RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno, CR; Ivan Holoubek CHEMIE ŽIVOTNÍHO PROSTŘEDÍ IV Vybrané typy environmentálních polutantů (04/05) Persistentní organické polutanty (POPs) Persistentní, bioakumulativní a toxické látky (PBTs) Persistentní toxické látky PTS Mezinárodní úmluvy Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 2 Stockholm Convention Stockholm, Sweden, May 22-23, 2001 Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 3 Persistent Toxic Substances CCl Cl CCl3 H  Persistent  Bio-accumulative  Toxic  Transboundary movement  POPs a sub-group Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 4 Persistent  Resists degradation in the environment  Other chemicals, even though degrading faster in the environment, are persistent due to continuous release Stockholm Convention Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 5 Bio-accumulative  Concentrates in fatty tissue (lipophilic)  Bio-accummulation factor in animals dependent on the log Kow – a measure of the affinity of chemicals to lipids  Chemicals to be included – log Kow > 3 but molecular weight < 1 000 Daltons  Chemical accummulates up the food chain Stockholm Convention Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 6 Toxicity  Chemicals show chronic toxicity properties including: developmental, reproductive, carcinogenic, immunotoxic and neurotoxic activities in humans and wildlife  ADI values are compared to NOEL/LOEL values to establish risk from exposure  Substances with acute toxicity and with continuous release/exposure to be considered Stockholm Convention Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 7 Transboundary Movement  Chemicals transported through erosion, flood plains, water, biota etc.  Chemicals are semi-volatile  Evaporate over warmer regions and condense in colder atmospheres  Can affect regions where use is non-existent Stockholm Convention Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 8 The objective of the Stockholm Convention is to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants. It differentiates between three categories of POPs:  Intentionally produced POPs that are slated for elimination;  Intentionally produced POPs are to be reduced and ultimately eliminated, except where there is a specified “acceptable purpose,” such as disease vector control, or exempted usage, in which case the production and/or use of the substance is restricted; and  POPs that are unintentionally produced as the result of human activity and which are slated for continued minimization and, where feasible, ultimate elimination of total releases derived from anthropogenic sources. The objective of the Stockholm Convention Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 9 Pesticide Industrial Chemical By-product Aldrin + Chlordane + DDT + Dieldrin + Endrin + Heptachlor + Mirex + Toxaphene + Hexachlorobenzene + + + PCB + + PCDD + PCDF + 12 old Stockholm POPs Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 10 Pesticide Industrial Chemical By-product Chlordecone + HBB + a-HCH + + b-HCH + + g-HCH + + + PeDBE + + OCBDE + + PFOS + PeCBz + + + Endosulfan + 10 new Stockholm POPs Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 11 ALDRIN DIELDRIN ENDRIN DDT CHLORDAN HEPTACHLOR Old Stockholm POPs Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 12 HCB MIREX TOXAPHEN PCBs PCDDs PCDFs Old Stockholm POPs Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 13 POPs Stockholm Convention Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 14 Nástroje Stockholmské úmluvy Národní POPs Inventura ČR – 2002 – 2009 Národní implementační plán SÚ v ČR - 2004 Hodnocení účinnosti opatření SÚ – Globální POPs monitoring Globální a regionální monitoring POPs ve volném ovzduší (aktivní a pasivní vzorkování; mateřské mléko Národní a regionální POPs Centra pro implementaci závěrů SÚ na národní a regionální úrovni Národní síť monitoringu POPs ve volném ovzduší ČR – MONET-CZ, MONET Region + MONET-Europe, MONET-Africa POP Review Committee – hodnocení nových kandidátských POPs Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 15 Národní implementační plán Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 162004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 “Enabling Activities” National Implementation Plan 1st effectiveness review CoP 1 Příprava NIP – politický proces Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 17 Hlavní strategické cíle NIP  eliminace vstupů POPs do prostředí a snížení expozice člověka těmito látkami;  odstranění starých zátěží spojených s dřívější produkcí, používáním, distribucí a odstraněním POPs;  nezbytně nutná je podpora dobudování zařízení ke sběru odpadů s obsahem POPs ev. dalších nebezpečných látek, kde tyto budou shromažďovány a skladovány environmentálně bezpečným způsobem do doby, než bude možné zajistit jejich odstranění s maximálně možným využitím existující sítě těchto zařízení;  aplikace principů BAT/BEP (Best Available Techniques/ Best Environmental Practices) v rámci strategie rozvoje průmyslu v příštích letech; Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 18 Hlavní strategické cíle NIP  vypracování komplexních plánů odstranění odpadů s obsahem POPs včetně zhodnocení dopadů různých variant na životní prostředí a zdraví lidské populace;  získání dalších dat potřebných k objektivnímu zjištění velikosti zatížení POPs ve vybraných oblastech – zpracování inventur vstupů do všech složek životního prostředí, produktů a odpadů pro všechny látky na Seznamu Úmluvy a PAHs,  optimalizace monitorovacích programů jednotlivých resortů s cílem realizovat úkoly dané Úmluvou. Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 19 Časový plán implementace  Distribuce Národního implementačního plánu všem zainteresovaným institucím po jeho vzetí vládou na vědomí.  Vytvoření Národního POPs Centra a monitorovacího výboru implementace Úmluvy do 1 roku od vzetí Národního implementačního plánu vládou na vědomí.  Splnění krátkodobých cílů stanovených Národním implementačním plánem do tří let od vzetí vládou na vědomí.  Vyhodnocení plnění krátkodobých cílů a aktualizace Národního implementačního plánu do září 2009.  Splnění dlouhodobých cílů stanovených Národním implementačním plánem do deseti let od vzetí plánu na vědomí. Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 20  Destrukční kapacita  Látky – PAHs, SCCPs, Br Nové lokality  Potraviny  Vyhodnocování, práce s informacemi  Preventivní činnost Národní POPs priority Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 21 Identification of the need to review or update NIP Initiate process to review/ update NIP Coordinating mechanism and process organization Assessment of the effects of the external/ internal triggering factors Formulation of revised/Updated NIP Endorsement Transmission Elaborated process for reviewing and updating NIP Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 22 Timeline for NIP review and update 17 May 2004 Entry into force of the Convention 17 May 2006 Due date for transmission of NIPs of first 50 Parties 26 August 2010 Entry into force of amendments to Annexes A, B and C of the convention 26 August 2012 Due date for transmission of revised and updated NIP Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 23 Národní POPs inventura Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 24 GENASIS 1.0 - Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 25 Národní POPs Centrum Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 26 Národní POPs Centrum ČR (NC) Založení NC je realizováno rámcovou smlouvou mezi MŽP a MU Brno. Centrum je zaměřeno na realizaci úkolů NIP, implementaci SÚ a dalších úmluv souvisejících s chemickými látkami. NC bude úzce spolupracovat s řadou předních pracovišť ČR a sítí externích expertů, jenž se podíleli na přípravě Národní POPs inventury a vytvoří tak vhodnou platformu pro realizaci NIP. NC představuje odbornou základnu, jejímž cílem je přispět k porozumění problematice POPs v podmínkách ČR, informování a interpretaci problémů spojených s těmito látkami v naší zemi a zvýraznit skutečnost, že ČR má dostatek odborných kapacit, dat i informací pro seriózní a kvalifikovaný přístup k dané problematice. Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 27 Komise pro hodnocení nových POPs (POPs Review Committtee) Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 28 Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (POPRC)  Subsidiary body to the Convention, mandated to review proposals submitted by Parties for listing new chemicals in Annex A, B, or C.  31 government-designated members  Terms of reference, conflict of interest procedure: SC-1/7,SC- 1/8, SC-4/20 Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 29 What are the 9 new POPs? Annex A – Elimination: Elimination of production and use of all intentionally produced POPs Lindane*, alpha-HCH. beta-HCH, chlordecone, Hexabromobiphenyl, pentachlorobenzene, “tetra- and pentabromodiphenyl ether”*, “hexa- and hepta bromodiphenyl ether”* *listed with use specific exemptions Annex B - Restriction: Restrict production and use in accordance with the provisions PFOS** **listed with several specific exemptions and acceptable purposes for production and use Annex C - Unintentional Production: “…Continuing minimization and, where feasible, ultimate elimination of the total releases of chemicals.” Pentachlorobenzene Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 30 1. Chlordecone  Listed in: Annex A (Elimination)  Production: No exemption  Use: No exemption Past use: Agricultural pesticide (banana plantation) Used in 1966-1975 in the USA for ant and roach. Also known as « Kepon ». Properties similar to Mirex. Currently: No production and use reported. The French island of Martinique is heavily contaminated with chlordecone. Alternatives: Available  Proposal: 2005, European Community  Risk profile: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.2/17/Add.1  Risk management evaluation: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.1 Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 31 2. Hexabromobiphenyl  Listed in: Annex A (Elimination)  Production: No exemption  Use: No exemption  Proposal: 2005, European Community  Risk profile: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.2/17/Add.3  Risk management evaluation: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.3 Past use: Flame retardants. Added to plastics used in products such as home electrical appliances, textiles, plastic foams, laptop cabinets, etc. to make them difficult to burn. Currently: No production and use reported. Other polybrominated biphenyls are also controlled by RoHS Directive by EU. Alternatives: Available Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 32 3. Pentachlorobenzene Listed in: Annex A (Elimination) and Annex C (Unintentional production) Production: No exemption Use: No exemption  Proposal: 2006, European Community  Risk profile: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.7  Risk management evaluation:UNEP/POPS/POPRC.4/15/Add.1 Past use: Component in PCB products, fungicide, flame retardant. Currently: Possible continuous use as intermediate for production of quintozene (pentachloronitrobenzene: fungicide). Unintentional production during combustion, thermal and industrial processes Impurities in products e.g. solvents, pesticides. Alternatives: Available Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 33 4. Lindane  Listed in: Annex A (Elimination)  Production: No exemption  Use: Specific exemption: Human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment  Possible additional control measures:  Limiting the package size; appropriate label;  Protecting vulnerable groups;  Outreach and awareness; promoting alternatives  Proposal: 2005, Mexico  Risk profile: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.2/17/Add.4  Risk management evaluation: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.4 Past use: About 600 000 tons of lindane was used globally 1950-2000 as pesticide and veterinary and human applications Currently: Some countries are still known to produce or use lindane (e.g. for seed dressing, control of termites, head lice, etc) Alternatives: Exists but not readily available in some countries especially for control of head lice and scabies Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 34 Listed in: Annex A (Elimination) Production: No exemption Use: No exemption (No production allowed for alpha- and beta-HCH because there is no exemption for production of lindane is allowed. ) alpha-HCH beta-HCH 5. Alpha-HCH, 6. Beta-HCH  Proposal: 2006, Mexico  Risk profile: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.8 and Add.9  Risk management evaluation: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.4/15/Add.3 and Add.4 Past use: High-volume by-products of lindane. The production of one ton of lindane generates approximately up to 8 tons of alpha- and beta- HCH. Currently: Large stockpiles of alpha- and beta-HCH exist. Alternatives: As there is no commercial use of alpha- and beta-HCH, alternatives are not needed. Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 35 GLOBAL ISSUE: Obsolete waste of alpha-, beta-HCH and lindane Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 36 7. Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOSF)  Listed in Annex B (Restriction) with Specific exemptions and Acceptable purposes  Proposal: 2005, Sweden  Risk profile: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.2/17/Add.5  Risk management evaluation: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.5 and UNEP/POPS/POPRC.4/15/Add.6 Past use: PFOS is both intentionally produced and an unintended degradation product of PFOS-related substances (PFOS precursors). Examples of use include: electronic appliances, fire-fighting foams, water proof for textile, leather, etc. Currently: PFOS is still produced and used in several countries. Alternatives: Available for some types of use but no known technically feasible alternatives for some applications e.g. semi-conductor, photo imaging, aviation hydraulic fluids Guidance: in preparation by POPRC Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 37 Some past/current uses of PFOS Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 38 Uses of PFOS identified by the POPRC 1. Uses for which no alternatives are available – Photo imaging, photo resist and semi-conductor, photo masks in the semiconductor and liquid crystal display (LCD) industries, aviation hydraulic fluids, certain medical devices 2. Uses for which alternatives would need to be phased in – Metal plating, electric and electronic parts, ant baits for control of leafcutting ants, CCD color filters, chemically driven oil production 3. Uses for which alternatives are available in developed countries – Firefighting foams, carpets, leather and apparel, textiles and upholstery, paper and packaging, coatings and coating additives, cleaning products, pesticide and insecticides, rubber and plastics Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 39 Annex A – Elimination  May be listed with Specific exemptions  Parties need to register (exception: PCBs)  Exemption open for 5 years from the date of entry into force  When all registrations have expired, no new registrations possible for a given exemption Annex B – Restriction  Listed with specific exemptions and acceptable purpose  Specific exemptions: similar to Annex A  Acceptable purpose: need to register but no deadline, for purpose that has no alternatives, and the use is critical  DDT is listed with ‘acceptable purpose’ production and use for vector control Difference between listing in Annex A and Annex B Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 40  Photo imaging,  Photo resist and anti-reflective coatings for semi- conductors,  Etching agent for compound semi-conductors and ceramic filters,  Aviation hydraulic fluids,  Metal plating only in closed-loop systems,  Certain medical devices (e.g. ETFE layers, radioopaque ETFE, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, CCD color filters),  Fire fighting foam,  Insect baits for control of leaf-cutting ants. PFOS Use: Acceptable purposes Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 41  Photo masks in the semiconductor and LCD industries,  Hard metal plating,  Decorative metal plating,  Electric and electronic parts for some color printers and color copy machines,  Insecticides for control of red imported fire ants and termites,  Chemically driven oil production,  Carpets,  Leather and apparel,  Textiles and upholstery,  Paper and packaging,  Coatings and coating additives,  Rubber and plastics. PFOS Use: Specific purposes Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 42 End products Chemical producers ? ?? Upstream Downstream Special care needed for industrial chemicals like PFOS because: Used in numerous processes and parts Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 43 PFOS photo masks semiconductor metal plating fix-unit HDD PWB parts, modules solder dispersion surface treatment surface treatment De-smearing etching adhesive paintPhoto resist anti-reflective coating other use ..may also affect other industries Special care needed for industrial chemicals like PFOS because: Long supply-chain, involve many producers/ users Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 44  What types of processes use PFOS and related substances?  What types of articles contain PFOS and related substances?  What types of articles containing PFOS are recycled?  What are options for alternative products or processes?  Technical feasibility, costs, efficacy, risk, availability, accessibility?  Need to develop new technology? How to introduce? Questions on PFOS contained in articles Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 45 Originally proposed as: “Commercial mixture of pentabromodiphenyl ether” Mixture of brominated organic chemicals, main components are penta- and tetra- isomers Proposal: 2005, Norway Risk profile: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.2/17/Add.1 Risk management evaluation:UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.1 C12H5Br4O C12H5Br5O 8. Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 46 Structure Congener Name Fraction BDE-99 2,2′,4,4′,5-pentabromodiphenyl ether 45–49 % BDE-47 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether 38–42 % BDE-85 2,2′,3,4,4′-pentabromodiphenyl ether 2.2–3.0 % BDE-100 2,2′,4,4′,6-pentabromodiphenyl ether 7.8–13 % BDE-153 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexabromodiphenyl ether 5.3–5.4 % BDE-154 2,2′,4,4′,5,6′-hexabromodiphenyl ether 2.7–4.5 % Commercial mixture of pentabromodiphenyl ether Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 47 Past use: Most commonly used as a flame retardant in flexible polyurethane foam (PUF); also used in printed circuit boards. The annual demand worldwide was estimated as 7,500t in 2001, (US: 7,100t, Europe 150t, and Asia 150t) Currently: There should be no current production of commercial pentaBDE in Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia and the US; however, it is possible that production continues elsewhere in the world. Alternatives: Some known alternatives e.g. triphenyl phosphate, tribromoneopentyl alcohol, tris(1,3-dicholoro-2-propyl)phosphate - Guidance on feasible flame-retardant alternatives to commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether (POPRC 2008) - Environmental Profiles of Chemical Flame-Retardant Alternatives for Low-Density Polyurethane Foam (USEPA 2005) 8. Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 48 DEFINITION “Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether” means: • 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47, CAS No: 40088-47-9) and • 2,2',4,4',5-pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99, CAS No: 32534-81-9) and • other tetra- and pentabromodiphenyl ethers present in commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether. Listed in Annex A (Elimination) Exemption for production: none Exemption for use: may allow recycling of articles that (may) contain the chemicals, and the use and final disposal of articles manufactured from recycled materials that (may) contain the chemicals 8. Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 49 9. Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether Originally proposed as: “Commercial mixture of octabromodiphenyl ether Mixture of brominated organic chemicals, main components are hexa- and hepta- isomers. Proposal: 2006, EU Risk profile: UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.6 Risk management evaluation:UNEP/POPS/POPRC.4/15/Add.1 C12H5Br6O C12H5Br7O Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 50 Structure Congener Name Fraction BDE-175/183 2,2′,3,4,4′,5′,6-heptabromodiphenyl ether 2,2',3,3',4,5',6 heptabromodiphenyl ether 13–42 % BDE-153 BDE-154 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexabromodiphenyl ether 2,2′,4,4′,5,6′-hexabromodiphenyl ether 0.15–8.7 % Commercial mixture of octabromodiphenyl ether Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 51 Past use: Most commonly used as a flame retardant in flexible polyurethane foam (PUF); also used in printed circuit boards. The annual demand worldwide was estimated as 7,500t in 2001, (US: 7,100t, Europe 150t, and Asia 150t) Currently: There should be no current production of commercial pentaBDE in Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia and the US; however, it is possible that production continues elsewhere in the world. Alternatives: Some known alternatives e.g. triphenyl phosphate, tribromoneopentyl alcohol, tris(1,3-dicholoro-2-propyl)phosphate - Guidance on feasible flame-retardant alternatives to commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether (POPRC 2008) - Environmental Profiles of Chemical Flame-Retardant Alternatives for Low-Density Polyurethane Foam (USEPA 2005) 9. Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 52 DEFINITION “Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether” means: • 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-153, CAS No: 68631-49-2), • 2,2',4,4',5,6'-hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-154, CAS No: 207122-15-4), • 2,2',3,3',4,5',6 heptabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-175, CAS No: 446255-22-7), • 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-heptabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-183, CAS No: 207122-16-5) and • other hexa- and heptabromodiphenyl ethers present in commercial octabromodiphenyl ether. Listed in Annex A (Elimination) Exemption for production: none Exemption for use: may allow recycling of articles that (may) contain the chemicals, and the use and final disposal of articles manufactured from recycled materials that (may) contain the chemicals 9. Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 53 Hazards associated with the recycling chain Disassembly Metallurgical treatment Size reduction and separation Removal of hazardous components Hg switches: Hg Batteries: Cd, Pb, Hg Gas discharge lamps: Hg CRTs: Pb, phosphors Formation of dust particles containing plastics, metals, ceramic and silica Emission of metal fumes, mixed chlorinated and brominated dioxins and furans (PXDD/Fs) Hazards Recycling chain Shredding Smelting Incineration and landfilling Emission of metal fumes, PXDD/Fs Leaching of heavy metals and BFRs Final treatment Risks in the recycling and waste treatment process Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 54 Samples: - Liquid crystal display (LCD) TV, Laptop PC, Power supply unit - Wallpaper, Curtain, Heat insulation material Rear cover Pulverized samples Front cover Chemicals in products/articles Analysis of chemicals in new products/articles Analytical method: - Samples were pulverized by frost shattering using liquid N2. - HRGC/HRMS and LC/MS methods. Target compounds: - Organobromine compounds (PBPhs, TBBPA, HBCDs, PBDEs) - Phosphoester plasticizers and flame retardants (TMP, TEP, TPrP, TBP, TClPP, TCEP, TBEP, TDCPP, TOP, TPhP, TCP) Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 55 Printed circuit board (power supply unit) Printed circuit board (LCD panel) Printed circuit board Pulverized samples LCD panel Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 56 Chemická látka Příloha Přijatelný účel/zvl.výjimka α-hexachlorcyklohexan A výroba: žádná použití: žádné β-hexachlorcyklohexan A výroba: žádná použití: žádné chlordekon A výroba: žádná použití: žádné hexabrombifenyl A výroba: žádná použití: žádné hexa a heptabromdifenylether A výroba: žádná použití: výrobky v souladu s ustanoveními části IV přílohy A γ-hexachlorcyklohexan A výroba: žádná použití: žádné pentachlorbenzen A a C výroba: žádná použití: žádné perfluoroktansulfonová kys., její soli a perfluoroktansulfonylfluorid (PFOS) B výroba: pro povolená použití použití: 8 účelů, 12 výjimek tetra a pentabromdifenylether A výroba: žádná použití: výrobky v souladu s ustanoveními části IV přílohy A Situace v ČR Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 57 Registrované výjimky ČR  pro tetrabrombifenylether a pentabromdifenylether a pro hexabromdifenylether a heptabromdifenylether zvláštní výjimky s názvem „výrobky v souladu s ustanoveními části IV přílohy A“ .  Pro kyselinu perfluoroktansulfonovou a její soli zvláštní výjimky s názvem „pokovování (tvrdé pokovování) a pokovování (dekorativní pokovování)“.  přijatelné účely s názvem „fotografické zobrazování, fotorezistentní a protiodrazové povlaky pro polovodiče, hydraulické kapaliny v letectví a pokovování (tvrdé pokovování) pouze v uzavřeném systému“.  Zvláštní výjimky registrace na dobu pěti let, tj. do 26. 8. 2015, přijatelné účely bez omezení Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 58 Látky projednávané v POPRC  Na posledním POPRC nebyl předložen žádný nový návrh  Původní záměr EK navrhnout 3 nové látky – pentachlorfenol, hexachlorbutadien a PCNs  (pro POPRC 7 určitě nové návrhy budou) * seznam látek, pro jejichž výrobu, dovoz a použití je nutné povolení Látka Pozn. Chlorované parafíny s krátkým řetězcem V CLRTAP, nevstoupilo dosud v platnost Projednáván REACH příloha XIV* endosulfan Projednáván v CLRTAP hexabromcyklododekan Projednáván v CLRTAP Projednáván REACH příloha XIV Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 59 Možné látky k diskuzi Látka Pentachlorfenol (projednáván CLRTAP) Polychlorované naftaleny (v CLRTAP nevstoupilo dosud v platnost) Hexachlorbutadien (CLRTAP nevstoupilo dosud v platnost) Trifluralin (projednáván CLRTAP) Dikofol (projednáván CLRTAP) PFOA – perfluoroktanová kyselina Cyklické siloxany 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol ??? Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 60 Hodnocení účinnosti opatření Stockholmské úmluvy Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 61 Hodnocení účinnosti opatření SÚ - Globální monitoring Základní matrice: - Ovzduší - Mateřské mléko Článek 16 SÚ - hodnocení účinností opatření úmluvy – každé 4 roky:  Data z monitoringu  Regionální a globální transport Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 62 Regional monitoring reports  Introduction, background  Description of the region  Regional strategy for information gathering  Arrangements to address global and regional transport  Methodology for sampling, analysis and handling of data  Results  Summary of findings and discussion Global monitoring plan – regional organisation Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 63 GMP should in each region strive for at least Three to five stations with active high-volume sampling A network of 10 to 15 passive sampling stations arranged in a grid with spacingof approximately 200 x 200 km for enhancing geographical coverage . Passive samplers should be co-located at the high volume sites for comparison purposes. Cumulative sampling (for 1 to 2 days every week or continuously over periodsof 1 to 2 weeks) by active high volume sampling (~0.5-1 m3/min. flowrate) at a few sites in each region. These samples would be separated into particulate and gaseous fractions. Continuous, cumulative passive (diffusive) sampling for integration periods of 3 months to 1 year using passive samplers deployed at a large number of sites, including the high volume sampling sites. Global monitoring plan – regional organisation Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 64 Globální POPs monitoring - ovzduší Ovzduší: Pasivní vzorkování jako doplněk aktivního velkoobjemového vzorkování:  Není potřeba čerpadlo a proud  Malé a laciné  Jednoduché UNEP - Stockholm Convention on POPs “Effectiveness Evaluation” Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 65 Observatoř Košetice Regionalní monitoring POPs $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ NO99 Hazelrigg Lancaster Augsburg DE9 DE1IS91 NO42 CZ3 FI96 SE97 SE2 air precipitation soil vegetation EMEP POPs Network Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 66 Integrovaný monitoring POPs – odběrová místa a vzorkovací frekvence – observatoř Košetice – od 1988 Matrice Počet odběrových míst Frekvence vzorkování Volné ovzduší 01 Týdně (denně) Mokrá depozice 01 Každá srážka Povrchové vody 02, 04, 10, 12a, 12b, 14 Ročně Sedimenty 02, 04, 10, 12a, 12b, 14 Ročně Půdy 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 09, 11, 13, 15 Ročně Opad 09 Ročně Borové a smrkové jehličí 05, 07, 08, 09, 13, 15, 16 Ročně Mechy 05, 07, 08, 09, 13, 15, 16 Ročně Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 67 Držák PUF disk Cirkulace vzduchu Ocelové misky Pasivví vzorkovače – komplementární aktivnímu vzorkování.  Bez pumpy a proudu  Malý a laciný  Jednoduchý Pasivní vzorkovače pro stanovení POPs ve volném ovzduší Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 68 Pasivní vzorkovače pro stanovení POPs ve volném ovzduší Koncepční přístup centra RECETOX:  Využitelnost pro monitoring na globální, regionální, lokální úrovni  Vývoj a založení monitorovací sítě v České republice (MONET-CZ) a CEECs (MONET-CEECs)  Vliv environmentálních faktorů  Studium místních vlivů  Studium časových a prostorových trendů  Aplikace pro toxikologické testování Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 69 Česká národní monitorovací síť POPs ve volném ovzduší metodou pasivního vzorkování (MONET-CZ) Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 70 Studium modelových zdrojů POPs a studium lokálních vlivů Spalovny odpadů Spolana Neratovice DEZA Valašské Meziříčí Cementárny Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 71 MONET-CZ = Czech Republic MONET-PIs = Pacific islands - Fiji MONET-CEECs = 20 CEE countries + 2 CA countries MONET-Africa = 17 African countries MONET-EUROPE – 55 sampling sites round whole Europe RECETOX Monitoring Network MONET = MOnitoring NETwork NADI NAUSORI LAUCALA © RECETOX 2007 Global/national POPs monitoring - MONET Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 72 RECETOX/Národní POPs Centrum ČR – MONET-CZ/REGION – Krajské studie Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 73 MONET-EUROPE – 2009-2011 – 55 odběrových míst Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 74 launched Dec. 2004 at 50 sites! GAPS Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling Study Updated : August 2006 (Tom) Antarctica Environment Canada - GAPS = Global Atmospheric PAssive Sampling Study T. Harner Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 75 2009 sampling sites Bukasa Island, UgandaMt. Kenya, Kenya IJRC-PTS, China MONET (RECETOX, Czech Rep.) Spain Global Passive Air Sampling Programs = new GAPS sites added in 2009 MONET (RECETOX, Czech Rep.) Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 76 Malisch et al., Dioxin2010, San Antonio, TX POPs v mateřském mléce, studie WHO, 2008-9 – HCB [ tuku] Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 77 POPs v mateřském mléce, studie WHO, 2008-9 – S 6 PCBs [ tuku] Malisch et al., Dioxin2010, San Antonio, TX Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 78 Integrated POPs monitoring - Observatory Košetice Superstation concept - Observatory Košetice, CR $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ NO99 Hazelrigg Lancaster Augsburg DE9 DE1IS91 NO42 CZ3 FI96 SE97 SE2 air precipitation soil vegetation EMEP POPs Network Comparison of existing programmes (EMEP, GAPS, MONET) and approaches (active vs. passive) Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 79 Budoucí vývoj Měření – monitoring – modelování Základní informace týkající se hladin a distribuce Nástroje pro hodnocení účinků, dopadů a rizik Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 80 GENASIS 1.0 - Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 81 Regionální centra SÚ Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 82 REGIONAL AND SUBREGIONAL CENTRES FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND CAPACITY BUILDING Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 83 Stockholm Convention Centres for capacity-building and transfer of technology Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 84 RECETOX POPs Research topics and areas of experties Environmental occurrence of PTS  Monitoring  Human and ecological risk assessment  Environmental technologies, disposal and (bio)remediation Education, awareness raising  University education on MSc and PhD levels in the field of environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology and mathematical biology  Training courses, summer schools  Organisation of workshops, seminars, conferences Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 85 Summer Schools Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 86 (c) Training for decision-makers, managers and personnel responsible for issues related to the Convention in: i. Persistent organic pollutants identification; ii. Technical assistance needs identification; iii. Project proposal writing; iv. Legislation development and enforcement; v. Development of an inventory of persistent organic pollutants; vi. Risk assessment and management of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and furans; vii. Evaluation of social and economic impacts; viii. Development of pollutant release and transfer registers; Identified areas of technical assistance and technology transfer needs and priorities Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 87 Další nástroje (BAT/BEP, Dioxin Toolkit, PCBs elimination network, DDT alternatives) Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 88 Guidance for BAT/BEP Guidelines on best available techniques and provisional guidance on best environmental practices relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 89 Následující kategorie průmyslových zdrojů mají schopnost poměrně značné tvorby a úniku uvedených chemikálií do životního prostředí: 1. spalovny odpadů včetně spoluspalování komunálních, nebezpečných nebo zdravotnických odpadů nebo čistírenských kalů 2. cementářské pece spalující nebezpečný odpad 3. výroba celulózy a papíru používající chlór nebo chemikálie uvolňující chlor pro bělení 4. následující tepelné procesy v metalurgii: • druhotná výroba mědi • aglomerační zařízení v železářském a ocelářském průmyslu • druhotná výroba hliníku • druhotná výroba zinku. Nástroje SÚ – Guidance for BAT/BEP Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 90 Polychlorované dibenzo-p-dioxiny a dibenzofurany, hexachlorbenzen a polychlorované bifenyly se mohou také samovolně tvořit a uvolňovat u následujících kategorií zdrojů včetně: • otevřeného spalování odpadu včetně hoření skládek • tepelných procesů v metalurgickém průmyslu nezmíněných v části II • domovních zdrojů spalování • zařízení a průmyslových kotlů na spalování fosilních paliv • zařízení na spalování dřeva a další biomasy • speciálních procesů chemické výroby, při kterých se samovolně vyvíjejí persistentní organické polutanty, zvláště při výrobě chlorfenolu a chloranilu • krematorií • provozu motorových vozidel, zejména při spalování olovnatého benzínu • destrukce zvířecích zdechlin (likvidace kadáverů) • barvení (chloranilem) a konečná úprava (s alkalickou extrakcí) textilu a kůže • šrotovacích strojů pro zpracování vyřazených vozidel • doutnání měděných kabelů • rafinérií odpadových olejů. Nástroje SÚ – Guidance for BAT/BEP Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 91 The United Nations Environment Programme UNEP Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases is designed to cover all source categories and processes that are listed in Annex C, Parts II and III of the Stockholm Convention. The Toolkit can be used where there are no measured data available and provides default emission factors for all source categories. Dioxin Toolkit Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 92 GLOBAL ACTION TOWARDS THE RISK REDUCTION OF POPs Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 93 The chemicals industry is one of the largest sectors of the world economy. Nearly every manufactured product contains one or more of the thousands of chemicals produced. Many are important and essential to modern society and can be used safely, billion US $ 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 ‘98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ‘08 Global chemical production by region (Source: American Chemistry Council, 2009) Africa and Middle East Central, Eastern Europe Latin America North America Western Europe Asia and Pacific Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 94 … but some can pose a serious threat to human health and the environment. Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 95 • Several multilateral agreements, Intergovernmental Organizations and coordinating mechanisms Global action to address the risk reduction by Environmentally Sound Management of chemicals: • Expanding and accelerating international assessment of chemical risks • Harmonization of classification and labelling of chemicals • Information exchange on toxic chemicals and chemical risks • Establishment of risk reduction programmes • Strengthening of national capabilities, capacities for management of chemicals • Prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic and dangerous products 6 programme areas outlined in Agenda 21 International initiatives today: Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 96  How has it been evolved?  Brief history of the POPs negotiation  What does it do?  Overview of the Convention  What has been done and where to?  Highlights on achievements and challenges Global action towards the risk reduction of POPs Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 97 How does it work?  Eliminate or restrict the production, use, import and export of POPs  Reduce releases from unintentional POP production  Promote BAT/BEP to reduce POP emissions  Eliminate POPs stockpiles and wastes  Target additional new POPs for action  Mechanism for financial and technical assistance  Information exchange by Clearing House Mechanism Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 98 Convention at a glance DDT: Global Alliance  Establish a clear platform and a joint leadership to address the challenges around the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT;  Enhance clarity on the understanding and agreement on goals and issues while creating momentum in addressing the challenges;  Improve coordination between individual initiatives aimed at developing and deploying alternatives to DDT and addressing the interactions between goals;  Address gaps identified in existing initiatives in a proactive manner while limiting the potential for duplication. Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 99 Convention at a glance PCBs: Elimination Network (PEN)  Equal partnership  Promote collaboration and information exchange  Promote environmentally sound management and its equipment  Promote technical assistance and technology-transfer Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 100 Lars-Otto Reiersen Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Occurrence of POPs in the Arctic Results from the AMAP 2004 Assessment report Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 101 AMAP’s geographical coverage Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 102 Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Figure 1. Arctic Air Monitoring Station Map Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Figure 1. Arctic Air Monitoring Station Map Barrow Valkarkai Tagish Little Fox Lake Kinngait Dunai Amderma Long-term Monitoring Stations Satellite Stations Nuuk Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Figure 1. Arctic Air Monitoring Station Map Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Figure 1. Arctic Air Monitoring Station Map Barrow Valkarkai Tagish Little Fox Lake Kinngait Dunai Amderma Long-term Monitoring Stations Satellite Stations Nuuk Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Figure 1. Arctic Air Monitoring Station Map Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Alert Storhofdi Zeppelin Pallas Figure 1. Arctic Air Monitoring Station Map Barrow Valkarkai Tagish Little Fox Lake Kinngait Dunai Amderma Long-term Monitoring Stations Satellite Stations Long-term Monitoring Stations Satellite Stations Nuuk Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)  5 long-term monitoring stations:  Alert, Canada  Zeppelin, Svalbard/Norway  Storhofdi, Iceland  Pallas, Finland  Station Nord, Greenland (NEW, started 2007)  Satellite stations:  3 Canadian, 1 Alaskan, 3 Russian  Contribute to AMAP POPs Assessment Reports in 1997, 2002 and 2010  Starting to screen for emerging chemicals:  Alert: PBDEs (2002-ongoing); Other FRs, PFCs and CUPs (2006-ongoing)  Zeppelin: PBDEs and PFCs (2006- ongoing)  Station Nord: PFCs, OCs (2007- ongoing) Station Nord Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 103 Pathways for POPs to the Arctic Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 104 Long-range atmospheric transport Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Mainly due to LRT, but also some regional use and releases of pesticides and industrial chemicals (e.g. PCB and HCB) Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 105 Global Fractionation Hypothesis Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 106 Occurrence of POPs in the Arctic Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 107 (for general information) (for documents) UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and its POPs Protocol Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 108 The coverage of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (49 Parties) Artic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Slovenia Hungary Slovakia Poland Lithuania Latvia Estonia Finland Armenia Sweden Georgia Norway Belarus Czech Rep. Ukraine Denmark Moldova Germany Yugoslavia Austria Bulgaria Liechtenstein Turkey Italy Monaco Cyprus Switzerland Malta Netherlands Greece Belgium F.Y.R.of Macedonia Luxembourg Albania France Bosnia and Herzegovina Spain Croatia Portugal Ireland United Kingdom Romania Russian Federation Iceland Kara SeaBarents Sea North Sea Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea Black Sea Caspian Sea Aral Sea Canada of America Kyrgyzst an Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 109 The Protocols in force Geneva 1984 EMEP Protocol 40 Parties Cost-sharing of monitoring and evaluation work Helsinki 1985 Sulphur Protocol 22 Parties Flat-rate reduction (30%) of 1980 emissions by 1993 Sofia 1988 NOx Protocol 28 Parties Flat-rate, stabilization of 1987 emissions by 1994, BAT requirements Geneva 1991 VOC Protocol 21 Parties Flat-rate reduction (30%) by 1999, optional base year, stabilization for low-emission areas, BAT requirements Oslo 1994 2nd Sulphur Protocol 25 Parties Effects-based emission ceilings (acidification), mandatory limit values for major sources Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 110 The new Protocols Aarhus 1998 Heavy Metals Protocol 36 Signatories, 17 ratifications Stabilize emissions of cadmium, lead and mercury; limit values for major sources Aarhus 1998 POPs Protocol 36 Signatories, 17 ratifications Stabilize emissions of PAH, dioxins/furans and HCB; phase out selected pesticides, limit values for major sources Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 111 Programme Coordinating Centre Programme Centre Coordination Centre for Effects Main Research Centre Programme Centre Programme Centre Implementation Committee ICP Forests TF ICP Integrated Monitoring TF ICP Mapping TF ICP Materials TF ICP Vegetation TF ICP Waters TF TF Health Working Group on Effects TF Emissions Inventories and Projections TF Measurement and Modelling Chemical Coordinating Centre Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East TF Integrated Assessment Modelling Centre Integrated Assessment Modelling EMEP Steering Body Ad hoc expert group on ammonia Ad hoc expert group on POPs TF By-products HMs and POPs Working Group on Strategies and Review Executive Body Intergovernmental bodies, expert groups and scientific centres under the Convention Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 112 Integrated POPs monitoring - Observatory Košetice Superstation concept - Observatory Košetice, CR $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ NO99 Hazelrigg Lancaster Augsburg DE9 DE1IS91 NO42 CZ3 FI96 SE97 SE2 air precipitation soil vegetation EMEP POPs Network Comparison of existing programmes (EMEP, GAPS, MONET) and approaches (active vs. passive) Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment 113  1992 – now  Canada-US network  Bi-national Steering Committee  5 year implementation plan  International peer-review every 5 years  Atmospheric loadings and trends of toxic chemicals in air and precipitation  5 master stations Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN)