Synthesis and Study of Photoresponsible Amphiphile Containing an Azobenzene Moiety Lenka Filipová^ 1,2), Peter Štacko^ 1), Petr Slavíček^ 3), Petr Klán^ 1,2) ^1) Department of Chemistry and ^2) RECETOX, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, ( ^2) Department of Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology, Technická 5, ^3) 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic Recently, our group has examined the formation and physico-chemical properties of reverse micelles in a ternary water/CTAB/chloroform system at room^1 and sub-zero temperatures.^2 The aim of this new study was to create photoresponsible reverse micelles from amphiphilic molecules that contain an azobenzene moiety and to study their properties when the N=N group undergoes a photoinduced E/Z isomerization. The physico-chemical properties of the synthesized amphiphile and its ability to form reverse micelles in the all-trans configuration were investigated using NMR and UV-vis spectrometry, and the critical micelle concentration was determined. The E/Z photoisomerization and the corresponding reverse thermal isomerization at different temperatures, and its effect on the character of reverse micelles and encapsulated water, will be discussed. [1] Klíčová Ľ., Šebej P., Štacko P., Filippov S. K., Bogomolova A., Padilla M., Klán P., Langmuir 2012, 28, 15185-15192. [2] Klíčová Ľ., Muchová E., Šebej P., Slavíček P., Klán P., Langmuir 2015, 31, 8284-8293.