Renata+Alena Luděk+Aneta všichni Tomáš+Filip Lucka+Anna Zuzka+Jakub Pozitivní kontrola Rozpouštědlo - k dispozici máte max. 100 mg atrazinu - k dispozici máte max. 100 mg chlorpyrifosu " - k dispozici máte dichroman draselný K2Cr2O7, zadané koncentrace v ředicích řadách udávají koncentraci dichromanu draselného v testu" - k dispozici máte max. 100 mg dodinu " - k dispozici máte hexahydrát chloridu nikelnatého, zadané koncentrace v ředicích řadách udávají koncentraci niklu v testu" - k dispozici máte max. 1g triclosanu 1. Atrazin 2. Chlorpyrifos 3. Chromium - potassium dichromate 5. Dodine 6. Methanol 7. Nickel chloride hexahydrate 8. Triclosan Sources CAS number 1912-24-9 2921-88-2 7778-50-9 2439-10-3 67-56-1 7791-20-0 3380-34-5 a Molecular formula C8H14ClN5 C9H11Cl3NO3PS K2Cr2O7 C15H33N3O2 CH4O Cl2H12NiO6 C12H7Cl3O2 aa Molecular mass [g/mol] 215.68 350.59 294.19 287.44 32.04 237.69 289.54 b Water solubility; 20°C [g/l] 0.03p 1.1e-3c 125m 0.63t neomezeně mísitelnýo 2540 0.01a c Vapour pressure; 20°C [Pa] 4 exp-5p 1.43e-3c nevýznamnén 1.3t 13020 nevýznamnél 7e-4a d Density [g/cm3] 1.187 g/cm3 1.398 g/cm3 (43.5 °C) 2.676 g/cm3 0.9±0.1 g/cm3 1.49 g/cm3 Boiling point[°C] 200 170 - 180c 500 64.7 973l 120 e AR.pdf Melting point [°C] 173-177p 41-42c 398 136t -98 140 56 - 58a f Kow (log P) 2.6p 4.7c - (nikde nic není) -0.88u -0.69 - (nikde nic není) 4.8a g Safety information = R-/S- statements "R: 43-48/22-50/53-39/23/24/25-23/24/25-11-38-36/37/38-20/21/22 , S: 2-36/37-60-61-45-16-7-36-26 q" "R20/22-65-38- 50/53, S24-36/37- 46-60-61d" "R: 45-46-60-61-8-21-25-26-34-42/43-48/23-50/53-52/53-20-48/20-23-51/53-22-36/37/38 , S: 53-45-60-61-36/37-23-26 m" "R22-R36/38-R50/53, S26-S60-S61" "R: 10-20/21/22-68/20/21/22-39/23/24/25-23/24/25-11-40-36-36/38-23/25 , S: 36/37-7-45-16-24/25-23-24" "R: 45-25-36/38-43-50/53 , S: 53-36/37-45-60-61-37-29-24 k" "R: 36/38-50/53-36/37/38 , S: 26-39-46-60-61-24/25-22-36 aa" h EFFECT CONCENTRATIONS in ug/L from US EPA ECOTOX Database i EC50 : Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata* 331.10 >25 000 3051.10 900.00 > 10% v/v 11070 > 250 j EC50 : Daphnia magna 46749.61 0.93 374.40 39.41 9635562.69 4012.69 301.39 k EC50: Vibrio fischeri 39000* 2840* 333700*(6000**) 862.32* - 7600* 280* n "Molární koncentrace zásobního roztoku, který máte k dispozici [mol/L]" 0.0464 0.0285 0.00679 (K2Cr2O7) 0.0348 - 1.780 (Ni) 0.0345 CONCENTRATIONS TO BE TESTED mg/L or ug/L and DF=Dilution Factor Raphidocelis subcapitata (Green algae) 0.008-0.04-0.2-1-5 mg/L (DF=5) 0.04-0.2-1-5-25 mg/L (DF=5) 1.25-2.5-5-10 mg/L (DF=2) 0.25-0.5-1-2-4 mg/L (DF=2) 3.125-6.25-12.5-25-50 % v/v 6.25-12.5-25-50-100 mg/L (DF=2) 0.4-2-10-50-250 ug/L (DF=5) o Daphnia magna (Crustaceans) 6.25-12.5-25-50-100 mg/L (DF=2) 0.016-0.08-0.4-2-10 ug/L (DF=5) 0.05-0.1-0.2-0.4-0.8 mg/L (DF=2) 1.6-8-40-200-1000 ug/L (DF=5) 3.125-6.25-12.5-25-50 % v/v 6.25-12.5-25-50-100 mg/L (DF=2) 62.5-125-250-500-1000 ug/L (DF=2) p Vibrio fischeri (Bacteria) 6.25-12.5-25-50-100 mg/L (DF=2) 0.625-1.25-2.5-5-10 mg/L (DF=2) 53 mg/L 0.25-0.5-1-2-4 mg/L (DF=2) 3.125-6.25-12.5-25-50 mg/L (DF=2) 1.6-8-40-200-1000 ug/L (DF=5) q QA/QC "Fluka analytical, Atrazine PESTANAL analytical standard, 45330-250MG, Lot#SZBC206XV, exp. 7/2017" "Fluka analytical, Chlorpyrifos PESTANAL analytical standard, 45395-250MG, Lot# SZBA141XV, exp. 5/2015" "Lachner, Potassium dichromate, index # 024-002-00-6, cathegory # 30020-APO, exp. 10/2015, batch PP/2010/11749" "Fluka Analytical, Dodin PESTANAL analytical standard, 45466-250MG, Lot#SZB9215XV, exp. 8/2016" "Lachner, Methanol for pesticide residue analysis, 67-56-1, index#603-001-00-X, EINECS # 200-659-6, Batch 2013-4080, 20038-RTO, exp.03/2016" "Fluka Biochemika, Irgasan 5g, WB12926, Lot# 457018/1 12604135, EC No. 221822" t Notes: "* experimental data RECETOX, December 2013, Zuzana Rabova " "*Palma, P., Palma, V. L., Fernandes, R. M., Soares, a M. V. M., & Barbosa, I. R. (2008). Acute toxicity of atrazine, endosulfan sulphate and chlorpyrifos to Vibrio fischeri, Thamnocephalus platyurus and Daphnia magna, relative to their concentrations in surface waters from the Alentejo region of Portugal. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 81(5), 485–9. doi:10.1007/s00128-008-9517-3" "*Palma, P., Palma, V. L., Fernandes, R. M., Soares, a M. V. M., & Barbosa, I. R. (2008). Acute toxicity of atrazine, endosulfan sulphate and chlorpyrifos to Vibrio fischeri, Thamnocephalus platyurus and Daphnia magna, relative to their concentrations in surface waters from the Alentejo region of Portugal. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 81(5), 485–9. doi:10.1007/s00128-008-9517-3" "*Fulladosa, E., Murat, J. C., & Villaescusa, I. (2005). Effect of cadmium(II), chromium(VI), and arsenic(V) on long-term viability- and growth-inhibition assays using Vibrio fischeri marine bacteria. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology, 49(3), 299–306. doi:10.1007/s00244-004-0170-5" "* EC50 approximated from EC50 for Vibrio qinghaiensis reported in: Liu, S.-S., Wang, C.-L., Zhang, J., Zhu, X.-W., & Li, W.-Y. (2013). Combined toxicity of pesticide mixtures on green algae and photobacteria. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 95, 98–103. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2013.05.018" "Petala, M. et al. 2005. Evaluation of toxic response of heavy metals and organic pollutants using microtox acute toxicity test.Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. 1-3 Sept 2005 " "*Farré, M., Asperger, D., Kantiani, L., González, S., Petrovic, M., & Barceló, D. (2008). Assessment of the acute toxicity of triclosan and methyl triclosan in wastewater based on the bioluminescence inhibition of Vibrio fischeri. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 390(8), 1999–2007. doi:10.1007/s00216-007-1779-9" "** experimental data RECETOX, Petr Masner " file:///G:/SAK-PAPYR-2297-9TH-CEST-RHODES-1-3-SEPT-2005-PP-1200-1205-Y-2005.pdf