T 8 :Main body. Signalling devices Match the headings and the groups of phrases. A heading for group 1 has been given. a) Giving examples b) Showing a route,explaining that st. will come later c) Summarizing 1. Linking to the main body Let me start by ... I'll start by... First of all, I'll... Starting with... I'd like to begin with d) Going to more detail e) Sequencing, enumerating f) Reaching the end of a point g) Starting a new point For example... A good example of this is. To illustrate this point... 6. Right, I've told you about... We've looked at... That's all I have to say about... So much for.... I'll deal with this later, if I may, but for now I'll come back to this question later in my talk I won't comment on this now... We'll be examining this question in more detail later on. 3. Let me turn now to. Let's move onto... Turning to... I'd like now to... Let's look now at... Let's recap, shall we ? I'd like to sum up now... Let me summarise briefly what I've said. Let me remind you, finally, of some of the points I've made. If I can just sum up the main points... 8. Where does that take us ? Let's look at this in more detail. Translated into real terms... What does that mean for us ? Firstly... secondly.....thirdly... lastly First... after that...finally To start with... later.... to finish up T 9: Ending. Match the headings and the phrases Signalling the end Thank you for listening so attentively Are there any questions ? To sum up then ... Summarizing So, that's all I have to say... Thank you for your attention. That brings me to the end of my pres. Concluding I'd be glad to answer any questions. If I can briefly summarize... Inviting questions RightThat covers everything I wanted to say about... Before I finish, let me just go over... T 10: Underline the signalling devices Well, good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name's Colin Robertson. I'm a science consultant and I take care of the geology section at the Museum of Nature in London. The topic of my talk today is how volcanic eruptions can affect the climate. I've divided my talk into 2 parts. First, I'll tell you about the nasty weather in !816, after that we'll look in more detail at how the scientists explain it nowadays. I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk. Let me start by a few words about what happened in 1816. In that year North America and Western Europe experienced a very cold summer. In New England most of the corn crop was lost and Geneva recorded the lowest July temperature for 200 years. At that time there was much speculation as to why the weather machine was misbehaving so. This brings me to the second part of my talk - how scientists explain it nowadays. They believe that it may have been connected with volcanic dust. The year before the cold summer there was an eruption of the Tambora Volcano, on the island of Subara in the Java Sea, believed by some to have been the greatest ever witnessed by man. In such volcanic explosions, dust paricles are flung high into the atmosphere. This can have a screening effect on incoming solar radiation. So, that's all I have to say about the topic Let me summarise briefly what I've said. The very cold summer in 1816 may have been caused by dust particles from a volcanic eruption in 1815. They can prevent solar radiation to enter the atmosphere. Thank you for your attention. I'd be glad now to answer any questions Til: Now relpace the expressions with the following phrases 1. This talk can be divided into 2. Let's move onto .... 3. Thank you for listening. 4. To start with....... Later... .To finish up 5. I'm responsible for... 6. I'd like to begin by.... 7. There' II be time for questions.. 8. The subject of my presentation... 9. So much for.... 10.I'd like to sum up now. 11. Any questions ? 12. Let's look now at..... 13. Right. That covers everything I wanted to say about the topic Language focus Linking ideas Sequencing/Ordering Comparing Digressing firstly... secondly... thirdly... similarly by the way then... next... finally/lastly... in the same way in passing let's start with... let's move/go on to... Contradicting Giving examples now we come to... in fact for example llutt brings us to... actually for instance let's leave that... iluit covers... let's get back to... Summarizing to sum up such as Generalizing C J iving reasons/causes in brief in short usually generally therefore so Concluding as a rule n< a result in conclusion that's why to conclude Contrasting Highlighting hut in particular however especially Link the ideas in these sentences by adding an appropriate word or phrase. Compare your answers with the key on page 60. a That was a good meeting. {By the way...) Did I tell you about the match last night? b Our competitors are becoming stronger. One of them, Falcon, has a joint venture with a Japanese firm. c I've divided this into two parts. The issue of profit-sharing. The question of share option schemes. d This year we have lost market share. We expect to remain No. 1 in the market. e There are some vital factors to consider. The risk of a take-over bid. f Falcon has reduced its costs by relocating. We must consider, cutting the cost of our premises. g We've had a difficult year. We've still made a healthy profit. h We expected to lose money in the Far East. This was our most profitable market. i The yen dropped against the dollar. We made considerable profits on the exchange rate. j There have been some failures on occasions. We have been very successful. LINKING THE PARTS 21