TIME AND SPACE „ If you know Time as well as I do, I wouldn't talk about wasting it. It's him (…). Now, if you only kept on good terms with him, he'd do almost anything you liked with the clock. For instance, suppose it were 9 o'clock in the morning, just time to begin lessons; you'd only have to whisper a hint to Time, and around goes the clock in a twinkling: Half past one, time for dinner!“ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland I.Discuss the questions below 1. Do you wear a watch? 2. Do you think you can manage your time well, or does time manage you? 3. What is your busiest day of the week? / time of the day? 4. When you have an appointment, do you show up precisely on time, a bit earlier or a little later? 5. Are you a „night owl“ or an „early bird“? 6. Have you ever suffered from a jet-lag? 7. What do you think about the idea of Daylight Saving Time (setting our clocks to a different time in the spring and autumn)? 8. What sign of zodiac are you? Do you believe that the time and place in which you were born influence our lives? 9. If time travel were possible, which period of world history would you like to return to? Why? 10. Would you like to travel to the future? How far into the future would you go then? What would you like to see / do? II.Read the text and fill in the gaps with appropriate words and expressions Philosophy of Space and Time Time and space are two of few fundamental quantities, which cannot be defined in terms of other quantities. Thus, they are both defined via measurement. Currently, the standard time interval (called „1._______________ second“ or simply „second“) is defined as 9,192,631,770 oscillations of a hyperfine transition in the 133 caesium atom. Time can be combined mathematically with the fundamental quantities of space and mass to 2._____________ concepts such as velocity, momentum, 3._____________ and fields. The space interval, called a standard meter or simply a meter, is defined as the distance travelled by light in a 4._____________ during a time interval of 1/299792458 of a second. This definition 5.______________ the present definition of time makes special relativity theory to be absolutely correct by definition. In classical physics, space is a three-6.______________ Euclidean space where any position can be described using three coordinates. Special and general relativity uses spacetime rather than space, and it is modelled as a four-7.______________ space (with the 8._______________ being imaginary in special relativity and real in general relativity, and currently there are many theories which use more than 4-dimensional spaces). Some theories, most notably special and general relativity, 9.______________ suitable geometries of spacetime may allow time travel into the past and future. Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity predicts time 10.______________ that could be interpreted as time travel. It states that, relative to a 11._______________, time appears to pass more slowly for faster-moving bodies. For example, a moving clock will appear to run slow; as the clock approaches the speed of light its hands will appear to nearly stop moving. A second type of travel is 12.________________ general relativity. In this type a distant observer sees time passing more slowly for a clock at the bottom of a deep gravity 13._____________, and a clock lowered into it and pulled back up will indicate that less time has passed compared to a stationary clock that stayed with the distant observer. These effects are to some degree similar to 14._____________, (which slows down the rates of chemical processes in the subject) almost indefinitely suspending their life thus resulting in „time travel“ 15._______________, but never backward. Many in the scientific community believe that time travel is unlikely, because it violates 16.____________, i.e. the logic of cause and effect. For example, what happens if you attempt to go back in time and kill yourself at an earlier stage of your life? Stephen Hawking once suggested that the absence of 17._______________ constitutes a strong argument 18.___________ the existence of time travels. time axis, hibernation, dimensional x2, tourists from the future, energy, suggest that, permitted by, conventional, stationary observer, toward the future, interval, causality, coupled with, dilation, against, derive, well, vacuum III.Match the terms with the sentences relating to them; 1. Cartesian coordinate system 9. sidereal day 17. winter solstice 2. great circle 10. Greenwich Mean Time 18. autumnal equinox 3. parallels 11. Coordinated Universal Time 19. vernal equinox 4. meridians 12. International Date Line 20. tropical year 5. latitude 13. Daylight Saving Time 21. sidereal year 6. longitude 14.altitude 22. Gregorian calendar 7. Greenwich (prime) meridian 15.zenith angle 23. precession 8. solar day 16. summer solstice a) circles parallel to the equator b) designates beginning of winter c) time used to save energy in the past d) the zero meridian e) occurs on or near March 21 f) angular measurement in degrees east or west of the prime meridian g) complementary angle of altitude h) the time of one revolution of the Earth with respect to a star other than the Sun i) a rectangular coordinate system j) the angle of the Sun above the horizon k) elapsed time between two successive crossings of the same meridian by a star other than the Sun l) the equator is an example m) designates the beginning of summer n) time referenced to atomic clocks o) angular measurement in degrees north and south of the equator p) occurs on or near September 22 q) when crossed travelling west, the date is advanced r) the year of the seasons s) half circles that are portions of a great circle t) elapsed time between two successive crossings of the same meridian by the Sun u) skips 3 leap years every 400 years v) the slow rotation of the Earth's axis w) Zulu IV.Read the text and try to complete it with relevant information In 1.______________ Einstein published his theory of special relativity, which explored the link between space and time. And Einstein’s theory does not define two separate issues. There is just one thing: spacetime, that we all live in. He thought of this new spacetime as a fabric, 2.____________ together space and time. In 3.___________ Einstein developed his theory of general relativity, which 4._______________ special relativity to include gravity in its effects of this fabric of the spacetime. When we roll a ball across the fabric, it seems to be 5.________________ to the massive weight at the center. General theory of relativity was a new theory that told us that gravity works, because the space and time are 6.______________ in the presence of matter, and could respond dynamically, space itself could expand and 7.____________. 8._______________ is a term used to describe the energy and matter that objects contain. The larger it is, the greater is distortion of the spacetime fabric and the stronger the 9.____________________, which itself is not really a force. It is a fabric, it is a shape of space and time, and we just move along the 10.______________ and the shapes. The act of doing so takes what would otherwise be a 11._______________ , and bends it in what we now describe as 12.______________, as 13.________________, as pathways through the cosmos. Einstein said not even light can escape the effects of gravity. The proof arrived in 14.______________ in the form of an astronomically large experiment, based on a 15.______________. General relativity said that if you looked at a star on a path of light that goes right past the Sun, you would see a shift because of the gravity of the Sun. So Arthur Eddington went out to test that theory during 16.__________________ and photograph stars when the Sun was blocked by the 17.________________, and you could see the stars behind them. The ability to see the objects that were actually behind the Sun proved that objects could 18.______________ spacetime. Einstein became a superstar overnight and in 19._____________ he received the Nobel prize for physics. V.Complete the following idioms by adding the correct preposition; 1. ____ the dot 2. ____ the nick of time 3. ____ the crack of dawn 4. ____ this day and age 5. ____ donkeys' years 6. ____ due course now match them with their explanations: a) very early in the morning b) eventually, at the right time and not before c) for a very long time d) in modern times e) precisely, exactly on time and use them with the sentences: 1.I expect you to be here at 8 _____________________. 2.For the big number of applicants, your request will be dealt with ________________. 3.It is unbelievable that there are so many people suffering from hunger _________________. 4.He loves waking up ____________________ and have a cup of coffee in bed and read some papers before everybody else in the house gets up. 5.I'm never early and I'm never late, but I do admit to dong things _____________________. 6.I fully trust him, we've known each other _____________________. Sources: (adapted from) http://iteslj.org/questions/ accessed on 14 April, 2012 (adapted from) www.wikipedia.org visited on April 14, 2012 Shipman, J. , J. Wilson, A.Todd (2006) An Introduction to Physical Science Houghton Mifflin Company www.youtube.com visited on April 14, 2012