"From Geodesy and Mapping to Geospatial Information Management - the Future of Geoinformation" by Gottfried Konecny Emeritus Professor Leibniz University Hannover, Germany 1. Geodesy is the art and science to determine size and shape of the earth (C.F. Helmert, 1880) 2. and to map the earth´s surface 3.…. and to manage it for sustainable development 1. Geodesy Eratosthenes born 276 B.C. in Cyrene died 194 B.C. im Alexandria first determination of the size of a sherical earth Astronomic Positioning at sea and on land in the age of exploration time consuming measurement of distances New tools: measurement of angles 1500 the theodolite 1533 Gemma Frisius principle of triangulation 1615 Willebrord Snellius first triangulation in Holland Explanation of Technology Willebrord Snellius by Gemma Frisius 1533 1615 First triangulation network French triangulation 1744 French- Austrian triangulation chain 1761 – 1762 C.F.Gauss triangulation of the Kingdom of Hannover Prussian triangulation network first triangulation net adjusted by least squares 1828 - 1844 completed 1899 Electronic Distance Measurement In the late 1950´s Electronic Distance Measurement permitted to extend control over large areas The more efficient and more accurate EDM began to be a new survey tool in the 1960´s GNSS became a new revolution in the 1990´s With GNSS geodesy became an indispensable earth science tool CORS IREF 2. Mapping I:\Kazakstan\Ortelius3gr.jpg Explorer Maps around 1500 were descriptions and described relative geographic locations determined by astronomic positions I:\Kazakstan\Apian-1568.jpg The first map series based on astronomic positioning was Apian´s Map of Bavaria of 1570 Napoleon used it to conquer Bavaria from the Habsburgs in 1810 I:\Kazakstan\vermesser.jpg I:\Kazakstan\karte-bayern1844.jpg In the early 19th century Topographic Mapping was based on Triangulation Networks and Plane Table Surveying Starting with Emperor Joseph of Austria in 1770 most mapping at larger scale was introduced for property taxation at the scale 1:2880 H:\Kazakstan\800px-Pielnia_1852.jpg The Tax Cadastre also permitted to base some topographic objects on the property map (buildings, pastures, creeks, forests) Aimé Laussedat 1819/1907 Paris Mapping Albrecht Meydenbauer 1858/1865 Architectural Documentation Iconometry Photogrammetry the use of photographs became a tool for the survey of all objects with the start in the 1850´s and with a global impact in the 1950´s Fundamentals of Photogrammetry Aerial Platforms Jacques Etiene & Joseph Michel Montgolfier 1783 Gaspard-Felix Tournachon (Nadar) balloon photography 1863 Zeppelin 1909 Rockets 1906 Aircraft 1914 Max Gasser invented the Gasser Projector (Multiplex) in 1915, for which he obtained a war patent. 1925 the Zeiss Company made the Stereoplanigraph Gasser made a restitution of two stereo images taken from the Zeppelin over Kalkberge. He published a book and dedicated it to those „University Geodesists, who by recommendation of others, for oppression of others, for company interests, free from research motivation, live from salaries of the Government“ c:\Users\Konecny.Konecny-PC.000\Downloads\Drobyshev.jpg F. V. Drobyshev 1894 - 1986 Professor of Photogrammetry MIIGAIK 1941 – 1971 MIIGAiK was responsible for developing mapping technology in the socialist Countries, the USSR and China Willem Schermerhorn Professor, Technical University Delft President ISP 1938-1948 Prime Minister of the Netherlands 1946 – 1947 Founder of the ITC spread the use of Photogrammetry to the developing world A Status of Topographic Mapping 1990 1:25 000 green , 1:50 000 yellow 1:100 000 violet , 1:200 000 red Source: U.N.Cartographic Conference, Beijing 1993 Map Updating Source: U.N. Cartographic Conference Bangkok, 1990 Space Platforms Koroljov Wernher von Braun Sputnik 1957 Man on the Moon 1969 Before the 1980´s high resolution images from Space were Considered secret in 1983 the German Government and ESA financed the „Metric Camera Experiment“ from Space Shuttle 10% of the earth´s land mass was covered in stereo in the 9 day mission the film was developed at DLR or IGN. A beautiful strip was taken over the GDR. The Government, not wanting to admit that imagery had been taken 0ver a socialist country, did not include the images in the catalogue. Instead, copies of these images were taken informally to our ISPRS friends in the GDR by car . the favourable response came later in 1987, when ISPRS was brought to Leipzig for a meeting, where the collegues of the Sovjet Union (Kienko and Drazhniuk) openly showed us their KFA 1000 images. Stereo Image Collection from Space as it is practised today Ikonos-imaging Current Status of Satellite Imaging GeoEye 1 0.5m GSD WorldView 2 0.5m GSD Pleiades 1 0.5m GSD TerraSar X 1m GSD 3. Databases Exponential Growth of Computer Technology Exponential Growth in Network Performance Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook ArcGIS software components Software components in ArcGIS (1) Overview: ArcGIS components. 6. GIS and Database Technology an example: ArcGIS Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook Test Plots - Level 1 Map Result of import into ArcGIS/ArcInfo and automated polygon closure & attribute allocation. Introduction Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusions / Outlook Test Plots - Level 2 Map Result of import into ArcGIS/ArcInfo and manual polygon closure & attribute allocation. The geodatabase data model (3rd generation) VISION 45 GEOPORTAL •Conveyance • •Spatial Catalogue • •Information Search Attribute Coordinate •Value Added Services Land Dispute Survey and Mapping Municipal Properties Land Grants Cadastral Registration Integrated Land Information Repository Citizen Business Government Web Based Front Office •‘To design, implement and manage a comprehensive and sustainable GEOPORTAL, which serves as an “One Stop” source of land information and services in an integrated, efficient and cost effective manner.’ • STRUCTURE 46 Geo-Portal User Central Office Regional Office www e-Services ministerynoback HIGH LEVEL OVERVIEW 48 ARCHITECTURE FUNCTIOINAL REQUIRMENTS •Functional Requirements • •Multiple Service Delivery Channel and Integration •User services •Management Services •Map Viewer •Document Management System •Information Access and Search •e-Acceptance of Transaction Documents •Information Security •Bilingual Language Support (Arabic and English) •MIS and Reports •Integration with other entities • 49 DESIGN 50 Users ILIS Security Web Interface User Registration User Authentication Personalization Service User Repository User Management Survey Management Core Application Modules Search Engine Map Viewer Title / Deed Management Spatial Data & Aspatial Data Data Store History Management Security Management Data Storage Management Supporting Infrastructure Management Work Flow Management Engine ILIS Sub-system Business Rules Document Management Electronic Fund Transfer Management Information System Systems Administration Utilities Management Planning and Land use Functional View Apple I Pod I Pad I Phone I Phone G3 Blackberry Samsung Omni 8. Smart Phones permit GIS to become mobile Versatility lies in the downloadable „Apps“ making the Smartphone a Navigation Device (Google Maps, Navtech, Tom Tom) an Internet Browser a phone a data base Versatility lies in the downloadable „Apps“ making the Smartphone a Navigation Device (Google Maps, Navtech, Tom Tom) an Internet Browser a phone a data base