ON THE ORDER INVARIANTS OF INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS By GORDON PALL (Montreal) [Received 27 March 1934] and Minkowskif laid the foundations of an arithmetical theory of quadratic forms in their definitions of orders and genera of quadratic forms. In this paper we are concerned with those invariants of a quadratic form which characterize its order. We shall see that of Minkowski's invariants (olt..., on_i, av..., a,^) the latter »—1 are quite superfluous, after a modification in the definition of the former. In Smith's terminology, it is no longer necessary to distinguish specifically between properly and improperly primitive forms. For purposes of arithmetical theory the use of Kronecker's binary forms ax2 -\-bxy-\-cy2 and discriminants b2 —4ac has conduced to greater simplicity than the restriction to Gauss's forms ax2 -\-2bxy+cy2 and determinants ac—bz or b2 —ac. The following developments seem to lead to a corresponding advancement in the theory of quadratic forms in several variables. 1. The matrix and discriminant of a quadratic form. Any quadratic form f in a variables with integral coefficients may be written as where the coefficients aH and 2a{j (i ^ j) are integers. The matrix of /• is the matrix (a{j); the determinant \ati\ of / will be assumed (throughout this paper) to be not zero. The discriminant d of / is, by definition, the determinant multiplied by (_)»/22« if s i s even, (_)(»-iV!2»-i if 8 is odd. (2) That a discriminant is an integer if s is odd, and is an integer congruent to 0 or 1 (mod 4) if s is even, is a corollary of the following lemma. t The contents of this paper are cognate with the following: H. J. S. Smith, Collected MathematicalPapers, i. 412-15, 510-12, and ii. 623-36; H. Minkowski, OesammeUe Abhandlungen, i. 4-8, 8-33, 72, 76-9. ON INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS 31 LEMMA 1. Let k ^ 1; let etj (i,j = l,...,k) be integers such that ei{ is even and eti = eit for ail values of i and j . Then the determinant |e,j| is always even if k is odd, and is congruent to 0 or (— 1)*" (mod4) if k is even. For consider the expansion of |ey| = ]F ( i ) ^ - - ^ . With each term T = (±)el4...eto. let us associate the transpose term T* = (±)cgl...ert which is equal to T. NOW T may be its own transpose; but, if Jfc is odd, this happens only if T contains some factor eit whence T is even; and, if k is even, T will contain an even number of such factors. tHence, if k is even, |e,y| = (-)t/2 {elge34...et_1>t+...}* (mod 4), (3) where the expression in braces is the sum of all algebraically distinct terms ew...e,r such that all the indices p, q,..., t, r are unequal. 2. Notation. With certain exceptions small Latin letters will connote integers. The exceptions are: /, g represent forms; aijt by denote halves of integers if i ^ j . Otherwise the role of the various letters will be defined. 3. Classes of forms. Index. If the transformation Z y J j (* = with the matrix T = (ttj) carries f(xl,...,xB) into gtov->y.) = 2b nyiVi ib a =fy<;*.i= i,-.«), (5) then, representing {2ai}) and (26^) by A and B, we have B = T*AT, (6) where T* denotes the transpose of matrix T. We can then say that '/contains g'. Let T be unitary, i.e. have determinant 1. Then T~l is unitary, and (6) implies A = (T-^'BT-1 . Thus g contains /. If / is transformable into g by a transformation of determinant 1, we say that / and g are equivalent, and write f' ~ g. The relation of equivalence is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. All forms equivalent to a given one are equivalent to one another, and constitute a class of forms. The discriminant is an invariant of a class. Another invariant is the index (to be denoted by I), defined as follows. Since d =£ 0, / can be expressed in the form 32 GORDON PALL where the o^ are rational non-zero numbers, and the Xi are linear combinations with rational coefficients of the xit the determinant of the Xt being not zero. The number / of negative coefficients c^ in every expression of this type for /is the same, and is called the index of/. The signature of /, defined to be 8—21, is frequently taken to replace / as an invariant of the -class. 4. The g.c.d. of order k. We shall conveniently employ the letter a to connote a subsequence of k (1 ^ k ^ s) elements of (1, 2,...,«), that is, a sequence of the type (it, it,..., ik) (1 < »\ < it < ... < ik ^ s). The minor determinant of a matrix C formed by the elements at the intersections of rows 4, it,..., ik and columnsjvjt,---,jk will be denoted by Cfaa,], where ax = (ilt...,ik) and o2 = {jlt...,jk). From the equation (6) we have, by a simple property of deterUfa aj = 2 AWFlaoJTlo'oJ (7) & summed for all subsequences a, a'. Since C[aa'] = C[a'ff] (C = A or fi), the g.c.d. of all the .4[crcr] and 2^4[aa'] is a divisor of every B[oo] and 2J3|W]. (8) The g.c.d. of order k of / is defined as follows, and is denoted by dk {k = 1,...,«). Let A = (2a{j), and, with Lemma 1 in mind, write /it = 1 or 2 according as k is even or odd. Then filcdk is the g.c.d. of all the principal minors and doubles of the secondary minors of order k in A: fj.kdk is the g.c.d. of all the -<4[cra] and 2.4[a 0, the discriminant is equal to d=(_)wa-/rf,. (10) For future expediency we shall define d^=0, do =l, ds+1 = 0. (11) llf~g, A and B may be interchanged in (8). The g.c.d.'s dk are invariants of a class. We call dj the divisor of/ or of its class. If dx = 1, the form and class are called primitive; if d^ is prime to N, they are primitive to modulus N. The form //c^ is primitive, and / is said to be derived therefrom. ON INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS 33 5. The o-invariants of /. Definition of order. For odd primes p it is plain that if pn \dk_1 then pn \dk. This is proved in § 8 for p = 2. Hence ^ ^ ^ ^ (i < * < The following two theorems are also established in § 8. THEOREM 1. Each of the numbers ok defined by . = ^ i W i ^ - i = ilM-i^k+1dk_t (fc = Q> s) (Mt»t) d\ is an integer. Further: (k = 0,...,«). (13) / / any ok (1 < k < a—1) is odd, then ok_1 = ok+1 = 0 (mod 16). Thus o0 = 0 = o,, ox = djj/df. As here defined, o^..., ogHl are positive. These ot, together with dv will be chosen to replace the dk as invariants of a class, and may be called the o-invariants. All forms or classes in s variables with the same index /, the same divisor dv and the same system of invariants o1,...,os_1 constitute an order. The g.c.d.'s dk are given in terms of the ok by the equations ^*+i _. o i°8~1 ---o fc (u — i o i>_n d1 being an arbitrary positive integer. The greatest common divisor of a set of numbers Aa< (t = \,...,n), where A is a real number differing from zero and the a{ are integers, may naturally and without ambiguity be defined to be |A|Z>, where D is the g.c.d. of the a{. Thus the g.c.d. of order k of the form A/ is ±\k dk. Observing with a view to (12) that (A*+1 At -1 )/(Ai )2 = 1, we see that: the invariants ok ofXf are the same as those off. 5 a. Definitions of even, odd, and classical forms. An integral quadratic form / is called even or odd'f according as the primitive form f\dx from which / is derived has all its cross-product coefficients even or has at least one of them odd. A form is called classical if all its cross-product coefficients are even. The determinant of a classical form is an integer. •f It is appropriate virtually to reverse Smith's use of these terms. 3MB.« 34 GORDON PALL 6. The comitant forms fk and Fk. Let/ be a form (1). Employ the notations of § 4. The form fk in the fik variables £o defined by HkM£) = lA[oo']{Jo, (k = 1,...,8-1) (15) a,a' (jj.k = 1 if k is even, fik = 2 if k is odd) is called the kth comitant of/. The divisor of fk is dfc: cf. (9). Also ft = /. By § 8, we have THEOREM 2. Theformfk is even or odd according asokis even or odd. Let us write (—)„ = 1 or —1 according as the sum of the elements in a is even or odd. (16) Replacing every £„ in/fc(£) by (—)o£a yields a new form fk differing from fk only in the signs of certain secondary coefficients. The forms Fk=fjdk (k=l,...,8-l) (17) are called the primitive comitanU of/. The (s—l)th primitive comitant Fa_t is called the reciprocal otf/dv 6 a. Reciprocal orders. (§ 6a is not used in proving Theorems 1 and 2.) The form = JB_X = d,^ F8-1 is the contravariant of /. We have where Atj denotes the cofactor of 2aij in (2aiy). Write E = (A{i). Let T and T' denote subsequences of a—k elements of ^1,2,...,«), and a and a' the conjugate subsequences consisting of the remaining k elements (k = l,...,s— 1). Then by a simple property of determinants E[oa'] = | 2 a y | ' - ' ( - ) T ( - ) ^ H ' Hence, if « is even, the kth comitant of ^ is seen to be ^ = (-)«*-1V2 rf*-VU (A) where d is the discriminant of/, i.e. d = (—Y1 *\2ayl. If a is odd, the kth comitant offaf>reduces similarly to From (A) and (B) we can easily write down the divisors of k and ($)k. Let o'k (temporarily) have the same signi^iance for (and hence, by the end of § 5, for \) as ok has for /. Substituting for the various g.c.d.'s in (12) we immediately find thao o'k = o,_k (k =!,...,«-!). (18) ON INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS 35 If a form / has index / its reciprocal has index /', where / ' = / if s is even, /' = «—/ if a is odd. (18') If / belongs to the order {a\ = 1; /; olt..., o,^), its reciprocal belongs to the order (1; /'; o^,...^^. By (A) and (B) with k = s - 1 , f/d^ is the reciprocal of F3_x. The primitive orders (1; /; ol!...,o,_l) and (1; /'; £>,_!,....Oi) are called reciprocal orders. The itth primitive comitant of Fs^iBf3_k/d8_k (k = 1,...,«-1). 7. Canonical forms of / to modulus p1 . In studying the properties of the minors of A, to modulus N, it is expedient to transform / into a simple equivalent form, to modulus N. Two forms / and g of type (1) are said to be equivalent, to modulus N, if there exists in the class of / a form whose coefficients are congruent, to modulus N, to the corresponding coefficients of g. Equivalence, to modulus N, is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. T/KMATA 2. Let 8 ^ 2, f being a form (\). Let t be positive, p an odd prime. Then f is equivalent, to modulus p1 , to a form g of the type (0 < « ! < « , < . . . < «i), (19) the act being integers, and the mi prime to p. LEMMA 3. Let s > 2, t > 0. Then f is equivalent, to modulus 2', to a form g of the type y^), (20) where (a) the /3t and Yj are non-negative integers, the mi and mU) are odd, and s = u+2v, u ^ 0, v ^ 0; (6) the m may be taken to be arbitrary odd integers, and 74, Tig,..., n^-i to be odd; (c) for no i and j is a /?(+1 equal to a yy. In proving these lemmas we shall assume without loss of generality that / is primitive to modulus p (greater than or equal to 2 respectively), i.e. at least one of the integers aH and 2ai} is prime to p. In the case p = 2 and / even, at least one of the au is prime to p. In the case p > 2 and every au divisible by p, some 2ajk is prime to p; we apply then the unitary transformation - V . xk = yi+yk, x, = y, (I # *), (21) 36 GORDON PALL which replaces a}i by ajj-\-2ajk-{-akk, which is prime to p. I n view of the unitary transformation Plt, where P^ is p ki- *k = Vi> *i = —yk> *i = Vi (J # ». *), (22) we may assume an prime to p. Suppose in (1) that a n is prime to p. The transformation x1 = yl+h2y2+...+hey,, xl = yl (1^2), (23) carries / into g with au as the coefficient of y\ and with bu= 20^+20^, as the coefficients of ylyl (I = 2,...,s). The Aj can be chosen to make each bu divisible by p1 , except when p = 2 and / is odd. Thus y(yi,-,y,) = anyl+pa g'(y ,ys) (mod^), (24) where g' is primitive to modulus p, and a is an integer ^ 0. Even if / is odd and p = 2, / may be equivalent to a form of type (24). At any rate in view of transformation (22) we may assume 2a12 odd. We apply then the unitary transformation x2 = y2+k3y3+...+kayg, x, = yt (I > 3). (25) This yields a form g in which the coefficient of y^t is 2a11A2+2o12 and is odd; and the coefficients of ytyt and y2yt {I ^ 3) are respectively ^ = 2 and bn= buh%-\-2al2hl-\-2ai2kl-\-2atl. Now the congruences +2a1Mk,^-2au ) • 2an?il-\-2a2tkl = —2an are solvable simultaneously for A, and kh the determinant 4anai2—(2ali)i being odd. Thus 9(yi,-,y,) = n1y\-\-myly2+n2y\+2'i g"(y3,...,y,) (mod^), where m is odd and the notations are self-explanatory. It is clear how Lemmas 2 and 3 (a) follow by repeated applications of these results. Lemma 3 (b) is a corollary of the following result. LEMMA 4. Let m be odd, n^, n2 be integral, and t be positive. Then »1 if+ma;1 x2 +n2 a^ is equivalent to a like form in which 7^ is odd and m has any desired odd residue, to modulus 2*.f •f It should be noted that then n, is odd or even according as the discriminant mt — 4n1 n, is congruent to 6 or 1 (mod 8). ON INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS 37 If % is not odd, but nz is odd, we employ P12; if n2 is even also, we employ S12. Suppose n^ to be odd. By the unitary transformation ^I = J/i+%2. X 2 = J/2. m Soea m *o W = m+2Are1, and A may be chosen to give m' any desired odd residue, to modulus 2f. To prove Lemma 3 (c) we have LEMMA 5. Let m, m' be odd, nlt n2 be integral, and t be positive. The form mx\-\-2(n1x\-\-m'' x2x3-\-n2x\) is equivalent, to modulus 2f, to afOnU rn1yt+m2yl+m3yl (26) in which m1; m2, m^ are odd. Replacing x2 by y2+yv x1 by ylt x3 by y3, we obtain mx yl+Zn^ yx yi+2m'y1 y3+ 1nx y\+2m'y2 y3+2n2 y\, where m1 = m+2?^ is odd. Now write yx = ZJ^+AJZJJ+ASZS, y2 = z2, y3 = %. The coefficients 2mlh2-\-2n1 and 2m1h3-\-2m' of zxz2 and zxz^ can be made divisible by 2? by choice of an odd h^ and an integral h2. The new form is congruent, to modulus 2f, to m1zl-\-S, where 8 is a binary form in z2, z3 in which the coefficient of z\ is odd and that of z2z3 is even. i After arranging the s numbers 0i+l>&!+l»-,/3u+1 > y1.y1.y2.y2.--.yr.Vr. (27 ) where no ft+1 is equal to any yp in order of magnitude, we denote them by o^, ^.....a,. Thus at < a2 < ... < = 2*01+2*08+... + 2 H r (29) These results should be expressed in a form analogous to Lemma 2: LEMMA 6. Let t > 0. Any classical, integral quadratic form in 8 variables is equivalent, to modulus 'if, to a form of the type (29), where ifil,...,\fiq are classical, integral quadratic forms, each in variables different from those of the remaining forms, and each of odd determinant; and the er are integers (0 < e1 < e2 < ... < eq). LEMMA 7. Let t > 0. Let >p be a classical, integral quadratic form in v variables, of odd determinant. Then, if ifj is even, ifi is equivalent, to modulus 2?, to a form of the type m1x{+msa%+...+mva*, (30') where the mt are odd integers. If 2, and (29) if p = 2, of / is called a principal residue of f to modulus p1 . In connexion with (29) it is useful to define dk = 0, if af c isaj3+l \ 1, if ak is an initial y >. (31) — 1, if ak is a terminal y ) An initial y denotes a term ak of type y occupying an odd place of its set 2 r in (28), that is, for which sT_x < k ^ sr and k—8r_x is odd; a terminal y occupies an even place. An initial y — consists of a series of single terms 2P+1 mk (ak = £+1) and binary matrices (32) situated along and symmetric with the ON INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS 39 principal diagonal, all remaining elements being zero. Further, alt...,as are in order of magnitude, and any 2. By (19) we have Hence 8k ^ 8k_1. The numbers a>k defined, when p > 2, by «* = (3*+ i-3*)-K-3*-i) (* = I,-,*-1), (33) are also positive or zero, since in fact w k = a *+i—<**• (34) Plainly, ojt is the exponent of the power of p dividing ok in (12). (ii) 2> = 2. The exponent of the power of 2 dividing ok is <"* = dk+1-28k+8k_1+2{l + (-l)"} (k = 1,...,«-1). (35) Let us write Pt = M-aj+.-.+ofc, (36) efc = 0, if ak is a /?+1 or a terminal y, = 1, if ock is an initial y. (37) Hence, by (31), 0t = ek—ek_v B}r the sequel to (32), the exponent of the power of 2 dividing the leading principal minor determinant of order k (in the matrix of 2) is pk+ek, and this is the greatest power of 2 dividing all the principal minor determinants of order k. Further, the exponent of the greatest power of 2 dividing the doubles of all the secondary minors of order k is never less than pk+l, and is pk+l if (38) fk is odd or even according as ek = 1 or ek — 0. (39) Hence, at once, by (9), (38), (36), and (37), 0*+i-3* = «*+i-(-l)fc +0*+i (fc = 0,l>...,«-l). (40) Except possibly when ak+1 = 0 or 1 and 6k+l = — 1, it is now obvious that dk+l— dk ^ 0. This is true even in that case, for then aA.+1 is of type y and equaPto ft_j > 4 (A; > 2), wt+1 > 4 (fc < «-2). ' These facts involve Theorem 1. Corresponding to (31) we now have the following values for 6k: 0 A = - 1 , if 0 , ^ = 0, \ = 1, Xwk = 0, ( 4 = l , . . . , « - l ) . (44) = 0 otherwise J We can thereby determine a^,..., k = 4, a>i+1 = 0. (47) Thus ,_! be odd, s even, whence, in (20), 8 = 2v, u = 0. We may suppose dl= 1. Then (29) is of the type g = &+2 (49) ON INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS 41 where each ifti is an odd, primitive binary quadratic form in the variables yit yi+1. By (10) and (14) the determinant of 2g is of the f 0 r m {Yov...,(f)r are any r forms in the class of /, and Nlt..., Nr are any r nonzero integers which are relatively prime in pairs, then there exists a form in the class of / such that = fa (modiV,) (i = l,...,r). Smithf gives a satisfactory proof of a more fundamental lemma, from which Minkowski's follows: if a determinant \t{i\ = 1 (modi^), we can alter the elements tti by multiples of N to secure a determinant actually equal to 1; the extension to moduli Nv...,Nr relatively prime in pairs is obvious. Consequently, by Lemmas 2 and 3, there exists in the class of / a form which is, to modulus p'p, a principal residue of / to the same modulus for any number of powers of different primes. Such a form is called a principal representativeX of / to modulus JJ pf). We shall include among the pi all the primes dividing 2o1...oa_1, and shall always suppose n^ > as(pj). The latter convention ensures that the leading principal minor determinant of order k in the matrix of 2+ is of the form where nij is prime to pp for each j ; hence it is of the form fikdklk, where lk is prime to all the Pj. It remains to secure that lk be prime to lk_v Minkowski's treatment at this point (p. 72) seems to be not quite complete, but is supplemented by Bachmann.§ We have I, = ± 1 . If A; is the largest integer for which lk is not prime to lk_v consider i/i(xu...,xk) = ^(x1,...,a;t,0)...,0). Then d1,...,dk_l are the same for iji as for , but dk(ip) = ±dklk. If we apply t o / any unitary transformation T leaving xk+1,...,xs unaltered, the determinants of (z1,...,x{,0,...,0) (k < t ^ s) are unchanged, whence 74., lkil,..., ls are unchanged. We employ such a transformation T which carries >p into a principal representative + Op. cit. ii. 635-6. J The determination of a principal representative in a finite number of ste])S is discussed by Minkowski (pp. 33-5). § P. Bachniann, Die Arithmetik der qiutdrntischeii Formen, i. 452-3. ON INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS 43 of itself for the primes dividing lk as well as 2o1o2...oa_1. Then the new lk_t will be prime to lk, and we have reduced the problem to a lower value of k. To proceed: by (9), we may write (51) in the form where z and l'k are integers; and hence by (12) we have —oklk-ilk+i = zi — Ukl'k. (55) Consequently Lemma 8 implies LEMMA 9. If the order (.1; I;o1,...,og_1) actually contains forms, there exist integers l0 = 1, ll,...,lt-1,la = (— I)7 satisfying (54) and such that the congruences - o j ^ l ^ = z\ (mod4Z4) (56) are solvable in integers zk (k = 1,...,«—1). The index / of/is equal to the number of consecutive sign-changes in a chain of principal minor determinants and hence in the sequence (53). We shall hereafter assume (54), so that none of the lk are zero. We write ek = + 1 or —1 according as lk is positive or negative, whence e o = l , c3 = I, = ( — I)7 , tklk > 0 (k = 0,...,s). Since (54) holds, (56) implies both of U = (-°*I*-i**+iM*) = 1 (* = I,-,*-1) (57) and —OfcZfc..!^! = 1 (mod 4), if ok is odd. (58) It is easily verified that (li+i\e ...,«-1). (61) Consequently, by (57), (56) requires £i...£g_i = 1, that is, «o-ViV-ViI 'i-Vi= L (62 ) Now / is the number of consecutive sign-changes in (eo,...,ee). (63) To each change from -f- to — corresponds a factor A^ = — 1. Hence and (62) reduces to 44 " GORDON PALL We shall now show, that, if there exist integers l0 = 1, lv..., ls-u l3 = (— I)1 (the sign ±1 of lk being represented by ek) satisfying (54), (58), (63), and (64), (P) then there exist other integers lk having the same properties and signs and also satisfying (56); and hence we shall be able to construct a form in the order (l;I;ol,...,oa_1). For set m0 = l0 = 1. Without affecting the validity of (P) we can replace lt by mv where e1m1 is a positive prime (or 1) and ml = lx (modSoj). Next, by (54) and (58), we can replace l2 by m2, where e2m2 is a positive prime, m2 = l2 (mod8o2), and the congruence —o1Tn0m2 = z\ (modkm^) is solvable for an integer zx; the truth of (P) being retained. We can proceed in this fashion until we have chosen e,_im »-i to be a positive prime (or unity) satisfying —os_2ms_3TOs_1 = zf_2 (mod4mg_2), ma_1 = l,^ (mod80^^; while the system Z0->-l, Z2->•»»!, ..., la-i-*• m^^ I, -*• ms = (— l)z satisfies (P). Further, with the m4 substituted for the l{, whence (64) shows that £s_x = 1, and hence that the last of the congruences ~°km k-im k+i = z l (mod4mt) (k = l,...,a— 1) (65) is solvable for an integral zg_v We shall now try to construct a form in the order (1; /; ov...,oa_1) with a matrix for 2 of the type " 2 ^o w i Wl 2vx w2 Wo 2v9 ws 2t>, (66) with zeros elsewhere. Let Mk denote the leading principal minor determinant of order k. We wish to identify Mk with \ik dk mk. Thus 3t0 = 1, Mx = 2v0 = 2d1m1, whence v0 = mlt and generally, if 0 < k- •< s, ^ „ TUT ,,,2 iw (67) ON INTEGRAL QUADRATIC FORMS 45 Now, since by (12) or (14) 4*~V*<** = 2o1o2...o4_1/xk_1dt_i> (68) we must have (for k = I,...,*—1) 42 -2i of...o|_1ofcmi+1+mk_1«^ = 4*-k o1...ok_1vkmk. (69) We shall therefore, in view of (65), writef Okm k+l+ m k-lZ l = 4m t< *' V 0 = m l> wk=^-"o1...ok_1zk, vk = 41 -"o1...ok_1tk (k = l,...,a-l). (70) By this construction the leading minor Mk has the value fikdkmk, (k — 0,...,«). Hence the index, determined by the signs of the mk, is /. Since mk is prime to ^k+\dk+1mk+x = Mk+1, we have merely to see that all the remaining principal minors and twice all the secondary minors of (66), of order k, are divisible by iikdk, to ensure that dk is the g.c.d. of order k. Every such minor M' of order k is obtained by bordering some Mr (0 < r < t < «) with k—r rows and columns, the first row being at least the (r+2)th, the first column at least the (r+l)th. On bordering Mk_x with the (A+2)th row and column, we obtain a determinant having the value 2vk+1nk_1dk_1mk_1. The quotient of this by nkdk is ^m*^ok tk+1, by (68) and (70), and must be integral. By (70), if ok+1 is even, 4|zi+1 if and only if 4| (73) or of its double, if M' is secondary. We abbreviate Sit = W£-+< = °(+d>—>°j-i< oj+2,oj+4,...,ol._lodd (83) (whence ot and oi+1 are even), where — l^Li-"> °k-2 odd, ok_l and ok even, (8+) with the same choices of ll+1 and lk. For the residues of ll+v ll+3,....lj and of lic,lic-2>—>lj+i a r e alternately 1 and 3, or 3 and 1, depending on li+1 and lk; the values of li+2>h+*>-~>h-2 &n( ^ h+3'h+&>—>h-2 a r e 48 GORDON PALL therefore immaterial and may be disregarded in counting (1,3)change8. If now j < k— 1 and we replace j by j-\-2, the number of (1, 3)-changes is unaltered: e.g. 131, 313 -• 1313,13; 131,1313 -• 1313,313. Suppose then that oh and oh+1 are even for the three values h = i,j,k at least, where O^i 3, there are, besides the fundamental concomitants/i,.-.,/,-i, an infinite number of others, namely the concomitants of the concomitants, and so on indefinitely. Their invariants being also invariants of/, Smith remarksj" that 'it is important to know whether, in order to obtain the distribution into orders, it is, or is not, necessary to consider these other concomitants'. He states that 'it can be shown that it is unnecessary to consider any concomitants other than the fundamental ones, as regards the primary divisors' [the g.c.d.'s of all the minor determinants of any given order]. 'It is probable (but it seems difficult to prove) that the same thing is true for the secondary divisors' [the g.c.d.'s of all the principal and doubles of the secondary minors of any given order]. By our results (Theorem 2) the primary divisors are completely determined by the secondary divisors, and it is required only to show precisely how to find the o-invariants of fk from those of fv The simplest relationship among these invariants, namely, °i(A) = o*(/i) (k=l,...,a-l),. (86) is of some importance and easily proved otherwise. The index /' of fk is readily expressed by the following formula in terms of the index To proceed, denote by p°" the power of p dividing oi(/1) (» = 1,...,«— 1), and by pwu the power of p dividing oh(fk), where 0 2. If we take the kth comitant of the canonical •(• Loc. cit., 415. 3695-6 50 GORDON PALL form (19) of / we obtain a canonical form x of like pattern iov fk, the modulus p1 being sufficiently large. It is plain from x a Pu = ak+1—ak = ) is odd. The form is, in fact, also of odd determinant, since, reducing the elements to modulus 2, we substitute 0 for at and ct, 1 for bt in (90) (» = 1,..., r), and obtain in place of R' a matrix in which a unique element in each row and column is 1, the rest zero.I Thus Lemma 7 applies and shows that the form of matrix R is equivalent, to modulus 2', to a form of the type (30"), multiplied by 2T +7 '. Among the sums 8^ in (89) certain ones may have no twin sums; these correspond in R to an isolated term 2S J+L m^ (m^ odd) as the jth element on the principal diagonal. If any such isolated term exists with 8y+l equal to the value T+77 of a system like that considered above, that system together with the isolated term can be brought as in Lemma 5 to a diagonal form. The Jfcth comitant of (29) is thereby transformed into a form of the same kind as (29), in a manner which determines uniquely the powers of 2 dividing the various quantities oh(Jk) in terms of the powers of 2 dividing o^-.^o,^. t It can indeed be shown that the determinant of R' is equal to the product cf the determinants 4mini—m^1 each raised to the (ST^Jth power.