Language knowledge GEOFP MAXWELL 'Hello and welcome to Standard Electronics. I'm Geoff Maxwell, the Factory Manager in charge of the plant you'll be seeing today.' language focus Introducing yourself and your talk Greeting, name, position Good morning. My name's (.. J. I'm the new Finance Manager. Ladies and gentlemen. It's an honour to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience. Goodmorning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. I started out in... Welcome to Standard Electronics. 1 know I've met some. of you, but just for the benefit of those I haven't, my name's (...). Title/Subject I'd like to talk (to you) today about... I'm going to present the recent, explain our position on, brief you on... inform you about... describe... The subject of my focus topic talk presentation paper (academic) speech (usually to public audience) Purpose/Objective We are here today to decide.... agree... learn about... The purpose of this talk is to update you on... putyou in the picture about... give you the background to... This talk is designed to i act as a springboard for discussion. start the ball rolling. Length I shall only take (...) minutes of your time, I plan to be brief. This should only last (...) minutes. Outline/Main parts I've divided my presentation into four parts/sections. They are... The subject can be looked at under the following headings:... We can break this area down into the following fields: Firstly/first of all... Secondly/then/next... Thirdly/and then we come to... Finatly/lastly/last of all... Questions I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk. If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt Please interrupt me if there's something which needs clarifying. Otherwise, there'll be time for discussion at the. end. Reference to the audience / can see many of you are... I know you've all travelled a long way. You all look as though you've heard this before. 14 UNIT TWO Introduction - exercises 1. Complete this presentation introduction with words from the list, talk about look at points of view questions brief finally hear act as go along Good afternoon and thank you for making the effort to be here with us today. My name's Rachel Rawlins and I'm responsible for public affairs. What I'd like to do today is a.......... Our recent corporate campaign. This will hopefully c..................... A springboard for discussion. I'm going to d.......................the corporate campaign from three e..........................: firstly, the customers; secondly, the financial institutions; and f..............., the shareholders. If you have any g................, just interrupt me as I h.................Your point of view may well be different, and we'd like to i.............from you. 2. Introductions can become repetitive. It's important to have a choice of words and expressions at your fingertips. Use one of the following expressions to replace each of the expressions in italics in this introduction. Check your answers in pairs. don't hesitate a chance I take care I'm delighted sections go through In more depth my purpose is divide Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It's a pleasure to be with you today. My name's Gordon Matthews and I'm in charge of corporate finance at our headquarters here in Brussels. We are here today to review some key figures to outline financial strategy over the next five years. So what I intend to do is to break down this presentation into three parts: first, the financial review; second, the options facing us; and, finally, the strategy I propose. If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt me, but I should say there'll be an opportunity to discuss issues at greater length after my talk. Adapted from Effective presentations, OUP 2000 AlgTopOa: Introduction to Algebraic Topology Pre-listening 1) What kind of a shape is a torus? 2) What do you know about Algebraic Topology? 3) What is a manifold? Listening. Listen to and watch the video and fill in the missing parts of sentences. 1) Algebraic Topology developed from the.........century work in................theory. 2) Henri Poincare established...........................for the subject. 3) Recently Poincare Conjecture has been solved by.......................................... 4) Algebraic Topology is concerned with..........................and how to............... 5) It is connected to................................................................................. 6) The new topics of a course will be............................................................ 7) The most fundamental 3-dimensional manifold is.......................................... 8) The shape professor drew is a................................................................. 9) Group theory is.................................................................................. 10) If the students are not familiar with the group theory, they should....................... Have a look at the picture - what is it? 1. Giving instructions. In pairs, try to write down the simple instructions for the construction of this object, following the steps depicted in the picture. Expressions you can use: to twist, to join the ends, to stick one end to the other, to bend. a)................................. b)................................ c)................................. 2. What happens if you twist the strip twice? 3. What are the characteristic properties of this object? 4. Read the text and find synonyms. Then decide whether the statements are true or false. object characteristics found out watching trial uninterrupted creates The Möbius strip (adapted from Nucleus, English for Mathematics) The Möbius strip is a construction which has some very strange properties. It is named after Möbius (1790 - 1868) who first wrote about it in 1865 in a book called Uber die Bestimmung des Inhaltes eines Polyeders. The properties of the Möbius strip can most easily be discovered by observation. To do this, take a long strip of paper. Now twist it once. Finally stick one end of the paper to the other. Now you can try a few experiments with this Möbius strip. If you try to colour only one surface of the strip, you will find that it is impossible. Drawing a continuous line along the middle of the strip produces a line on both sides of the paper. By cutting along this line, we would expect to divide the strip into halves, but in fact we form a longer, thinner strip which is still one piece. a) The Möbius strip has only one surface, b) TheMöbius strip has two edges. c) The Möbius strip is a three-dimensional figure, d) Observing the Möbius strip is the easiest way to discover its properties. e) Sticking together the ends of a twisted rectangle produces the Möbius strip. HW Try to find out: What does the word topology mean?............................................... What is a topological space?.............................................. What are the most important subfields in topology?................. Which types of deformations can be performed without changing the spatial properties of objects?.....................................................................