Petra Fišerová Modern Methods for Analyses of Organic Pollutants May 2017 recetox logo.jpg logo muni.jpg }whether or why is it important }phthalates }utilization, measuring/monitoring }instrumental analyses }phthalate surrogates }conclusion 2 }ubiquitous, high-volume production }plasticizers, non-odour solutions }pseudopersistent compounds }considered high priority pollutants }reprotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, hepatotoxicity }indoor pollutants – 95% of time actually indoor } } } à It IS important to solve 3 }ortho-phthalic acid esthers }lipophilic with ability to bioaccumulate, semivolatile (DMP* – volatile) }since 20. of 20. century, industrially 80 years ago }about 40 million tuns per year made }not directly bonded to plastic, easily enter environment }can constitute up to 40% of total mass in PVC DEHP.png DEHP – diethyl hexyl phthalate 4 *DMP – dimethyl phthalate }ubiquitous in environment, possible migration }metabolism – phase I – hydrolysis – transformation from dialkyl-form to monoalkyl-form } – phase II – conjugation – excretion in glucuronidated form in urine } 5 Source Matrix Phthalates [ng/mL] Ustun et al., 2014 Bottled mineral water 85,0-312,0 Del Carlo et al., 2008 Wine 138,0-385,0 Mortensen et al., 2005 Comercially available milk 0,6-9,1 Frederiksen et al., 2007 Human amniotic fluid 2,8-264,0 Černá et al., 2015 Human urine 3,3-98,4 Mortensen et al., 2005 Human milk 72,0-10 900,0 Phthalate Peňalver et al., 1999 Valton et al., 2014 DMP