies considerably depending on whether sampling is carried out in the beginning or at the end of the feeding session.  The use of narrow sampling unit definition implies that a smaller part of the studied population is represented. Often, this leads to unfounded assumptions of similar trends, e.g., for both sexes or for various age classes. To improve representativity, if economy permits, stratified sampling should be applied rather than allowing for a wider definition of the sampling unit. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Ethical issues relevant to HBM  Ethical issues are relevant in almost every facet of human biomarker research from the design of the studies, the identification and recruitment of subjects, to the handling and use of the data, and interpretation and communication of the results.  The right to monitor chemical pollutants in blood and breast milk is a crucial aspect of community right to know but also brings with it responsibilities to care and support those who are tested. .  Researchers and regulators have to be aware of the potential for biomarker information to affect the lives of subjects and their families. There must be sufficient protection of personally identifiable data and regulation of its use, while ensuring individual subjects right to know their results. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Number of samples needed  More samples provide more precise and reliable estimates of mean concentrations and variance. However, the contributions from additional samples depend to a very high degree on the sampling strategy. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Using pooled samples of several specimens will decrease the number of chemical analyses required to estimate a reliable mean concentrations compared to one or a few individual samples, since a larger proportion of the total population is represented. Disadvantages with pooled samples are that extreme values from single specimens may influence the concentration of the pool without being revealed.  All sampling should follow established methodological guidelines, which should be agreed upon before the start of any programme activity in a region.  If possible, samples in all programmes should be numbered in the same way. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University General considerations pertaining to GMP sampling (1)  The sampling window for the initial baseline will be 2003 ± 5 years.  Sample frequency and timing should, as much as possible, be harmonized between matrices. As a rule, samples should be taken at least annually and during the same period every year. For some matrices where seasonal influences would be less important (e.g. human breast milk), the sampling frequency and duration might be different. For the statistical analysis of the levels it would be preferable to take many samples frequently from one location rather than to take a few samples from many different locations. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University General considerations pertaining to GMP sampling (2)  Sampling should always include field or trip blanks and, to the extent possible, duplicate samples for the purpose of sample sharing and the analysis of variance.  Sample banking should be considered for all samples. Sample banking is an expensive and resource intensive activity that needs to be sustainable in a long time perspective. However, if properly managed it may yield important insights into exposures over time (e.g for new POPs) and may also be used for retrospective studies. A sample bank at the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava Human milk and maternal blood as matrices for the GMP (1)  Human milk and maternal blood are both good sample media for assessing POPs exposure in humans. Furthermore, both these media can be used to demonstrate possible temporal trends and regional variations in levels.  Human milk sampling is non-invasive and milk can generally be obtained from lactating mothers in reasonable quantities. In certain populations it may, however, be difficult to obtain human milk samples in the required time period, i.e., 2 to 4 weeks after delivery.  Blood sampling is invasive, but sampling of mothers prior to giving birth may readily be achieved. However, blood sampling may not be acceptable in certain cultures. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Depending on local considerations, biological samples of human origin, including blood and milk, should be considered a potential biohazard. Necessary precaution procedures should be applied to both sampling and handling of all samples, not only in situations where one may expect a problem, e.g. HIV-positive serology and hepatitis. Human milk and maternal blood as matrices for the GMP (2)  The limit of detection for POPs will in general be lower in milk than in blood. The reason for this is partly the difference in lipids between the media and the fact that larger volumes of milk as compared to blood can normally be obtained. When the limit of detection is approached the analytical precision will decrease.  An important consideration in the choice of human milk and maternal blood as biological indicators is that we will only obtain information from a specific part of the population both with regard to gender and age. As for future trend studies, a careful evaluation should be done to explore alternative representative groups in a population, e.g. men (specified age groups), youth groups of both gender, school children or infants. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Human milk and maternal blood as matrices for the GMP (3)  A population study must be based on sampling and analyses of individual samples; human milk or maternal blood. Pooled samples might be considered for certain contaminants, such as the dioxins which are expensive to analyze and need larger sample volumes.  In order to reduce sample variance and facilitate comparability a stratified sample design should be adopted. This should be based on demographic information collected in specific questionnaires, i.e. age, residence, occupational history, smoking habits, current and previous diet, etc. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Selection of study groups should be based on known exposure patterns, global or local. The groups with known high exposure levels are more sensitive to changes in the environment and will provide better indications in trend analyses. Even in countries with very limited background information one might be able to select population groups of interest, such as rural versus urban; fish eating populations versus rural agricultural populations with high exposures to pesticides; populations living in areas with re-introduction of DDT for malaria prophylaxis etc. Human milk and maternal blood as matrices for the GMP (4)  Sample size will depend on the circumstances, and to estimate the number of samples needed a number of factors have to be considered to achieve representative samples. For either human milk or blood, 50 individual samples are to be collected. However, new technologies and new, certified laboratories will provide the opportunity to begin epidemiological studies with individual results on a larger scale.  The choice of milk or blood depends very much on the practical implementation regionally or locally. Two examples: A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  In the Arctic many indigenous women deliver their babies and go home to the tundra before they have started their milk production. To collect colostrum provides a very different medium than the fully developed breast milk 2-3 weeks after delivery. It is not possible to trace the women at the right time for breast milk collection. A blood sample will solve that problem.  In certain areas of Africa sampling of maternal blood might be problematic. In those cases breast milk is the best matrix.  Trained personnel is crucial at the sampling and analytical stages. Standardized protocols, equipment and education of field personnel as well as laboratory personnel must be implemented. Human milk and maternal blood sampling  Human milk should be sampled according to a WHO protocol.  At least 50 individual milk (blood) samples should be collected. But countries with populations over 50 million should include at least one additional participant per one million population over 50 million. Countries with populations well over 50 million (or with sufficient resources) are encouraged to prepare a second pooled sample (or more) if feasible. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Mother should be primiparae  Mothers who may have unusually high exposure to POPs (living in the vicinity of incinerators, pulp or metal industiries or where organochlorine chemicals have been produced) should not be included in the survey to avoid skewing the results.  Maternal blood should be sampled according to an AMAP protocol.  Selection criteria for mothers:  Mother should be under 30 years of age  Both mother and child should be apparently healthy, including normal pregnancy  Mother should be breastfeeding one child only (i.e., no twins)  Mother should have resided in the area for at least the previous 10 years How to identify possible donors (1) A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Possible donors can be contacted before giving birth In countries with adequate pre-natal coverage.  Selection before giving birth:  All potential donors should be informed about the benefits of breastfeeding and be encouraged to breastfeed even if they do not intend to or are not selected to participate in the survey.  Once a participant indicates a willingness to take part in the survey, she should be invited to complete certain section of the questionnaire. The questionnaire can be completed through a personal interview at the pre-natal clinic or completed by the potential donor at home and returned to the clinic, either in person or by mail.  Depending on the homogeneity of the population, up to 250 completed questionnaires should be collected. Depending on the country, more than 50 potential and 10 reserve donors should be selected to take into account possible withdrawals. Participants should be notified of their selection and where and when the sample will be collected. How to identify possible donors (2) A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Samples are collected of mothers at postnatal clinics and other venues, e.g., well-baby clinics without pre-selection.  Selection after giving birth:  Mothers can be contacted directly and interviewed to complete all section of the questionnaire.  Samples can then be collected immediately or at another appropriate time.  While this method can reduce the time of the survey by up to 3 months, it does not allow for further stratification of the cohort to reduce variability.  However, after the cohort selection criteria have been established from the first sample collection, this method offer advantages for the second and subsequent sample collections. Collection of samples A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Sampling can be carried out between 3 to 8 weeks after delivery.  At least 50 ml of milk in total should be collected by hand expression after a feeding or while infant is nursing on the other breast, to take advantage of the let-down reflex of the mother. A human milk pump to facilitate expression can be applied. If necessary, the mother may collect the sample at home, in which case manual expression is preferred. If so, she should be given detailed instructions for sampling, storing and transporting of milk samples. Mothers should also be given a clean glass jar with a protected screw cap to collect and store the milk sample.  The sample should be collected directly to the collecting jar and, if collected at home, stored in the collecting jar in the home freezer until it can be delivered. Otherwise milk samples may be stored in the refrigerator at about 4 °C for a maximum of 72 hours. If refrigeration is not available, a tablet of K2Cr2O7 may be added to chemically sterilize the milk. If the milk is to be collected at home, the tablet may be placed in the collection jar before it is given to the donor. CAUTION: The mother must be told to keep the jar with potassium dichromate away from other children in the household as this is a toxic chemical. Questionnaire for mothers donating breast milk (1) Questionnaire for mothers donating breast milk (2) • SPE (10 g C-18 column), 10 - 30 mL serum PCDD/PCDF/PCB analysis (1) C-18 column Blood serum • SPE (10 g C-18 column), 10 - 30 mL serum • Clean-up using semi-automated equipment (H2SO4/silica, alumina, carbon chromatography) : PCDD/PCDF/PCB analysis (1) Semi-automated sample cleanup system Hexane eluate from an SPE column Silica/H2SO4 layer Silica/KOH layer Alumina column Carbon column • SPE (10 g C-18 column), 10 - 30 mL serum • Clean-up using semi-automated equipment (H2SO4/silica, alumina, carbon chromatography) : • Fraction 1: • Fraction 2: • WHO mono-ortho-PCBs (105, 114, 118, 123, 156, 157, 167, 189) • other ortho PCBs (18, 28, 44, 49, 52, 66, 74, 87, 99, 101, 110, 128, 138, 146, 149, 151, 153, 170, 172, 177, 178, 180, 183, 187, 194, 195, 196/203, 201, 206, 209) • Seven 2378-PCDDs • Ten 2378-PCDFs • Four coplanar PCBs (77, 81, 126, 169) PCDD/PCDF/PCB analysis (1) PCDD/PCDF/PCB analysis (2) • 1 analysis batch is composed of: • 14 serum samples • 1 in-house RM (spiked porcine serum) • 1 blank (no serum) • occasionally CRM (serum) • HRGC (DB5-ms) separation • HRMS (10000 res) quantification • Isotope dilution method based on EPA 1613 and 1668 WHO-TEQpg/glipidwt 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 PCDDs/PCDFs PCBs European comparison of PCDD/F and PCB levels in Human milk (WHO Exposure Study 2001/2002) Source: Van Leuwen, R. Malish 2002 "WHO exposure study on the levels of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in Human Milk" 3rd round A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ppt,lipidwt Time trends in PCDD/F levels in human milk (WHO Exposure Studies) Source: WHO A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 1988 1993 2002 2007 Source: Van Leuwen, R. Malish 2002 "WHO exposure study on the levels of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in Human Milk" 3rd round A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Slovakia‘s districts chosen for exposure studies A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Time trends in PCB levels in human blood (2 districts in Slovakia) A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 PCBs HCB pp´-DDE ng/g(lipidadjusted) MI 1997 (215 blood samples) MI 2001 (1011 blood samples) SP 1997 (205 blood samples) SP/SV 2001 (1038 blood samples) “Cons” - Why is Public Health Biomonitoring Controversial?  May cause unfounded fear. Because it can be measured, doesn’t mean it causes harm.  Hard to tell how much is too much. No “meaning” without reference ranges.  Provides no information about sources. A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  May modify behavior in negative ways.  May cause valuable products to be banned. “Pros” - Biomonitoring helps answer Important Public Health Questions  What are we exposed to and how much?  Do public health policies and regulatory programs reduce exposures over time?  Are some groups more highly exposed than the general population? A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  What are the relationships between exposure and disease? Source: P. Flessel, EHL, California DHS Why to breastfeed  Nutrition: A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  Breast milk provides, in an easily digested form, all the nutrients an infant needs for the first six months of life. Exclusive breastfeeding (i.e., no other food or drinks given, not even water) for the first six months offers maximum protection to infants against pneumonia, diarrhoea and other common infections of childhood.  Up to 2 years of age or more, breast milk continues to provide high-quality nutrients and helps protect against infection. From 6 to 12 months, breast milk usually provides 60–80% of all energy, protein and other nutritional requirements – e.g., vitamins and other micronutrients. From 12 to 23 months, breastfeeding can provide up to 35–40% of these requirements.  Psychosocial development:  Family planning / child spacing:  Breastfeeding delays the return of a woman’s fertility. A woman who does not breastfeed is at increased risk of becoming pregnant again as early as six weeks after the birth of the child.  Breastfeeding promotes the emotional relationship, or bonding, between mother and child. Slovakia‘s Districts Chosen for POPs Exposure Studies: Nitra Bratislava Myjava Trebišov Michalovce Veľký Krtíš in 1992 - 94 in 1997 in 2001 & 2003-05 A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Michalovce District Stropkov District PCB Concentrations in Ambient Air Michalovce (polluted district) vs Stropkov (control district) 110 110 100 280 1700 1500 200 180 73 80 85 64 Senne Hazin Michalovce I Michalovce II Vola Strazske Stropkov I Stropkov II Potocky Brusnica Lomné Turany n/O. PCB Concentration [pg/m 3 ] A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 700 5800 400 170 8,7 6,3 1,6 Near a Chemko waste storage building Near a Chemko landfill site Fields near a Chemko landfill site Rim of the Michalovce landfill site Agricultural soil in Michalovce District (8) Agricultural soil in Stropkov District (4) Soil from the Vihorlat Hills (2) ppb (dry soil) PCB Concentrations in Soil Vicinity of Chemko disposal sites and agricultural fields Waste Disposal Sites Agricultural/Forest Soils A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 8,5 33 2400 6000 52 3900 1600 Domasa Lake Ondava River Zemplinska Sirava Lake Filling canal (for ZS) Laborec / upstream Strazske Laborec / downstream Strazske Sewage canal / Strážske town Chemko effluent canal ppb (dry sediment) Michalovce District Stropkov District PCB Levels in Sediment Samples Michalovce (polluted district) vs Stropkov (control district) 3 000 000 = 0.3 % A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 81 127 0,6 2,1 Planktonophage+benthic Predatory Planktonophage+benthic Predatory ppm (sum of 9 congeners, lipid weight) PCB Levels in Fish Michalovce (polluted district) vs Stropkov (control district) Stropkov waters Michalovce waters A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Average PCB Levels in Eggs and Chicken Collected in Michalovce and Stropkov Districts Sum of 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, 156, 170 and 180 congeners 24,5 15,4 18,3 16,2 374,3 128,9 2764,2 Chicken (SP-retail) Eggs (MI-producer) Eggs (MI-retail) Eggs (SP-retail) Chicken (MI- retail+home) Eggs (SP- homemade) Eggs (MI- homemade) ppb (lipid basis) A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 0,0 20000,0 40000,0 60000,0 80000,0 100000,0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Age Svidnik+Stropkov Michalovce ng/g, lipid adjusted PCB Levels - Adults A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 0,0 20000,0 40000,0 60000,0 80000,0 100000,0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Age Svidnik+Stropkov Michalovce ng/g, lipid adjusted PCB Levels - Adults Husband (78) Wife (72) both ate local fish A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 0,0 20000,0 40000,0 60000,0 80000,0 100000,0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Age Svidnik+Stropkov Michalovce ng/g, lipid adjusted PCB Levels - Adults Woman (55) Woman (70) high portion of food from home-kept animals A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Median PCB-153, HCB, and p,p’-DDE levels in blood serum vs age groups (specimens collected within the PCBRISK project in 2001 1665 1056 718 348 151 90 994 367 364 295 212 109 4262 2485 1967 1361 763 473 60 – 78 50 – 59 40 – 49 30 – 39 17 – 29 8 – 9 AgeGroups PCB-153 HCB pp'-DDE ppb, lipid adjusted N=434 N=369 N=198 N=708 N=683 N=89 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 PCBs PCBs HCB HCB ppb,bloodlipidadjusted MI Men MI Women SV/SP Men SV/SP Women Comparison of POP levels in men and women and time trends 1998 Study 1998 Study 2001 Study 2001 Study A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University  32- and 4.3-fold increase of DDT and DDE respectively in a mother before delivery vs the mother 21 months later  180- and 42-fold increase of DDT and DDE respectively in her 16-m child vs the 6-m child  35-% decrease of DDT in the child at the age of 21 moths while DDE unchanged pp'-DDE and pp'-DDT levels in the blood of a mother and her child (#4318) 1020 864 96 4023 4345 4023 67 48 23 4075 2121 2694 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 ng/g,lipidadjusted pp´-DDE pp´-DDT Mother‘s and child‘s blood was taken when the child was 21 months old A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University ng/g, lipid adjusted PCB-153 congener levels in blood serum taken from mothers and their umbilical cords (141 pairs) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Mothers Umbilicalcords R=0.967 A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University ng/g, lipid adjusted PCB-153 congener levels in blood serum taken from mothers and their 6-month-old children (141 pairs) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Mothers 6-month-oldchildren R=0.583 A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University ng/g, lipid adjusted PCB-153 congener levels in blood serum taken from children at the age of 6 and 16 months (141pairs) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 16-month-old children 6-moth-oldchildren R=0.916 A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University PCB Levels in Human Milk Samples / WHO Sum of 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, and 180 congeners 0.25 0.49 0.40 0.33 0.49 0.62 1.02 Slovakia 2006 Kosice_MWI 2001 Svidnik 2001 Nitra 2001 Nitra 1993 Michalovce 2001 Michalovce 1993 pg/g, lipid adjusted A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University PCDD/F-TEQ Levels in Human Milk Samples / WHO 2.5 3.1 4.2 3.7 4.2 3.5 3.4 4.0 4.8 5.4 4.9 8.5 6.4 11.7 10.1 12.5 12.7 10.7 19.5 Slovakia 2006 Kosice_MWI 2001 Svidnik 2001 Nitra 2001 Nitra 1993 Michalovce 2001 Michalovce 1993 pg/g, lipid adjusted PCDDs PCDFs dl-PCB A. Kočan, Slovak Medical University Recommended Literature & Links Pertaining to Human POPs Monitoring  Guidance on the Global Monitoring Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants. UNEP. February 2007 (preliminary version).  Guidance for Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). UNEP. March 2007.  Guidelines for Developing a National Protocol. WHO. March 2007 (revised).     