JAF04 Unit 9 Technology in Use Task 1 Speaking – Space elevator · How do you think a space elevator would work? · What could it be used for? · What technical challenges would it face? · How seriously do you think the concept of space elevators is being taken at present? Task 2 Space elevators a) Read the following extract, complete the gaps with suitable forms of the verbs in brackets and compare it to your answers in task 1. Space elevators: preparing for takeoff In his 1979 novel, The Fountains of Paradise, Arthur C. Clarke __________ (write) about an elevator connecting the earth´s surface to space. Three decades later, this science-fiction concept ____________ (prepare) to take off in the real world. NASA ___________ (launch) the Space Elevator Challenge, a competition with a generous prize fund, and several teams and companies _________ (work) on serious research projects aimed at winning it. As its name suggests, a space elevator is designed __________ (raise) things into space. Satellites, components for space ships, supplies for astronauts in space stations, and even astronauts themselves are examples of payloads that could ________ (transport) into orbit without the need for explosive and environmentally unfriendly rockets. However, the altitude of orbital space – a colossal 35,790 km above the earth – is a measure of the challenge _________ (face) engineers. How could such a height __________ (reach)? The answer is by __________ (use) an incredibly strong and lightweight cable, strong enough _________ (support) its own weight, and a heavy load. The design of such a cable is still largely theoretical. This would __________ (attach) to a base station on earth at one end and a satellite in geostationary orbit (fixed above a point on the equator) at the other. Lift vehicles would then ascend and descend the cable, ____________ (power) by electromagnetic force and _________ (control) remotely. b) Match the verbs (1-9) from the text to the definitions (a-i). 1 connecting a) carried (objects, over a distance) 2 raise b) hold something firmly 3 transported c) climb down 4 support d) provided with energy/ moved by a force 5 attached e) joining 6 ascend f) driven/ have movement directed 7 descend g) fixed 8 powered h) climb up 9 controlled i) lift/ make something go up c) James, an engineer, is giving a talk on space elevators. Complete his notes using the correct form of the verbs in exercise c. (Audio 1.2) Space elevators · Challenge of ______________(1) a satellite to earth by cable is significant. · To ___________ (2) its own weight, and be securely ______________ (3) at each end, cable would need phenomenal strength-to-weight ratio. · How could vehicles be ___________ (4) into space, by cable? · Self-contained energy source problematic, due to weight (heavy fuel or batteries required to ___________ (5) vehicle.) · Two possible ways round problem: 1. Transmit electricity wirelessly. But technique only at research stage. 2. Solar power. But would only allow vehicle to __________ (6) slowly. Not necessarily a problem, as car could be controlled remotely, allowing it to ______________ (7) payloads unmanned. Listen to part of James´ talk and check your answers in the exercise above. What kind of words are missing from the notes? d) Some space elevator designs propose an offshore base station. What advantages might an offshore base have compared with a land base? e) James goes on to discuss offshore base stations. Listen to the talk and answer the following questions. (Audio 1.3) 1. How would an offshore base station be supported? 2. How would payloads reach the base station? 3. What problem would a mobile base station help to prevent? 4. What would the procedure be if there was an alert? (To read more about space elevators, go to: http://science.howstuffworks.com/space-elevator.htm) (adapted from Ibbotson, M. (2008). Cambridge English for Engineering. CUP.)