R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 1 Environmental Aspects of Plasma Science Dr. Ronny Brandenburg, Prof. Klaus-Dieter Weltmann INP Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 2, 17489 Greifswald, Germany Fon: +49 - 3834 - 554 446, Fax: +49 - 3834 - 554 301 mailto: brandenburg@inp-greifswald.de web: www.inp-greifswald.de FROM THE IDEA TO THE PROTOTYPE 2 Content 1. Introduction - Plasma technology as an environmental technology 2. Exhaust treatment by non-thermal plasmas - Basics - Gas discharges for exhaust treatment - Discharge physics and plasma chemistry - Example for plasma chemistry: Ozone synthesis - Hybrid processes - Flue gas treatment (NOx and SOx removal) - VOC-removal - Particulate matter removal 3. Water treatment - Advanced Oxidation - Electro-hydraulic discharges - Antimicrobial treatment by indirect treatment of liquids 4. Summary and Outlook R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 2 3 Plasmas for environmental protection EU-Project “PlasTEP” Project with 14 partners from the Baltic Sea Region with the aim of dissemination and fostering of plasma based technological innovation for environment protection in the Baltic Sea Region New possibilities fostering of innovative plasma-based exhaust gas and water treatment techniques Sustainability analysis of plasma-based environmental protection 3 thematic working groups: NOx/SOx; VOCs; polluted water www.plastep.eu 3 4 Waste incineration Thermal plasma for burning of solid waste and hazardous gases Energy and ressource saving technologies Substitution of wet chemical processes (surface processing) Use of solvent free products due to surface treatment Depollution technologies Decomposition of pollutants Filtering of PM (Electrostatic precipitators) Plasma based generation of active compounds Ozone for water treatment or chloride-free bleaching Efficient lightsources Energy saving due to efficient light generation Plasma based UV-lightsources for surface processing and curing etc. Plasma Technology = Environmental technology R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 3 5 Emission sites and effects Kim, AIST JPN SOx Soil Air Water VOC-decomposition and deodorization methods 1 TO, Thermal Oxidation 2 RTO, Regenerative Thermal Oxidation 3 Catalytic Oxidation with Recuperation Thermal Processes Filtering/Adsorption 4 Biofilters 5 Scrubber 7 Adsorption Container 8 Concentrator Unit with TO 9 Filtering 6a Electrical Non-thermal oxidation 6b UVS Non-thermal Oxidation Non-thermal Oxidation Haus der Technik, Essen/GER R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 4 8 Content 1. Introduction - Plasma technology as an environmental technology 2. Exhaust treatment by non-thermal plasmas - Basics - Gas discharges for exhaust treatment - Discharge physics and plasma chemistry - Example for plasma chemistry: Ozone synthesis - Hybrid processes - Flue gas treatment (NOx and SOx removal) - VOC-removal - Particulate matter removal 3. Water treatment - Advanced Oxidation - Electro-hydraulic discharges - Antimicrobial treatment by indirect treatment of liquids 4. Summary and Outlook Gas discharges for exhaust treatment Barrier discharge Corona Gas Grounded electrodeWire electrodeGrounded electrode Dielectric electrode High voltage R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 5 1010 Stack system with structured electrodes Electrode Isolator plate S. Müller, R.-J. Zahn; Contributions to Plasma Physics 47 (2007) 520-529 Stack reactor (Barrier discharge) 11 Surface Discharge Gas S. Müller, R.-J. Zahn, J. Grundmann; Plasmas and Polymers 4 (2007) S1004 Open System Gas redirection system Surface DB with ion-extraction R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 6 12 (Corona) radical shower Applied in particular to NOx-removal Plasma treats only a portion of gas flow, creating active species, which then treat the total gas flow as a „shower“ Chang et al, MacMaster Univ. CAN 13 Packed bed reactors Filling: Pellets Foams M. Kraus et al, ABB R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 7 14 Processes and time scales Plasma chemistry based on non-thermal activation of particles via collisions quality and quantity determined by kinetic parameters (vmean, νcoll) possible mechanisms with different probability (different energy thresholds) 3 ... 10 eV for dissociation and radical formation > 10 eV for ionisation E/n Plasmaphysics Plasma chemistry time in sEnergy distribution of electrons Ionisation Dissociation Excitation Attachment Charge exchange Ion reactions Reactions of/with active species Reactions of/with radicals Diffusion Heat and mass transfer 10-12 10-10 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-1 10 15 Air chemistry in cold non-thermal plasma U. Kogelschatz, B. Eliasson Homogeneous model (143 reactions, 30 reacting species) R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 8 16 Hirth et. al; J. Phys. D. (1986) ChemistryDischarge Ozone synthesis Aerosol particle formation Reactions of larger radicals (CHO, CHN) with cluster ions and molecules Generation of nitric acid (HNO3) reaction with radicals Promotion of VOC removal due to heterogeneous reactions Kim, Plasmas and Polymers 2004 R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 9 18 2NO NO 3 2 HNO + O + OH + OH 2 ; + O 2 + N + O N ;+HO + OH HNO3 N NO3 N O2 2O5 + O + N NO2 Oxidative pathways dominate (espacially in case of humid conditions) Reduction at (to) high energy input NOx-conversion VOC removal reactions Saturated Hydrocarbons (e.g. alkane): Dehydro- R-H + O R + OH genization R-H + OH R + H2O R• ... organic radical Oxidation R + O2 R-O-O R-O-O ...peroxy radical Further oxidation to CO2 and H2O Radical chain reaction Ra-O-O + Rb-H RaOOH + Rb ROOH ... alkyl hydroperoxide Free electrons: e- + {O2, H2O, ...} OH, M+ HO2, O3 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons (e.g. alkane): Additionally radical addition following oxidation, radical chain reaction or polymerisation of hydrocarbons 10 – 30 eV/OH-radical R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 10 20 Example: Formaldehyde (CH2O) destruction of CH2O results dominantly from chemical attack by OH and O radicals primary end products: CO, H2O destruction rates typically 2-8 ppm/(1 J/l) Storch and Kushner, J. Appl. Phys. 1993 21 NTP vs. RTO Fridman, Drexel University NTP-VOC removal: 10 – 30 eV/VOC-molecule Regenerative Thermal Oxidation (RTO): 0.1 eV/molecule per molecule of air Lower energy consumption in NTP if VOC-concentration > 0.3 … 1% (3.000 – 10.000 ppm) R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 11 22 Evaluation Specific Energy Density SED (J/L) = Pdis / Q (Spec. Input Energy SIE) CO2-Selectivity SCO2 Carbon balance CB Decomposition efficiency η (Destruction and removal efficiency, DRE) [VOC]0 … inlet concentration; n … number of C-atoms Pdis … dissipated plasma power; Q … gas flow Kim, Plasmas and Polymers 2004 23 Energetic efficiency ∆[C] … removed amount of molecules in ppm Kim, Plasmas and Polymers 2004 R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 12 24 Evaluation: SED-plots [VOC] = [VOC]0 exp(-SED/β) SED = -β ln([VOC]/[VOC]0 SED SED 1/ββββ = kE ... energy constant kE = f( Temp, gas comp., [VOC]0, ...) Veldhuizen, TU Eindhoven 25 Energy cost Energy Price significantly depends on initial concentration Few ppm: energy price reaches very high values (not all active species can target VOC molecules) Higher concentrations: fraction of energy for removing pollutant molecules higher and energy spent for elimination of each single molecule decreases Gutsol and Fridman, Drexel University R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 13 Depollution of gases - High energy cost/molecule high energy for high concentrations - Uncompleted conversion and by-products low selectivity (CO2) - Deposition of polymer films in reactors unstable plasma source + Decomposition of contaminants without heating + Wide range of pollutants (Gases ... Particulate Matter PM) + Decomposition of organic PM + High efficiency for low contamination (e.g. deodorization) ([VOCs] < 1 g Corg/m3) Possibilities Indirect treatment (Bypass installations) Hybrid methods = combination of plasma with ... ... catalysts ... scrubbing ... adsorbents Heterogeneous reactions and synergies! 27 Hybrid NTP / Wet Processes Removal of reaction intermediates or final products from gas phase by adsorption and/or chemical reaction Gas-phase NTP enhance liquid-phase chemical reactions Electrical discharge over a liquid surface modify masstransfer characteristics Kim, AIST JPN R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 14 Falling water BD-reactor Page 28 V. Kovacevic, M. Kuraica; Belgrade University Water flows up through vertical hollow cylindrical electrode and flows down making thin water film over high voltage electrode treatment of water (dyes) treatment of gas phase combined with scrubbing Removal of undecane (non-soluble) scrubbing of by-product (formic acid) w/o water With water 2929 Plasma and catalyst: shift of temperature range Whitehead et al, Manchester Uni. Dichlormethane (DCM) decomposition R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 15 Overall process of plasma based removal Barrier discharge (Mikro discharges) 1. Breakdown phase (ps … ns) Ionisation, Dissociation, Excitation … Ions, Electrons & Radicals 2. Reaction phase (µs … ms) Recombination and conversion of ions and radicals (primary radicals OH, O sekundary radicals O3, HO2, …) Oxidation of pollutants Schadstoffe Surface reactions (activation, structural changes) 3. Post phase (ms … s) Diffusion, transport of heat and material, chemical reactions with post reactants Aerosol formation Adsorption Gas Post-treatment Gas Gas Scrubber, Catalyst, Adsorber Electron beam flue gas treatment (EBFGT) A.G. Chmielewski et al; INCT Warschau; Kraftwerk “Pomorzany” Stettin/PL 31 270.000 Nm3/h of flue gas SO2 removal efficiency above 95% NOx removal efficiency above 70% Dose up to 10 kGy NO NO2 HNO3 NH4NO3 SO2 HSO3 H2SO4 (NH4)2SO4 R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 16 32 A. Chmielewski et al., ICHTJ Warzsawa EBFGT removal efficiency Ozone injection: non-thermal oxidation E. Stamate et al.; Fuel 2010 N2O5 HNO3 HNO3 NaNO3 H2O NaOH HCl SO2 Na2SO4 NaOH NaCl NOx Reactor NO & O3 … N2O5 Scrubber Ozoniser O2 O3 H2O Na2SO4 NaCl NO SO2 N2O5 Cleaned emissions 33 R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 17 LOTOX (Low Thermal Oxidation) & EDV Scrubbing Belco/Dupont 34 NO, NO2 conversion to N2O5 SO2 & PM removal PM 2.5 removal Water droplet separation Ozon Injection N2O5 conversion to HNO3 Plasma-unterstützte Katalyse (NH3-SCR) S.M. Young; Plasma Sci. Technol, 2006 CTOHNNHNONO CTOHNONHNO °≤+→++ °≥+→++ 100;322 200;6444 2232 2223 [ ] [ ]2NONO ≅wenn: 35 R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 18 3636 Plasma-enhanced SCR (selective catalytic reduction) T. Hammer; Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 2002 up to 85% NOx reduction under cold start and urban driving conditions less than 300 W of plasma power applied model studies: fuel penalty introduced estimated to be below 2%. Volume Barrier Discharge comb. with urea-SCR 37 Multi-stage treatment with molecular sieves R. Rafflenbeul, Envisolve.com; Germany 1. Enrichment of high-molecular compounds in molecular sieve buffer 2. Oxidation of odours with a plasma stage 3. Expellation with desorption air combustion of VOC contingents with catalyst (after sev. months of molecular sieve loading) R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 19 38 Bypass operated plasma plants R. Rafflenbeul, Envisolve.com; Germany • Indirect plasma treatment of polluted gas by plasma treated gas 39 Deodorization unit (commercial) Kim, AIST Japan R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 20 40 PlasmaNorm-Technology Deodorization of exhaust from ovens for convenience products made of meat (1.5 MW ovens; exhaust stream of 8000 Nm3/h) Cooker hoods for large-scale kitchens, gastronomy and private hausholds M. Langner; Airtec competence GmbH 41 A. Fridman, A. Gutsol (Drexel) 2005 Mobile laboratory for paper/pulp mills 10 kW 750 m3/h R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 21 4242 A. Mizuno, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 49 (2007) A1–A15 Pilot plant for H2S removal 43 Process features Kim, AIST Japan R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 22 44 Economical benefit R. Rafflenbeul, Envisolve.com; Germany Plasma & Catalyst Chen et al., Environ. Sc. Technol. 43 (2009) 2216; Van Durme et al., Appl. Catal. B 78 (2008) 324 45 Plasma Adsorption of pollutants Electric field enhancement Catalyst Enhancement of retention time and concentration Increase of electron temperature and density Voltage potential across Local heating Active species Increase of work function Surface regeneration Enhance dispersion of active components Change of oxidation stage Formation of active sites Increase of surface area Enhance energy efficiency Improve selectivity Extend cat. durability R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 23 46 Soot removal BD-reactor with porous filter electrode J. Grundmann, S. Müller, R.-J. Zahn; Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 25 (2005) Patente WO 2005/028081, DE 197 17 890, ... 4747 Soot Soot-O Soot-NO2 CO / CO2 + NO2; + NO3 + O3 (+ O3) + O3; + NO; + NO2; + NO3 J. Grundmann, S. Müller, R.-J. Zahn; Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 25 (2005) (1) fast reaction with HC (2) forming of Soot-O (3) decomposition of Soot-O Soot-removal R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 24 Plasma Regenerated Diesel Particle Filter (DPF) M. Okubo et al.; Thin Solid Films, 2006 NO2 and O3 incineration with direct NTP reactor (Tg > 200 °C) NO2 and O3 incineration with indirect NTP reactor (Tg > 200 °C) )23( )200(22 22 1 23 22 CTOCOOC CTNOCONOC °>+→+ °>+→+ 223 ONOONO +→+ 48 49 Content 1. Introduction - Plasma technology as an environmental technology 2. Exhaust treatment by non-thermal plasmas - Basics - Gas discharges for exhaust treatment - Discharge physics and plasma chemistry - Example for plasma chemistry: Ozone synthesis - Hybrid processes - Flue gas treatment (NOx and SOx removal) - VOC-removal - Particulate matter removal 3. Water treatment - Advanced Oxidation - Electro-hydraulic discharges - Antimicrobial treatment by indirect treatment of liquids 4. Summary and Outlook R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 25 5050 Water treatment - Overview Water cleaning Physical methods Biological methods Chemical methods Sedimentation Filtering Flotation Biochemical Ox. Anaerobic cleaning Oxidation Disinfection Plasma 5151 Water treatment - Overview on plasma methods Gas in Remote treatment UV- treatment Indirect plasma treatment Direct plasma treatment R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 26 5252 Indirect plasma treatment Use of “classical gas discharge” for water treatment, no special efforts (power supply, independent on water conditions, …) Indirect interaction of atmospheric pressure plasma with liquids mainly based on reactions at gas/plasma-liquid interface Bulk effects based on diffusion processes Biological (bactericidal) effects of plasma treatment mainly based on changes of liquid: resulting in generation of more or less stable reactive species 53 5. Water treatment Bulk effects by indirect treatment Generation of nitrite (Spectroquant® – nitrite test) Generation of H+ →→→→ pH change (methyl orange as pH indicator) 0 min Phases of spreading: spreading phase formation of a diffusion front surface reaction directed gas phase-liquid interaction Diffusion influenced by gradients e. g. temperature, magnetic fields „Drop and structure formation“ 10 min 20 min 0 min 10 min 20 min R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 27 54 Indirect treatment of non-buffered liquid Inactivation of suspended vegetative microorganisms 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 1,00E+06 1,00E+07 1,00E+08 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 treatment time [min] numberofviablemicroorganisms detection limit 10 9 108 107 106 105 10 4 103 10 2 101 100 K. Oehmigen et al., Plasma Process. Polym. 7 (2010) 250-257 E. coli 0,0 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 100,0 120,0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 treatment time [min] concentrationofnitrate [mg/l] 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 treatment time [min] concentrationofhydrogenperoxide [mg/l] 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 treatment time [min] concentrationofnitrite [mg/l] 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 treatment time [min] pH pH NO3 - NO2 - H2O2 Acidification and generation of nitrate, nitrite (peroxynitride) and hydrogen peroxide Plasmas in Water High but pulsed electric field strenght and pulsed discharge in water enable fast and efficient biological and chemical decontamination without additional chemistry Effects due to electric field, radiation (UV), radicals and schock waves Dependent on puls parameters: temporal inactivation or killing J. Kolb, INP Greifswald/ODU Norfolk 1cm R. Brandenburg (INP Greifswald), Innolec Lectureship Brno 2012 Part 3: Environemntal aspects 28 5959 Summary and Outlook Plasma technolgy is (already) an environmental technology at all! NOx, SOx, VOCs and other gaseous contaminants can be decomposed in non-thermal plasmas (NTPs) via „radical based“ plasma chemistry. Exhaust treatment by means of NTP is especially suited for low concentrations in small and medium gas flows. Applicability/feasibility is determined by the specific situation (type and amount of contaminants, properties of gas flow) and has to consider effectivity and selectivity. There is a large potential for hybrid/catalytic/heterogenous methods. Generation of plasma at or in water is possible and leads to antimicrobial and chemical effects. 60 See you Lituania Apply now for the 3rd PlasTEP summer school and entrepreneurs' course in Vilnius/ Kaunas 16.07. - 27.07.2012 http://www.plastep.eu/english/newsdetails/einzelansicht/article/60/ Participants that are leaving at the end of the twelfth day will have developed a network of contacts in the field of plasma technologies and environmental protection and will have gained a broad overview of the issues surrounding sustainable environmental technologies development and implementation The participation and accomodation for summer school students is free of charge!