ANILINE AMINOBENZENE, AMINOPHEN, ARYLAMINE, BENZENAMINE, ANILINE OIL, AND PHENYLAMINE C6860 Modern Methods of Pollutant Analysis Chimi Wangmo 454010 INTRODUCTION: BASIC CHARACTERISTICS ¢CAS No: 62-53-3 ¢Molecular weight: 93.12 g/mol ¢Molecular formula: C6H5NH2 ¢ ¢Vapor density: 3.22 (185 °C vs. Air) ¢The vapor pressure: 0.7 mmHg (25 °C) ¢log Kow: 0.90 ¢Solubility: 36 mg/mL at 25°C ¢ ¢Oily liquid: Colorless to yellowish to brownish with a musty fishy odor ¢ INTRODUCTION: BRIEF HISTORY ¢In 1826 Otto Unverdorben, isolated Aniline from the destructive distillation of indigo: crystallin ¢ ¢In 1834, Friedrich Runge isolated from coal tar, a substance that produced a beautiful blue colour on treatment with chloride of lime- kyanol or cyanol ¢ ¢ In 1841, C. J. Fritzsche obtained an oil, by treating indigo with caustic potash- aniline ¢N. N. Zinin found that, on reducing nitrobenzene, a base was formed- benzidam ¢ ¢In 1855, August Wilhelm von Hofmann established these variously-prepared substances were identical - Aniline or phenylamine. MANUFACTURING PROCESS ¢Catalytic vapor phase reduction of nitrobenzene with hydrogen ¢ reduction of nitrobenzene with iron filings using hydrochloric acid as catalyst ¢catalytic reaction of chlorobenzene and aqueous ammonia; ¢ammonolysis of phenol (Japan) USES ¢Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI)- used to produce polyurethane foam ¢Rubber accelerators and antioxidants to vulcanise rubber ¢Intermediates for herbicides and pesticides, and dyes and pigments. ¢Minor uses: textile and photographic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, amino resins and explosives. ¢ Use Percent MDI(p,p1-methylene diphenyl dissocyanate and polymeric MDI 73-85 Rubber processing Chemicals 18 Pesticides and fibers 9 Pharmaceuticals 2 Dyes and pigments 3 Miscellaneous(agricultural chemicals, specialty resins and photographic chemicals 3 ANILINE PRODUCTION & CONSUMPTION Region Consumption Million tonnes/year Production Million tonnes/year Western Europe 1.32 1.62 USA 1.19 1.38 Eastern Europe - 0.316 Asia Pacific 0.717 1.15 Japan 0.32 0.474 Latin America 0.073 0.07 Asia/Middle East 0.098 0.064 Source: ICIS Chemical Business Source: Supply and demand for Aniline in 2006 ENVIRONMENTAL RELEASES ¢Production and processing —1. Processing to MDI —<0.013 to 78 ppm to wastewater —0.014 to 105 ppm to atmosphere — —2. Processing to rubber chemicals —0.44 to 75 ppm to wastewater —24 to 380 ppm to atmosphere — ¢as a degradation product of plant protection agents (biotransformation from phenylurea and carbamate derivatives) ¢microbial reduction of nitrobenzene ¢ ¢ ENVIRONMENTAL RELEASES ¢rubber chemicals (degradation product)-tyres abrasion —In new and used tyres, aniline was detected in concentrations near the detection limit of 100 mg/kg rubber- abrasion —In distilled water,3.99-86.4 μg aniline/l were detected, while in artificial rain water (pH = 4), concentrations of 5.91-828 μg/l were found (Baumann and Ismeier, 1997) ¢thermal degradation of polyurethanes – in foundries manufacturing aluminum, Iron, Steel -occupational risks —The highest 8-hour TWA of 6.4 mg/m3 exposure level- Swedish study ¢coal and oil industry —At three shale oil manufacturing sites, aniline concentrations of 0.48 to 5.4 mg/l (Hawthorne and Sievers, 1984). ¢Landfills —level of 9.9 μg/l was detected in Canadian landfills ¢ EXPOSURE ROUTES AND HEALTH CONCERNS ¢Inhalation and/or oral uptake- odour can be detected at 1 ppm ¢ ¢Aniline vapor is heavier than air and may cause asphyxiation in enclosed, poorly ventilated, or low-lying areas ¢ ¢Aniline is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Ingestion can lead rapidly to severe systemic toxicity, nausea and vomiting usually occur ¢ ¢Readily absorbed through the skin both from the liquid and gaseous phases ¢ EXPOSURE AND HEALTH EFFECTS ¢Aniline is well absorbed after oral, dermal and inhalation exposure. ¢The extent of absorption after oral intake amounts 89-96% for rats. The corresponding figures for mice, sheep and pigs are lower (72%, 80% and 56%, respectively). ¢Dermal absorption in humans was estimated to amount up to 38% ¢Aniline is metabolised to different metabolites by N-acetylation (acetanilide), aromatic hydroxylation (2- and 4-aminophenol) and N-hydroxylation to N-phenylhydroxylamine which is responsible for the formation of methaemoglobin ¢ The metabolites are predominantly excreted in the urine. EXPOSURE AND HEALTH EFFECTS ¢Acute Exposure ¢Many health effects of aniline are due to formation of methemoglobinemia ¢Affects the heart, CNS, kidney, liver, skin, eyes ¢In humans 60 ml of orally administered aniline causes death. ¢0.4-0.6 mg/l air may be borne without much harm for 0.5-1 hour, but 0.1-0.25 mg/l for several hours produces slight symptoms. ¢Average lethal inhalation dose for humans 0.35-1.43 g/kg body weight. ¢With respect to methaemoglobin formation the no-effect dose of aniline in adult man is about 0.21 mg/kg body weight ¢ ¢Chronic exposure ¢Anemia, headaches, tremor, parathesia, pain, narcosis or coma, and cardiac arrhythmia. Heart, kidney, and liver damage may also occur, possibly as secondary effects of hemolysis ¢ ¢Considered a Non Threshold carcinogen : ECOTOXICOLOGICAL IMPACTS ¢Aniline is deposited in the soil from the atmosphere and via degradation of plant protection agents. ¢ In soil, aniline will biodegrade and/or bound covalently onto the organic matter. The latter pathway leads to aniline-humic acid adducts which are immobile and only slowly degraded ¢Aniline found in food such as Rhubarb, black tea ¢ ¢Active trees were exposed for 3 hours at a temperature of 25-30°C to aniline ¢At 0.4 ppm, produced as much damage as higher concentrations (up to 10 ppm) - Cheeseman et al. (1980) ¢ ¢In vivo studies shows that aniline causes methemoglobinemia in animals ¢LC50 for dermal absorption in rats: 478 ppm ¢Oral LD50 in rats: 250 mg/kg ¢The LC50/96-hour values for fish -10 and 100 mg/L ¢EC50/ 48-hour values for daphnia - less than 1 mg/L ENVIRONMENTAL FATE BIOACCUMULATION A BCF of 2.6 ± 0.06.. Bioaccumulation potential due to the exposure of the organisms via water is very low. (Zok et al., 1991). Degradation rates ASSESSMENT/MEASUREMENT ¢NIOSH method 2002 (adsorption to silica gel, elution with ethanol, GC-FID)- measurements at workplace ¢Risk Modeling using EASE software for windows ¢Inhalation exposure: —In vivo tests —Measurement of mean Met-Hb in the blood of humans ¢Dermal exposure: —An investigation of liquid aniline absorption through the skin and urine excretion of the metabolite 4-aminophenol in man was carried out (Piotrowski, 1957)- gauze test —Absorption velocity: 0.18 to 0.72 mg/cm2 /h at skin temperatures from 29.8 to 35°C —Dermal absorption in humans was estimated to amount up to 38% — ASSESSMENT/MEASUREMENT ¢Zhu et al., 2004- used GC/MS method to determine aniline and related mono-aromatic amines in indoor air —Thermal desorption in place of solvent extraction —Smoking-source of aniline —Increased concentration of aniline due to shoe polish: initial indoor air concentration of 0.016 Ag/m3 to 0.53 Ag/m — ¢Delepee et al., used HPLC/MS/MS for real time monitoring of aniline in fresh water —Used porous graphitic carbon (PGC) as stationary phase ¢Weiss & Angerer: Used GC/MS –urine samples —liquid–liquid extraction at pH 6.2–6.4 ¢Hanley et al., epidemiological study at a rubber manufacturing plant: —Company exposure records from 1975–2004 showed a decreasing trend over time, and nearly all breathing zone TWA measurements were well below published occupational exposure limits, yet bladder cancer cases were still reported. MONITORING DATA ¢Aniline is part of a regular monitoring program in the Rhine and its tributaries ¢ ¢No atmospheric monitoring data available REGULATORY STATUS ¢In accordance to the EU criteria for classification and labelling of carcinogens, aniline is classified as carcinogenic, category 3 and labelled with R 40 “limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect”. ¢Reference Concentration (RfC) of 1 ug/m3 for aniline in air for the chronic, noncancer effects (U.S. EPA, 1993) ¢Priority Substances List (PSL1) under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1988 (CEPA 1988). ¢ ¢The following occupational exposure limits apply in the EU (ILO, 1994): ¢- DK, S: 4 mg/m3 (1 ml/m3) ¢- FIN, B: 7.6 mg/m3 (2 ml/m3) ¢- D: 8 mg/m3 (2 ml/m3) ¢- UK, F: 10 mg/m3 (2 ml/m3) ¢ REGULATORY STATUS ¢OSHA PEL (permissible exposure limit) = 5 ppm (skin) (averaged over an 8-hour workshift) ¢NIOSH IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health) = 100 ppm ¢SCOEL —8-hour TWA: 0.5 ppm [1.94 mg/m3] —STEL (15 mins): 1.0 ppm [3.87 mg/m3] —Biological Limit Value (BLV): 30 mg p-aminophenol / litre urine (sampling: 0-2 h after exposure/shift) —SCOEL carcinogen group: C (carcinogen with a practical threshold) —For inhalation aniline exposures at the workplace on the background of cancer risks air concentrations of 0.2 mg/m3 should not be exceeded ¢High production volume chemical according to European Chemical Substance information system ¢Aniline forming plant protection products come under the Council Directive 91/414/EEC ¢ CONCLUSION ¢Sources of aniline is diverse and its presence in the environment ubiquitous ¢Easily biodegradable in certain conditions, low bio accumulation factor ¢The information available for aniline assessment is from early 2000s. Studies with more precise methods to quantify aniline especially in manufacturing and processing industries are crucial ¢Cohort studies to ascertain reproductive, carcinogenic, genotoxic effects needs to be under taken focusing on occupational hazards ¢long term tests with plants, earthworms and micro-organisms to assess risks on soil to be carried out ¢More rigorous monitoring program to evaluate the effects and releases ¢ ¢ ¢ REFERENCES ¢Zhu, J. & Aikawa, B. Determination of aniline and related mono-aromatic amines in indoor air in selected Canadian residences by a modified thermal desorption GC/MS method. Environ. Int. 30, 135–143 (2004). ¢Delépée, R., Chaimbault, P., Antignac, J. P. & Lafosse, M. Validation of a real-time monitoring method for aniline in freshwater by high-performance liquid chromatography on porous graphitic carbon/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 18, 1548–1552 (2004). ¢Hanley, K. W., Viet, S. M., Hein, M. J., Carreón, T. & Ruder, A. M. Exposure to o- Toluidine, Aniline, and Nitrobenzene in a Rubber Chemical Manufacturing Plant: A Retrospective Exposure Assessment Update. J. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 9, 478–490 (2012). ¢Assessment, R. European Union Risk Assessment Report. Heal. (San Fr. 77, 107–259 ¢