Surface characterization Journal of Power Sources Performance of vertically oriented graphene supported platinum-ruthenium bimetallic catalyst for methanol oxidation Zheng Bo * , Dan Hu, Jing Kong, Jianhua Yan, Kefa Cen *State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310027, China By Barbora Pijáková Aim of the work ● Preparation of catalyts for methanol fuel cells ● Vertically oriented graphene substrate covered by Pt-Ru nanoparticles acting as catalyst for methanol oxidation reaction ● Comparison of electrocatalytic performance (mass loading; size of nanoparticles; catalytic stability) of Pt-Ru/VG products with the Pt-Ru/CP Preparation of Pt-Ru/VG catalyst ● Substrate CP 1. VG grown via PECVD ● Microwave source ● 5 min pretreatment, 350 W, 50 sccm of hydrogen ● 2 min deposition, 50 V bias, 50 sccm of hydrogen + 10 sccm of methane 2. Co-electrodeposition of Pt-Ru ● Electrolyte: H2PtCl6.6H2O (1-9 mM)+RuCl3.xH2O (9‑1 mM)+H2SO4 (0.5 M) ● Three-electrode system (Pt foil = counter electrode; saturated calomel electrode = reference electrode; substrate = working electrode) ● Pulse potentials approach; 300 cycles; -0.40 V for 100 ms (deposition); 0.60V for 300 ms (diffusion of metal cations in electrolyte) Characterization 1. Electrochemical measurement ● Cyclic voltammetry – catalytic activity ● Chronoamperometry – stability of catalyst 2. Material characterization ● Scanning electron microscopy – surface morphology; size and dispersion of Pt-Ru particles ● High resolution transmission electron microscopy ● X-ray diffraction – crystalline structures of Pt, Ru ● X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy – chemical states of Pt and Ru ● Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry – catalyst loading mass on substrate Used instrumentation ● SEM: SU-70 scanning electronic microscopy (SEM, Hitachi) ● TEM: Tecnai G2 F30 STwin transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Philips-FEI) ● XRD: XRD-6000 Diffractometer with Cu Kα source (λ = 0.15425 nm, Shimadzu) ● XPS: VG Escalab Mark II with a monochromatic Mg Ka X-ray source (1253.6 eV, West Sussex) ● ICP: XSENIES, Thermo Electron Corporation Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) ● Interaction of electrons with surface ● Source of electrons – cathode – thermoemission, field-emission ● Focusing lens for electron beam 1. SEM ● Electron beam energy: 0.2 – 40 keV; scanning the surface ● Detection of secondary electrons + backscattered electrons (topography); photons of characteristic x-ray (chemical composition); light (luminiscence – special phases) ● Penetration depth vs. substrate and layer thickness ● High vacuum vs. ESEM ● Resolution ≈ tens of nm 2. TEM ● Energy of electron beam ● Detection of transmitted electrons – CCD camera/fluorescence screen; bright field + dark field; diffraction; electron energy loss (chemical composition); 3D imaging ● Thin specimen; high vacuum ● Resolution ≈ Å ● HRTEM: higher energy of beam; thin specimen; UHV; resolution 0.05nm ● SEM images of Pt–Ru/CP and Pt–Ru/VG obtained from three typical electrolyte compositions. (a) and (b) [H2PtCl6]: [RuCl3] = 3:7, average catalyst diameter: 103.5 ± 3.1 nm and 46.3 ± 1.5 nm; (c) and (d) [H2PtCl6]:[RuCl3] = 1:1, average catalyst diameter: 111.1 ± 2.8 nm and 51.2 ± 1.8 nm; (e) and (f) [H2PtCl6]:[RuCl3] = 7:3, average catalyst diameter: 98.3 ± 1.9 nm and 45.9 ± 1.1 nm. Insets: SEM images with a smaller magnification. (g) HRTEM image of Pt–Ru/VG obtained from the electrolyte composition of [H2PtCl6]:[RuCl3] = 1:1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) ● Interaction of X-rays with the specimen ● Diffraction according to Bragg's law ● Source of X-rays – termoemission + single crystal diffraction on Cu (CuKα source with λ = 0.15425nm) ● Detection of diffracted X-rays ● Sample rotates in a path of collimated incident X-ray beam at angle θ + detector collects the X-rays at 2θ ● Observation of phases coexistence; crystallinity; lattice parameters ● XRD patterns of Pt–Ru/VG obtained from different electrolyte compositions X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) ● Interaction of X-rays with specimen ● X-ray sources: Kα Al (monochromatic); Kα Mg (non-monochromatic) ● Detecting the ecsaped photoelectrons (amount + carrying the information about binding energy) ● Observation of chemical composition; chemical state; surface contamination/ surface functionalization; empirical formula; depth analysis (if equipped with ion beam etching) ● HV/UHV required; starting at Li; surface sensitive (few nm); difficult fitting (overlapping peaks); limited size of samples ● (c) Pt 4f XPS spectra and (d) Ru 3p XPS spectra of the catalyst Pt–Ru/VG with a precursor of [H2PtCl6]:[RuCl3] = 1:1 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) ● Introduction of analyte to plasma (solid - laser ablation; gas – direct; liquid – direct) ● Ionization of analyte in plasma (other methods: MALDI; electrospray; thermospray; chemical ionization; field desorption ) ● Separation of ions based on m/z (quadrupole; octapole; sector separator; TOF; ion trap) ● Detection of ionized molecules/fragments/particles (induced charge; produced current) ● Qualitative and quantitative (if calibrated) technique ● Pt and Ru loadings on (a) pristine CP and (b) VG-coated CP with a varying electrolyte composition Results 1. Introducing VG – increasing of ● Loading mass of Pt and Ru; catalytic stability; catalytic activity 2. introducing VG – decreasing of ● Size of Pt, Ru nanoparticles 3. analysis ● SEM + HRTEM – size of graphene ● XRD – Pt in fcc, however Ru absent ● XPS – oxidation number for Pt, Ru unproven (non-monochromatic source – lower resolution) 4. what to improve ● Presentation of mass spectra ● Evidence of presence of Ru ● Hydrogen content/contamination of VG; Pt-Ru/VG Thank you for your attention