Chapter 6 Activity Scales and Activity Corrections (10/11/04) James W. Murray Univ. Washington 6.1 Total Activity Coefficient; Electrostatic Interactions and Ion Complexing The goal of this chapter is to learn how to convert total concentrations into activities. These corrections include calculating the percent of the total concentration that is the species of interest (fi) and then correcting for an ionic strength effect using free ion activity coefficients (yi). In the process we will learn how to do speciation calculations with emphasis on the speciation of the major ions in sea water. 6.1. A Activity Ions in solution interact with each other as well as with water molecules. At low concentrations (Q) and low background salt concentrations these interactions can possibly be ignored, but at higher concentrations ions behave chemically like they are less concentrated than they really are. Equilibrium constants calculated from the standard free energy of reaction (e.g. AGr°) are expressed in terms of this effective concentration, which is formally called the activity, which is the concentration available for reaction. Thus we define activity as: Activity (&[) = Effective concentration In infinitely dilute solutions where ionic interactions can be ignored: 2L[ = C[. These are called ideal solutions. In concentrated solutions like seawater: 2L[ < C[. These are non-ideal solutions. There are two main reasons for these differences: 6.1.B Electrostatic Interactions The background ions in solution shield the charge and interactions between ions. Example: Say we have a solution of calcium (Ca2+) and sulfate (SO^') in water. The tendency of Ca2+ and SO42" ions to hydrate induces shielding which affects the ability of Ca2+ and SO42" to meet and react (and precipitate as a solid in this case). If we add other ions like Na+ and CI" to solution, they are attracted to the ions of opposite charge and we effectively increase the amount of electrostatic shielding. The other ions decrease 2+ 2 the ability of Ca and SO4 " to interact. Therefore, gypsum or CaSC>4 2H2O, will appear more soluble in seawater than in freshwater. These interactions result in non-ideal solutions. Ions with higher charge are more effective than ions with lower charge at this shielding effect. 6.1.C Ion Complexing or specific interaction In some cases there are specific interactions between ions - solutes come close enough that they make direct contact and are considered a new species! These new species are called ion pairs (when ions are separated by H2O molecules but share their first hydration shell) or complexes (when ions are in contact and share electrons). Example: Ca2+ + S042" == CaS04° Let's say we have a solution containing some of the major ions: Ca2+ , K+, F" and S042" The negatively charged species like F" and SO^- are known as ligands. Because of the interaction between ions, not only do we have the free ions present (e.g. Ca2+, F") but also complexes such as: CaF+, CaS04° , KF° , and KS04" Like shielded or hydrated ions these complexes are less able to react so their formation lowers the effective concentration. In some cases complexes are so dominant that the free ion population is only a small fraction of the total. We will see this later for some trace metals. For example, the speciation of iron and copper in seawater is dominated by complexes with organic compounds and the free, uncomplexed Fe3+ and Cu2+ ions have very low concentrations.. We can ignore higher order complexes involving more than one cation and one anion such as: CaF2°, Ca(S04)22-, etc These may form but their concentrations are very small and they can be ignored. 2 6.2 The Activity Coefficient We generally only know the total concentration of an element (Hlx). This is usually what can be most easily measured analytically. First we need to convert the total concentration (Illx) to the concentration of the ion or species (Hlj) that we are interested in. In order to calculate mj from nix we need to do an equilibrium calculation of the percent free which we express as fj. Thus: irij = m i x fj 2+ For the case where we have Cax but we want Ca we need to calculate the ratio: fca2+ = [Ca2+]/ CaT = [Ca2+] / ([Ca2+]+ [CaS04°]+ [CaC03°]) Once we have the concentration of the free ion (Hlj) we need to convert it to the activity of the free ion (Hj). To do that we use the free ion activity coefficient (Yj) that corrects for electrostatic shielding by other ions. This correction is written as: aj = yj x in; molal concentration of a free ion free ion activity coefficient for that species The total expression with both correction factors is then written as: aj = Yi x fj x nix ^ IT1t is the total ion concentration % of the total concentration, HIt, that is free Sometimes Yi and fj are combined together and called the total activity coefficient, Yt Then, a; = Yt mt Where, the total activity coefficient = Yt = Yi ^i example: a solution with Ca2+, SO42" and CO32" forms the complexes CaS04° and CaC03° YT,Ca= fi x YCa2+ = ([Ca2+]/CaT)x-YCa2+ = ([Ca2+]/ ([Ca2+]+ [CaS04°] + [CaC03°])) x YCa2+ How do we obtain values for Yi and fj. 3 1. Yj — Free Ion Activity Coefficient The free ion activity coefficient describes the relation between the activity and concentration of a free ion species. We use either some form of the Debye-Huckel type equations or the mean salt method 2. fj — % free ==== We obtain this from a chemical speciation calculation done by hand or using a computer program like MINTEQA2 or HYDRAQL. 6.3 Ionic Strength First you need to know the ionic strength (I) of the solution because the electrostatic interactions depend on the concentration of charge. The value of I is calculated as follows: 1/2 Zmi-Zj2 f ^ charge of i th ion concentration of i th ion Note that the ionic strength places greater emphasis on ions with higher charge. A 2+ charged ion contributes 4 times more to the ionic strength than a 1+ ion For a monovalent ion, its contribution to the ionic strength is the same as its concentration. The ionic strength has concentration units. Example: Compare the ionic strength of freshwater and seawater. Molality Seawater (SW) Lake Water (LW) Na+ 0.49 0.2xl0-3 Mg2+ 0.053 0.14xl0-3 Ca2+ 0.010 0.22x 10-3 K+ 0.010 0.03 x 10-3 CI" 0.57 0.09x 10-3 S042- 0.028 0.102xl0"3 HCO3- 0.002 0.816 xlO"3 Isw = 1/2 (mNa x l2 + mMg x 22 + niQ x 22 + mK x l2 + ma x l2 + mS04 x 22 + mHCo3x l2) = 0.72molkg"1 ILW = 0.0015 =1.5xl0-3molkg-1 So the ionic strength of seawater is about 500 times larger than that of fresh water. 4 6.4 Activity Scales The free energy change for an infinitely small change in concentration is called the partial molal free energy or chemical potential. The chemical potential (\x) for gaseous, aqueous and solid solutions is written as: Hi = Hi°(T,P) + RT In a, or Hi = Hi°(T,P) + RT In Ci + RT In yt where |i,i°(T,P) is the standard partial molal free energy and ai is the activity and ci is the concentration. The value of \i[ depends on how \x° and yi are defined. The standard state determines the value of \x°. It is the hypothetical situation chosen so that Hi at infinite dilution is not - oo. For aqueous solutions it is the unobtainable hypothetical situation where both the concentration (Ci) and activity coefficient (y), and thus the activity (a), are equal to one (e.g., Q = yi = at = 1), and thus the log terms are equal to zero. Then \i[ = |i,i°(T,P). The reference state is the solution limit where Ci = at and thus yi = 1. The choice of reference states determined the value of the activity coefficient, yi. The differences in the activity scales show up as changes in This is because \i[ = \x° when yi = 1. The value of |i° also includes identification of a concentration scale because \i[ = \x° at Ci = 1. The choices include molarity (m in mol l"1), molality (M in mol kgsoivent_1) or mole fraction (Xi in %). Oceanographers use a slightly different form of molality as M in mol kgsw_1. The concentrations of m and M are related by the density (p) of the solution (m = M/p) There are two main activity scales that lead in turn to different equilibrium constants. 6.4.A Infinite Dilution Scale Remember that yA = (A) / [A] On the infinite dilution scale ja —>■ 1 as the concentration of all salts approaches zero or: (Ca + SQ) -»0 The reference state is chosed to be an infinitely dilute aqueous solution. The standard state is a hypothetical solution with Ca = 1M and properties of infinite dilution. In other words a 1M solution with ideal behaviour (e.g., ya = 1 ). 5 For solutes, ya = 1.0 at infinite dilution and decreases as concentration (or ionic strength) increases. The value of the partial molal free energy of formation (or chemical potential) |i° represents the work necessary to produce an infinitesimal amount of species or compound, A, from the elements in their standard states. Values of |i° on this scale are tabulated because the scale is commonly used. 6.4.B Ionic Medium Scale Examples of a constant ionic medium are 1M KC1 or sea water. This is the situation where there is a swamping electrolyte that has a much higher concentration than the solutes of interest, and this background electrolyte is constant. For this case we define that the activity coefficient goes to 1 in this ionic medium. Thus: Ya —>■ 1 as Ca —>■ 0 in a solution where the total concentration of other electrolytes remains constant at E ci The reference state is the ionic medium (E ci) Standard states are chosen so that ya = (A) / [A] —>■ 1 when [A] —>■ 0 in the ionic medium. 6.5 Mean Ion Activity Coefficients Mean ion activity coefficients are determined experimentally and represent the average effects of all ions in the solution. The symbol for the mean ion activity coefficient is Yi. Because chemical potential is defined using log terms for the concentrations and activity coefficients the average contribution is a geometric mean as follows. Example: Y±NaCl The chemical potential (see section 6.4) for Na+ and Cl"are written as follows. ^Na+ = ^°Na+ + RT In CNa + RThlYNa+ Ha- = ^°ci- + RT In Ca + RT In Yci- The totel free energy is written as the sum, thus: Gt = |aNa+ + hci- = ^°Na+ + |^°ci- + RT In CNaCci + RT In YNaYci For the average contribution we divide by two: (HNa++ Hci-) - 2 = (^°Na+ + H°ci-) - 2 + RT In (CNaCci)1/2 + RT In (YNaYci)1/2 6 or H± = + RT In C± + RT In y± Values of measured y+versus ionic strength (I) are plotted in Fig 6-2 (from Garrels and Christ, 1965). These show the expected pattern in that they approach one at low ionic strength and decrease as ionic strength increases. The values for divalent salts are lower than for monovalent salts. 6.6 Free Ion Activity Coefficients There are several theoretically-based expressions that can be used to estimate single ion activity coefficients (Table 6-1) (e.g. Table 5.2 of Libes). However each is only good for a limited range of ionic strength and none are really valid to apply directly to seawater. 6.6.A Debye-Huckel Equations; 6.6.A.1 Limiting Law log Yj = -A z^2 I^2 applicable for I < 10~2 This equation is the only one of these Debye-Huckel type equations that can be derived from first principles. There is an especially thorough derivation given in Bockris and Reddy (1970). The key assumption is that the central ion is a point charge and that the other ions are spread around the central ion with a Gaussian distribution. Its range is limited to I < 0.01 which means it is not useful for seawater. This range does include many freshwater environments. The constant A has a constant value of 0.51 at 25°C. This equation predicts that the log of the activity coefficient decreases linearily with the square root of the ionic strength. All ions of the same charge will have the same value. 6.6.A.2 Extended D-H log Yi =-A zt2 I1/2 / (1 + at-B • I1/2 ) for I < 10"1 For water at 25 °C the constants are: A = 0.51 B = 0.33xl08 Because the Debye-Huckel limiting law has a limited range of application chemists added a term to take into account that the central ion has a finite radius. Thus the extended D-H equation has a term called the ion size parameter (a). This term is supposed to take into account the fact that ions have a finite radius and are not point charges. Values are given in Table 6-2. The values in this table are given in angstroms but need to be in cm for the extended D-H equation (e.g. for Ca2+ = 6 angstroms = 6x10" 8 cm) The ion size parameter has no clear physical meaning. It is too large to correspond to the ionic radii of the ions. It therefore must include some aspect of the hydrated radii. In 7 reality it is merely an adjustable parameter that has been used by modellers to empirically extend the fit of the equation to higher ionic strength. Values of Yi for different ions (H+, Na+, K+, CI", N03", S042" and Ca2+), calculated using the extended Debye Huckel equation, are plotted versus ionic strength in Fig 6-1. They are in good agreement with values calculated by the mean salt method up to I = 0.1. Table 6-1 Summary table of Debye-Huckel type equations. The f in these equations is the same as what we are calling y. TABLE 3.3 INDIVIDUAL ION ACTIVITY COEFFICIENTS Approximate Applicability Approximation Equation" [ionic strength (M)] <10"1 < 10"1 useful in solutions of several electrolytes <0.5 ° 1 (ionic strength) = CjZ?; A = 1.82 x 106(«T)~112 (where « = dielectric constant); A « 0.5 for water at 25°C; 2 = charge of ion; B = 50.3(eT)-1'2; B 0.33 in water at 25°C; a = adjustable parameter (angstroms) corresponding to the size of the ion. (See Table 3.4.) 6 Davies has proposed 0.3 (instead of 0.2) as a coefficient for the last term in parentheses. Debye-Huckel log/= ~Az2^/J (1) Extended = ~Az2-^ r (2) Debye-Huckel 1 + Bav 1 Guntelberg = -Az1^^ (3) Davies = -Az* { - 0.2/) {4f \1 +y/ / 8 Table 6-1 Ion size parameters (a) for the extended Debye-Huckel equation. TABLE 3.4 PARAMETER a AND INDIVIDUAL ION ACTIVITY COEFFICIENTS Ion Size Parameter, a Activity Coefficients Calculated with (2) of Table 3.3 for Ionic Strength (A)" Ion 10_+ 1I,NOj, r, HS" ■ After J. Kielland, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 59, 1675 (1937). Reproduced with permission from American Chemical Society. 6.6.A.3 Davies Equation log Yi = -A Zl2 {I1/2 / (1 + I1/2 ) - 0.2 1} ; for I < 0.5 (almost seawater) In this version of the D-H equation a simple term, linear in I, was added at the end of the equation. This term improves the empirical fit to higher I but it has no theoretical justification. So this equation is purely empirical. Because of its simplicity it is used in many of the chemical equilibrium computer programs. In this equation all ions of the same charge have the same value of Yi because there is no ion size parameter. For example: If we use the Davies equation to calculate Yi for seawater ionic strength (I = 0.72) we get the following values: monovalent ions = Yi = 0.69 divalent ions = Yi = 0-23 trivalent ions = Yi = 004 These are realistic values even though seawater ionic strength is outside the valid range of this equation. 9 Fig 6-1 Comparison of free ion activity coefficients determined using the Extended Debye-Huckel equation (symbols) and the mean salt method (lines) as a function of ionic strength. The Extended Debye-Huckel equation is only valid to I = 0.1. 1.3 O.OOl O.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.8 1 2 5 10 Fig. 2.15. Single ion activity coefficients vs. Ionic strength for some common ions. Solid lines represent the values calculated by the mean salt method. Debye-Huckel values were calculated using equation (2.76), with IOe/o, ■-= 9 for H + ; 4 for Na+; 3 for K + , Ch, NOJ : 6 for Ca* + ; and 4 for so4". The Debye-Huckel Y, values for the monovalent ions converge, within experimental error, for / < 0.01. 10 6.6.B Mean Salt Method This is an empirical method that uses the experimental determinations of activity coefficients (y+). Usually such data are obtained by measuring the deviation from ideality of the colligative properties of solutions (e.g. osmotic pressure, vapor pressure of water). Activity coefficients are always measured on salt solutions which contain both cations and anions. The mean value is reported which is expressed as the geometric mean (y+) as given below for a generic salt MCI. Tabulations of such experimental data are available in Harned and Owen (1958). The Mean Activity Coefficients for typical salts are plotted against Ionic Strength in Fig 6-2. This approach can be used for any ionic strength for which experimental data are available so it can be applied to seawater and higher ionic strengths. In order to calculate the free energy change for a specific set of conditions (AGr), we need the values of the individual ion activity coefficients (e.g. Ym+) Using the Maclnnes Assumption, which states that Y±KC1 = Yk+ = Yd- > we replace the activity coefficient for CI" (e.g. Yd-) wim me mean activity coefficient for KC1 (e.g. Y±KCl) e§- Y±MC1 = [YM+ ' Yd- ] ^2 where M+ is any singly charged cation = [Ym+ Y±kci]1/2 Thus: Ym+ = (Y±MC1)2 / Y±KC1 For a divalent cation the procedure is similar: Y±MC12 = [YM2+ YCl-2 ] 1/3 = [YM2+ Y±KC12 ]1/3 YM2+ = (Y±MC1 )3 / Y±KC12 The single ion activity coefficients by the mean salt method are compared with values calculated from the extended Debye-Huckel equation in Fig. 6-1. Note the good agreement to I = 0.1. Also note that at high I (I > 1M) the activity coefficients increase with ionic strength. This is called the salting out effect. Its origin is probably due to the fact that at high salt concentrations the hydration spheres of the ions tie up a significant amount of the water molecules so that the concentration of water for ions to be soluble in decreases. Thus, the effective concentrations (activities) appear larger than the real concentrations. 11 Fig 6-2 Mean ion activity coefficients as a function of ionic strength. From Garrels and Christ (1965). 12 General Rules for Free Ion activity Coefficients 1. Yi —>■ 1 as I —>■ 0 i.e. activity = concentration at infinite dilution 2. Yi i as I T i.e., the free ion activity coefficient decreases with ionic strength ^-Y2+ < Y+ i.e., the activity corrections increase with charge 4. Yi ^ at high I i.e., in very concentrated salt solutions the free ion activity coefficients become greater than 1. This is called the salting out effect. Why do you think this occurs?? 5. There is good agreement between mean salt method and extended Debye-Huckel equation to 1 = 0.1 (see Fig 5-1). 6. Rules of Thumb for free ion activity coefficients in sea water. When stuck for an answer use the following values. ion charge range ±1 0.6 to 0.8 avg = 0.7 ±2 0.1 to 0.3 avg = 0.2 ±3 0.01 ±4 < 0.01 6.7 Solution Speciation - % Free When ion pairs are formed we distinguish between: Free ion activity coefficients (Yi ) Total activity coefficients (YT ) The link between these is the percent free. The link is: Yt = %free • Yi We now focus on how to obtain values for the % Free and discuss the speciation of sea water. Specific interactions between ions lead to formation of new species called ion pairs and complexes. Complexes, where two ions are in direct contact, are considered to be more stable than ion pairs, where waters of hydration separate the ions. The distinction is hard to make so these terms are frequently used interchangeably. Examples: NaC03" = Na+ + C032" CaC03° = Ca2+ + C032" 13 Ion Pairs have all the properties of dissolved species: 1. Their dissociation reactions have equilibrium constants 2. Ion pairs have their own individual ion activity coefficients (y[) Calculations of speciation can be done by hand or by computer. Here are some general rules: 1. higher the charge on an ion => the greater the complexing 2. higher the concentration of complexing ions => the greater the complexing 3. ignore higher order complexes => these are species formed from 3 or more ions, e.g. Ca(HC03)2° 4. CI" ion pairs are very weak and can be ignored. 5. +3 and higher ions (e.g. Fe3+) form strong hydroxyl (OH") complexes. The reactions of the metal with water that form these species are called hydrolysis reactions (e.g. Fe3+ + H20 = FeOH2+ + H+). 6. organic compounds with reactive functional groups tend to form strong complexes with many transition metals (e.g. Ni^+, Cu^+, Zn^+). When a single organic compound has more than one functional group this can be called "chelation" from Greek for "claw". Below are examples of bedentate complexes of metal with ethylenediamine and oxalate. e.g. ethylenediamine CH2NH2\ M CH2NH2/ e.g. oxalate (important for metal mobility in soils) COO" 14 Example: Speciation of a Ca2+, C032", HC03", S04 2" solution Imagine a solution with one cation and three anions: Ca2+, CO32-, HCO3- and SO42-Ca2+ can form complexes with all three anions and we can write their dissociation reactions as: CaC03° <-» Ca2+ + C032" CaHC03+ ^ Ca2+ + HCO3- CaS04° ^ Ca2+ + S042" Such reactions can be written as either dissociation or formation reactions. Garrels and Thompson (1962) and Libes (Chpt 5) write them as dissociation reactions as shown here. We need to obtain the concentrations of 4 chemical species: one free ion and three complexes, so we have 4 unknowns. This assumes we know the concentrations of CO32", HCO3" and S042". To solve for 4 unknown concentrations we need 4 equations: 1) One equation is the mass balance or sum of the concentrations of the four species: CaT == [Ca2+] + [CaC03°] + [CaHC03-] + [CaS04°] 2) Three equations are the equilibrium constants for formation of the complexes, (remember () = activity and [ ] = concentration) e.g.KCaC030= (Ca2+)(C032-)/ (CaC03°) = [Ca2+] YCa2+ [C032"] YC03 / [CaC03°] YCaC03° These y are all free ion activity coefficients. We can solve this equation for the concentration of [CaC03°]. [CaC03°]= [Ca2+]yCa2+ [C032"] YC03/KCaC03° YCaC03° When we substitute the K's for the three complexes in the mass balance we obtain one equation to solve: CaT == [Ca2+] + [Ca2+] YCa2+ [C032"] YC03 / KCaC03° YCaC03° + [Ca2+] YCa2+ [HCO3-] Yhcos / KCaHC03 YCaHC03 + [Ca2+]YCa2+ [S042"] YS04/ KCaS04° YCaS04° What information do we need? 1) the values for the three equilibrium constants, K 2) The free ion activity coefficients for the free ions e.g. YCa2+> YC03' YC03 3) The free ion activity coefficients for the complexes e.g. YCaC03' YCaHC03" Then: % Free = [Ca 2+] / CaT = 1 / {1 + yCa2+ [C03] YC03 / KCaC03° YcaC03° + YCa2+ [HC03-] yHco3 / Kcahc03 YcaHC03+ + YCa2+[S04]Ys040 /KCaS04oYcaS04»} 15 Example: Speciation of Major Ion seawater Garrels and Thompson (1962) first calculated the speciation of major ion seawater that in their case consisted of 4 cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and 4 anions (CI", HCO3", CO32", SO42"). The entire problem needs to be solved simultaneously because of the interaction of all the ions with each other. This system has 24 species that need concentrations (unknowns). This includes: 8 free ions 16 ion pairs (G & T allowed only 1:1 complexes , e.g. MgSCV ) To solve for 24 unknowns we need 24 equations 8 mass balance equations (e.g. CaT = [Ca2+] + [CaCl+] + [CaC03°] + [CaHC03+] + [CaS040]) 16 equilibrium constants, K In 1962 computers did not exist so G&T solved this problem by hand. They used a brute force sequential substitution method. In order to make it easier they made some simplifying assumptions using their chemical intuition. 1. They assumed CI- forms no complexes - this eliminates 5 unknowns by eliminating, the 4 CI" ion pairs and making the CI mass balance the trivial balance of (C1T = CI") 2. They assumed K forms no CO32" or HCO3" complexes - this eliminates 2 more unknowns. The problem has now been simplified to 17 unknowns. 3. They assumed that all single charged ions (both + and -) have the same free ion activity coefficient as HCO3" thus, YHC03 =0-68 (see attached table 6-3) 4. They assumed that all neutral complexes had the value of YH2C03 = 1-13 5. For the first iteration they assumed that all the cations were 100% free. Turns out to not be a good assumption because CI" balances most of the cations and CI" does not form complexes. See Table 6-3, Fig 6-3 and pages 66-68 in Libes for more discussion and results. The Abstract of the Garrels and Thompson (1962) paper summarizes the results and is attached here (Fig. 6-3). Q. How would the solution composition change the solubility of gypsum (CaSC"4 2H2O)? Q. Using the same approach predict the major ion speciation of Lake Washington. The composition was given in Lecture 5. 16 Q Speculate about the speciation in hydrothermal vents. Do you know in what ways end-member hydrothermal vent chemistry differs from normal seawater? How would its speciation be different? Table 6-3 Free Ion Activity Coefficients used by Garrels and Thompson (1962) Ionic Activity Coefficients for the Major Ions and Their Ion Paiiirs at 35V 25°C, and 1 atm Dissolved Species Act-ivky Coefficient NaHCO? 1.13 iMgCO§ 1.13 CaCOS 1.13 MgSOS 1.13 CaSO? 1.13 Na+ 0.76 HCOj- 0.68 NaCO," 0.68 NaS04" 0.68 KS04- 0.68 MgHCO,+ 0.68 CaHCOC 0.68 K* 0.64 * Mg2+ 0.36 Ca=* 0.28 soj- 0.12 co}- 0.20 17 Fig 6-3 Abstract and summary of results for the Garrels and Thompson model for the speciation of the major ions of sea water. Missing from this Table is that the Molality of Total CI" = 0.5543. This can be calculated from the charge balance of the other ions. 'American Journal or Science, Vol. 260, January 1962, P. 57-66] A CHEMICAL MODEL FOR SEA WATER AT 25°C AND ONE ATMOSPHERE TOTAL PRESSURE* R. M. GARRELS and M. E. THOMPSON Department of Geological Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts ABSTRACT. Dissociation constants involving Ca~, Mg**, Na*. K", SO", HCO»", and COa" ions, and individual ion activity coefficients have been used to calculate the distribution of dissolved species in sea water at 25*C and one atmosphere total pressure. The distribution obtained for tea water of chlorlnily 19%« and pK S.l are: Ion Molality (Total) % Free % Ion Me-SO. pair %MeHCO. pair % Me CO. pair Ca~ Ms** Na* K* 0.0104 0.0540 0.4752 0.0100 91 87 99 99 ■ 8 11 12 1 1 1 0.01 02 03 Ion Molality (Total) % Free Ion % Ca-anion % Mg-anion % Na-anion % K-a don pair pair pair pair so.-HCCV co.- 0.0284 0.00238 0.000269 54 69 9 3 4 7 21.5 19 67 21 8 17 OS ■=>. S5H3 /t>e ■— — — The activities calculated for free ions are a = 0.00264, a „ = 0.0169, a »= 0.356, a ^ = 0.0063, a = 4.7(10-), aHCT°- = 9.75 (10-)/? t0t~ = 1.79(10*-). 18 6.8 Total Activity Coefficients Remember that the total activity coefficient is the product of the % Free times the free ion activity coefficient Yt = % Free x yi These values are calculated below for the Garrels and Thompson model for major ion speciation. Ion % Free It Ca2+ 0.28 0.91 0.25 Mg2+ 0.36 0.87 0.31 Na+ 0.76 0.99 0.75 K+ 0.64 0.99 0.63 S042" 0.12 0.54 0.065 HCO3" 0.68 0.69 0.42 CO32" 0.20 0.09 0.018 CI" 0.63 1.00 0.63 6.9 Specific Interaction Models (text here is incomplete) The specific interaction models give an estimate of yt- Bronsted-Guggenheim Model (Whitfield, 1973) log y±mx = log Yel + y Bmx [MX] where y±mx is the mean activity coefficient for the salt MX. yel represents the long range electrostatic interactions. Yel = -A(ZmZx)(I1/2/l+BaI1/2) and Bmx is the short range interaction coefficient between M and X. Pitzer Model (Whitfield, 1975; Millero, 1983) Log y±mx = log EL + Bmx [MX] + Cmx [MX]2 19 6.10 Equilibrium Constants on Different Scales Earlier we defined the infinite dilution and ionic medium activity scales. Equilibrium constants are defined differently on these two scales. There are both advantages and disadvantages of the infinite dilution and ionic medium approaches. Consider the generic acididity reaction: HA = H+ + A" We define the equilibrium constants as follows. A. On the infinite dilution scale the equilibrium constant (K) is defined in terms of activities. K = (H+)(A") / (HA) On this scale K can be calculated from AGf° or measured directly in very dilute solutions. B. On the ionic medium scale the equilibrium constant (K1) is defined in terms of concentrations in the ionic medium of interest. k* = [H+] [A"] / [HA] The only way you can obtain K' is to measure it in the ionic medium of interest (e.g. seawater) for a given set ot temperature, pressure and salinity. When the measurements are done with care the ionic medium approach can be more accurate than the infinite dilution approach. Fortunately this has been done for many of the important reactions in seawater, like the carbonate system reactions. When pH is measured as the activity of H+, as it is commonly done, the mixed constant is defined in terms of (H+). k* = (H+) [A"] / [HA] The difference between K and K' is the ratio of the total activity coefficients. K = K' yhYa / Yha Example: Determine the state of solubility of CaC03(s) in surface seawater using the infinite dilution and ionic medium approaches. 20 Problems: 1. Using the Davies equation, calculate the effect of ionic strength alone on the solubility of gypsum as you go from a very dilute, ideal solution to a NaCl solution with I = 0.5. Here we can express the solubility as the product of the concentrations of total calcium times sulfate or [Ca2+][SC>42"]. Assume no ion pair species form. Remember that for: CaS042H20 = Ca2+ + S042" + 2H20 K = 2.40x 10"5 The Davies Equation is log Yi = -Azi2 {I1/2 / (1 +11/2) - 0.21} where A = 0.51 21 References: Bockris J. O'M. and A.K.N. Reddy (1973) Modern Electrochemistry, Volume 1. Plenum Press, New York, 622pp. Garrels RM. and C.L. Christ (1965) Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria. Freeman, Cooper & Company, San Francisco, 450pp. Garrels RM. and M.E. Thompson (1962) A chemical model for sea water at 25°C and one atmosphere total pressure. Aner. J. Sei. 260, 57-66. Harned H.S. and B.B. Owen (1958) The Physical Chemistry of Electrolyte Solutions. Reinhold Book Corp., New York, 803pp. Millero (1983) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 47, 2121. Pitzer (1973) J. Phys. Chem., 77, 268. Pitzer and Kim (1974) J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 96, 5701. Robinson R.A. and RH. Stokes (1959) Electrolyte Solutions, 2nd Ed. Butterworths, London, 571pp. Whitfield (1973) Marine Chemistry, 1, 251. Whitfield (1975) Marine Chemistry, 3, 197. 22