horizon.png Vliv extrémně kyselého prostředí na rostliny Případové studie Rio Tinto M. Barták OFAR ÚEB PřF MU Brno Svyužitím mateiálu zahraničních autorů: Felipe Gomez horizon.png CELOSVĚTOVÉ ROZŠÍŘENÍ PŮD S NÍZKÝM A EXTRÉMNĚ NÍZKÝM PH • http://blog.generationcp.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/acid-soil-map-and-key_w1.jpg horizon.png LÉTA 80.-90. (PROBLEMATIKA KYSELÝCH DEŠŤŮ) • http://static.trunity.net/files/185201_185300/185231/sfc-water-quality.jpg horizon.png http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/images/acid_deposition.jpg Průmyslová činnost: emise oxidů síry, oxidů dusíku horizon.png DOSTUPNÉ FORMY DUSÍKU V PŮDĚ (VZTAH K ACIDITĚ) • http://www.cropnutrition.com/acidity_nitrogen.jpg?v=2 horizon.png SOIL ACIDITY IS A NATURAL AND INDUCED CHEMICAL CONDITION OF SOILS THAT CAN: •decrease the availability of essential nutrients; •increase the impact of toxic elements; •decrease plant production and water use; •affect essential soil biological functions like nitrogenfixation; and •make soil more vulnerable to soil structure decline and erosion. •The process of soil acidification is a potentially serious land degradation • horizon.png NÍZKÉ PH PŮDY: SNÍŽENÁ DOSTUPNOST OSTATNÍCH IONTŮ • http://www.bluedale.com.au/system/files/Acidic-neutal-alkaline-pH-chart-v2.jpg horizon.png NÍZKÉ PH PŮDY: SNÍŽENÁ DOSTUPNOST OSTATNÍCH IONTŮ • http://www2.luresext.edu/photos/soilpHnutavlg.jpg horizon.png V NÍZKÉM PH PŮDY: NÁRŮST KONCENTRACE AL3+ IONTŮ • http://www.spectrumanalytic.com/doc/_media/library/articles/soil_aluminum_and_test_interpretation/i mage004.jpg?w=&h=&cache=cache horizon.png http://www.sciencelabsupplies.com/images/magictoolbox_cache_from_database/b92ff99445f8e2ce1b0be8b87 b20e13d.jpg Nízké pH: redukce růstu jako důsledek sníženého příjmu iontů Makro i mikroelementů) horizon.png Spain’s “red river” is one of the most recognizable bodies of water in the country due to its deep red color. Known as the birthplace of the Copper and Bronze Age and the origin of Columbus’s 1492 expedition, its significance in history can’t be denied, but what caused its crimson hue? Some say that 5,000 years of mining pollution has made the river’s waters highly acidic (pH 1.7-2.5) and rich in heavy metals. However, the presence of chemolithotrophic organisms in the water has led others to believe that iron-oxidizing bacteria and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria are the true culprits. Whichever the case, Rio Tinto remains one of Spain’s marvelous but perilously “un-swimmable” rivers. horizon.png • Life 03 00363 g001 1024 horizon.png • Colors of Alien Planet May Hint at Habitability horizon.png • http://m2m.riotinto.com/sites/default/files/styles/gallery_full/public/gallery/140_gal_1.jpg?itok=S Ym5G2vA horizon.png • http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/gutenberg.org/3/4/8/7/34875/34875-h/images/map2.jpg http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2002/05/21/science/020521_sci_RIVERmap.gif horizon.png • http://www.vuelaviajes.com/wp-content/2015/01/MInas-de-Riotinto-Huelva.jpg http://www.weirdgoogleearth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/rio-tinto.jpg horizon.png • https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/50/f6/04/50f60442eb58c3b02976c2d5cc03c19b.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/57/1e/24/571e24ccda09341d789f95e4924f34eb.jpg horizon.png • http://hybridtechcar.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/1381112160_01.jpg horizon.png • https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Riotintoagua.jpg horizon.png FROM RÍO TINTO. (A) FILAMENTOUS GREEN ALGAE KLEBSORMIDIUM SP.; (B) DIATOMS; (C) GREEN ALGAECHLAMYDOMONAS SPP.; (D) HELIOZOA ACTINOPHRYS SP. • Life 03 00363 g002 1024 horizon.png Humic acid is especially beneficial in freeing up nutrients in the soil so that they are made available to the plant as needed. For instance if an aluminum molecule is binded with a phosphorus one, humic acid detaches them making the phosphorus available for the plant. Humic acid is also especially important because of its ability to chelate micronutrients increasing their bio-availability. horizon.png humic-acids-role-in-improvi horizon.png International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 7(1): 1-18, 2015; Article no.IJPSS.2015.127 ISSN: 2320-7035 SCIENCEDOMAIN international www.sciencedomain.org Forest Dieback as Affected by Soil Pollution with Special Reference to Montane Forests - A Review H. K. S. G. Gunadasa1* and P. I. Yapa2 horizon.png http://climatedesk.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/treedamage670x380.jpg http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--_e338g3N--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/15 04500825714403621.jpg horizon.png http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/54/550x401x72754-004-B387DF74.jpg.pagespeed.ic.QipET8TIr L.jpg http://speakupforthevoiceless.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/spruce.gif Acidifikace lesních ekosystémů (´kysele deště´) Fenomén: zlátnutí jehlic Vyplavování iontů Ca, Mg Projev: ´Fyziologického sucha´ Odumírání nejmladšího ročníku jehlic horizon.png Dámy a pánové, Děkuji Vám za pozornost