1 Relaxation Times Relaxation = return to equilibrium (Boltzmann) after a pulse, redistribution of energy Relaxation can be described for isolated spins by the Bloch Equations, the total relaxation is determined by two characteristic time constants: T1 Longitudinal, Spin-Lattice Relaxation Build up of longitudinal magnetisation via energy exchange between spins and their environment („lattice“) enthalpy T2 Transversal, Spin-Spin Relaxation Dephasing of transversal magnetisation without energy exchange between spins and their environment, entropy Two important relations between T1 and T2 :  T2 cannot be longer than T1 : T2 ≤ T1  In the „extreme narrowing limit“: T2 = T1 2 T1 and T2 in Data Acquisition exp(-t/T1) exp(-t/T2) relaxation delay repetition time T1 governs the repetition frequency for subsequent transients (scans) Relaxation delay = 5 T1 T2 governs the decay time constant of individual FID’s Optimum sensitivity of the NMR experiment is obtained if T1 = T2 T1 and T2 in Data Acquisition 3 4 Magnetization More nuclei point in parallel to the static magnetic field. The macroscopic magnetic moment, M0 M0 = Σ μi In-Field 5 Longitudinal Magnetization 6 Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time R1 = 1/T1 [Hz] longitudinal relaxation rate constant T1 [s] longitudinal relaxation time spin-lattice relaxation time enthalpy 7 Transverse Magnetisation 8 Spin-Spin Relaxation Time R2 = 1/T2 [Hz] transverse relaxation rate constant T2 [s] transverse relaxation time constant spin-spin relaxation time entropy 9 Free Induction Decay FID 10 11 12 13 14 Relaxation = Return to Equilibrium 15 Relaxation Relaxation in other types of spectroscopy: • spontaneous emission (not in NMR) fluorescence, phosphorescence • collisional deactivation (not in NMR, molecular tumbling does not change orientation of I, always along B0) • stimulated emission lasers magnetic interactions of nuclear spin with external fluctuating mg. field (dipolar) containing many different frequencies, when it contains L, resonance causes relaxation = emission of excess energy, transition from exited to ground state Spectral Density Function 16 Nuclear spin relaxation • not a spontaneous process • requires stimulation by suitable fluctuating fields to induce the spin transitions Longitudinal relaxation requires a time-dependent magnetic field fluctuating at the Larmor frequency Time-dependence = motions of the molecule (vibration, rotation, diffusion...) Molecules “tumble” in solution - characterized by a rotational correlation time - C The probability function of finding motions at a given angular frequency ω can be described by the spectral density function - J(ω) Spectral Density Function 17 Frequency distribution of the fluctuating magnetic fields 18 Correlation Time C Correlation Time C describes molecular tumbling 1. Look at one molecule C = average time during which a molecule stays in one orientation, until a collision changes its orientation small molecules, low viscosity short 1012 s polymers, high viscosity long 108 s 19 Correlation Time C 2. Look at a group of molecules ( 1 mole) All molecules oriented in the same way, then C is time in which the orientation is dispersed to 1 rad (~60º) t < C molecules are close to the original orientation t >> C random distribution 1/C = tumbling rate 20 Correlation Time C Time 21 Correlation Time C Correlation function describes molecular tumbling How the actual orienation correlates with the original one Correlation function 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 time, ps k(t) )exp()0()( C t ktk   C 1/e 22 Correlation Time C C <> 1/0 poor energy transfer, T1 long, narrow lines C = 1/0 effective energy transfer, T1 short, fast relaxation, wide lines = viscosity, high  = slow tumbling, long C, wide lines a = molecular diameter, large particles = long C, wide lines T = temperature, high T = fast tumbling = short C, narrow lines Tk a Tk V D BB C 3 4 6 1 3    23 Correlation Time C Approximate rule C [ps] ~ Mr in H2O at room temp. Supercritical CO2 is a good NMR solvent @65 ºC and 65 bar has low viscosity, narrow lines 24 Correlation Time C 1/0 short C = fast tumbling, small molecules, low viscosity long C = slow tumbling rigid molecules, high viscosity extreme narrowing T1 = T2 = long sharp lines Relaxation Times vs Correlation Time 25 long C = slow tumbling rigid molecules high viscosity extreme narrowing T1 = T2 = long sharp lines short C = fast tumbling small molecules low viscosity 26 The Influence of Correlation Times on Relaxation  Correlation times are not molecular constants, but depend on a number of factors, e.g. temperature, effective molecular size, solvent viscosity…  Variation of these factors may induce changes in c of several ordes of magnitude.  These changes may lead to violation of the „extreme narrowing“ conditions, and introduce the necessity for a more concise treatment of the correlation time dependence of relaxation times. 27 Linewidth T1 = lifetime of a nucleus in a certain energy state Heissenberg uncertainity principle E t ≥ h/2 h = 6.626 1034 J s h ½  ≥ h/2 ½ ≥ 1/T1 ½ ≥  High relaxation rate = short relation times = wide lines in spectra Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) NP in physics 1932 28 Linewidth Relaxation rate  i iT R 1 Linewidth 21 2/1 11 TT  long C = slow tumbling = long T1 , short T2 Linewidth is given by T2 2 2/1 1 T          21 2/1 11 TT short C = fast tumbling = long T1 ≥ T2 Relaxation 29 Solution NMR usually T2 = T1 (small/medium molecules, fast tumbling rate, non-viscous liquids) Some process like scalar coupling with quadrupolar nuclei, chemical exchange, interaction with a paramagnetic center, can accelerate the T2 relaxation such that T2 becomes shorter than T1. Solid state NMR T1 is usually much larger than T2. The very fast spin-spin relaxation time provide very broad signals Measuring the experimental line width to determine the T2 relaxation time, the experimental line width depends also on the inhomogeneity from the magnetic field: 1/T2 * = 1/T2 + 1/T2(inhomogeneity) Inhomogeneity is more critical for nuclei with higher frequency  =  B0 30 Relaxation Mechanisms  Direct dipolar interaction of a nuclear spin with other nuclear spins  Molecular motion in the presence of large chemical shielding anisotropies  Interaction of a nuclear spin with a nuclear quadrupole  Scalar coupling of nuclear spins  Paramagnetic relaxation by unpaired electrons  Spin rotation 1 1, 1, 1, 1 1 1 1 ..... DD CSA QT T T T     Fluctuating magnetic fields (of the right amplitude and frequency) make spins exchange energy with their environment Important mechanisms to generate these fluctuating magnetic fields are: The individual contributions combine to make the total relaxation Relaxation Mechanisms 31 Interaction Range of interaction (Hz) Relevant parameters Dipolar coupling 104 - 105 abundance of magnetically active nuclei size of their magnetogyric ratio Quadrupolar coupling 106 - 109 size of quadrupolar coupling constant electric field gradient at the nucleus Paramagnetic 107 -108 concentration of paramagnetic impurities Scalar coupling 10 - 103 size of the scalar coupling constants J Chemical Shift Anisotropy (CSA) 10 - 104 size of the chemical shift anisotropy CSA symmetry at the nuclear site Spin rotation 32 Dipolar Relaxation T1,DD INTRAMOLECULAR The magnetic moment of a nuclear spin B influences the local field at the position of a neighbouring nucleus A: B loc(A) = Bloc,0(A) + D D denotes the dipolar coupling constant which is defined as Brownian motion of the sample containing nuclei A and B induces a fluctuation of  which leads in turn to a time dependent modulation of the local magnetic field Bloc(A).  A B rAB B0 The Direct Interaction of a Nuclear Spin with other Spins )cos31( 8 2 62 0      AB BA r D  33 Dipolar Relaxation T1,DD The contribution of this modulation to the T1 relaxation of nucleus A can be expressed in terms of a characteristic time constant T1,DD: c = molecular correlation time 0 = vacuum permeability S = spin of nucles B B = magnetogyric ratio, large value = faster relaxation of A, shorter T1,DD nuclei with large (e.g. H) relax neighbouring nuclei 1/r6 AB = only directly bound nuclei contribute = intramolecular      C AB BA DD SS rAT    1 12 1 62 2222 0 ,1   Substitution H/D: If H is replaced by D, in the X-D bond, the X-nuclei relax much slower than in the corresponding X-H due to the lack of dipoledipole relaxation, H is 6.5 time larger than D. (in the extreme narrowing limit) 34 13C - 1H Dipolar Relaxation T1,DD (in the extreme narrowing limit) T1 relaxation of 13C by directly attached protons : c = molecular correlation time nH = number of attached protons H = magnetogyric ratio of H 1/r6 CH = 109 pm   C CH HCH DD r n CT    62 2222 0 13 ,1 16 1   Protonated carbons relax faster in 13C NMR than quarternary carbons 35 Dipolar Relaxation T1,DD INTERMOLECULAR Tk N Da hN T BerDD 0 24242 0 )(int,1 3 2 1    N0 = number of molecules in m3 D = difussion coefficient T = temp, high T narrows lines Protons relax both inter and intramolecularly C6H6 neat T1(H) = 19 s C6H6 diluted in CS2 T1(H) = 90 s a Tk D B 6  36 I: The Influence of the observed nucleus A in a A-H fragment: A 31P 13C 29Si 15N 103Rh (X) 10.84 6.73 -5.32 -2.71 -0.85 rAH [Å] 1.4 1.1 1.4 1.0 1.6 T1,DD (c=10-11) 8 s 5 s 33 s 17 s 48 min T1,DD (c=10-9) 80 ms 50 ms 330 ms 170 ms 29 s II: The Influence of the neighboring nucleus X in an A-X fragment (A=15N): X 1H 31P 13C 11B 51V (X) 26.75 10.84 6.73 8.59 7.05 rAX [Å] 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.8 S(S+1) 0.75 0.75 0.75 3.75 3.75 T1,DD (c=10-11) 17 s 42 min 34 min 160 s 400 s T1,DD (c=10-9) 170 ms 25 s 20 s 1.6 s 4 s III: The Influence of the internuclear distance in a N…H fragment: rAX [Å] 1.0 2.1 2.7 T1,DD (c=10-11) (N-H) 8 s (N-C-H) 24 min (N-C-C-H) 110 min c = 10-11s: medium sized (in)organic molecule c = 10-9 s: small polymer 37 Quadrupole Induced Relaxation T1,Q Nuclei with I > ½ possess an electric quadrupole moment eQ which is quantized according to its oriention in the electric field gradient (efg) of the electrons if the local symmetry is less than spherical. nucleus e-clond The Interaction of a nuclear spin I with a quadrupole moment Nuclei I > ½ Due to strong coupling between eQ and I, the nuclear magnetic spin levels depend on both B0 and the efg. Electric quadrupole moment eQ = nonspherical distribution of the positive nuclear charge Q > 0Q < 0 Q = 0 38 Quadrupole Induced Relaxation T1,Q mi=1 mi=0 mi=-1 B0 I = 1  BROWNIAN MOTION of sample molecules modulates the different mI energies which leads to a stochastic modulation of the local magnetic field Bloc(A). Tumbling = spread of energy levels in solution the average transition energy does not change but the spread contributes to relaxation 39 c = correlation time I = nuclear spin Q = nuclear quadrupole moment (Q ≠ 0 for I > ½ ) qZZ = electric field gradient qZZ = 0 for high symmetry (spherical, Cl-, cubic Td, Oh, ClO4 -, SO4 2-, AsF6 η = asymmetry parameter (η = 0 for axial symmetry) The contribution to T1(A) can be expressed in terms of a characteristic time constant T1,Q (extreme narrowing limit) Quadrupole Induced Relaxation T1,Q C zz QQ h Qqe II I TT   2 22 2 2 ,2,1 ))( 3 1( )12(10 )32(311     zz xxyy q qq   Quadrupole Induced Relaxation T1,Q 40 Q - the electric quadrupole moment of the nucleus A large moment results in efficient relaxation of the nucleus by molecular motion, very broad lines. 125I- in water (I = 5/2, Q = 0.79) has ν½ = 1800 Hz All other iodo compounds are much less symmetric and have lines so broad their NMR signals cannot be detected. Deuterium (I = 1, Q = 0.00273) and 6Li (I = 1, Q = 0.0008) have among the smallest electric quadrupole moments of all isotopes and are easy to observe and usually give lines sharp enough to resolve J coupling. 55Mn (I = 5/2, Q = 0.55) Quadrupole Induced Relaxation T1,Q 41 qZZ - the electric field gradient (EFG) The Quadrupole coupling vanishes in a symmetrical environment symmetrical [NH4]+ : qzz = 0 and therefore has very long T1 = 50 s CH3CN : qzz = 4 MHz and T1 = 22 ms (I = 1, Q = 0.016) 42 Quadrupole Induced Relaxation T1,Q 2 /zze q Q  Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constant, NQCC )12( )32( 2 2    II IQ l Linewidth factor I 1 3/2 5/2 3 7/2 4 l [Q2] 5 1.33 0.32 0.20 0.16 0.10 The larger the I nuclear spin, the faster relaxation, the shorter T1,Q, the broader lines 43 I. The Influence of the electric field gradient qzz: 14N relaxation times: Bu4N+ (Td) NaNO3 (D3h) NNN-(Ch) MeSCN(Cv) DABCO(Cv) c[MHz] 0.04 0.745 1.03 3.75 4.93 T1,Q 1.8 s 85 ms 29 ms 2 ms 0.6 ms 55Mn relaxation times: Mn2CO10 BrMn(CO)5 HMn(CO)5 CpMn(CO)3 c[MHz] 3.05 17.46 45.7 64.3 T1,Q 3.8 ms 0.46 ms 74 s 32 s II. The Influence of Q and I: T1,Q in [M(CO)6] M = 95Mo 97Mo 187Re(+) 185Re(+) 181Ta(-) Q[10-28 m2] 0.12 1.1 2.6 2.8 3 I 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 7/2 Q(2I+3)/(2I-1) 0.30 2.75 6.50 7.00 10.5 T1,Q >450 ms 53 ms 141 s 122 s 48 s W1/2 [Hz] <0.7 6 2250 2600 6700 44 CSA Induced Relaxation, T1,CSA Magnetic shielding is anisotropic and may vary for different orientations of the magnetic field B0 with respect to the molecular frame. H2O Pt H2O OH2 OH2 2+   -500 ||  +14500 BROWNIAN MOTION of sample molecules induces time dependent modulation of  and thus a stochastic fluctuation of the effective local magnetic field B0,loc(A). Tumbling of molecules with large chemical shielding anisotropies Important for nuclei with wide range of chemical shifts: 31P, 195Pt, 113Cd     // 2 1 )( yyxxzz Chemical Shielding Anisotropy CSA 45 CSA Induced Relaxation, T1,CSA The contribution to T1(A) can be expressed in terms of a characteristic time constant: c = molecular correlation time  = shielding anisotropy B0 = magnetic field strength = wide lines in strong magnets !!!! CA CSA B AT  222 0 ,1 )( )( 1  (in the extreme narrowing limit) 46 I: The Influence of the observed nucleus A in ( = 100 ppm; B0 = 7 T): A 31P 13C 15N (X) 10.84 6.73 -2.71 T1,CSA (tc=10-11) 130 s 340 s 35 min T1,CSA (tc=10-9) 1.3 s 3.4 s 21 s II: The Influence of the magnetic field B0 (nucleus 195Pt;  = 1000 ppm): B0 [T] 4.7 7.1 11.7 17.6 (1H) [MHz] 200 300 500 750 T1,CSA (tc=10-11) 10 s 4 s 1.6 s 0.7 s T1,CSA (tc=10-9) 100 ms 40 ms 16 ms 7 ms III: The Influence of the shielding anisotropy (nucleus 195Pt; B0 = 7 T):  [ppm] 15 150 1500 15000 T1,CSA (tc=10-11) 5.5 h 3.3 min 2 s 20 ms T1,CSA (tc=10-9) 3.3 min 2 s 20 ms 0.2 ms c = 10-11s: medium sized (in)organic molecule; c = 10-9 s: small polymer; 47 Spin Rotation Induced Relaxation, T1,SR Tumbling molecule = bonding electrons move and induce magnetic field around the molecule. Important for small fast rotating molecules with high symmetry: SF6, PCl3, PtL4 j B SR TCVk T 2 2 ,1 3 21   V = moment of inertia C = SR constant j = time in which a molecule changes its angular momentum, e.g. time between collisions Hubbard (if j << C, valid for small molecules below b. p.) Tk V B Cj 6  48 Contributions of CSA versus SR [Pt(PtBu3)2] [Pt(PEt3)3] [Pt{(P(OEt)3}4] symm linear trigonal tetrahedral T1 [s] @ 9.4 T 0.03 2.4 5.6 CSA % 100 50 10 SR % 0 50 90 SR important at high T, high symmetry CSA important at high B0, low symmetry 49 Scalar Coupling Induced Relaxation, T1,SC Two nuclei coupled through JAB and one of them relaxes fast = the fast spin orientation change of B is transferred to A •exchange of B nucleus (e.g. H exchange)  = lifetime of the exchange process •quadrupolar nucleus B  = T2q quadrupolar relaxation time 22 22 ,1 )(1 )1( 3 81   SISC SS J T   S = spin of B Spin A 50 Paramagnetic Relaxation, T1,e Dipolar relaxation by electron magnetic moment Transfer of unpaired electron density onto a nucleus O2 in the solvent TM ions Tk N T B effp e 222 ,1 41   Np = concentration of paramagnetic species in m3 eff = magnetic moment of e, thousand times larger than magnetic moment of nuclei, even small conc. of paramagnetic species shortens considerably relaxation time, wide lines = viscosity Relaxation agent Cr(acac)3 can be added to the solution of a slow relaxing compound (13C, 29Si,..) to shorten the acq. delay 51 Paramagnetic Relaxation, T1,e e NS C SI e SS a SS rT       )1( 24 )( )1( 12 )(1 2 2 0 62 2 0 ,1   c = molecular correlation time e = electron correlation time aN = electron-nucleus spin coupling constant dipole-dipole term contact term Relaxation Mechanisms 52 Approaches to distinguish the various relaxation mechanisms: 1. by the strength of the interaction : Paramg > Q > DD > CSA > J 2. by the use of isotopic substitution to identify the DD 3. by the field dependence: CSA is proportional to B0 (applied field). Quadrupole interaction is inversely proportional to B0 4. by their temperature dependence 53 Away from Extreme Narrowing Conditions Theoretical analysis of relaxation processes under conditions which fail to fulfil the requirements of extreme narrowing revealed that dependence of T1 on c follows frequently a relation 2 2 1 1 1 c cT       = Zeeman/2 This relation allows a more detailed analysis of temperature effects on relaxation. 54 The Temerature Dependence of T1 Relaxation T1 is independent of B0 in the extreme narrowing regime (22 1) T1 goes through a minimum (optimum relaxation conditions, 22 1, very efficient relaxation) T1 depends on B0 if 22 1 fast motion short C long C large molecules 55 Measurement of T1 The Inversion Recovery Experiment 180o Inversion Pulse variable Delay  (incremrnted) 90o Read Pulse recovery of z-magnetisation Non-equilibrium z-magnetisation recorvers during delay  Mz() is converted into observable magnetisation by the read pulse Performing a series of experiments and incrementing  allows to sample Mz() at different times T1 is obtained from a fit of observed signal intensities as a function of  1/0 : ( ) (1 2 )T z zM M e       56  0.00 1.26ms Shift: 717.502 ppm T1 : 0.5755 ms Measurement of T1(51V) for a Vanadium Complex 57 Relaxation Time T2 T2 relaxation occurs without energy transfer „entropic process“. The characteristic time constant T2 is connected with the linewidth: 1/ 2* 2 2, 2 1 1 1 true w T T T     * 2T describes the effect of magnetic field inhomogeneities, i.e. mostly bad shimming 58 Relaxation Time T2 For most I = n/2-nuclei, 1/T2,true >> 1/T2 * T2 may be determined directly from measured linewidth: w1/2= 1/T2 1/T2,true For I = 1/2-nuclei, 1/T2,true ≤ 1/T2 * T2 must be measured by dedicated experiments (spin echo or CPMG) 59 Relaxation Time T2 Mg. field inhomogeneity refocused at the end of the 2nd delay. Echo after the 2t delays - the size of this echo will only be affected by the spin-spin relaxation processes 60 23Na Relaxation Time Methyl methacrylate (MMA) with NaClO4 in propylene carbonate (PC) Polymerization initialized with UV radiation and the BBE initiator 23Na nucleus (I = 3/2) has a large electric quadrupole moment, which causes its extreme sensitivity to the nearest neighbor coordination T1 - the inversion recovery T2 - the spin-echo technique R. Korinek, J. Vondrak, K. Bartusek, M. Sedlarikova J Solid State Electrochem (2013) 17:2109