4. DIAMAGNETISM OF METALS It is shown that in quantum theory even free electrons, besides spin-paramagne-tism, have a non-vanishing diamagnetism originating from their orbits, which is due to the limitation of the electron orbits in the magnetic field. A few further possible inferences concerning this orbit limitation are indicated. 1. Up to now, it lias "been more or less quietly assumed that the magnetic properties of electrons, other than spin, are due exclusively to the binding of electrons in atoms. For free electrons, the classical zero-result is assumed for the orbital effect, on the basis that the Fermi integral of the con-esponding Hamiltonian, just as the Boltzmann function, is independent of the magnetic field. However, a quantum phenomenon is thereby allowed to be neglected. In the presence of a magnetic field, the motion of the electron is obviously finite in the plane perpendicular to the field. This leads, of necessity, to a partial discreteness {corresponding to the motion in this plane) of the eigenvalues of the system, which gives rise, as will be shown, to a non-vanishing orbitalmagne-tism. The Hamiltonian of a free electron in a magnetic field can be written in the familiar form: 2.22 w where 1 f eB \ 1 ( eE \ 1 •m \ 2c j m \ 2c J rn are the velocities of the systems (H is the absolute value of the magnetic field in the direction of the 2-axis). The motion in the direction of the field is independent of the field and of other components of motion, and can be split off by putting f2 simply equal to a constant, which corresponds to the Schrodinger function Vfc (3) The energy value of the system will then be represented as the sum of two independent terms. Now, instead of having to solve the two corresponding Schrodinger equations for the a^-motion, we can use an artificial method for deriving the energy values by writing doMTi the commutation relationships of the component velocities v1 and v2. From equation (2) it follows directly * eE b\> = *i v2 - v2vx =----, (4) l cm" L. Landau. Diamagnetismus der Metalle, Z. Phys. 64, 629 (1930), 31 32 collected papees of l. b. landau since, as is well known {x, y\ = [px, p2] = 0, [p^ x] — [p2,y] = kji. The constant on the right-hand side of equation (4) is reminiscent of the usual p, q-commv.-tation relation. In order to come back to that case, we can now temporarily introduce the co-ordinates P and Q by means of P el n The commutation relation reduces into the usual form [P, Q] — hji. The equation referring to the energy can now be written in the form: *«-™-^-- (6) This, however, is none other than the Hamiltonian of a linear oscillator with mass m and frequency co — e Hjm c. The eigenvalues of such a system are, as is well-known, equal to *K* + T)*ffl-(» + T)^*' (?) where % can assume all positive integral values. Together with the 2-motion this gives jSJn + ±)ULH + -P-, (8) V 2/ roc 2m for the eigenvalue of the translational motion of the electron. The eigenfunctions can also be determined in a simple manner. For this purpose we eliminate one of the co-ordinates, for example x, from the velocity operators (and thus also from the energy operator), by putting leSxy y = e~ 2«« x- (9) This gives v-.w—----v w = e sac----y y ir i ox 2c * ' \i 8x -A \ oy 2c i oy The Schrodinger equation corresponding to this is written ft 3 Y /A 3 el V 1 . + -~---T—y -2mlfU-0. (11) i dy J \ i ox %c ) j This equation does not contain x explicitly; thus, its solutions can be written in the exponential form i X = e~*aXBn^j-^-7Ap, (19) thus, as was to be expected, proportional to the volume. It can be easily cheeked that equation (19), as a result of the limiting transition H -» 0, converts into the usual eigenvalue distribution of free motion. Together with the spin, we have E' = B ±-l!Lst (20) 2m c that is to say E =-n + -p-, (21) so that to every n > 0, the double degeneracy ^-dnk™* <22a> corresponds, and with n = 0, we have ^-'-4^77^- (22b) 2. In order to obtain the magnetic properties of the system, we require, as is well known, only to evaluate the summation Q*= -kT%ln(l + e^T~) (23) over all eigenvalues; co denotes the so-called chemical potential. The number of particles N is linked with a> through the expression tf=-—, (24) oco and the magnetic moment through M--w- <25> In our ease, we have a continuous and a discrete parameter, so that the summation in equation (23) can be represented by a sum of integrals. Thus, in diamagotstism of metals 35 order to resolve the effect more clearly, we shall start from the orbital energies of equation (8) and consider to begin with the spin only in the multiplicity. If we put e h = P> m c then we hare Q = -IT i=0 J 1 + e o>-(,ii+1/2) ŕiff 2n2 k2 o Vdp£ If, now, for the sake of brevity we write / m \ mV .u +....... -hT lni 2ji2Á3 ■djj3 = /(co), then Q assumes the form co — In order to determine this sum, we can use the f amiliar series expansion i X í 1 /(*) d«-—|/'(*)|f. Its admissibihty requires, in general, that < I. (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) It can easily be seen in our case that this corresponds to pH - » {/ (oo) = 03. The first term of this summation is independent of the magnetic field. It represents the summation in the field-free state, so that in place of equation (34) we can write 0 24 do? From this, we obtain dQ p.2 8*Q0 „ M--Hfm n~fiB- (35» If we now put 6Q ,T 3^ -— =-A, co = ——, 0 co dN where F = Q — 0){dQld A {rs is the radius of the orbit in the magnetic field, Á is the mean free path or the dimensions of the crystal) changes to rn <š x. In conclusion, I should like to make the supposition that the phenomena which have been investigated might explain also the Kapitza effect of linear resistance changes in a magnetic field. For the admissibility of the presumed approximation of free electrons in a magnetic field, it is not necessary that rs (38) (39) 38 COLLECTED EAJPEBS OF L. X>. LANDAtT be smaller than the mean free path corresponding to the lattice ('which, would be impossible at normal temperatures), because the interaction with the lattice oscillations involves, apart from momentum transfer, also energy transfer. However, according to the foregoing remarks, it is probably essential that r3 be considerably smaller than the mean free path of the lattice distortions, which leads, after short calculations, to the expression N H>ec~~R, (40) V where R is the specific resistance (in electrostatic units) of the crystal. If inequality (40) is not fulfilled, then the method considered here is not applicable and it can he seen quite easily that all the effects of the field must be necessarily quadratic. The field in expression (40) is in good agreement with the critical field of the Kapitza experiments, which should lend support to the theory. I have not yet succeeded in presenting a quantitative development of the theory. At this stage, I should like to thank sincerely Mr P. Kapitza- for discussions of the experimental results and for the communication of certain unpublished data. Referekces 1. W. Paotjc, Z. Phya. 41, 81 (1927). 2. F. Bloch, Z. Phys. 52, 555 (1928).