Viewing Q 3 Watch Versions land 2 ofthe video from 09.49 to 15.25. Asyouwatch> make notes on Dr Linden's presentation. Use this checklist to help you. Compare your notes with the key on page 60. Checklist Eye contact Language complexity? sentence length? use of pauses? {im)personal? Manner open or closed? {uninterested? Version i Version 2 Post-viewing 4 Which version of Dr Linden's presentation is easier to understand? Read the instructions below and, using the video transcripts on page 75 and page 76, calculate the Fog Index for both versions of his presentation. The Fog Index The Fog Index (invented by Robert Gunning) is a mathematical formula for measuring the comprehensibility of language (usually written language), F = 0;4(A + L) Key = Fog Index = the average length of sentences = the n umber of long words per 100 words (a long word has three or more syllables excluding the endings -es, -Intf the k1sht kind of language 25 Language knowledge dr linden [Version lj r>r linden [Version2] 'Next slide. In the American part of 'We can see in this next slide the results the survey it was found that...' from the American part of the survey.' Look at the differences between written and spoken language, Then read the extracts from Dr Linden's presentations, a-d below, and decide which are written language and which are spoken language. Find examples in each extract to support your answers. Check your answers in the key on page 61. Written language Spoken language long sentences complex vocabulary complex arguments impersonal style shorter sentences simpler vocabulary simpler arguments personal style a You can see here, 35% of the group of managers classified as participative ^ reached senior management positions, On the other ha nd, 74% of the mon'i individualistic managers achieved senior management status. f b An individualistic style appears to be closely associated with rapid career s path progression, whereas a group or participative style, despite its evident \ attractiveness to all members of staff, is correlated with a relatively slow £ career progression. % c Although lip service is paid to the concept of participative management, ? their real perceptions of leadership qualities completely contradict this j view. It can be further seen that such surveys... ' d So, we find there is a massive contradiction. Good managers are supposed t| be participative - to make sure they consult and discuss. Good leaders are ) supposed to be strong individuals - able to make decisions on their own. j 2 You are going to hear a point from another presentation, delivered in three | different styles. As you listen, complete the table. Check your answers in the * keyonpage61. ' I read or spoken? distant or human? spontaneous or prepared? personal or impersonal? 3 Make these sentences more personal by using the active not the passive. Check your answers i n the key on page 61. a The issue of restructuring was discussed. b Money is being directed into the wrong accounts. The Finance Manager--.....____ c The agreement will be signed later this month. Both companies-----.-.—-—————- d It has been found to be rather unreliable. I___.-------- e It is reported that shares are due to rise. The press--— Make these sentences less personal by using the passive not the active. Check your answers in the key on page 61. a I favour a reduction in working hours. b The boss forced him to resign. c They have transferred the money via the bank. d We are planning an autumn sales campaign. e Susan will reorganize the Research Department. We Match the more formal verbs with their less formal (spoken) equivalents. Check your answers in the key on page 61. # Style Replace the informal words and expressions with formal ones. (1) Kids are healthier at birth, they get fewer infectious diseases and they are taller than in the (2) old days. However, Britain's teenagers are (3) messing up their health* with a diet of junk food according to a new survey. Many teenagers are fatte than before and they take less exercise than their (4) mums and dads did. Teenagers today eat I (5) bads and loads more fast food and sweet things than in the past; (6) burgers, pizzas, crisps, chocolate, chips, biscuits and cakes. They spend (7) a real fortune on sweets every year and eat too much fatty food. Doctors (8) teU us that fat should be less than 35 percent of our diet, but for many teenagers this figure is (9) way over 40 percent